South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 6 - South Carolina Income Tax Act
Section 12-6-3410. Corporate income tax credit for corporate headquarters.

(A) A corporation establishing a corporate headquarters in this State, or expanding or adding to an existing corporate headquarters, is allowed a credit against any tax due pursuant to Section 12-6-530, Section 12-11-20, or Section 12-20-50 as set forth in this section.
(B) In order to qualify for this credit, each of the following criteria must be satisfied:
(1) The qualifying real property costs of the corporate headquarters establishment, expansion, or addition must be at least fifty thousand dollars. Qualifying real property costs are:
(a) costs incurred in the design, preparation, and development of establishing, expanding, or adding to a corporate headquarters; and
(b)(i) direct construction costs; or
(ii) with respect to leased facilities, direct lease costs during the first five years of operations for the corporate headquarters.
(2) The headquarters establishment, expansion, or addition must result in the creation of:
(a) at least forty new jobs performing headquarters related functions and services or research and development related functions and services. These jobs must be permanent, full-time positions located in this State; and
(b) at least twenty of the above-referenced new jobs must be classified as headquarters staff employees.
(C) The amount of the credit is equal to twenty percent of the qualifying real property costs listed in subsection (B)(1).
(D) A headquarters establishment, expansion, or addition which meets the criteria of subsection (B) of this section is entitled to an additional credit equal to twenty percent of cost for tangible personal property if the following conditions are met:
(1) the personal property is:
(a) capitalized as personal property for income tax purposes under the Internal Revenue Code; and
(b) purchased for the establishment, expansion, or addition of a corporate headquarters, or for the establishment, expansion, or addition of a research and development facility which is part of the same corporate project as the headquarters establishment, addition, or expansion; and
(c) used for corporate headquarters related functions and services or research and development related functions and services in South Carolina.
(2) The establishment, expansion, or addition of a corporate headquarters or research and development facility must result in the creation of at least seventy-five new full-time jobs performing either:
(a) headquarters related functions and services; or
(b) research and development related functions and services.
The seventy-five required jobs must have an average cash compensation level of more than twice the per capita income of this State based on the most recent per capita income data available as of the end of the taxpayer's taxable year in which the jobs are filled.
(E)(1)(a) For facilities which are constructed, the credit can only be claimed for the taxable year when the headquarters establishment, expansion, or addition, and the research and development facility establishment, expansion, or addition, in the case of corporations qualifying under subsection (D), is placed in service for federal income tax purposes. For construction projects completed in phases and placed in service for federal income tax purposes in more than one taxable year, the corporation can claim the credit on the South Carolina income tax return for the taxable year in which property, which qualifies for the credit, is placed in service. Credits cannot be obtained for costs incurred more than three taxable years after the taxable year in which the first property for which the credit is claimed is placed in service. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this subsection, if the entire project is not completed by the end of the three taxable years, the corporation may claim the credit for all property placed in service within the time limitation set forth in the preceding sentence. The credit may not be claimed for personal property which is replacing personal property for which the credit can be claimed. The department may for good cause extend the time for incurring additional costs and for claiming the credit if the project is not completed within the time period allowed by this subsection. For purposes of this subsection the term "property" includes qualifying real property and, where the conditions of subsection (D) are met, personal property.
(b) for leased real property the credit must be claimed in the taxable year in which the first direct lease costs are incurred.
(2) The corporation must meet the staffing requirements of subsections (B)(2) and, if applicable, (D)(2), by the end of the second taxable year following the last taxable year for which the credit is claimed. The corporation must have documented plans to meet the initial staffing requirements at the time the credit is claimed. If the corporation fails to meet the staffing requirements within the time required by this subsection, the corporation must increase its tax liability for the current taxable year by an amount equal to the amount of credit, or any portion of the credit for which the corporation would not qualify, which was used to reduce tax in the earlier years.
(F) The credit provided in this section is nonrefundable, but an unused credit may be carried forward for ten years. An unused credit may be carried forward fifteen years if the criteria set forth in subsection (D)(2) are met. In addition, a taxpayer may assign its rights to the unused credit to a succeeding taxpayer if the taxpayer transfers all or substantially all of the assets of the taxpayer or all or substantially all of the assets of a trade, business, or operating division of a taxpayer to the succeeding taxpayer, and the succeeding taxpayer maintains the corporate headquarters of the taxpayer. No credit may be claimed for a taxable year during which the taxpayer or succeeding taxpayer fails to meet the qualifying employment requirements provided in this section and the carry forward period is not extended for any year in which the credit may not be claimed for failure to meet the employment requirements. The credit may be claimed for a taxable year in the unextended carry forward period if the taxpayer or succeeding taxpayer requalifies for the credit by meeting the employment requirements during that taxable year.
(G) If a fee-in-lieu arrangement under Section 4-29-67 is entered into with respect to all or part of property involving a corporate headquarters, and the corporation claiming the credit provided under this section is treated as the owner of the property for federal income tax purposes, then the corporation must be treated as the owner of the property for purposes of the credit provided by this section.
(H) To the extent that this credit applies to the cost of certain property, the basis of the property for South Carolina income tax purposes must be reduced by the amount of the credit claimed with respect to the property. This basis reduction does not reduce the basis or limit or disallow any depreciation allowable under the law of this State for other than income tax purposes, even if the depreciation is based upon or otherwise relates to income tax depreciation including, without limitation, basis or depreciation which is allowable under this title for property tax purposes. If the corporation fails to meet the staffing requirements of subsection (E)(2), the corporation may increase the basis of the property by the amount of the original basis reduction with regard to that property in the year in which the credit is recaptured.
(I) The amount of a credit allowed under this section must be reduced by the amount of any past-due debt owed this State by the taxpayer.
(J) As used in this section:
(1) "Corporate headquarters" means the facility or portion of a facility where corporate staff employees are physically employed, and where the majority of the company's or company business unit's financial, personnel, legal, planning, information technology, or other headquarters-related functions are handled either on a regional, national, or global basis. A corporate headquarters must be a regional corporate headquarters, a national corporate headquarters, or global corporate headquarters as defined below; provided, however, for taxpayers which are subject to tax under Chapter 11 of Title 12, a corporate headquarters must be a regional corporate headquarters:
(a) National corporate headquarters must be the sole corporate headquarters in the nation and handle headquarters-related functions at least on a national basis. A national headquarters is considered to handle headquarters-related functions on a national basis from this State if the corporation has a facility in this State from which the corporation engages in interstate commerce by providing goods or services for customers outside of this State in return for compensation.
(b) Regional corporate headquarters must be the sole corporate headquarters within the region and must handle headquarters-related functions on a regional basis. For purposes of this section, " region" or "regional" means a geographic area comprised of either:
(i) at least five states, including this State; or
(ii) two or more states, including this State, if the entire business operations of the corporation are performed within fewer than five states; provided, however, that with respect to taxpayers which are subject to tax under Chapter 11 of Title 12, the requirement that "the entire business operations of the corporation are performed within fewer than five states", is replaced with "if all branches of the taxpayer, as defined below, are physically located in fewer than five states". For taxpayers which are subject to tax under Chapter 11 of Title 12, such taxpayer must have two or more branches, as that term is defined in Section 34-25-10(8), in each state within its region.
(c) A "company business unit" is an organizational unit of a corporation or bank and is defined by the particular product or category of products it sells.
(2) "New job" means a job created by an employer in this State at the time a new facility, expansion, or addition is initially staffed, but does not include a job created when an employee is shifted from an existing location in this State to work in a new or expanded facility. An employee may be employed at a temporary location in this State pending completion of the new facility, expansion, or addition.
(3) "Full-time" means a job requiring a minimum of thirty-five hours of an employee's time a week for the entire normal year of corporate operations or a job requiring a minimum of thirty-five hours of an employee's time for a week for a year in which the employee was initially hired for or transferred to the corporate headquarters or research and development facility in this State.
(4) "Headquarters-related functions and services" are those functions involving financial, personnel, administrative, legal, planning, information technology, or similar business functions.
(5) "Headquarters staff employees" means executive, administrative, or professional workers performing headquarters related functions and services.
(a) An executive employee is a full-time employee in which at least eighty percent of his business functions involve the management of the enterprise and directing the work of at least two employees. An executive employee has the authority to hire and fire or has the authority to make recommendations related to hiring, firing, advancement, and promotion decisions, and an executive employee must customarily exercise discretionary powers.
(b) An administrative employee is a full-time employee who is not involved in manual work and whose work is directly related to management policies or general headquarters operations. An administrative employee must customarily exercise discretion and independent judgment.
(c) A professional employee is an employee whose primary duty is work requiring knowledge of an advanced type in a field of science or learning. This knowledge is characterized by a prolonged course of specialized study. The work must be original and creative in nature, and the work cannot be standardized over a specific period of time. The work must require consistent exercise of discretion and the employee must spend at least eighty percent of the time performing headquarters related functions and services.
(6) "Research and development" means laboratory, scientific, or experimental testing and development related to new products, new uses for existing products, or improving existing products, but "research and development" does not include efficiency surveys, management studies, consumer surveys, economic surveys, advertising, promotion, banking, or research in connection with literary, historical, or similar projects.
(7) "Research and development facility" means the building or buildings or portion of a building where research and development functions and services are physically located.
(8) "Direct lease costs" are cash lease payments. The term does not include any accrued, but unpaid, costs.
HISTORY: 1995 Act No. 76, Section 1; 1999 Act No. 114, Section 3; 2001 Act No. 89, Section 3, eff July 20, 2001, applicable to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2000; 2001 Act No. 89, Section 10, eff July 1, 2001; 2006 Act No. 335, Sections 2.A, 2.B, 2.C, eff June 6, 2006; 2006 Act No. 384, Section 7, eff June 14, 2006; 2006 Act No. 386, Section 54, eff June 14, 2006; 2008 Act No. 313, Sections 2.B.1, 2.B.2, eff June 12, 2008; 2008 Act No. 352, Section 2.B.1, eff June 12, 2008.

Editor's Note
2001 Act No. 89, Section 70, provides in pertinent part as follows:
". . . the corporate income tax credit taken against the cost of tangible personal property pursuant to Section 12-6-3410(D) of the 1976 Code authorized to be taken by those corporations or companies referred to in Section 12-6-3410(J)(9) of the 1976 Code may be taken for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2002."

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 12 - Taxation

Chapter 6 - South Carolina Income Tax Act

Section 12-6-10. Short title.

Section 12-6-20. Administration and enforcement of chapter.

Section 12-6-30. Definitions.

Section 12-6-40. Application of federal Internal Revenue Code to State tax laws.

Section 12-6-50. Internal Revenue Code sections specifically not adopted by State.

Section 12-6-60. Role of distribution facility in determining nexus with state for income tax and corporate license fee purposes.

Section 12-6-510. Tax rates for individuals, estates, and trusts for taxable years after 1994.

Section 12-6-515. State individual income tax bracket reduction.

Section 12-6-520. Annual adjustments to individual state income tax brackets; inflation adjustments.

Section 12-6-530. Corporate income tax.

Section 12-6-535. Small business trust taxed at highest rate.

Section 12-6-540. Income tax rates for exempt organizations and cooperatives.

Section 12-6-545. Income tax rates for pass-through trade and business income; determination of income related to personal services.

Section 12-6-550. Corporations exempt from taxes imposed by Sections 12-6-530 and 12-6-540.

Section 12-6-555. Persons not having nexus with state other than contract for commercial printing in state not subject to state income or sales and use taxes; conditions.

Section 12-6-560. Computation of resident individual's gross, adjusted gross, and taxable income.

Section 12-6-570. Computation of nonresident individual, trust, estate, and beneficiary's gross, adjusted gross, and taxable income.

Section 12-6-580. Computation of corporation's gross and taxable income.

Section 12-6-590. Treatment of "S" corporations for tax purposes; shareholders.

Section 12-6-600. Taxation of partnerships.

Section 12-6-610. Computation of gross and taxable income of resident estate or trust.

Section 12-6-620. Computation of gross, adjusted gross, and taxable income of nonresident individual, trust, and estate.

Section 12-6-630. Taxation of entities not specified or excluded.

Section 12-6-640. Use of monies appropriated to Commissioners of Pilotage.

Section 12-6-1110. Modifications of gross, adjusted gross, and taxable income calculated under Internal Revenue Code.

Section 12-6-1120. Gross income; computation; modifications.

Section 12-6-1130. Taxable income; computation; modifications.

Section 12-6-1140. Deductions from individual taxable income.

Section 12-6-1150. Net capital gain; deduction from taxable income for individuals, estates, and trusts.

Section 12-6-1160. Dependent deduction for resident individual.

Section 12-6-1170. Retirement income deduction from taxable income for individual; Section 12-6-1171 deduction.

Section 12-6-1171. Military retirement income deduction; definitions; surviving spouse.

Section 12-6-1175. Wages paid to unauthorized alien; business expense deduction disallowed.

Section 12-6-1190. Cost recovery of retirement benefits from retirement systems maintained by the State or its political subdivisions.

Section 12-6-1200. Exclusion from taxable income of amounts excluded from federal income tax by United States treaty.

Section 12-6-1210. Deductions for capital expenses, depreciation, gains and losses; change in accounting method; certain elections for special tax treatment; provisions of federal law.

Section 12-6-1220. Individual Development Account.

Section 12-6-1610. Definitions.

Section 12-6-1620. "Catastrophe Savings Account" defined; exemptions allowed; contributable amount; attachment and garnishment.

Section 12-6-1630. Taxation of distributions or at death of account owner.

Section 12-6-1710. Taxation of part-year resident.

Section 12-6-1720. Taxable income of nonresident individual, trust, estate, or beneficiary; modifications, adjustments, and allocations.

Section 12-6-2210. Taxation of business; determination whether entirely or partly transacted or conducted within State.

Section 12-6-2220. Allocation of interest, dividends, rents and royalties, gains and losses, and income from personal services.

Section 12-6-2230. Allocation of income not allocated under Section 12-6-2220.

Section 12-6-2240. Apportionment of all income remaining after allocation.

Section 12-6-2252. Allocation and apportionment of business income.

Section 12-6-2280. Sales factor; definitions.

Section 12-6-2290. Apportionment of remaining net income from principal profits or income derived from sources not otherwise described by this chapter.

Section 12-6-2295. Items included and excluded from terms "sales" and "gross receipts".

Section 12-6-2300. Apportionment of United States source income for business incorporated in foreign country.

Section 12-6-2310. Income remaining after allocation for certain companies; factors to be used for apportionment.

Section 12-6-2320. Allocation and apportionment of taxpayer's income when provisions unfairly represent taxpayer's business activity; agreement with taxpayer; provision for taxpayer constructing or operating qualified recycling facility.

Section 12-6-2810. Deferral of taxes on income attributable to increase in gross income from foreign trading receipts.

Section 12-6-2820. Date deferred payments are due and payable; payment of taxes at accelerated rate; effect of taxpayer's failure to pay interest.

Section 12-6-2830. Inapplicability of time limitation on assessment and collection of taxes to taxes deferred.

Section 12-6-2840. Effective date of article; inapplicability of article to domestic international sales corporations or foreign sales corporations.

Section 12-6-2850. Definitions.

Section 12-6-3310. Tax credits; timeframe for use; pass through and calculation of shareholder credit; limited liability companies.

Section 12-6-3320. Applicability of federal provisions to all income tax credits available to corporation for state income tax purposes.

Section 12-6-3330. Two wage earner credit for married individuals filing joint return; computation; definitions; when not allowed.

Section 12-6-3340. Investment tax credit for purchase and installation of certain energy conservation and renewable energy production measures.

Section 12-6-3350. Tax credit for State contractors subcontracting with socially and economically disadvantaged small business.

Section 12-6-3360. Job tax credit.

Section 12-6-3362. Small business jobs tax credit; alternate method.

Section 12-6-3367. Moratorium on corporate income and insurance premium taxes for certain companies investing and creating jobs in State.

Section 12-6-3370. Tax credits for construction, installation or restoration of water impoundments and water control structures.

Section 12-6-3375. Tax credit for port cargo volume increase; application to council; definitions; excess credits; taxpayers without distribution centers in the State; failure to meet requirements.

Section 12-6-3376. Income tax credit for plug-in hybrid vehicle.

Section 12-6-3377. Hybrid, fuel cell, alternative fuel or lean burn motor vehicle tax credit.

Section 12-6-3378. Tax credits for certain agribusinesses and service-related facilities.

Section 12-6-3380. Tax credit for child and dependent care expenses.

Section 12-6-3381. Premarital preparation course tax credit; form.

Section 12-6-3385. Income tax credit for tuition; definitions.

Section 12-6-3390. Credit for expenses paid to institution providing nursing facility level, in-home, or community care.

Section 12-6-3400. Credit for income tax paid by South Carolina resident to another state.

Section 12-6-3410. Corporate income tax credit for corporate headquarters.

Section 12-6-3415. Tax credit for research and development expenditures.

Section 12-6-3420. Tax credit for construction or improvement of infrastructure project.

Section 12-6-3430. Tax credit for qualified investments in Palmetto Seed Capital Corporation or Palmetto Seed Capital Fund Limited Partnership.

Section 12-6-3440. Tax credit for employee child care programs.

Section 12-6-3460. Definitions.

Section 12-6-3465. Recycling facility tax credits.

Section 12-6-3470. Employer tax credit.

Section 12-6-3477. Apprentice income tax credit.

Section 12-6-3480. Tax credits.

Section 12-6-3500. Retirement plan credits.

Section 12-6-3515. Credit for conservation or qualified conservation contribution of real property; lands eligible; transfer of credits; definitions.

Section 12-6-3520. Income tax credit for habitat management and construction and maintenance of critical habitat improvements.

Section 12-6-3525. Tax credits for vehicle or scrap recyclers participating in End-of-Life Vehicle Solutions (ELVS) Program.

Section 12-6-3530. Community development tax credits.

Section 12-6-3535. Income tax credit for making qualified rehabilitation expenditures for a certified historic structure.

Section 12-6-3550. Voluntary cleanup activity tax credit; eligibility requirements.

Section 12-6-3560. Credit against state income tax for motion picture and advertisement production companies.

Section 12-6-3570. Motion picture related income tax credit claims.

Section 12-6-3575. Health insurance tax credits.

Section 12-6-3580. South Carolina Quality Forum participants; tax credits for registration fee and participation in organizational performance excellence assessment process; limitation.

Section 12-6-3582. Income tax credits; agricultural use of anhydrous ammonia.

Section 12-6-3585. Industry Partnership Fund tax credit.

Section 12-6-3587. Purchase and installation of solar energy system for heating water, space heating, air cooling, or generating electricity.

Section 12-6-3588. South Carolina Clean Energy Tax Incentive Program; definitions; requirements to receive tax credit.

Section 12-6-3589. Tax credit for effluent toxicity testing.

Section 12-6-3590. Credit for milk producer; promulgation of regulations.

Section 12-6-3600. Credit for ethanol and biodiesel facilities.

Section 12-6-3610. Credit for property used for distribution or dispensing renewable fuel.

Section 12-6-3620. Purchase and installation of equipment to produce energy from biomass resources.

Section 12-6-3622. Fire sprinkler system tax credits.

Section 12-6-3630. Income tax credits; hydrogen research contributions.

Section 12-6-3631. Biodiesel expenditures tax credit.

Section 12-6-3632. Earned income tax credit.

Section 12-6-3660. Tax credit for costs of retrofitting to make residence more hurricane resistant.

Section 12-6-3665. Credit for sales tax paid on purchases of tangible personal property to retrofit residence.

Section 12-6-3670. Credit for excess premium paid for property and casualty insurance.

Section 12-6-3695. Alternative fuel property income tax credit.

Section 12-6-3710. Income tax credit for taxpayers that hire formerly incarcerated individuals; eligibility; regulations; definitions.

Section 12-6-3720. Income tax credit for taxpayers that hire veterans; eligibility; regulations; definitions.

Section 12-6-3750. Nonrefundable tax credit for processing donated deer for charitable distribution.

Section 12-6-3770. Repealed.

Section 12-6-3775. Solar energy tax credits.

Section 12-6-3780. Credit for preventative maintenance.

Section 12-6-3790. Educational Credit for Exceptional Needs Children's Fund.

Section 12-6-3795. South Carolina housing tax credit.

Section 12-6-3800. Income tax credit for service as a preceptor.

Section 12-6-3910. Estimated tax payments form; due dates; treatment of excess where estimated payments or withholdings more than tax liability; waiver of penalties.

Section 12-6-3920. Extension for filing and paying estimated taxes.

Section 12-6-3930. Imposition of interest and penalties on National Guard and Reserve members activated as a result of Iraq conflict or war on terrorism.

Section 12-6-4410. Taxable years.

Section 12-6-4420. Method of accounting.

Section 12-6-4430. "S" corporation elections.

Section 12-6-4910. Persons, corporations, and other entities required to make tax returns.

Section 12-6-4920. Interstate motor carrier required to file return.

Section 12-6-4930. Tax return of estate or trust; by whom to be made.

Section 12-6-4940. Trust institutions maintaining common trust fund must make tax return; contents.

Section 12-6-4950. Information returns.

Section 12-6-4960. Form of tax return; department to furnish blank forms; effect on taxpayer of failure to receive form.

Section 12-6-4970. Time to file returns.

Section 12-6-4980. Extension of time for filing return.

Section 12-6-4990. Payment of tax due upon filing return; effect of extension; requirement of making estimated tax payment.

Section 12-6-5000. Filing of separate or joint federal returns by husband and wife; same status required on state return; nonresidents; where no federal return filed.

Section 12-6-5010. Release of claim to personal exemption by custodial parent.

Section 12-6-5020. Authorized filing of consolidated corporate income tax return; terms and conditions.

Section 12-6-5030. Composite returns for partnership or "S" corporation.

Section 12-6-5050. Tax preparer's taxpayer identification number.

Section 12-6-5060. Voluntary contribution to certain funds may be designated on return; reporting of contributions annually by department.

Section 12-6-5095. Rounding to nearest whole dollar on tax returns.

Section 12-6-5510. Certificate of compliance as prima facie evidence.

Section 12-6-5520. Notification to domestic or foreign corporation of failure to file return; penalty upon continued failure to comply.

Section 12-6-5530. Income taxes payable by check; taxpayer liable for tax and penalties when check dishonored by bank.

Section 12-6-5540. Copies of returns; verification of information on returns.

Section 12-6-5550. State income tax refund as belonging to surviving spouse.

Section 12-6-5570. Authority to make expenditures.

Section 12-6-5580. Failure to do an act deemed committed in person's county of residence.

Section 12-6-5590. Donative intent; requirements; determining factors.

Section 12-6-5595. Timber deeds as real property conveyances.

Section 12-6-5600. Residency of individuals and businesses; boundary clarification.