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Section 288.690 - Milk for Human Consumption; Compliance With Requirements for Eradication of Tuberculosis and Brucellosis; Prohibited Sale; Disposal; Milking Barn or Milking Parlor; Yard and Loafing Area; Duties of Person Obtaining Milk From Dairy A... - Sec. 130. (1) A person who offers milk to the...
Section 288.691 - Transporting Milk; Vehicles; Duties of Licensed Bulk Milk Hauler/sampler; Testing of Milk by Dairy Plant, Transfer Station, or Receiving Station. - Sec. 131. (1) The department shall issue a license or...
Section 288.692 - Load Samples; Testing for Violative Drug Residue; Disposal of Milk Testing Positive; Identification of Producer of Milk Testing Positive; Copies of Test Results; Processing or Availability of Raw Milk; Milk Exceeding Certain Limits;... - Sec. 132. (1) All milk shipped for processing or intended...
Section 288.693 - Examination of Test Results and Inspection of Dairy Farms; Frequency. - Sec. 133. The department may examine test results and inspect...
Section 288.694 - Failure of Producer to Meet Minimum Quality Standards. - Sec. 134. (1) A producer who fails to meet minimum...
Section 288.695 - Incoming Raw Milk and Manufactured Dairy Products; Samples. - Sec. 135. Incoming raw milk and manufactured dairy products shall...
Section 288.696 - Pasteurized Milk and Dairy Products; Sale; Processing as Low-Acid Foods. - Sec. 136. (1) Only pasteurized milk and dairy products shall...
Section 288.697 - “Pasteurization” and “Pasteurized”; Temperature and Time Relationships. - Sec. 137. The terms "pasteurization", "pasteurized", and similar terms mean...
Section 288.698 - Manufacture of Cheese; Use of Unpasteurized Milk. - Sec. 138. Unpasteurized milk may be used in the manufacture...
Section 288.699 - Milk and Dairy Products; Pasteurization Required; Cooling; Equipment; Temperature; Ingredients Added Before or After Pasteurization; Repasteurized Condensed Milk; Design and Operation of Pasteurization Equipment. - Sec. 139. (1) Except as provided in section 138, all...
Section 288.700 - Manufacturing Milk Into Dairy Product; Duties of Plant Owner or Operator. - Sec. 140. A person who owns or operates a plant...
Section 288.701 - Manufacturing Milk Into Dairy Product; Additional Duties of Plant Owner or Operator. - Sec. 141. A person who owns or operates a plant...
Section 288.702 - Dairy Plant Employee; Requirements. - Sec. 142. A person employed by a dairy plant shall...
Section 288.703 - Owner or Operator of Dairy Plant; Duties; Package Labels; Advertising. - Sec. 143. (1) A person who owns or operates a...