From and after , the island designated “Porto Rico” in the Act entitled “An Act to provide a civil government for Porto Rico, and for other purposes,” approved , as amended, shall be known and designated as “Puerto Rico.” All laws, regulations, and public documents and records of the United States in which such island is designated or referred to under the name of “Porto Rico” shall be held to refer to such island under and by the name of “Puerto Rico.”
Structure US Code
§ 731. Territory included under name Puerto Rico
§ 731a. Change of name; Puerto Rico
§ 731b. Organization of a government pursuant to a constitution
§ 731d. Ratification of constitution by Congress
§ 731e. Chapter continued in force and effect
§ 733. Citizens; former Spanish subjects and children; body politic; name
§ 733a. Citizens; residence in island of citizens of United States
§ 733a–1. Repealed. , title IV, § 403(a)(14),
§ 734. United States laws extended to Puerto Rico; internal revenue receipts covered into treasury
§ 734a. Extension of industrial alcohol and internal revenue laws to Puerto Rico
§ 736. Puerto Rican law modified
§ 737. Privileges and immunities
§ 738. Free interchange of merchandise with United States
§ 739. Duties on foreign imports; books and pamphlets in English language
§ 740. Duties and taxes to constitute fund for benefit of Puerto Rico; ports of entry
§ 741. Export duties, taxes, etc.; bonds to anticipate revenues
§ 741a. Internal-revenue taxes; levy and collection; discrimination
§ 742. Acknowledgment of deeds
§ 743. Repealed. , title XIII, § 1313,
§ 745b. Refunding bonds excluded temporarily in computing indebtedness
§ 746. Public lands and buildings; reservations; rights prior to
§ 747. Public property transferred; “control” defined
§ 748. Conveyance by President to people of lands, buildings, etc.
§ 749. Harbors and navigable waters transferred; definitions
§ 751. Interstate commerce and certain other laws inapplicable to Puerto Rico