US Code
§ 520. Limitation on enlistment and induction of persons whose score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test is below a prescribed level

(a) The number of persons originally enlisted or inducted to serve on active duty (other than active duty for training) in any armed force during any fiscal year whose score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test is at or above the tenth percentile and below the thirty-first percentile may not exceed 20 percent of the total number of persons originally enlisted or inducted to serve on active duty (other than active duty for training) in such armed force during such fiscal year.
(b) A person who is not a high school graduate may not be accepted for enlistment in the armed forces unless the score of that person on the Armed Forces Qualification Test is at or above the thirty-first percentile; however, a person may not be denied enlistment in the armed forces solely because of his not having a high school diploma if his enlistment is needed to meet established strength requirements.

Structure US Code

US Code


Subtitle A— General Military Law



§ 501. Definition

§ 502. Enlistment oath: who may administer

§ 503. Enlistments: recruiting campaigns; compilation of directory information

§ 504. Persons not qualified

§ 505. Regular components: qualifications, term, grade

§ 506. Regular components: extension of enlistments during war

§ 507. Extension of enlistment for members needing medical care or hospitalization

§ 508. Reenlistment: qualifications

§ 509. Voluntary extension of enlistments: periods and benefits

§ 510. Enlistment incentives for pursuit of skills to facilitate national service

§ 511. College First Program

[§ 512. Renumbered § 12104]

§ 513. Enlistments: Delayed Entry Program

§ 514. Bounties prohibited; substitutes prohibited

§ 515. Reenlistment after discharge as warrant officer

§ 516. Effect upon enlisted status of acceptance of appointment as cadet or midshipman

§ 517. Authorized enlisted end strength: members in pay grades E–8 and E–9

§ 518. Temporary enlistments

§ 519. Temporary enlistments: during war or emergency

§ 520. Limitation on enlistment and induction of persons whose score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test is below a prescribed level

[§ 520a. Repealed. , title X, § 1076(g)(1)], , , 1654A–282]

§ 520b. Applicants for enlistment: authority to use funds for the issue of authorized articles

§ 520c. Recruiting functions: provision of meals and refreshments