US Code
§ 1314a. Wastewater technology clearinghouse

(a) In general(1) In generalThe Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall—(A) for each of the programs described in paragraph (2), update the information for those programs to include information on cost-effective and alternative wastewater recycling and treatment technologies, including onsite and decentralized systems; and
(B) disseminate to units of local government and nonprofit organizations seeking Federal funds for wastewater technology information on the cost effectiveness of alternative wastewater treatment and recycling technologies, including onsite and decentralized systems.
(2) Programs describedThe programs referred to in paragraph (1)(A) are programs that provide technical assistance for wastewater management, including—(A) programs for nonpoint source management under section 1329 of this title; and
(B) the permit program for the disposal of sewer sludge under section 1345 of this title.
(b) Report to CongressNot later than 1 year after October 23, 2018, and not less frequently than every 3 years thereafter, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall submit to Congress a report that describes—(1) the type and amount of information provided under subsection (a) to units of local government and nonprofit organizations regarding alternative wastewater treatment and recycling technologies;
(2) the States and regions that have made greatest use of alternative wastewater treatment and recycling technologies; and
(3) the actions taken by the Administrator to assist States in the deployment of alternative wastewater treatment and recycling technologies, including onsite and decentralized systems.