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Section 288.490 - Administration of Act and Promulgation of Rules; Adoption and Incorporation by Reference of Pasteurized Milk Ordinance; "Regulatory Agency" Amended; Water for Milk Operations and Purposes. - Sec. 20. (1) The department shall administer this act and...
Section 288.491 - Imposition of Different Standards or Requirements Prohibited; Out-of-State Produced Milk or Milk Products. - Sec. 21. (1) A political subdivision of the state shall...
Section 288.492 - Inspecting, Sampling, and Investigating Conditions; Authority of Director to Enter Premises or Vehicles. - Sec. 22. The director, after proper identification, is authorized and...
Section 288.493 - Seizure; Procedures. - Sec. 23. The director may seize or hold for investigation...
Section 288.494 - Declaration of Imminent Health Hazard; Findings; Prohibited Conduct; Dairy Animals Classified as Tuberculosis Reactors. - Sec. 24. (1) Whenever the director finds in any dairy...
Section 288.495 - Repeal of MCL 288.21 to 288.29a and R 285.408.1 to R 285.408.5. - Sec. 25. (1) The fluid milk act of 1965, 1965...