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Article 1. Administration.
Sec. 41.21.010. Purpose. - It is the purpose of AS 41.21.010 - 41.21.040 to...
Sec. 41.21.020. Duties and powers of Department of Natural Resources; limitations. - (a) The department shall (1) develop a continuing plan for...
Sec. 41.21.022. Discharge of firearms. - The discharge of firearms during lawful hunting, trapping, and fishing...
Sec. 41.21.024. Easements and rights-of-way for access to private land. - The department may grant a public easement or public right-of-way...
Sec. 41.21.025. Zoning of private land within state parks. - (a) The department may adopt, under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure...
Sec. 41.21.026. Fees for the use of state park system facilities. - (a) Notwithstanding (b) of this section, the department may charge...
Sec. 41.21.027. Concession contracts in the state park system. - (a) Subject to the restrictions in this section, the state...
Sec. 41.21.028. Definitions. - In AS 41.21.026 - 41.21.028, (1) “ordinary use” means a...
Sec. 41.21.030. Disposition of funds. - (a) All money received from the operation of parks and...
Sec. 41.21.040. Division within department. - The commissioner may establish within the department a separate division...
Article 2. State Parks.
Sec. 41.21.110. Purpose of AS 41.21.110 - 41.21.113. - The purpose of AS 41.21.110 - 41.21.113 is to empower...
Sec. 41.21.111. Authority to designate Chilkat State Park. - The governor may designate by proclamation the state-owned land and...
Sec. 41.21.112. Incompatible uses. - The commissioner shall designate by regulation incompatible uses within the...
Sec. 41.21.113. Eminent domain prohibited. - The state may not acquire by eminent domain privately owned...
Sec. 41.21.120. Purpose of AS 41.21.120 - 41.21.125. - The purpose of AS 41.21.120 - 41.21.125 is to restrict...
Sec. 41.21.121. Chugach State Park established. - The presently state-owned land and water, and all that acquired...
Sec. 41.21.122. Management responsibility. - The state land and water described in AS 41.21.121 as...
Sec. 41.21.123. Incompatible uses. - (a) The commissioner shall designate by regulation, adopted in accordance...
Sec. 41.21.125. Purchase authorized. - The commissioner may acquire, by purchase in the name of...
Sec. 41.21.130. Purpose of AS 41.21.130 - 41.21.142. - The purpose of AS 41.21.130 - 41.21.142 is to restrict...
Sec. 41.21.131. Kachemak Bay State Park established. - (a) The presently state-owned land and water, and all that...
Sec. 41.21.132. Incompatible uses. - The commissioner shall designate by regulation incompatible uses within the...
Sec. 41.21.134. Purchase authorized; eminent domain prohibited. - The commissioner may acquire, by purchase in the name of...
Sec. 41.21.140. Kachemak Bay State Wilderness Park established. - (a) The presently state-owned land and water, and all that...
Sec. 41.21.141. Certain land excepted. - Land lying within the parcels described in AS 41.21.140 upon...
Sec. 41.21.142. Stream rehabilitation permitted. - Nothing in AS 41.21.140 - 41.21.142 prohibits the Department of...
Sec. 41.21.150. Purpose of AS 41.21.150 - 41.21.153. - The purpose of AS 41.21.150 - 41.21.153 is to restrict...
Sec. 41.21.151. Denali State Park established. - The state-owned land and water and that acquired in the...
Sec. 41.21.152. Eminent domain prohibited. - The state may not acquire by eminent domain privately owned...
Sec. 41.21.153. Certain land excepted. - (a) Notwithstanding AS 41.21.020(a)(6), 41.21.150, or 41.21.151, state-owned land in...
Sec. 41.21.160. Purpose of AS 41.21.160 - 41.21.167. - The purpose of AS 41.21.160 - 41.21.167 is to establish...
Sec. 41.21.161. Wood-Tikchik State Park established. - (a) The state-owned or acquired land and water lying within...
Sec. 41.21.162. Designation of management responsibility. - The land and water described in AS 41.21.161 is assigned...
Sec. 41.21.163. Management Council created. - A seven-member Wood-Tikchik State Park Management Council is created and...
Sec. 41.21.164. Management plan. - The Wood-Tikchik State Park Management Council shall develop a management...
Sec. 41.21.165. Regulations. - The department shall consult with Department of Fish and Game...
Sec. 41.21.166. Fish and wildlife breeding areas. - The fish and wildlife habitat breeding areas in the Wood-Tikchik...
Sec. 41.21.167. Compatible and incompatible uses. - (a) The land and water areas described in AS 41.21.161...
Sec. 41.21.170. Declaration of purpose. - (a) The purpose of AS 41.21.170 - 41.21.178 is to...
Sec. 41.21.172. Designated state land and water. - The upland, shoreland, tideland, land underlying tidally influenced inland water,...
Sec. 41.21.174. Designation of management responsibility. - (a) The state land and water described in AS 41.21.172...
Sec. 41.21.176. Incompatible uses; access. - (a) Except as provided in this section, the commissioner may...
Sec. 41.21.178. Additions to park. - Land and water outside of the boundaries established in AS...
Sec. 41.21.180. Purpose of AS 41.21.180 - 41.21.183. - (a) The purpose of AS 41.21.180 - 41.21.183 is to...
Sec. 41.21.181. Point Bridget State Park established. - The state-owned land and water within the following described parcels...
Sec. 41.21.182. Purchase or exchange authorized. - If requested by an owner of land, the department may...
Sec. 41.21.183. Designation of management responsibility. - (a) The state-owned land and water described in AS 41.21.181...
Sec. 41.21.185. Purpose of AS 41.21.185 - 41.21.189. - (a) The purpose of AS 41.21.185 - 41.21.189 is to...
Sec. 41.21.186. Afognak Island State Park established. - The upland, shoreland, tideland, land underlying tidally influenced inland water,...
Sec. 41.21.187. Designation of management responsibility. - (a) The state land and water described in AS 41.21.186...
Sec. 41.21.188. Incompatible uses. - (a) The commissioner may designate by regulation incompatible uses within...
Sec. 41.21.189. Additions to park. - Land and water outside of the boundaries established under AS...
Sec. 41.21.190. Purpose of AS 41.21.190 - 41.21.194. - The purpose of AS 41.21.190 - 41.21.194 is to establish,...
Sec. 41.21.191. Fort Rousseau Causeway State Historical Park established. - Except for upland, shoreland, tideland, and water overlying the land...
Sec. 41.21.192. Designation of management responsibility. - The state-owned land and water described in AS 41.21.191 is...
Sec. 41.21.193. Incompatible uses. - The commissioner may designate by regulation incompatible uses within the...
Sec. 41.21.194. Additions to park. - Land and water outside of the boundaries established under AS...
Article 3. Alaska Marine Parks.
Sec. 41.21.300. Declaration of purpose. - (a) The purpose of AS 41.21.300 - 41.21.306 is to...
Sec. 41.21.302. Management of marine parks. - (a) The state land and water described in AS 41.21.304...
Sec. 41.21.304. Designated land and water. - The state-owned land and water and that land and water...
Sec. 41.21.306. Incompatible uses. - (a) The commissioner may prohibit or restrict by regulation except...
Article 4. State Recreation Areas.
Sec. 41.21.410. Purpose of AS 41.21.410 - 41.21.426. - The purpose of AS 41.21.410 - 41.21.426 is to empower...
Sec. 41.21.415. Authority to designate Captain Cook State Recreation Area. - The governor may designate by proclamation the state-owned land and...
Sec. 41.21.420. Incompatible uses. - The commissioner shall designate by regulation incompatible uses within the...
Sec. 41.21.425. Negotiated purchase authorized. - The commissioner may acquire, by negotiated purchase only in the...
Sec. 41.21.426. Certain land excepted. - (a) Notwithstanding AS 41.21.020(a)(6), 41.21.410 - 41.21.425, or a regulation...
Sec. 41.21.430. Purpose of AS 41.21.430 - 41.21.445. - The purpose of AS 41.21.430 - 41.21.445 is to empower...
Sec. 41.21.435. Authority to designate Caines Head State Recreation Area. - The governor may designate by proclamation the state-owned land and...
Sec. 41.21.440. Incompatible uses. - The commissioner shall designate by regulation incompatible uses within the...
Sec. 41.21.445. Purchase authorized; eminent domain prohibited. - The commissioner may acquire, by purchase in the name of...
Sec. 41.21.450. Purpose of AS 41.21.450 - 41.21.466. - The purpose of AS 41.21.450 - 41.21.466 is to restrict...
Sec. 41.21.455. Nancy Lake State Recreation Area established. - (a) The presently state-owned land and water and all that...
Sec. 41.21.460. Incompatible uses. - The commissioner shall designate by regulation incompatible uses within the...
Sec. 41.21.465. Purchase authorized. - The commissioner may acquire, by purchase in the name of...
Sec. 41.21.466. Certain land excepted. - (a) Notwithstanding AS 41.21.020(a)(6) or 41.21.450 - 41.21.465, state-owned land...
Sec. 41.21.470. Purpose of AS 41.21.470 - 41.21.490. - The purpose of AS 41.21.470 - 41.21.490 is to restrict...
Sec. 41.21.475. Chena River State Recreation Area established. - The presently state-owned land and water, vacant and unappropriated, and...
Sec. 41.21.480. Eminent domain authorized to acquire necessary access. - The state may not acquire by eminent domain privately owned...
Sec. 41.21.485. Zoning of private land. - The department may adopt, in accordance with AS 44.62 (Administrative...
Sec. 41.21.490. Incompatible uses. - The commissioner shall designate by regulation incompatible uses within the...
Sec. 41.21.491. Willow Creek State Recreation Area. - (a) The surface estate in the land and water owned...
Sec. 41.21.492. Designation of management responsibilities. - (a) The land and water described in AS 41.21.491(a), including...
Sec. 41.21.493. Comprehensive management plan. - The commissioner shall develop and adopt a comprehensive management plan...
Sec. 41.21.494. Regulations. - The commissioner shall adopt regulations under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure...
Sec. 41.21.495. Cooperative management agreements. - The commissioner may enter into cooperative management agreements with a...
Sec. 41.21.496. Certain lands excepted. - (a) Notwithstanding AS 41.21.020(a)(6) or 41.21.491 - 41.21.495, state-owned land...
Article 5. Special Management Areas.
Sec. 41.21.500. Purpose of AS 41.21.500 - 41.21.514. - The purpose of AS 41.21.500 - 41.21.514 is (1) to...
Sec. 41.21.502. Kenai River Special Management Area. - (a) The surface estate in the land and water presently...
Sec. 41.21.504. Designation of management responsibilities. - (a) The land and water described in AS 41.21.502(a) is...
Sec. 41.21.506. Comprehensive management plan; regulations. - (a) The commissioner shall develop and adopt a comprehensive management...
Sec. 41.21.508. Acquisition of additional land; adjustment of boundaries. - (a) The commissioner may acquire title to or an interest...
Sec. 41.21.510. Advisory committee. - (a) In developing and implementing the management plan required by...
Sec. 41.21.512. Cooperative management agreements. - The commissioner may enter into cooperative management agreements with a...
Sec. 41.21.514. Civil enforcement. - In addition to any other remedy provided by law, the...
Sec. 41.21.518. Business Park Wetlands Special Management Area established. - The present and future state-owned land and water within the...
Sec. 41.21.520. Incompatible uses. - (a) The commissioner may designate by regulation incompatible uses for...
Sec. 41.21.522. Acquisitions authorized; eminent domain prohibited. - The commissioner may acquire by gift or purchase in the...
Article 6. Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve.
Sec. 41.21.610. Purpose of AS 41.21.610 - 41.21.630. - (a) The purpose of AS 41.21.610 - 41.21.630 is to...
Sec. 41.21.611. Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve established. - (a) Subject to valid existing rights, the land and water...
Sec. 41.21.612. Land excluded. - (a) Private land, approved or pending Native allotments, pending and...
Sec. 41.21.613. Eminent domain prohibited. - The commissioner may not acquire private land or University of...
Sec. 41.21.614. Native allotments. - Approved or pending Native allotments located partially or completely within...
Sec. 41.21.615. Fish and game management. - The Department of Fish and Game is responsible for the...
Sec. 41.21.616. Regulations. - The department shall consult with the Department of Fish and...
Sec. 41.21.617. Other uses generally. - The state land and water described in AS 41.21.611(b) is...
Sec. 41.21.618. Traditional uses. - Continued opportunities for traditional uses of the Alaska Chilkat Bald...
Sec. 41.21.619. Access and rights-of-way. - If privately owned land, University of Alaska grant land, a...
Sec. 41.21.620. Management plan. - (a) The director of the division of parks and the...
Sec. 41.21.621. Additions or deletions to preserve. - An agency of the state may not participate or cooperate...
Sec. 41.21.622. Historical, cultural and burial sites. - Historical, cultural, and burial sites identified in the Alaska Chilkat...
Sec. 41.21.625. Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Advisory Council. - (a) A 12-member Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Advisory Council...
Sec. 41.21.630. Existing rights. - The establishment of the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve under...
Article 7. Historic or Scenic Sites, Roadside Rests, and Beaches.
Sec. 41.21.800. Selection of sites. - The department and the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities...
Sec. 41.21.805. Construction and maintenance of facilities. - The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities may construct and...
Article 8. Trails, Footpaths, and Campsites.
Sec. 41.21.850. Wilderness trails and campsites. - There is established in the state a system of wilderness...
Sec. 41.21.852. Selection. - The department, in consultation with the Departments of Fish and...
Sec. 41.21.854. Uniform marker. - The commissioner shall establish a uniform marker for the wilderness...
Sec. 41.21.856. Regulations. - The commissioner shall adopt regulations concerning the use, management, development,...
Sec. 41.21.858. Campsites; work by prisoners. - (a) The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities may construct...
Sec. 41.21.860. Federal financial assistance. - The commissioner is authorized to consider the feasibility of any...
Sec. 41.21.864. Grants for the establishment of trails and footpaths. - (a) Within the limits of available appropriations, a city or...
Sec. 41.21.866. Paths and trails along highways. - The commissioner of transportation and public facilities shall administer the...
Sec. 41.21.868. Authorization of funds. - (a) An amount of not less than three-eighths of one...
Sec. 41.21.870. Use and marking of trails and footpaths. - Trails established under AS 41.21.864(a) may be used for more...
Sec. 41.21.872. Reports. - Cities and boroughs receiving grants under AS 41.21.864 - 41.21.872...
Article 9. Conservation Action Corps; Youth Hostel System.
Sec. 41.21.900. Purpose of AS 41.21.900 - 41.21.908. - The purpose of AS 41.21.900 - 41.21.908 is to provide...
Sec. 41.21.902. Alaska Conservation Action Corps created. - There is created in the division of parks of the...
Sec. 41.21.904. Activities of corps. - The corps may be assigned (1) to provide staff services...
Sec. 41.21.906. Compensation. - (a) Part-time corps members shall be paid on an hourly...
Sec. 41.21.908. Nonapplicability of child labor laws. - AS 23.10.325 - 23.10.370 do not apply to AS 41.21.900...
Sec. 41.21.910. Alaska Youth Hostel System established. - There is established the Alaska youth hostel system administered by...
Sec. 41.21.912. Duties of division. - The division shall (1) after consultation with community organizations or...
Sec. 41.21.914. Hostel locations. - In developing the statewide system of Alaska youth hostels, the...
Sec. 41.21.916. Hostel facility. - Each youth hostel facility shall be equipped with suitable toilet...
Sec. 41.21.918. Duties of coordinator. - The director of the division of parks shall designate a...
Article 10. General Provisions.
Sec. 41.21.950. Penalty. - A person who violates a provision of this chapter or...
Sec. 41.21.955. Enforcement authority. - (a) For offenses committed within parks and recreational facilities subject...
Sec. 41.21.960. Form and issuance of citation. - (a) When a peace officer stops or contacts a person...
Sec. 41.21.990. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) “scenic park” means relatively spacious areas...