Code of Virginia
Chapter 13 - Programs, Courses of Instruction and Textbooks
§ 22.1-215. School divisions to provide special education; plan to be submitted to Board

Each school division shall provide free and appropriate education, including special education, for (i) the children with disabilities residing within its jurisdiction and (ii) the children with disabilities who do not reside within its jurisdiction but reside in the Commonwealth and are enrolled in a full-time virtual school program provided by the school division, in accordance with regulations of the Board of Education. A school division that is required to provide a free and appropriate education, including special education, for a nonresident student who is enrolled in its full-time virtual school program pursuant to this section shall be entitled to any federal and state funds applicable to the education of such student. In the case of a student who is a resident of the Commonwealth but does not reside in the school division in which he is enrolled in a full-time virtual school program, the school division in which the student resides shall be released from the obligation to provide a free and appropriate education, including special education, for such student.
For the purposes of this section, "children with disabilities, residing within its jurisdiction" shall include: (a) those individuals of school age identified as appropriate to be placed in public school programs who are residing in a state facility operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services located within the school division, or (b) those individuals of school age who are Virginia residents and are placed and living in a foster care home or child-caring institution or group home located within the school division and licensed under the provisions of Chapter 17 (§ 63.2-1700 et seq.) of Title 63.2 as a result of being in the custody of a local department of social services or welfare or being privately placed, not solely for school purposes.
The Board of Education shall promulgate regulations to identify those children placed within facilities operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services who are eligible to be appropriately placed in public school programs.
The cost of the education provided to children residing in state facilities who are appropriate to place within the public schools shall remain the responsibility of the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. The cost of the education provided to children who are not residents of the Commonwealth and are placed and living in a foster care home or child-caring institution or group home located within the school division and licensed under the provisions of Chapter 17 (§ 63.2-1700 et seq.) of Title 63.2 shall be billed to the sending agency or person by the school division as provided in subsection C of § 22.1-5. No school division shall refuse to educate any such child or charge tuition to any such child.
Each school division shall submit to the Board of Education in accordance with the schedule and by the date specified by the Board, a plan acceptable to the Board for such education for the period following and a report indicating the extent to which the plan required by law for the preceding period has been implemented. However, the schedule specified by the Board shall not require plans to be submitted more often than annually unless changes to the plan are required by federal or state law or regulation.
Each local school division shall complete a self-assessment and action planning instrument addressing inclusion practices, as developed by the Department, once every three years and report the results of the assessment and plans for improvement to the Department, the division's superintendent, the division's special education director, and the chairs of the local school board and local special education advisory committee.
Code 1950, § 22-10.5; 1974, c. 480; 1978, c. 386; 1980, c. 559; 1985, c. 158; 1988, c. 101; 1994, c. 854; 1996, cc. 583, 594; 2009, cc. 813, 840; 2012, cc. 476, 507; 2014, c. 433; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 451, 452.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 22.1 - Education

Chapter 13 - Programs, Courses of Instruction and Textbooks

§ 22.1-199. Kindergarten programs suitable for certain children

§ 22.1-199.1. Programs designed to promote educational opportunities

§ 22.1-199.2. Standards for remediation programs established

§ 22.1-199.3. Repealed

§ 22.1-199.4. At-Risk Student Academic Achievement Program and Fund

§ 22.1-199.5. After school programs for at-risk students

§ 22.1-199.6. Expired

§ 22.1-199.7. Community schools

§ 22.1-200. Subjects taught in elementary grades

§ 22.1-200.01. Alternatives to animal dissection

§ 22.1-200.02. Repealed

§ 22.1-200.03. Economics education and financial literacy required in middle and high school grades; Board of Education to establish objectives for economic education and financial literacy; banking-at-school programs

§ 22.1-200.1. Optional education programs for kindergarten through grade five

§ 22.1-200.2. Minimum instructional time; optional unstructured recreational time

§ 22.1-201. Study of documents of Virginia history and United States Constitution

§ 22.1-202. Instruction in history and principles of flags of United States and Virginia; pledge of allegiance to American flag; guidelines developed by the Board

§ 22.1-202.1. Comparative religion as elective course

§ 22.1-203. Daily observance of one minute of silence

§ 22.1-203.1. Student-initiated prayer

§ 22.1-203.2. Guidelines for constitutional compliance for student prayer

§ 22.1-203.3. Religious viewpoint expression; student expression

§ 22.1-203.4. Public high schools; Virginia voter registration

§ 22.1-204. Study of accident prevention

§ 22.1-204.1. Firearm safety education program

§ 22.1-204.2. Hunter safety education programs for students in grades seven through 12

§ 22.1-205. Driver education programs

§ 22.1-205.1. High school student parking passes; valid driver's license required

§ 22.1-206. Instruction concerning drugs, alcohol, substance abuse, tobacco and nicotine products, and gambling

§ 22.1-206.1. Lyme disease; instructional resources and materials

§ 22.1-206.2. Instruction concerning post-graduate opportunities for high school students

§ 22.1-207. Physical and health education

§ 22.1-207.1. Family life education

§ 22.1-207.1:1. Family life education; certain curricula and Standards of Learning

§ 22.1-207.2. Right of parents to review certain materials; summaries distributed

§ 22.1-207.2:1. Anti-bullying or suicide prevention materials; parental right to review

§ 22.1-207.2:2. (Effective until August 1, 2023) School Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program; web-based application

§ 22.1-207.2:2. (Effective August 1, 2023) School Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program; applications

§ 22.1-207.3. School breakfast programs

§ 22.1-207.3:1. Distribution of excess food

§ 22.1-207.4. Nutritional guidelines for competitive foods

§ 22.1-207.4:1. Participation in the Community Eligibility Provision

§ 22.1-207.4:2. Participation in the Afterschool Meal Program

§ 22.1-207.5. Instruction in American Sign Language

§ 22.1-207.6. Military-connected students; National Math and Science Initiative

§ 22.1-207.7. 4-H educational programs and activities; attendance

§ 22.1-208. Emphasis on moral education

§ 22.1-208.01. Character education required

§ 22.1-208.02. Culturally Relevant and Inclusive Education Practices Advisory Committee

§ 22.1-208.1. Repealed

§ 22.1-208.2:1.1. Repealed

§ 22.1-208.2:2. Repealed

§ 22.1-208.2:3. Repealed

§ 22.1-209. Employment counseling and placement services

§ 22.1-209.01. Repealed

§ 22.1-209.1:2. Regional alternative education programs for certain students

§ 22.1-209.1:3. Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Programs

§ 22.1-209.1:4. Repealed

§ 22.1-209.1:5. Expired

§ 22.1-209.1:6. Repealed

§ 22.1-209.1:7. Repealed

§ 22.1-209.1:8. Expired

§ 22.1-209.1:9. Repealed

§ 22.1-209.1:10. Repealed

§ 22.1-209.2. Programs and teachers in regional detention homes, certain local detention homes and state agencies and institutions

§ 22.1-210. Night schools

§ 22.1-211. Operation of vacation schools and summer camps by school boards

§ 22.1-212. Repealed

§ 22.1-212.1. Obligations of school boards

§ 22.1-212.1:1. Single-sex education

§ 22.1-212.1:2. Green schools program; education programs to promote waste reduction and resource efficiency

§ 22.1-212.2. Virtual Virginia

§ 22.1-212.2:1. Repealed

§ 22.1-212.2:2. Educational technology foundations and public school foundations

§ 22.1-212.2:3. Repealed

§ 22.1-212.3. Repealed

§ 22.1-212.5. Objectives; definitions

§ 22.1-212.5:1. Public Charter School Fund established

§ 22.1-212.6. Establishment and operation of public charter schools; requirements

§ 22.1-212.6:1. Applicability of other laws, regulations, policies, and procedures

§ 22.1-212.7. Contracts for public charter schools

§ 22.1-212.8. Charter application

§ 22.1-212.8:1. Innovation Technical Advisory Group

§ 22.1-212.9. Review of public charter school applications

§ 22.1-212.10. Reconsideration and technical assistance; review by Board

§ 22.1-212.11. Public charter school restrictions

§ 22.1-212.12. Public charter school term; renewals and revocations

§ 22.1-212.13. Employment of professional, licensed personnel

§ 22.1-212.14. Funding of public charter schools; services provided

§ 22.1-212.15. Report of public charter schools

§ 22.1-212.16. Immunity

§ 22.1-212.17. Repealed

§ 22.1-212.23. Definitions

§ 22.1-212.24. Approval of multidivision online providers; contracts with local school boards

§ 22.1-212.25. Information regarding online courses and virtual programs; report

§ 22.1-212.26. Teachers and administrators of online courses and virtual programs

§ 22.1-212.27. Students enrolled in online courses and virtual programs

§ 22.1-212.28. Definitions

§ 22.1-212.29. Purpose

§ 22.1-212.30. Board regulations; procedure

§ 22.1-212.31. Board regulations; application; expectations

§ 22.1-212.32. SDI designation; duration; renewal

§ 22.1-213. Definitions

§ 22.1-213.1. Definition of "parent."

§ 22.1-214. Board to prepare special education program for children with disabilities

§ 22.1-214.1. Issuance of subpoenas by hearing officers

§ 22.1-214.2. Definition of "supervise" as related to educational programs provided for or by Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services

§ 22.1-214.3. Department to develop certain curriculum guidelines; Board to approve

§ 22.1-214.4. Certain duties of Department

§ 22.1-215. School divisions to provide special education; plan to be submitted to Board

§ 22.1-215.1. Information regarding procedures and rights relating to special education placement and withdrawal

§ 22.1-215.2. Parental notification; literacy and Response to Intervention screening and services; certain assessment results

§ 22.1-216. Use of public or private facilities and personnel under contract for special education

§ 22.1-217. Visually impaired children

§ 22.1-217.01. Information on educational and other services for students identified as deaf or hard of hearing or visually impaired

§ 22.1-217.02. Individualized education programs; children identified as deaf or hard-of-hearing

§ 22.1-217.03. Individualized education program teams to consider need for certain age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate instruction

§ 22.1-217.04. Language development for children who are deaf or hard of hearing; assessment resources for parents and educators; advisory committee; report

§ 22.1-217.1. Programs for the research and development of innovative methods of teaching children with mental illness, intellectual disability, or serious emotional disturbance

§ 22.1-217.2. Special education transition materials

§ 22.1-218. Reimbursement for placement in private schools; reimbursement of school boards from state funds

§ 22.1-218.1. Duty to process placements through the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children

§ 22.1-219. Use of federal, state or local funds not restricted

§ 22.1-220. Power of counties, cities, and towns to appropriate and expend funds for education of children with disabilities

§ 22.1-221. Transportation of children with disabilities attending public or private special education programs

§ 22.1-222. Repealed

§ 22.1-223. Definitions

§ 22.1-224. Duties of State Board

§ 22.1-225. Authority of school boards

§ 22.1-226. Repealed

§ 22.1-226.1. Expired

§ 22.1-227. Board designated to carry out provisions of federal act

§ 22.1-227.01. Career and technical education defined

§ 22.1-227.1. Career and technical education

§ 22.1-228. Definitions

§ 22.1-229. Projects may be established directly or by contract with corporation

§ 22.1-230. Approval of corporation's articles and bylaws

§ 22.1-231. Review of projects by Board of Education

§ 22.1-232. Contracts

§ 22.1-233. Application of zoning laws and building codes; inspection of work; school boards to make no warranties

§ 22.1-234. Acquisition of sites for projects; sale of completed projects and other school board property

§ 22.1-235. Transportation of students; insurance

§ 22.1-236. Immunity of board members and officers and directors of corporations

§ 22.1-237. Academic credit

§ 22.1-238. Approval of textbooks

§ 22.1-239. Basal textbooks

§ 22.1-240. Repealed

§ 22.1-241. Contracts with publishers

§ 22.1-242. State Board to adopt regulations

§ 22.1-243. Distribution of textbooks; charges for loss or damage; consumable materials

§ 22.1-244. Repealed

§ 22.1-252. Repealed

§ 22.1-253. Repealed