44-510c. Compensation for permanent total and temporary total disabilities. Where death does not result from the injury, compensation shall be paid as provided in K.S.A. 44-510h and 44-510i, and amendments thereto, and as follows:
(a) (1) Where permanent total disability results from the injury, weekly payments shall be made during the period of permanent total disability in a sum equal to 662/3% of the average weekly wage of the injured employee, computed as provided in K.S.A. 44-511, and amendments thereto, but in no case less than $25 per week nor more than the dollar amount nearest to 75% of the state's average weekly wage, determined as provided in K.S.A. 44-511, and amendments thereto, per week. The payment of compensation for permanent total disability shall continue for the duration of such disability, subject to review and modification as provided in K.S.A. 44-528, and amendments thereto.
(2) Permanent total disability exists when the employee, on account of the injury, has been rendered completely and permanently incapable of engaging in any type of substantial and gainful employment. Expert evidence shall be required to prove permanent total disability.
(3) An injured worker shall not be eligible to receive more than one award of workers compensation permanent total disability in such worker's lifetime.
(b) (1) Where temporary total disability results from the injury, no compensation shall be paid during the first week of disability, except that provided in K.S.A. 44-510h and 44-510i, and amendments thereto, unless the temporary total disability exists for three consecutive weeks, in which case compensation shall be paid for the first week of such disability. Thereafter weekly payments shall be made during such temporary total disability, in a sum equal to 662/3% of the average gross weekly wage of the injured employee, computed as provided in K.S.A. 44-511, and amendments thereto, but in no case less than $25 per week nor more than the dollar amount nearest to 75% of the state's average weekly wage, determined as provided in K.S.A. 44-511, and amendments thereto, per week.
(2) (A) Temporary total disability exists when the employee, on account of the injury, has been rendered completely and temporarily incapable of engaging in any type of substantial and gainful employment. A release issued by a health care provider with temporary restrictions for an employee may or may not be determinative of the employee's actual ability to be engaged in any type of substantial and gainful employment, provided that if there is an authorized treating physician, such physician's opinion regarding the employee's work status shall be presumed to be determinative.
(B) Where the employee remains employed with the employer against whom benefits are sought, an employee shall be entitled to temporary total disability benefits if the authorized treating physician imposed temporary restrictions as a result of the work injury which the employer cannot accommodate. A refusal by the employee of accommodated work within the temporary restrictions imposed by the authorized treating physician shall result in a rebuttable presumption that the employee is ineligible to receive temporary total disability benefits.
(C) If the employee has been terminated for cause or voluntarily resigns following a compensable injury, the employer shall not be liable for temporary total disability benefits if the employer could have accommodated the temporary restrictions imposed by the authorized treating physician but for the employee's separation from employment.
(3) Where no award has been entered, a return by the employee to any type of substantial and gainful employment shall suspend the employee's right to the payment of temporary total disability compensation, but shall not affect any right the employee may have to compensation for partial disability in accordance with K.S.A. 44-510d and 44-510e, and amendments thereto.
(4) An employee shall not be entitled to receive temporary total disability benefits for those weeks during which the employee is also receiving unemployment benefits.
(c) When any permanent total disability or temporary total disability is followed by partial disability, compensation shall be paid as provided in K.S.A. 44-510d and 44-510e, and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1968, ch. 102, § 5; L. 1970, ch. 190, § 5; L. 1974, ch. 203, § 12; L. 1979, ch. 156, § 6; L. 1987, ch. 187, § 5; L. 1990, ch. 183, § 3; L. 1993, ch. 286, § 32; L. 2000, ch. 160, § 8; L. 2011, ch. 55, § 7; May 15.
Structure Kansas Statutes
Chapter 44 - Labor And Industries
Article 5 - Workers Compensation
44-501b Legislative intent; employer obligation, burden of proof; liability.
44-501c Public service benefits protection act.
44-502 Reservation of penalties.
44-503a Multiple employment; apportionment of liability.
44-503c Employment status of an owner-operator of a motor vehicle; definitions.
44-505b County as self-insurer; establishment of reserve fund; retransfers.
44-505c Local political and taxing subdivision; payment of workmen's compensation coverage.
44-505f City as self-insurer; establishment of reserve fund; retransfers.
44-506 Application of act to certain businesses or employments, lands and premises.
44-509 Incapacitated workman or dependent; exercise of rights; limitation of actions.
44-510c Compensation for permanent total and temporary total disabilities.
44-510d Compensation for certain permanent partial disabilities; computation thereof; schedule.
44-510f Employer's maximum liability for disability compensation; credit for unearned wages.
44-510j Medical benefits; fee disputes; utilization and peer review.
44-510l Warning notice to injured employee.
44-511 Definitions; average weekly wage; volunteers; state's average weekly wage.
44-512 Time and manner of compensation payments.
44-512b Failure to pay compensation prior to award without just cause; interest, penalty.
44-513a Minors entitled to compensation; payment.
44-513b Same; act supplemental.
44-514 Payments not assignable; exception, orders for support.
44-516 Medical examination by neutral health care provider.
44-518 Refusal of medical examination; effect.
44-519 Certificate of health care provider as evidence.
44-525 Form of findings and awards; effective date.
44-526 Filing agreements, awards, etc.
44-528 Review and modification of awards; reinstatement; cancellation; effective date.
44-529 Judgment on agreement or awards.
44-530 Staying proceedings upon an award.
44-531 Redemption of liability; lump-sum payment of award; exception.
44-534 Proceedings; time limitations; electronic filing system authorized.
44-535 When the right to compensation accrues.
44-536a Signing of pleadings, motions and other documents; liability for frivolous filings.
44-542a Election by individual employer, partner or self-employed person.
44-543 Election by certain employees.
44-545 Defenses available in certain cases.
44-550 Records of proceedings, documents; custody and preservation.
44-550b Records open to public inspection, exceptions.
44-552 Record of hearing; certified shorthand reporter; transcript; costs.
44-555 Reporter's fees, assessment.
44-556a Transfer of appeals due to constitutional defect.
44-559 Insurance against liability; form and contents of policy.
44-562 Reports to insurance commissioner; inspection.
44-566 Workers compensation fund to facilitate employment of handicapped workers; definitions.
44-569a Same; employer or insurance carrier reimbursed from fund, when.
44-572 Same; review; modification or cancellation of awards.
44-573 Rules and regulations; filing.
44-574 Construing and citing workers compensation laws; severability.
44-578 Same; administrative rules and regulations.
44-579 Same; copies of accident reports to secretary of administration.
44-580 Same; construction of 44-575 to 44-580.
44-581 Group-funded workers compensation pools; requirements.
44-582 Same; certificate of authority; application; commissioner's review of surplus funds.
44-583 Same; irrevocable consent; service of process on commissioner of insurance.
44-584 Same; certificate of authority, renewal, suspension, revocation; examinations.
44-585 Same; premiums; contributions; deposit of premiums; refunds.
44-586 Same; premiums; use; investments.
44-588 Same; premium tax; payment.
44-589 Same; assessments; subject to article 24 of chapter 40 of Kansas Statutes Annotated.
44-590 Same; new members; application; termination.
44-591 Same; board of trustees; duties.
44-592 Same; licensing of persons soliciting workers compensation insurance.
44-593 Reorganization of pool agreement under 12-2216 et seq.
44-594 Same; confidentiality of certain financial information.
44-5,102 Same; distribution upon notice of injury; preparation and dissemination.
44-5,117 Mediation conferences.
44-5,121 Same; cause of action to recover economic losses.
44-5,123 Same; immunity from civil liability for reporting information in good faith.
44-5,124 Assistant attorney general; appointment within division of workers compensation; duties.