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Article I - (288.471...288.477)
Section 288.471 - Short Title. - Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be...
Section 288.472 - Definitions; A. - Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) "Adulterated" means...
Section 288.473 - Definitions; B to G. - Sec. 3. As used in this act: (a) "Bulk milk...
Section 288.474 - Definitions; I to M. - Sec. 4. As used in this act: (a) "Imminent or...
Section 288.475 - Definitions; M to O. - Sec. 5. As used in this act: (a) "Milk tank...
Section 288.476 - Definitions; P to S. - Sec. 6. As used in this act: (a) "Pasteurized milk...
Section 288.477 - Definitions; T to W. - Sec. 7. As used in this act: (a) "Transfer station"...
Article II - (288.490...288.495)
Section 288.490 - Administration of Act and Promulgation of Rules; Adoption and Incorporation by Reference of Pasteurized Milk Ordinance; "Regulatory Agency" Amended; Water for Milk Operations and Purposes. - Sec. 20. (1) The department shall administer this act and...
Section 288.491 - Imposition of Different Standards or Requirements Prohibited; Out-of-State Produced Milk or Milk Products. - Sec. 21. (1) A political subdivision of the state shall...
Section 288.492 - Inspecting, Sampling, and Investigating Conditions; Authority of Director to Enter Premises or Vehicles. - Sec. 22. The director, after proper identification, is authorized and...
Section 288.493 - Seizure; Procedures. - Sec. 23. The director may seize or hold for investigation...
Section 288.494 - Declaration of Imminent Health Hazard; Findings; Prohibited Conduct; Dairy Animals Classified as Tuberculosis Reactors. - Sec. 24. (1) Whenever the director finds in any dairy...
Section 288.495 - Repeal of MCL 288.21 to 288.29a and R 285.408.1 to R 285.408.5. - Sec. 25. (1) The fluid milk act of 1965, 1965...
Article III - (288.500...288.506)
Section 288.500 - Licensing Required; Prohibited Conduct; Compliance With Act; Temporary License or Permit; State Agencies Operating Dairy Facilities; Applicant for Initial Grade a Dairy Farm Permit; Examination of Books, Records, and Accounts; Appli... - Sec. 30. (1) A person shall not do any of...
Section 288.501 - Milk Plant License; Application; Form; Renewal; Fees; Deposit; New Construction, Remodeling, and Equipment Changes; Late Fee; Total Fees. - Sec. 31. (1) An applicant for an initial license as...
Section 288.502 - Certified Industry Farm Inspectors; License Fee; Requirements. - Sec. 32. (1) Each certified industry farm inspector shall pay...
Section 288.503 - Activities Requiring License or Permit; Fees; License Renewals; Application for Initial Grade a Dairy Farm Permit; Rates; Payment; Submission of Invoice by Milk Buyer; Assessment of Plan Review Fee; Fee for Consecutive Reinspections... - Sec. 33. (1) Each receiving station or transfer station must...
Section 288.503a - Receipt of Completed Application; Issuance of License Within Certain Time Period; "Completed Application" Defined. - Sec. 33a. (1) The department shall issue an initial or...
Section 288.504 - Temporary License or Permit. - Sec. 34. The director may issue a temporary license or...
Section 288.505 - Special License Fees or Taxes. - Sec. 35. A political subdivision of the state shall not...
Section 288.506 - Access to Markets for Grade a Milk and Milk Products; Certificate of Free Sale; Application; Fees; "Certificate of Free Sale" Defined. - Sec. 36. (1) To facilitate continued access to markets for...
Article IV - (288.510...288.518)
Section 288.510 - Purchasing Milk for Resale or Manufacture Into Another Product; Payment; Manner; Dates; Issuance of Check; Notation. - Sec. 40. (1) A person purchasing milk for resale or...
Section 288.511 - Security Device as Condition to Issuance and Maintenance of License; Exemption. - Sec. 41. (1) The department shall revoke or deny a...
Section 288.512 - Milk Plant Not Providing Security Device; Audited or Verified Financial Statement; Requirements. - Sec. 42. (1) A licensee or applicant for a license...
Section 288.513 - Other Forms of Security; Terms and Conditions; Value. - Sec. 43. (1) A licensee or applicant for a license...
Section 288.514 - Prepayment. - Sec. 44. A licensee or applicant for licensure as a...
Section 288.515 - Cancellation or Modification of Security Device; Milk Plant as First Receiving Point for Milk; Milk Sold in Interstate Commerce; Choice of Independent Audit or Voluntary Security Modification; Cost of Audit; Payment; Failure of Milk... - Sec. 45. (1) A milk plant shall not cancel or...
Section 288.516 - Change in Security Device; Circumstances; Decision by Department to Require Modification of Security Device; Notice to Producers Shipping Milk. - Sec. 46. (1) A milk plant may request a change...
Section 288.517 - Breach of Secured Obligation; Filing Verified Proof of Claim or Evidence of Default; Entry of Department Order Requiring Creditors to File Claims; Publication of Order; Audit by Department; Order Allowing or Disallowing Each Claim;... - Sec. 47. (1) A person injured by the breach of...
Section 288.518 - License Issued, Renewed, or Modified; Notice to Producers Delivering Milk; Form. - Sec. 48. The department shall notify producers delivering milk to...
Article V - (288.520...288.530)
Section 288.520 - Conduct Resulting in Revocation, Suspension, or Summary Suspension of License or Permit; Administrative Action; Notice to Each Producer; Time Period for Licensee or Permittee to Regain Compliance and Reinstatement. - Sec. 50. (1) The director may revoke or suspend the...
Section 288.521 - Immediate Discontinuation of Operation; Eligibility for Reinstatement; Order of Summary Suspension; Effect of Order During Proceedings. - Sec. 51. (1) A person whose license or permit has...
Section 288.522 - Conduct as Misdemeanor; Penalty. - Sec. 52. A person, alone or through an agent, as...
Section 288.523 - Violation of Act by Producer; Sanctions and Administrative Fines; Procedure. - Sec. 53. (1) The director shall impose upon a producer...
Section 288.524 - Restraining Order. - Sec. 54. In addition to the remedies otherwise provided in...
Section 288.530 - Packaged Milk Products; Label Requirements; Advertisements. - Sec. 60. (1) Packaged milk products shall be labeled as...
Article VI - (288.531...288.540)
Section 288.531 - Bulk Milk Hauler/sampler; Requirements for Picking Up Milk; Measurement; Pickup Record; Information; Copies; Responsibility of Driver for Official Samples. - Sec. 61. (1) A bulk milk hauler/sampler shall not take...
Section 288.532 - Bulk Milk Hauler/sampler; Duties. - Sec. 62. (1) During a pickup, a bulk milk hauler/sampler...
Section 288.533 - Bulk Milk Hauler/sampler; Partial Pickups; Thermometer; Sample Transfer Instrument and Transport Case; Hose Port; Compliance With Pasteurized Milk Ordinance. - Sec. 63. (1) A bulk milk hauler/sampler shall not adulterate...
Section 288.534 - Milk Transport Truck; Requirements. - Sec. 64. (1) The milk transportation company shall be responsible...
Section 288.535 - Farm Tank; Requirements. - Sec. 65. (1) A farm tank on a dairy farm...
Section 288.536 - Care and Handling of Milk Samples; Substantial Compliance. - Sec. 66. The care and handling of milk samples by...
Section 288.537 - Analysis; Responsibilities; Methods; Acceptance or Rejection. - Sec. 67. (1) Methods of analysis, including butterfat analysis, shall...
Section 288.538 - Pasteurized Milk and Milk Products Offered for Sale; Requirements. - Sec. 68. (1) Only pasteurized milk and milk products shall...
Section 288.539 - Sell-by Date; Requirements. - Sec. 69. (1) Each processor and manufacturer of milk and...
Section 288.540 - Effective Date. - Sec. 70. This act takes effect 30 days after enactment....