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Section 288.561 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Article I - (288.570...288.577)
Section 288.570 - Definitions; A. - Sec. 10. As used in this act: (a) "Adulterated" means...
Section 288.571 - Definitions; B, C. - Sec. 11. As used in this act: (a) "Bulk milk...
Section 288.572 - Definitions; D. - Sec. 12. As used in this act: (a) "Dairy animal"...
Section 288.573 - Definitions; F to L. - Sec. 13. As used in this act: (a) "Farm tank"...
Section 288.574 - Definitions; M. - Sec. 14. As used in this act: (a) "Milk" means...
Section 288.575 - Definitions; M. - Sec. 15. As used in this act: (a) "Misbranded" means...
Section 288.576 - Definitions; O to R. - Sec. 16. As used in this act: (a) "Offering for...
Section 288.577 - Definitions; S to W. - Sec. 17. As used in this act: (a) "Sample transfer...
Article 3 - (288.590...288.592)
Section 288.590 - Other Standards or Requirements; Inspection Reports; Out-of-State Milk Products. - Sec. 30. (1) A political subdivision of the state shall...
Section 288.591 - Repeal of Acts; Rescission of Rules. - Sec. 31. (1) The following acts and parts of acts...
Section 288.592 - Effective Date. - Sec. 32. This act takes effect 30 days after the...
Article 5 - (288.610...288.611)
Section 288.610 - Administration of Act; Rules; Incorporation by Reference. - Sec. 50. (1) The department shall administer this act and...
Section 288.611 - Investigations; Inspections. - Sec. 51. The director shall foster and encourage the dairy...
Article 7 - (288.630...288.631)
Section 288.630 - Prohibited Acts; Standards; Compliance. - Sec. 70. (1) A person shall not directly, through an...
Section 288.631 - Testing Frequency for Dairy Products; Testing Dairy Farm Water Supplies. - Sec. 71. (1) All dairy products shall be tested at...
Article 9 - (288.650...288.652)
Section 288.650 - Inspecting, Sampling, and Investigating Conditions; Authority of Director and Department. - Sec. 90. (1) The director, after proper identification, is authorized...
Section 288.651 - Seizure of Milk, Dairy Products, or Equipment; Findings; Condemnation or Destruction; Removal of Tag or Transfer to Another Container Prohibited. - Sec. 91. (1) The director may seize or hold for...
Section 288.652 - Access to Markets for Milk and Dairy Products; Certificate of Free Sale; Application; Fees; "Certificate of Free Sale" Defined. - Sec. 92. (1) To facilitate continued access to markets for...
Article 11 - (288.670...288.686)
Section 288.670 - License or Permit. - Sec. 110. (1) A person shall not do any of...
Section 288.670a - Receipt of Completed Application for Initial or Renewal License; Issuance of License Within Certain Time Period; "Completed Application" Defined. - Sec. 110a. (1) The department shall issue an initial or...
Section 288.670b - "Pasteurized Milk Ordinance" Defined; License to Conduct Certified Industry Manufacturing Farm Inspections; License Fee; Inspections; Authorization by Director. - Sec. 110b. (1) As used in this section, "pasteurized milk...
Section 288.671 - Milk Products Manufactured at Retail Food Establishments; Exemption. - Sec. 111. Milk products manufactured at retail food establishments licensed...
Section 288.672 - Unlicensed Dairy Plant or Previously Denied License Dairy Plant; Application for License; Investigation of Sanitary Conditions. - Sec. 112. Upon receipt of an application for licensure by...
Section 288.673 - Noncompliance With Act or Rule; Revocation or Suspension of License or Permit; Administrative Fine; Notice; Findings; Operation of Business or Activity; Reinstatement. - Sec. 113. (1) The director may revoke or suspend the...
Section 288.674 - Summary Suspension of License or Permit; Findings; Compliance and Reinstatement; Order. - Sec. 114. (1) The director may summarily suspend a license...
Section 288.675 - Purchasing Milk for Resale or Manufacture Into Another Product; Payment to Producer; Manner and Dates; Violation; Issuance of Check. - Sec. 115. (1) A person purchasing milk for resale or...
Section 288.676 - Condition to Issuance and Maintenance of License; Security Required; Exemption. - Sec. 116. The department shall revoke or deny a license...
Section 288.677 - Audited Financial Statement. - Sec. 117. (1) A licensee or applicant for a license...
Section 288.678 - Other Forms of Security; Request for Information From Financial and Insurance Services of Department of Consumer and Industry Services. - Sec. 118. (1) A licensee or applicant for a license...
Section 288.679 - Cash Prepayments. - Sec. 119. A licensee or applicant for licensure as a...
Section 288.680 - Cancellation or Modification of Security by Dairy Plant; Notice Required; Manner; Increase in Amount Due and Accrued; Applicability to Dairy Products in Interstate Commerce; Disclosure of Financial and Product Information; Audited F... - Sec. 120. (1) A dairy plant that produces manufactured dairy...
Section 288.681 - Change in Security Device; Circumstances Requiring Dairy Plant to Provide Change or Increase; Notice Sent by Department to Dairy Plant; Notice to Producers. - Sec. 121. (1) A dairy plant that produces manufactured dairy...
Section 288.682 - Breach of Obligation; Proof of Claim or Evidence of Default; Order Requiring Filing of Claims by Creditors; Publication of Notice; Notice of Allowance or Disallowance; Action by Attorney General; Distribution; Other Liens, Security,... - Sec. 122. (1) A person injured by the breach of...
Section 288.683 - Notice to Producers of Type of Security Device Used; Form; Qualifications for Dairy Plant License. - Sec. 123. The department shall notify producers delivering dairy products...
Section 288.684 - Conduct as Misdemeanor; Penalty. - Sec. 124. A person, alone or through an agent, as...
Section 288.685 - Selling Milk Found Positive for Violative Drug Residues; Sanctions and Administrative Fines. - Sec. 125. (1) The director shall impose upon a producer...
Section 288.686 - Restraining Order. - Sec. 126. In addition to the remedies otherwise provided in...
Article 13 - (288.690...288.703)
Section 288.690 - Milk for Human Consumption; Compliance With Requirements for Eradication of Tuberculosis and Brucellosis; Prohibited Sale; Disposal; Milking Barn or Milking Parlor; Yard and Loafing Area; Duties of Person Obtaining Milk From Dairy A... - Sec. 130. (1) A person who offers milk to the...
Section 288.691 - Transporting Milk; Vehicles; Duties of Licensed Bulk Milk Hauler/sampler; Testing of Milk by Dairy Plant, Transfer Station, or Receiving Station. - Sec. 131. (1) The department shall issue a license or...
Section 288.692 - Load Samples; Testing for Violative Drug Residue; Disposal of Milk Testing Positive; Identification of Producer of Milk Testing Positive; Copies of Test Results; Processing or Availability of Raw Milk; Milk Exceeding Certain Limits;... - Sec. 132. (1) All milk shipped for processing or intended...
Section 288.693 - Examination of Test Results and Inspection of Dairy Farms; Frequency. - Sec. 133. The department may examine test results and inspect...
Section 288.694 - Failure of Producer to Meet Minimum Quality Standards. - Sec. 134. (1) A producer who fails to meet minimum...
Section 288.695 - Incoming Raw Milk and Manufactured Dairy Products; Samples. - Sec. 135. Incoming raw milk and manufactured dairy products shall...
Section 288.696 - Pasteurized Milk and Dairy Products; Sale; Processing as Low-Acid Foods. - Sec. 136. (1) Only pasteurized milk and dairy products shall...
Section 288.697 - “Pasteurization” and “Pasteurized”; Temperature and Time Relationships. - Sec. 137. The terms "pasteurization", "pasteurized", and similar terms mean...
Section 288.698 - Manufacture of Cheese; Use of Unpasteurized Milk. - Sec. 138. Unpasteurized milk may be used in the manufacture...
Section 288.699 - Milk and Dairy Products; Pasteurization Required; Cooling; Equipment; Temperature; Ingredients Added Before or After Pasteurization; Repasteurized Condensed Milk; Design and Operation of Pasteurization Equipment. - Sec. 139. (1) Except as provided in section 138, all...
Section 288.700 - Manufacturing Milk Into Dairy Product; Duties of Plant Owner or Operator. - Sec. 140. A person who owns or operates a plant...
Section 288.701 - Manufacturing Milk Into Dairy Product; Additional Duties of Plant Owner or Operator. - Sec. 141. A person who owns or operates a plant...
Section 288.702 - Dairy Plant Employee; Requirements. - Sec. 142. A person employed by a dairy plant shall...
Section 288.703 - Owner or Operator of Dairy Plant; Duties; Package Labels; Advertising. - Sec. 143. (1) A person who owns or operates a...
Article 15 - (288.710...288.719)
Section 288.710 - Manufacturing Dry Milk Products; Duties of Plant Owner or Operator. - Sec. 150. A person who owns or operates a plant...
Section 288.711 - Condensed Products; Temperature; Use of Surge, Balance, or Storage Tank. - Sec. 151. (1) A person may transport to a drying...
Section 288.712 - Dry Products. - Sec. 152. (1) A person shall operate a dryer at...
Section 288.713 - Dry Milk Product Repackaging Operator; Duties. - Sec. 153. (1) A person conducting a dry milk product...
Section 288.714 - Dryers, Conveyors, Sifters, and Storage Bins; Cleaning. - Sec. 154. Dryers, conveyors, sifters, and storage bins shall be...
Section 288.715 - Manufacturing, Processing, and Packaging Butter; Duties of Plant Owner or Operator. - Sec. 155. A person who owns or operates a plant...
Section 288.716 - Sale of Butter; Requirements. - Sec. 156. A person shall not sell, offer for sale...
Section 288.717 - Butter; Grading Standards. - Sec. 157. (1) Only a grader approved by the department...
Section 288.718 - Butter; Chlorinating Facilities; Contamination Prevention; Containers or Packaging Materials. - Sec. 158. (1) The department may require a plant to...
Section 288.719 - Parchment Liners, Wrappers, and Other Packaging Material; Protection Against Contamination. - Sec. 159. A person who owns or operates a plant...
Article 17 - (288.730...288.740)
Section 288.730 - Cheese; Duties of Manufacturer or Processor. - Sec. 170. A person that manufactures or processes cheese shall...
Section 288.731 - Manufacturing or Processing Cheese; Pasteurization Temperature and Time Standards; Equipment. - Sec. 171. (1) A person that manufactures or processes cheese...
Section 288.732 - Cheese; Additional Duties of Manufacturer or Processor. - Sec. 172. In addition to the requirements imposed under section...
Section 288.733 - Supplying Processed Cheese to Filler or Slice Former; Requirements. - Sec. 173. Hot fluid cheese from cookers may be held...
Section 288.734 - Evaporated, Condensed, or Sterilized Dairy Products; Systems and Equipment Requirements. - Sec. 174. (1) A person that manufactures, processes, or packages...
Section 288.735 - Frozen Dessert; Pasteurization. - Sec. 175. (1) A person who manufactures frozen desserts shall...
Section 288.736 - Equipment; Compliance With Sanitary Standards. - Sec. 176. A person shall ensure that all new equipment...
Section 288.737 - Frozen Desserts; Temperature of Dairy Products Received in Fluid Form; Rerun Standards; Packaging; Labeling. - Sec. 177. (1) A person shall ensure that milk, cream,...
Section 288.738 - Nonconforming New Frozen Dessert or Mix; Submission of Label for Review and Approval. - Sec. 178. New frozen desserts not conforming to existing standards...
Section 288.739 - Vehicle to Transport Mix, Frozen Desserts, and Ingredients; Construction and Operation; Cleaning. - Sec. 179. A person shall ensure that a vehicle including...
Section 288.740 - Mobile Frozen Dessert Plant; Requirements. - Sec. 180. A person that owns or operates a mobile...