US Code
§ 1469a. Congressional declaration of policy respecting “Insular Areas”

(a) Any department or agency of the Government of the United States which administers any Act of Congress which specifically provides for making grants to any Insular Area under which payments received may be used by such Insular Area only for certain specified purposes (other than direct payments to classes of individuals) may, acting through appropriate administrative authorities of such department or agency, consolidate any or all grants made to such area for any fiscal year or years.
(b) Any consolidated grant for any insular area shall not be less than the sum of all grants which such area would otherwise be entitled to receive for such year.
(c) The funds received under a consolidated grant shall be expended in furtherance of the programs and purposes authorized for any of the grants which are being consolidated, which are authorized under any of the Acts administered by the department or agency making the grant, and which would be applicable to grants for such programs and purposes in the absence of the consolidation, but the Insular Areas shall determine the proportion of the funds granted which shall be allocated to such programs and purposes.
(d) Each department or agency making grants-in-aid shall, by regulations published in the Federal Register, provide the method by which any Insular Area may submit (i) a single application for a consolidated grant for any fiscal year period, but not more than one such application for a consolidated grant shall be required by any department or agency unless notice of such requirement is transmitted to the appropriate committees of the United States Congress together with a complete explanation of the necessity for requiring such additional applications and (ii) a single report to such department or agency with respect to each such consolidated grant: Provided, That nothing in this paragraph shall preclude such department or agency from providing adequate procedures for accounting, auditing, evaluating, and reviewing any programs or activities receiving benefits from any consolidated grant. The administering authority of any department or agency, in its discretion, may 11 See Application of Subsection (d) to Department of the Interior note below. (i) waive any requirement for matching funds otherwise required by law to be provided by the Insular Area involved and (ii) waive the requirement that any Insular Area submit an application or report in writing with respect to any consolidated grant.

Structure US Code

US Code



§ 1451. Rights of Indians not impaired; boundaries

§ 1452. Regulation of Indians

§§ 1453 to 1455. Repealed. –(f), ,

§ 1456. Repealed. , title III, § 301(106),

§§ 1457 to 1469–1. Repealed. , (g)–(u), , , 1463

§ 1469a. Congressional declaration of policy respecting “Insular Areas”

§ 1469a–1. Full amounts to be covered into treasuries of Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands; reductions prohibited

§ 1469b. Auditing of transactions of territorial and local governments

§ 1469c. Availability of services, facilities, and equipment of agencies and instrumentalities of United States; reimbursement requirements

§ 1469d. General technical assistance

§ 1469e. Insular government purchases

§ 1470. Repealed. , ,

§ 1470a. Omitted

§§ 1471 to 1479. Repealed. –(ee), ,

§§ 1480 to 1480b. Repealed. , ,

§§ 1481 to 1485. Repealed. –(jj), ,

§ 1486. Repealed. , ,

§§ 1487, 1488. Repealed. , (kk), , , 1463

§ 1489. Loss of title of United States to lands in territories through adverse possession or prescription forbidden

§ 1490. Repealed. ,

§ 1491. License, permit, etc., for transportation for storage or storage of spent nuclear fuel or high-level radioactive waste; prerequisites; applicability; “territory or possession” defined

§ 1492. Energy resources of Caribbean and Pacific insular areas

§ 1492a. Study of electric rates in the insular areas

§ 1493. Prosecution; authorization to seek review; local or Federal appellate courts; decisions, judgments or orders

§ 1494. Purposes

§ 1494a. Annual reports to Congress

§ 1494b. Enforcement and administration in insular areas

§ 1494c. Drug Enforcement Agency personnel assignments