Revised Code of Washington
Chapter 41.04 - General Provisions.
41.04.680 - Pooled sick leave—Plan establishment—Calculations—Participation—Higher education institutions.

RCW 41.04.680
Pooled sick leave—Plan establishment—Calculations—Participation—Higher education institutions.

The office of financial management and other personnel authorities shall adopt rules or policies governing the accumulation and use of sick leave for state agency and department employees, expressly for the establishment of a plan allowing participating employees to pool sick leave and allowing any sick leave thus pooled to be used by any participating employee who has used all of the sick leave, annual leave, and compensatory leave that has been personally accrued by him or her. Each department or agency of the state may allow employees to participate in a sick leave pool established by the office of financial management and other personnel authorities.
(1) For purposes of calculating maximum sick leave that may be donated or received by any one employee, pooled sick leave:
(a) Is counted and converted in the same manner as sick leave under the Washington state leave sharing program as provided in this chapter; and
(b) Does not create a right to sick leave in addition to the amount that may be donated or received under the Washington state leave sharing program as provided in this chapter.
(2) The office of financial management and other personnel authorities, except the personnel authorities for higher education institutions, shall adopt rules which provide:
(a) That employees are eligible to participate in the sick leave pool after one year of employment with the state or agency of the state if the employee has accrued a minimum amount of unused sick leave, to be established by rule;
(b) That participation in the sick leave pool shall, at all times, be voluntary on the part of the employees;
(c) That any sick leave pooled shall be removed from the personally accumulated sick leave balance of the employee contributing the leave;
(d) That any sick leave in the pool that is used by a participating employee may be used only for the employee's personal illness, accident, or injury;
(e) That a participating employee is not eligible to use sick leave accumulated in the pool until all of his or her personally accrued sick, annual, and compensatory leave has been used;
(f) A maximum number of days of sick leave in the pool that any one employee may use;
(g) That a participating employee who uses sick leave from the pool is not required to recontribute such sick leave to the pool, except as otherwise provided in this section;
(h) That an employee who cancels his or her membership in the sick leave pool is not eligible to withdraw the days of sick leave contributed by that employee to the pool;
(i) That an employee who transfers from one position in state government to another position in state government may transfer from one pool to another if the eligibility criteria of the pools are comparable and the administrators of the pools have agreed on a formula for transfer of credits;
(j) That alleged abuse of the use of the sick leave pool shall be investigated, and, on a finding of wrongdoing, the employee shall repay all of the sick leave credits drawn from the sick leave pool and shall be subject to such other disciplinary action as is determined by the agency head;
(k) That sick leave credits may be drawn from the sick leave pool by a part-time employee on a pro rata basis; and
(l) That each department or agency shall maintain accurate and reliable records showing the amount of sick leave which has been accumulated and is unused by employees, in accordance with guidelines established by the office of financial management.
(3) Personnel authorities for higher education institutions shall adopt policies consistent with the needs of the employees under their respective jurisdictions.

[ 2015 3rd sp.s. c 1 § 313; 2011 1st sp.s. c 43 § 437; 2006 c 356 § 1.]

Effective date—Purpose—2011 1st sp.s. c 43: See notes following RCW 43.19.003.

Effective date—2006 c 356: "This act takes effect July 1, 2007." [ 2006 c 356 § 2.]

Structure Revised Code of Washington

Revised Code of Washington

Title 41 - Public Employment, Civil Service, and Pensions

Chapter 41.04 - General Provisions.

41.04.003 - Title application—Health benefit exchange.

41.04.005 - "Veteran" defined for certain purposes.

41.04.007 - "Veteran" defined for certain purposes.

41.04.010 - Veterans' scoring criteria status in examinations.

41.04.015 - Public employment—Evidence of educational competence.

41.04.017 - Death benefit—Course of employment—Occupational disease or infection.

41.04.020 - Public employees—Payroll deductions authorized.

41.04.030 - Payroll deductions—Duty of auditing officer.

41.04.033 - Operation of the Washington state combined fund drive—Secretary of state—Rules.

41.04.0331 - State combined fund drive program—Powers and duties of secretary of state.

41.04.0332 - State combined fund drive—Secretary of state—Contracts and partnerships.

41.04.035 - Salary and wage deductions for contributions to charitable agencies—"United Fund" defined—Includes Washington state combined fund drive.

41.04.036 - Salary and wage deductions for contributions to charitable agencies—Deduction and payment to United Fund or Washington state combined fund drive—Rules, procedures.

41.04.039 - Washington state combined fund drive account—Created.

41.04.045 - Public service loan forgiveness program—Awareness materials—Employment certification process.

41.04.055 - Public service loan forgiveness program—Part-time academic employees.

41.04.110 - Persons employed by more than one agency—Joint operation—May provide membership in single system.

41.04.120 - Civil service and retirement rights preserved when elective office assumed.

41.04.130 - Extension of provisions of retirement and pension systems by cities of the first class to nonincluded personnel.

41.04.140 - Interchange of personnel between federal and state agencies—"State agency" defined.

41.04.150 - Interchange of personnel between federal and state agencies—Agreements—Provisions.

41.04.160 - Interchange of personnel between federal and state agencies—Employment status of state employees participating—Retirement—Civil service.

41.04.170 - Interchange of personnel between federal and state agencies—Employment status of federal employees participating—Retirement—Civil service.

41.04.180 - Hospitalization and medical aid for county, municipal and other political subdivision employees—Governmental contributions authorized.

41.04.190 - Hospitalization and medical aid for county, municipal and other political subdivision employees or elected officials—Cost not additional compensation—Disbursement.

41.04.205 - Participation of county, municipal, and other political subdivision employees in state employees' insurance or self-insurance and health care program—Transfer procedure.

41.04.208 - Local government retirees—Health care—Definitions—Participation—Exception.

41.04.212 - Local government retirees—Health care—Administration.

41.04.220 - Department of enterprise services to procure health benefit programs—Other governmental entities may use services.

41.04.230 - Payroll deductions authorized.

41.04.232 - Transition to two payrolls per month—Guidelines on deductions and deferrals.

41.04.233 - Payroll deductions for capitation payments to health maintenance organizations.

41.04.235 - Retirement allowance deductions for health care benefit plans.

41.04.240 - Direct deposit of salaries into financial institutions—Alternate payment methods for employees of institutions of higher education—Conservation district exemption.

41.04.245 - Payroll deductions to a bank, savings bank, credit union, or savings and loan association.

41.04.270 - Public retirement systems—Members or beneficiaries estopped from becoming a member or accruing rights in any other public retirement system—Exceptions.

41.04.273 - Prohibition of retirement benefits passing to slayer or abuser beneficiary—Determination by department of retirement systems—Duties upon notice—Payment upon verdicts—Admissibility of evidence—Immunity.

41.04.276 - Select committee on pension policy—Creation—Membership—Terms of office—Staff support.

41.04.278 - Select committee on pension policy—Subcommittees.

41.04.281 - Select committee on pension policy—Powers and duties.

41.04.300 - Travel expenses of state officials and employees.

41.04.340 - State employee attendance incentive program—Sick leave records to be kept—Remuneration or benefits for unused sick leave—Medical expense plan in lieu of remuneration.

41.04.350 - Mandatory retirement prior to seventy years of age prohibited—Exceptions—Waiver of mandatory retirement.

41.04.360 - State-employed religious coordinator—Housing allowance.

41.04.362 - Employee wellness program.

41.04.370 - Child care—Legislative intent.

41.04.375 - Child care—Rental of suitable space.

41.04.380 - Child care—Contracts—Provision of suitable space at reduced cost authorized.

41.04.382 - Child care organizations—Qualifications for services.

41.04.385 - Child care—Legislative findings—State policy—Responsibilities of director of enterprise services.

41.04.390 - Flexible-time work schedules.

41.04.393 - Public safety officers—Retirement benefits—Death in the line of duty.

41.04.400 - Consolidation of local governmental unit and first-class city retirement system—Intent.

41.04.405 - Consolidation of local governmental unit and first-class city retirement system—Definitions.

41.04.410 - Consolidation of local governmental unit and first-class city retirement system—Membership in public employees' or public safety employees' retirement system.

41.04.415 - Consolidation of local governmental unit and first-class city retirement system—Membership in first-class city retirement system.

41.04.420 - Consolidation of local governmental unit and first-class city retirement system—Newly created legal entity.

41.04.425 - Consolidation of local governmental unit and first-class city retirement system—Limitations.

41.04.430 - Consolidation of local governmental unit and first-class city retirement system—Compliance with laws and rules—Application of sections.

41.04.440 - Members' retirement contributions—Pick up by employer—Purpose—Benefits not contractual right.

41.04.445 - Members' retirement contributions—Pick up by employer—Implementation.

41.04.450 - Members' retirement contributions—Pick up by employer—Optional implementation and withdrawal.

41.04.455 - Members' retirement contributions—Pick up by employer—Conditions.

41.04.460 - Financial planning for retirement—Department of enterprise services to provide information to retirement system members.

41.04.500 - Disability leave supplement for law enforcement officers and firefighters.

41.04.505 - Disability leave supplement for law enforcement officers and firefighters—Amount.

41.04.510 - Disability leave supplement for law enforcement officers and firefighters—Payment.

41.04.515 - Disability leave supplement for law enforcement officers and firefighters—Time limitation.

41.04.520 - Disability leave supplement for law enforcement officers and firefighters—Employee to perform light duty tasks.

41.04.525 - Disability leave supplement for law enforcement officers and firefighters—Continuation of employee insurance benefits.

41.04.530 - Disability leave supplement for law enforcement officers and firefighters—Exhaustion of accrued sick leave.

41.04.535 - Disability leave supplement for law enforcement officers and firefighters—Greater benefits not precluded.

41.04.540 - Disability leave supplement for law enforcement officers and firefighters—Supplement not required in smaller cities, towns, and counties.

41.04.545 - Disability leave supplement for law enforcement officers and firefighters—Vested right not created.

41.04.550 - Disability leave supplement for law enforcement officers and firefighters—Not subject to interest arbitration.

41.04.580 - Dismissal of municipal employees during World War II—Redress authorized.

41.04.585 - Dismissal of municipal employees during World War II—Redress not mandatory.

41.04.590 - Dismissal of municipal employees during World War II—Redress—Limitations.

41.04.595 - Dismissal of municipal employees during World War II—Definitions.

41.04.650 - Leave sharing program—Findings—Intent.

41.04.655 - Leave sharing program—Definitions.

41.04.660 - Leave sharing program—Created.

41.04.665 - Leave sharing program—When employee may receive leave—When employee may transfer accrued leave—Transfer of leave between employees of different agencies—Return of unused leave—Rules.

41.04.670 - Leave sharing program—Adoption of rules.

41.04.671 - Parental leave—Use after birth or placement—Use with pregnancy disability leave.

41.04.672 - Veterans' in-state service shared leave pool.

41.04.674 - Foster parent shared leave pool.

41.04.680 - Pooled sick leave—Plan establishment—Calculations—Participation—Higher education institutions.

41.04.685 - Uniformed service shared leave pool—Creation—Administration—Restrictions—Definitions.

41.04.700 - Employee assistance program—Intent.

41.04.710 - Employee assistance program—Created.

41.04.720 - Employee assistance program—Director of enterprise services—Duties.

41.04.730 - Employee assistance program—Information confidential—Exceptions.

41.04.750 - Supported employment—Definitions.

41.04.760 - Supported employment—State agency participation.

41.04.770 - Supported employment—Implementation.

41.04.780 - Supported employment—Impact on other employment positions.

41.04.800 - Chapter not applicable to officers and employees of state convention and trade center.

41.04.803 - Application of chapter 236, Laws of 2012.

41.04.810 - Title not applicable to individual providers, family child care providers, adult family home providers, and language access providers.

41.04.820 - Temporary salary reductions—Exceptions—Implementation.

41.04.821 - Background check for access to federal tax information—State employees—State contractors—Rules.

41.04.830 - Medical information exempt from disclosure—Exceptions.

41.04.899 - Lawful permanent resident—Defined.

41.04.900 - Construction—Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships—2009 c 521.