Michigan Compiled Laws
Article 11 - (288.670...288.686)
Section 288.682 - Breach of Obligation; Proof of Claim or Evidence of Default; Order Requiring Filing of Claims by Creditors; Publication of Notice; Notice of Allowance or Disallowance; Action by Attorney General; Distribution; Other Liens, Security,...

Sec. 122.
(1) A person injured by the breach of an obligation secured by a security device described in section 117, 118, or 119, including a producer and a person representing a commodity check-off program, may file with the department a verified proof of claim or other evidence of default. Upon receipt of a verified proof of claim or other evidence of default, the department may issue an order requiring each interested creditor, as may be known to the department, to file a verified proof of claim before a certain date or be barred from participating in any recovery made by the department.
(2) The department shall provide notice of the entry of an order issued under subsection (1) by posting a copy of the order on the premises described in the license and by publication in accordance with the Michigan court rules that govern service of process by publication. Publication shall be completed at least 30 days before the final date for the filing of claims.
(3) The department shall make the necessary audit and issue an order allowing or disallowing each claim presented. Within 30 days of that order, the department shall send to the principal and surety, by certified mail, notice of allowance or disallowance and request for the payment. The department shall demand and may collect and receive from the licensee, or from the surety or sureties of the licensee the amount determined to be necessary to satisfy the claims with interest at the judgment rate computed from the date of loss. The department may request that the department of attorney general commence an action for that purpose in a court of competent jurisdiction. If the attorney general prevails in whole or in part, the court shall award interest from the date of loss at the judgment rate. Upon receipt of money paid in partial or complete satisfaction of a claim as provided in this section, the department shall distribute to the claimant in accordance with the order allowing the claim, in full or proportionally.
(4) This section does not affect or impair any other lien, security, or priority for the claim or judgment.
History: 2001, Act 267, Eff. Feb. 8, 2002

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 288 - Dairy Industry

Act 267 of 2001 - Manufacturing Milk Law of 2001 (288.561 - 288.740)

Article 11 - (288.670...288.686)

Section 288.670 - License or Permit.

Section 288.670a - Receipt of Completed Application for Initial or Renewal License; Issuance of License Within Certain Time Period; "Completed Application" Defined.

Section 288.670b - "Pasteurized Milk Ordinance" Defined; License to Conduct Certified Industry Manufacturing Farm Inspections; License Fee; Inspections; Authorization by Director.

Section 288.671 - Milk Products Manufactured at Retail Food Establishments; Exemption.

Section 288.672 - Unlicensed Dairy Plant or Previously Denied License Dairy Plant; Application for License; Investigation of Sanitary Conditions.

Section 288.673 - Noncompliance With Act or Rule; Revocation or Suspension of License or Permit; Administrative Fine; Notice; Findings; Operation of Business or Activity; Reinstatement.

Section 288.674 - Summary Suspension of License or Permit; Findings; Compliance and Reinstatement; Order.

Section 288.675 - Purchasing Milk for Resale or Manufacture Into Another Product; Payment to Producer; Manner and Dates; Violation; Issuance of Check.

Section 288.676 - Condition to Issuance and Maintenance of License; Security Required; Exemption.

Section 288.677 - Audited Financial Statement.

Section 288.678 - Other Forms of Security; Request for Information From Financial and Insurance Services of Department of Consumer and Industry Services.

Section 288.679 - Cash Prepayments.

Section 288.680 - Cancellation or Modification of Security by Dairy Plant; Notice Required; Manner; Increase in Amount Due and Accrued; Applicability to Dairy Products in Interstate Commerce; Disclosure of Financial and Product Information; Audited F...

Section 288.681 - Change in Security Device; Circumstances Requiring Dairy Plant to Provide Change or Increase; Notice Sent by Department to Dairy Plant; Notice to Producers.

Section 288.682 - Breach of Obligation; Proof of Claim or Evidence of Default; Order Requiring Filing of Claims by Creditors; Publication of Notice; Notice of Allowance or Disallowance; Action by Attorney General; Distribution; Other Liens, Security,...

Section 288.683 - Notice to Producers of Type of Security Device Used; Form; Qualifications for Dairy Plant License.

Section 288.684 - Conduct as Misdemeanor; Penalty.

Section 288.685 - Selling Milk Found Positive for Violative Drug Residues; Sanctions and Administrative Fines.

Section 288.686 - Restraining Order.