A nonresident individual, nonresident trust, and nonresident estate's South Carolina gross income, adjusted gross income, and taxable income is computed as provided in Section 12-6-1720.
HISTORY: 1995 Act No. 76, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 6 - South Carolina Income Tax Act
Section 12-6-20. Administration and enforcement of chapter.
Section 12-6-40. Application of federal Internal Revenue Code to State tax laws.
Section 12-6-50. Internal Revenue Code sections specifically not adopted by State.
Section 12-6-510. Tax rates for individuals, estates, and trusts for taxable years after 1994.
Section 12-6-515. State individual income tax bracket reduction.
Section 12-6-520. Annual adjustments to individual state income tax brackets; inflation adjustments.
Section 12-6-530. Corporate income tax.
Section 12-6-535. Small business trust taxed at highest rate.
Section 12-6-540. Income tax rates for exempt organizations and cooperatives.
Section 12-6-550. Corporations exempt from taxes imposed by Sections 12-6-530 and 12-6-540.
Section 12-6-560. Computation of resident individual's gross, adjusted gross, and taxable income.
Section 12-6-580. Computation of corporation's gross and taxable income.
Section 12-6-590. Treatment of "S" corporations for tax purposes; shareholders.
Section 12-6-600. Taxation of partnerships.
Section 12-6-610. Computation of gross and taxable income of resident estate or trust.
Section 12-6-630. Taxation of entities not specified or excluded.
Section 12-6-640. Use of monies appropriated to Commissioners of Pilotage.
Section 12-6-1120. Gross income; computation; modifications.
Section 12-6-1130. Taxable income; computation; modifications.
Section 12-6-1140. Deductions from individual taxable income.
Section 12-6-1160. Dependent deduction for resident individual.
Section 12-6-1171. Military retirement income deduction; definitions; surviving spouse.
Section 12-6-1175. Wages paid to unauthorized alien; business expense deduction disallowed.
Section 12-6-1220. Individual Development Account.
Section 12-6-1610. Definitions.
Section 12-6-1630. Taxation of distributions or at death of account owner.
Section 12-6-1710. Taxation of part-year resident.
Section 12-6-2230. Allocation of income not allocated under Section 12-6-2220.
Section 12-6-2240. Apportionment of all income remaining after allocation.
Section 12-6-2252. Allocation and apportionment of business income.
Section 12-6-2280. Sales factor; definitions.
Section 12-6-2295. Items included and excluded from terms "sales" and "gross receipts".
Section 12-6-2850. Definitions.
Section 12-6-3360. Job tax credit.
Section 12-6-3362. Small business jobs tax credit; alternate method.
Section 12-6-3376. Income tax credit for plug-in hybrid vehicle.
Section 12-6-3377. Hybrid, fuel cell, alternative fuel or lean burn motor vehicle tax credit.
Section 12-6-3378. Tax credits for certain agribusinesses and service-related facilities.
Section 12-6-3380. Tax credit for child and dependent care expenses.
Section 12-6-3381. Premarital preparation course tax credit; form.
Section 12-6-3385. Income tax credit for tuition; definitions.
Section 12-6-3400. Credit for income tax paid by South Carolina resident to another state.
Section 12-6-3410. Corporate income tax credit for corporate headquarters.
Section 12-6-3415. Tax credit for research and development expenditures.
Section 12-6-3420. Tax credit for construction or improvement of infrastructure project.
Section 12-6-3440. Tax credit for employee child care programs.
Section 12-6-3460. Definitions.
Section 12-6-3465. Recycling facility tax credits.
Section 12-6-3470. Employer tax credit.
Section 12-6-3477. Apprentice income tax credit.
Section 12-6-3480. Tax credits.
Section 12-6-3500. Retirement plan credits.
Section 12-6-3530. Community development tax credits.
Section 12-6-3550. Voluntary cleanup activity tax credit; eligibility requirements.
Section 12-6-3570. Motion picture related income tax credit claims.
Section 12-6-3575. Health insurance tax credits.
Section 12-6-3582. Income tax credits; agricultural use of anhydrous ammonia.
Section 12-6-3585. Industry Partnership Fund tax credit.
Section 12-6-3589. Tax credit for effluent toxicity testing.
Section 12-6-3590. Credit for milk producer; promulgation of regulations.
Section 12-6-3600. Credit for ethanol and biodiesel facilities.
Section 12-6-3610. Credit for property used for distribution or dispensing renewable fuel.
Section 12-6-3620. Purchase and installation of equipment to produce energy from biomass resources.
Section 12-6-3622. Fire sprinkler system tax credits.
Section 12-6-3630. Income tax credits; hydrogen research contributions.
Section 12-6-3631. Biodiesel expenditures tax credit.
Section 12-6-3632. Earned income tax credit.
Section 12-6-3660. Tax credit for costs of retrofitting to make residence more hurricane resistant.
Section 12-6-3670. Credit for excess premium paid for property and casualty insurance.
Section 12-6-3695. Alternative fuel property income tax credit.
Section 12-6-3750. Nonrefundable tax credit for processing donated deer for charitable distribution.
Section 12-6-3775. Solar energy tax credits.
Section 12-6-3780. Credit for preventative maintenance.
Section 12-6-3790. Educational Credit for Exceptional Needs Children's Fund.
Section 12-6-3795. South Carolina housing tax credit.
Section 12-6-3800. Income tax credit for service as a preceptor.
Section 12-6-3920. Extension for filing and paying estimated taxes.
Section 12-6-4410. Taxable years.
Section 12-6-4420. Method of accounting.
Section 12-6-4430. "S" corporation elections.
Section 12-6-4910. Persons, corporations, and other entities required to make tax returns.
Section 12-6-4920. Interstate motor carrier required to file return.
Section 12-6-4930. Tax return of estate or trust; by whom to be made.
Section 12-6-4940. Trust institutions maintaining common trust fund must make tax return; contents.
Section 12-6-4950. Information returns.
Section 12-6-4970. Time to file returns.
Section 12-6-4980. Extension of time for filing return.
Section 12-6-5010. Release of claim to personal exemption by custodial parent.
Section 12-6-5030. Composite returns for partnership or "S" corporation.
Section 12-6-5050. Tax preparer's taxpayer identification number.
Section 12-6-5095. Rounding to nearest whole dollar on tax returns.
Section 12-6-5510. Certificate of compliance as prima facie evidence.
Section 12-6-5540. Copies of returns; verification of information on returns.
Section 12-6-5550. State income tax refund as belonging to surviving spouse.
Section 12-6-5570. Authority to make expenditures.
Section 12-6-5580. Failure to do an act deemed committed in person's county of residence.
Section 12-6-5590. Donative intent; requirements; determining factors.
Section 12-6-5595. Timber deeds as real property conveyances.
Section 12-6-5600. Residency of individuals and businesses; boundary clarification.