Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 446k - Water Pollution Control
Section 22a-513. - Regional water pollution control authorities: State not to impair obligations of authorities.

The state of Connecticut does hereby pledge to and agree with the holders of any bonds and notes issued under sections 22a-500 to 22a-519, inclusive, and with those parties who may enter into contracts with an authority or its successor agency pursuant to the provisions of sections 22a-500 to 22a-519, inclusive, that the state will not limit or alter the rights hereby vested in the authority until such obligations, together with the interest thereon, are fully met and discharged and such contracts are fully performed on the part of the authority, provided nothing contained in this section shall preclude such limitation or alteration if and when adequate provisions shall be made by law for the protection of the holders of such bonds and notes of the authority or those entering into such contracts with the authority. Any authority may include this pledge and undertaking for the state in such bonds and notes or contracts.

(P.A. 95-329, S. 23, 31.)
History: P.A. 95-329, S. 23 effective July 13, 1995.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 22a - Environmental Protection

Chapter 446k - Water Pollution Control

Section 22a-416. (Formerly Sec. 25-26). - Pollution of waterways. Qualifications of operators. Delegation of authority.

Section 22a-417. (Formerly Sec. 25-26a). - Discharge of sewage into tributaries of water supply impoundments or Salmon River.

Section 22a-418. (Formerly Sec. 25-27). - Complaints concerning pollution of waters; investigation; orders.

Section 22a-422. (Formerly Sec. 25-54a). - Declaration of policy.

Section 22a-423. (Formerly Sec. 25-54b). - Definitions.

Section 22a-424. (Formerly Sec. 25-54c). - Powers and duties of commissioner.

Section 22a-424a. - Map of anticipated sewer overflows and sewage spills. Notice of reported sewage spills and permitted sewage bypasses. Electronic reporting of sewage spill and permitted sewage bypass. Notice to municipal chief elected official, lo...

Section 22a-425. (Formerly Sec. 25-54d). - Records.

Section 22a-426. (Formerly Sec. 25-54e). - Standards of water quality.

Section 22a-427. (Formerly Sec. 25-54f). - Pollution or discharge of wastes prohibited.

Section 22a-428. (Formerly Sec. 25-54g). - Orders to municipalities to abate pollution.

Section 22a-428a. - State-wide strategy to reduce phosphorus loading in inland nontidal waters.

Section 22a-429. (Formerly Sec. 25-54h). - Order to person to abate pollution.

Section 22a-430. (Formerly Sec. 25-54i). - Permit for new discharge. Regulations. Renewal. Special category permits or approvals. Limited delegation. General permits.

Section 22a-430a. - Delegation of authority to issue certain permits to municipal water pollution control authorities.

Section 22a-430b. - General permits. Certifications by qualified professionals. Regulations.

Section 22a-430c. - Annual inventory of persons and municipalities in significant noncompliance.

Section 22a-431. (Formerly Sec. 25-54j). - Periodic investigation of discharges. Order to abate or submit information.

Section 22a-432. (Formerly Sec. 25-54k). - Order to correct potential sources of pollution.

Section 22a-433. (Formerly Sec. 25-54l). - Order to landowner.

Section 22a-434. (Formerly Sec. 25-54m). - Filing of order on land records.

Section 22a-434a. - Notice of contaminated wells; abatement of contamination or abandonment of well to be on land records.

Section 22a-435. (Formerly Sec. 25-54n). - Injunction.

Section 22a-436. (Formerly Sec. 25-54o). - Hearing on order to abate.

Section 22a-437. (Formerly Sec. 25-54p). - Appeal.

Section 22a-438. (Formerly Sec. 25-54q). - Forfeiture for violations. Penalties.

Section 22a-439. (Formerly Sec. 25-54r). - State grant for sewers and pollution abatement facilities. Commissioner to adopt regulations.

Section 22a-439a. - Funds for construction of facilities by state agencies.

Section 22a-439b. - Southeastern Connecticut Water Authority may acquire and operate sewerage systems.

Section 22a-440. (Formerly Sec. 25-54s). - Grants for storm and sanitary sewer separation programs, pollution abatement facilities.

Section 22a-441. (Formerly Sec. 25-54t). - Grants for prior construction.

Section 22a-442. (Formerly Sec. 25-54u). - State advances in anticipation of federal funds for construction of facility.

Section 22a-443. (Formerly Sec. 25-54v). - State advance in anticipation of federal funds for contract plans and specifications.

Section 22a-444. (Formerly Sec. 25-54x). - Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection to administer funds.

Section 22a-445. (Formerly Sec. 25-54y). - Commissioner to accept federal aid. Cooperation with other agencies, municipalities, states.

Section 22a-446. (Formerly Sec. 25-54z). - Bond issue.

Section 22a-446a. - Uniform tipping fee at facilities disposing of septic tank pumpings.

Section 22a-447. (Formerly Sec. 25-54aa). - Prior orders, directives and decisions continued in force.

Section 22a-448. (Formerly Sec. 25-54bb). - Pollution by chemical liquid, hazardous waste, oil or petroleum, waste oil or solid, liquid or gaseous products: Definitions.

Section 22a-449. (Formerly Sec. 25-54cc). - Duties and powers of commissioner re sources of potential pollution or damage. Licenses. Regulations. Nonresidential underground storage tank systems.

Section 22a-449a. - Definitions.

Section 22a-449b. - Portion of petroleum products gross earnings tax credited to underground storage tank petroleum clean-up account.

Section 22a-449c. - Underground storage tank petroleum clean-up program. Applications for payment or reimbursement.

Section 22a-449d. - Payment and reimbursement from the program. Guidelines for reasonable cost determinations. Payment to registered contractors.

Section 22a-449e. - Regulations. Schedule for maximum or range of amounts to be paid from the program. Use of seal.

Section 22a-449f. - Application for reimbursement for claims resulting from release of petroleum.

Section 22a-449g. - Appeals.

Section 22a-449h. - Extension of time to replace school underground storage tank systems.

Section 22a-449i. - Authority of commissioners unaffected.

Section 22a-449j. - Immunity from liability to the state for certain residential underground heating oil storage tank systems.

Section 22a-449k. - Residential underground heating oil storage tank replacement contractors. Registration. Fees.

Section 22a-449l. - Remediation costs of removal or replacement of certain residential underground heating oil storage tank systems. Payment for services commenced prior to July 1, 2001. Procedures.

Section 22a-449m. - Standards for remediation of soil and replacement of residential underground heating oil storage tank systems.

Section 22a-449n. - Remediation costs of removal or replacement of certain residential underground heating oil storage tank systems. Payment for services commenced on or after July 1, 2001. Procedures.

Section 22a-449o. - Requirement for double-walled underground storage tanks.

Section 22a-449p. - Milestones for investigation and remediation of a release.

Section 22a-449q. - Storage of underground storage tank system records.

Section 22a-449r. - Underground storage tank clean-up program. Distribution of funds. Order of priority. Reduced payment election.

Section 22a-449s. - Underground storage tank petroleum clean-up program: Cancellation. Unavailability of program to demonstrate financial responsibility. Determination of applicability.

Section 22a-449t. - Underground storage tank petroleum clean-up program: Prohibitions on applications. Exceptions.

Section 22a-449u. - Bond authorization for underground storage tank petroleum clean-up program.

Section 22a-449v. - Underground storage tank general liability insurance policy. Cancellation restriction.

Section 22a-450. (Formerly Sec. 25-54dd). - Report of discharge, spill, loss, seepage or filtration. Regulations.

Section 22a-450a. - Elimination of MTBE as gasoline additive.

Section 22a-451. (Formerly Sec. 25-54ee). - Liability for pollution, contamination or emergency.

Section 22a-451a. - Annual report.

Section 22a-451b. - Expenditures by agencies paid from emergency spill response account.

Section 22a-452. (Formerly Sec. 25-54ff). - Reimbursement for containment or removal costs. Liability for certain acts or omissions.

Section 22a-452a. - State lien against real estate as security for amounts paid to clean up or to remove hazardous waste. Notice and hearing.

Section 22a-452b. - Exemptions.

Section 22a-452c. - Definition of “spill”.

Section 22a-452d. - Limitation on liability of innocent landowners: Definitions.

Section 22a-452e. - Limitation on liability of innocent landowners.

Section 22a-452f. - Exemption from liability for certain lenders.

Section 22a-453. (Formerly Sec. 25-54gg). - Coordination of activities with other agencies. Contracts for services.

Section 22a-453a. - Oil spill contingency planning and coordination.

Section 22a-454. (Formerly Sec. 25-54hh). - Permit for collection, storage or treatment, containment, removal or disposal of certain substances, materials or wastes: Suspension or revocation. Prohibition of disposal of certain hazardous wastes in a l...

Section 22a-454a. - Closure plans. Fees. Regulations.

Section 22a-454b. - Groundwater monitoring. Fees. Regulations.

Section 22a-454c. - Annual fees. Generators of acutely hazardous waste. Facilities.

Section 22a-455 to 22a-457. (Formerly Secs. 25-54ii to 25-54kk). - Vessel operator to post bond. Other evidence of financial responsibility. Penalty.

Section 22a-457a. - Floating boom retention devices required, when. Regulations.

Section 22a-457b. - Limited immunity for certain persons responding to oil spills.

Section 22a-458. (Formerly Sec. 25-54ll). - Water pollution control authority, mandatory establishment by municipality.

Section 22a-458a and 22a-458b. - Water pollution control authority; reports. Submission of municipal assessment to commissioner.

Section 22a-459. (Formerly Sec. 25-54mm). - Failure to establish water pollution control authority, violation. Penalties.

Section 22a-460. (Formerly Sec. 25-54nn). - Detergents: Definitions.

Section 22a-461. (Formerly Sec. 25-54oo). - Labeling of detergents. Restrictions on sale or use. Certain sewage system additives prohibited. Penalty.

Section 22a-462. (Formerly Sec. 25-54pp). - Sale of certain detergents prohibited: Excepted uses. Regulations.

Section 22a-462a. - Microbead prohibitions. Regulations. Study. Penalty.

Section 22a-462b. - Microfiber pollution working group. Consumer awareness and education program. Requirements. Membership. Report.

Section 22a-463. (Formerly Sec. 25-54rr). Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB - Definitions.

Section 22a-464. (Formerly Sec. 25-54ss). - Restrictions on manufacture, sale or use of PCB.

Section 22a-465. (Formerly Sec. 25-54tt). - Use of PCB in closed systems. Incidental amounts of PCB permitted.

Section 22a-466. (Formerly Sec. 25-54uu). - Exemptions.

Section 22a-467. (Formerly Sec. 25-54vv). - Disposition of PCB regulated.

Section 22a-468. (Formerly Sec. 25-54ww). - Regulations.

Section 22a-469. (Formerly Sec. 25-54xx). - Penalty.

Section 22a-469a. - Incineration of PCB by public service companies.

Section 22a-470. (Formerly Sec. 25-54yy). - Relocation or removal of public service facilities as necessary for construction of municipal sewer or pollution abatement facilities.

Section 22a-471. - Pollution of groundwaters. Orders to provide potable drinking water. Grants to municipalities. Hearing on order to abate. Appeal. Injunction. Forfeiture for violations. Orders to persons engaged in agriculture for contamination of...

Section 22a-471a. - Exemption from potable drinking water orders for persons engaged in agriculture.

Section 22a-471b. - “Person engaged in agriculture” defined.

Section 22a-472. - Hydraulic fracturing waste, oil waste and natural gas waste. Definitions. Prohibitions. Permits. Information requests by Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection. Regulations. Oil and gas exploration. Preemption.

Section 22a-473. - Exploratory drilling for oil or gas restricted.

Section 22a-474. - Regulations re storage of road salt.

Section 22a-474a. - Green Snow Pro training. State, municipal and private roadside applicators. Report.

Section 22a-474b. - Green Snow Pro training. Registration of certification by commercial applicators. Violation. Order. Regulations.

Section 22a-474c. - Sodium chloride run-off. Home or well damage. Health district electronic reporting system. Reporting. Identification of state or federal financial resources. Criteria and procedures.

Section 22a-474d. - Sodium and chloride drinking water testing. Residential water treatment systems installers provision of customer information. Requirement.

Section 22a-475. - Clean Water Fund: Definitions.

Section 22a-476. - Legislative finding.

Section 22a-477. - Clean Water Fund: Accounts and subaccounts.

Section 22a-478. - Eligible water quality projects. Eligible drinking water projects. Project grants. Grant account loans.

Section 22a-479. - Municipal approval of project funding agreements and obligations. Municipal bonds.

Section 22a-480. - Construction of provisions.

Section 22a-481. - Projects with prior funding.

Section 22a-482. - Regulations.

Section 22a-483. - Bond issue for Clean Water Fund projects. General obligation bonds. Revenue bonds.

Section 22a-483f. - Public water system improvement program.

Section 22a-484. - Evaluation of improvements to secondary clarifier operations.

Section 22a-485. - Plan required for maintenance of oxygen levels in Long Island Sound.

Section 22a-497. - Municipal stormwater authority pilot program. Priority municipalities. Application. Selection criteria. Grants.

Section 22a-498. - Creation of stormwater authority. Members. Purposes. Powers.

Section 22a-498a. - Municipal stormwater authority located in a distressed municipality. Powers.

Section 22a-498b. - Delinquent charges due to municipal stormwater authority. Liens.

Section 22a-499. - Joint report re pilot program.

Section 22a-499a. - Water pollution control authority located in a distressed municipality. Levy re stormwater control systems.

Section 22a-499b. - Delinquent charges due to water pollution control authority located in a distressed municipality. Liens.

Section 22a-500. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Definitions. Authorization. Directors. Membership. Termination.

Section 22a-501. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Powers.

Section 22a-502. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Budgets.

Section 22a-503. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Employees. Benefits.

Section 22a-504. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Acquisition of property. Construction of system. Notice. Hearing.

Section 22a-505. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Determination of compensation for taking of real property.

Section 22a-506. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Assessments, rates, fees, charges and penalties.

Section 22a-507. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Issuance of bonds. Use of proceeds.

Section 22a-508. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Sale of bonds.

Section 22a-509. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Bonding obligations.

Section 22a-510. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Bonds or notes executed by former officers.

Section 22a-511. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Execution, delivery and maturation of bonds.

Section 22a-512. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Effect of bonds on municipal indebtedness.

Section 22a-513. - Regional water pollution control authorities: State not to impair obligations of authorities.

Section 22a-514. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Tax exemption.

Section 22a-515. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Other municipal powers not affected.

Section 22a-516. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Bonds to be securities and negotiable instruments.

Section 22a-517. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Receipt of Clean Water Fund disbursements.

Section 22a-518. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Jurisdiction.

Section 22a-519. - Regional water pollution control authorities: Indemnification of officers. Representation of authority by Attorney General. Legal fees of officers.

Section 22a-521. - Nitrogen reduction in state waters: Definitions.

Section 22a-522. - General permit establishing effluent units for nitrogen.

Section 22a-523. - Nitrogen Credit Advisory Board.

Section 22a-524. - Nitrogen credit exchange program.

Section 22a-525. - Audit of annual operating data.

Section 22a-526. - Regulations.

Section 22a-527. - Annual value of equivalent nitrogen credits.