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§ 291. Congressional declaration of purpose - (1) the creation and maintenance of orderly and equitable compensation...
§ 292. Positions affected - (1) all positions under the Clerk, the Sergeant at Arms,...
§ 293. Compensation schedules - (a)(1) The Committee on House Oversight of the House of...
§§ 293a to 293c. Omitted -
§ 294. Position standards and descriptions - (a)(1) It shall be the duty of the committee to...
§ 295. Placement of positions in compensation schedules - The committee shall place each position (in existence on, or...
§ 296. Step increases; waiting periods; service in Armed Forces; automatic advancement - (a) Each employee in a compensation level of the House...
§ 297. Appointments and reclassifications to higher compensation levels - (a) Each employee in a compensation level of the House...
§ 298. Reductions in compensation level - Each employee in a position of a compensation level of...
§ 299. Repealed. , , , 2763A–100 -
§ 300. Establishment of positions; payment from applicable accounts - The committee may authorize the establishment of additional positions of...
§ 301. Preservation of existing appointing authorities - (1) any authority to establish positions under the House of...
§ 302. Regulations - The committee is authorized to prescribe such regulations as may...
§ 303. Dual compensation - For the purposes of applicable law relating to the payment...