(A) For taxable years beginning after 2007, and before 2012, a taxpayer is allowed a credit against the income tax imposed pursuant to this chapter for qualified expenditures for research and development.
(B) For purposes of this section:
(1) "Qualified expenditures for research and development" means expenditures to develop feedstocks and processes for cellulosic ethanol, waste grease-derived biodiesel, and for algae-derived biodiesel, including:
(a) enzymes and catalysts involving cellulosic ethanol, waste grease-derived biodiesel, and algae-derived biodiesel;
(b) best and most cost efficient feedstocks for South Carolina; or
(c) product and development, including cellulosic ethanol, waste grease-derived biodiesel, or algae-derived biodiesel products.
(2) "Cellulosic ethanol" means fuel from ligno-cellulosic materials, including wood chips derived from noncommercial sources, corn stover, and switchgrass.
(C) The credit is equal to twenty-five percent of qualified expenditures for research and development, except for expenditures related to waste grease-derived biodiesel, which credit is equal to ten percent. A taxpayer's total credit in all years, for all expenditures allowed pursuant to this section, must not exceed one hundred thousand dollars. Unused credits may be carried forward for five years after the tax year in which a qualified expenditure was made. The credit is nonrefundable.
(D) Expenditures qualifying for a tax credit allowed by this section must be certified by the State Energy Office. The State Energy Office may consult with the Department of Agriculture and the South Carolina Institute for Energy Studies on standards for certification.
(E)(1) To obtain the maximum amount of the credit available to a taxpayer, each taxpayer must submit a request for the credit to the State Energy Office by January thirty-first for qualifying research expenses incurred in the previous calendar year and the State Energy Office must notify the taxpayer that the submitted expenditures qualify for the credit and the amount of credit allocated to such taxpayer by March first of that year. A taxpayer may claim the maximum amount of the credit for its taxable year which contains the December thirty-first of the previous calendar year. The Department of Revenue may require any documentation that it deems necessary to administer the credit.
(2) For the state's fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008, the maximum amount of the credit is to be determined based on an eighteen-month period beginning July 1, 2008, through December 31, 2009. Applications are to be made by January 31, 2010, for the previous eighteen-month period commencing July 1, 2008, and ending December 31, 2009. A taxpayer allocated a credit for this eighteen-month period may claim the credit for its tax year which contains December 31, 2009.
(3) To the extent the maximum amount of the credit contained in this section is repealed, the elimination of the maximum amount shall be seen as the last expression of the legislature and to the extent any language in this act conflicts with that repeal, it shall be considered null and void.
HISTORY: 2007 Act No. 83, Section 12, eff June 19, 2007; 2008 Act No. 261, Section 3.D, eff May 29, 2008; 2010 Act No. 290, Section 22, eff January 1, 2011.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 6 - South Carolina Income Tax Act
Section 12-6-20. Administration and enforcement of chapter.
Section 12-6-40. Application of federal Internal Revenue Code to State tax laws.
Section 12-6-50. Internal Revenue Code sections specifically not adopted by State.
Section 12-6-510. Tax rates for individuals, estates, and trusts for taxable years after 1994.
Section 12-6-515. State individual income tax bracket reduction.
Section 12-6-520. Annual adjustments to individual state income tax brackets; inflation adjustments.
Section 12-6-530. Corporate income tax.
Section 12-6-535. Small business trust taxed at highest rate.
Section 12-6-540. Income tax rates for exempt organizations and cooperatives.
Section 12-6-550. Corporations exempt from taxes imposed by Sections 12-6-530 and 12-6-540.
Section 12-6-560. Computation of resident individual's gross, adjusted gross, and taxable income.
Section 12-6-580. Computation of corporation's gross and taxable income.
Section 12-6-590. Treatment of "S" corporations for tax purposes; shareholders.
Section 12-6-600. Taxation of partnerships.
Section 12-6-610. Computation of gross and taxable income of resident estate or trust.
Section 12-6-630. Taxation of entities not specified or excluded.
Section 12-6-640. Use of monies appropriated to Commissioners of Pilotage.
Section 12-6-1120. Gross income; computation; modifications.
Section 12-6-1130. Taxable income; computation; modifications.
Section 12-6-1140. Deductions from individual taxable income.
Section 12-6-1160. Dependent deduction for resident individual.
Section 12-6-1171. Military retirement income deduction; definitions; surviving spouse.
Section 12-6-1175. Wages paid to unauthorized alien; business expense deduction disallowed.
Section 12-6-1220. Individual Development Account.
Section 12-6-1610. Definitions.
Section 12-6-1630. Taxation of distributions or at death of account owner.
Section 12-6-1710. Taxation of part-year resident.
Section 12-6-2230. Allocation of income not allocated under Section 12-6-2220.
Section 12-6-2240. Apportionment of all income remaining after allocation.
Section 12-6-2252. Allocation and apportionment of business income.
Section 12-6-2280. Sales factor; definitions.
Section 12-6-2295. Items included and excluded from terms "sales" and "gross receipts".
Section 12-6-2850. Definitions.
Section 12-6-3360. Job tax credit.
Section 12-6-3362. Small business jobs tax credit; alternate method.
Section 12-6-3376. Income tax credit for plug-in hybrid vehicle.
Section 12-6-3377. Hybrid, fuel cell, alternative fuel or lean burn motor vehicle tax credit.
Section 12-6-3378. Tax credits for certain agribusinesses and service-related facilities.
Section 12-6-3380. Tax credit for child and dependent care expenses.
Section 12-6-3381. Premarital preparation course tax credit; form.
Section 12-6-3385. Income tax credit for tuition; definitions.
Section 12-6-3400. Credit for income tax paid by South Carolina resident to another state.
Section 12-6-3410. Corporate income tax credit for corporate headquarters.
Section 12-6-3415. Tax credit for research and development expenditures.
Section 12-6-3420. Tax credit for construction or improvement of infrastructure project.
Section 12-6-3440. Tax credit for employee child care programs.
Section 12-6-3460. Definitions.
Section 12-6-3465. Recycling facility tax credits.
Section 12-6-3470. Employer tax credit.
Section 12-6-3477. Apprentice income tax credit.
Section 12-6-3480. Tax credits.
Section 12-6-3500. Retirement plan credits.
Section 12-6-3530. Community development tax credits.
Section 12-6-3550. Voluntary cleanup activity tax credit; eligibility requirements.
Section 12-6-3570. Motion picture related income tax credit claims.
Section 12-6-3575. Health insurance tax credits.
Section 12-6-3582. Income tax credits; agricultural use of anhydrous ammonia.
Section 12-6-3585. Industry Partnership Fund tax credit.
Section 12-6-3589. Tax credit for effluent toxicity testing.
Section 12-6-3590. Credit for milk producer; promulgation of regulations.
Section 12-6-3600. Credit for ethanol and biodiesel facilities.
Section 12-6-3610. Credit for property used for distribution or dispensing renewable fuel.
Section 12-6-3620. Purchase and installation of equipment to produce energy from biomass resources.
Section 12-6-3622. Fire sprinkler system tax credits.
Section 12-6-3630. Income tax credits; hydrogen research contributions.
Section 12-6-3631. Biodiesel expenditures tax credit.
Section 12-6-3632. Earned income tax credit.
Section 12-6-3660. Tax credit for costs of retrofitting to make residence more hurricane resistant.
Section 12-6-3670. Credit for excess premium paid for property and casualty insurance.
Section 12-6-3695. Alternative fuel property income tax credit.
Section 12-6-3750. Nonrefundable tax credit for processing donated deer for charitable distribution.
Section 12-6-3775. Solar energy tax credits.
Section 12-6-3780. Credit for preventative maintenance.
Section 12-6-3790. Educational Credit for Exceptional Needs Children's Fund.
Section 12-6-3795. South Carolina housing tax credit.
Section 12-6-3800. Income tax credit for service as a preceptor.
Section 12-6-3920. Extension for filing and paying estimated taxes.
Section 12-6-4410. Taxable years.
Section 12-6-4420. Method of accounting.
Section 12-6-4430. "S" corporation elections.
Section 12-6-4910. Persons, corporations, and other entities required to make tax returns.
Section 12-6-4920. Interstate motor carrier required to file return.
Section 12-6-4930. Tax return of estate or trust; by whom to be made.
Section 12-6-4940. Trust institutions maintaining common trust fund must make tax return; contents.
Section 12-6-4950. Information returns.
Section 12-6-4970. Time to file returns.
Section 12-6-4980. Extension of time for filing return.
Section 12-6-5010. Release of claim to personal exemption by custodial parent.
Section 12-6-5030. Composite returns for partnership or "S" corporation.
Section 12-6-5050. Tax preparer's taxpayer identification number.
Section 12-6-5095. Rounding to nearest whole dollar on tax returns.
Section 12-6-5510. Certificate of compliance as prima facie evidence.
Section 12-6-5540. Copies of returns; verification of information on returns.
Section 12-6-5550. State income tax refund as belonging to surviving spouse.
Section 12-6-5570. Authority to make expenditures.
Section 12-6-5580. Failure to do an act deemed committed in person's county of residence.
Section 12-6-5590. Donative intent; requirements; determining factors.
Section 12-6-5595. Timber deeds as real property conveyances.
Section 12-6-5600. Residency of individuals and businesses; boundary clarification.