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Sec. 41.21.110. Purpose of AS 41.21.110 - 41.21.113. - The purpose of AS 41.21.110 - 41.21.113 is to empower...
Sec. 41.21.111. Authority to designate Chilkat State Park. - The governor may designate by proclamation the state-owned land and...
Sec. 41.21.112. Incompatible uses. - The commissioner shall designate by regulation incompatible uses within the...
Sec. 41.21.113. Eminent domain prohibited. - The state may not acquire by eminent domain privately owned...
Sec. 41.21.120. Purpose of AS 41.21.120 - 41.21.125. - The purpose of AS 41.21.120 - 41.21.125 is to restrict...
Sec. 41.21.121. Chugach State Park established. - The presently state-owned land and water, and all that acquired...
Sec. 41.21.122. Management responsibility. - The state land and water described in AS 41.21.121 as...
Sec. 41.21.123. Incompatible uses. - (a) The commissioner shall designate by regulation, adopted in accordance...
Sec. 41.21.125. Purchase authorized. - The commissioner may acquire, by purchase in the name of...
Sec. 41.21.130. Purpose of AS 41.21.130 - 41.21.142. - The purpose of AS 41.21.130 - 41.21.142 is to restrict...
Sec. 41.21.131. Kachemak Bay State Park established. - (a) The presently state-owned land and water, and all that...
Sec. 41.21.132. Incompatible uses. - The commissioner shall designate by regulation incompatible uses within the...
Sec. 41.21.134. Purchase authorized; eminent domain prohibited. - The commissioner may acquire, by purchase in the name of...
Sec. 41.21.140. Kachemak Bay State Wilderness Park established. - (a) The presently state-owned land and water, and all that...
Sec. 41.21.141. Certain land excepted. - Land lying within the parcels described in AS 41.21.140 upon...
Sec. 41.21.142. Stream rehabilitation permitted. - Nothing in AS 41.21.140 - 41.21.142 prohibits the Department of...
Sec. 41.21.150. Purpose of AS 41.21.150 - 41.21.153. - The purpose of AS 41.21.150 - 41.21.153 is to restrict...
Sec. 41.21.151. Denali State Park established. - The state-owned land and water and that acquired in the...
Sec. 41.21.152. Eminent domain prohibited. - The state may not acquire by eminent domain privately owned...
Sec. 41.21.153. Certain land excepted. - (a) Notwithstanding AS 41.21.020(a)(6), 41.21.150, or 41.21.151, state-owned land in...
Sec. 41.21.160. Purpose of AS 41.21.160 - 41.21.167. - The purpose of AS 41.21.160 - 41.21.167 is to establish...
Sec. 41.21.161. Wood-Tikchik State Park established. - (a) The state-owned or acquired land and water lying within...
Sec. 41.21.162. Designation of management responsibility. - The land and water described in AS 41.21.161 is assigned...
Sec. 41.21.163. Management Council created. - A seven-member Wood-Tikchik State Park Management Council is created and...
Sec. 41.21.164. Management plan. - The Wood-Tikchik State Park Management Council shall develop a management...
Sec. 41.21.165. Regulations. - The department shall consult with Department of Fish and Game...
Sec. 41.21.166. Fish and wildlife breeding areas. - The fish and wildlife habitat breeding areas in the Wood-Tikchik...
Sec. 41.21.167. Compatible and incompatible uses. - (a) The land and water areas described in AS 41.21.161...
Sec. 41.21.170. Declaration of purpose. - (a) The purpose of AS 41.21.170 - 41.21.178 is to...
Sec. 41.21.172. Designated state land and water. - The upland, shoreland, tideland, land underlying tidally influenced inland water,...
Sec. 41.21.174. Designation of management responsibility. - (a) The state land and water described in AS 41.21.172...
Sec. 41.21.176. Incompatible uses; access. - (a) Except as provided in this section, the commissioner may...
Sec. 41.21.178. Additions to park. - Land and water outside of the boundaries established in AS...
Sec. 41.21.180. Purpose of AS 41.21.180 - 41.21.183. - (a) The purpose of AS 41.21.180 - 41.21.183 is to...
Sec. 41.21.181. Point Bridget State Park established. - The state-owned land and water within the following described parcels...
Sec. 41.21.182. Purchase or exchange authorized. - If requested by an owner of land, the department may...
Sec. 41.21.183. Designation of management responsibility. - (a) The state-owned land and water described in AS 41.21.181...
Sec. 41.21.185. Purpose of AS 41.21.185 - 41.21.189. - (a) The purpose of AS 41.21.185 - 41.21.189 is to...
Sec. 41.21.186. Afognak Island State Park established. - The upland, shoreland, tideland, land underlying tidally influenced inland water,...
Sec. 41.21.187. Designation of management responsibility. - (a) The state land and water described in AS 41.21.186...
Sec. 41.21.188. Incompatible uses. - (a) The commissioner may designate by regulation incompatible uses within...
Sec. 41.21.189. Additions to park. - Land and water outside of the boundaries established under AS...
Sec. 41.21.190. Purpose of AS 41.21.190 - 41.21.194. - The purpose of AS 41.21.190 - 41.21.194 is to establish,...
Sec. 41.21.191. Fort Rousseau Causeway State Historical Park established. - Except for upland, shoreland, tideland, and water overlying the land...
Sec. 41.21.192. Designation of management responsibility. - The state-owned land and water described in AS 41.21.191 is...
Sec. 41.21.193. Incompatible uses. - The commissioner may designate by regulation incompatible uses within the...
Sec. 41.21.194. Additions to park. - Land and water outside of the boundaries established under AS...