Alaska Statutes
Article 2. State Parks.
Sec. 41.21.183. Designation of management responsibility.

(a) The state-owned land and water described in AS 41.21.181 is assigned to the department for control, maintenance, and development consistent with the purposes and provisions of AS 41.21.180 - 41.21.183.
(b) The Department of Fish and Game is responsible for the management of fish and game resources in the Point Bridget State Park, consistent with the sustained-yield principle and the purposes and provisions of this chapter. The Board of Fisheries, the Board of Game, and the commissioner of fish and game are responsible for adopting regulations governing uses of fish and game under AS 16. The fish and game habitat and breeding areas shall be managed to ensure that the fish and game resources of the park continue on a sustained-yield basis.
(c) The department shall consult with the Department of Fish and Game before adoption of regulations governing public use of the Point Bridget State Park.
(d) The Department of Fish and Game shall consult with the department before adoption of regulations governing fish and game management in the Point Bridget State Park.

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 41. Public Resources

Chapter 21. Parks and Recreational Facilities

Article 2. State Parks.

Sec. 41.21.110. Purpose of AS 41.21.110 - 41.21.113.

Sec. 41.21.111. Authority to designate Chilkat State Park.

Sec. 41.21.112. Incompatible uses.

Sec. 41.21.113. Eminent domain prohibited.

Sec. 41.21.120. Purpose of AS 41.21.120 - 41.21.125.

Sec. 41.21.121. Chugach State Park established.

Sec. 41.21.122. Management responsibility.

Sec. 41.21.123. Incompatible uses.

Sec. 41.21.125. Purchase authorized.

Sec. 41.21.130. Purpose of AS 41.21.130 - 41.21.142.

Sec. 41.21.131. Kachemak Bay State Park established.

Sec. 41.21.132. Incompatible uses.

Sec. 41.21.134. Purchase authorized; eminent domain prohibited.

Sec. 41.21.140. Kachemak Bay State Wilderness Park established.

Sec. 41.21.141. Certain land excepted.

Sec. 41.21.142. Stream rehabilitation permitted.

Sec. 41.21.150. Purpose of AS 41.21.150 - 41.21.153.

Sec. 41.21.151. Denali State Park established.

Sec. 41.21.152. Eminent domain prohibited.

Sec. 41.21.153. Certain land excepted.

Sec. 41.21.160. Purpose of AS 41.21.160 - 41.21.167.

Sec. 41.21.161. Wood-Tikchik State Park established.

Sec. 41.21.162. Designation of management responsibility.

Sec. 41.21.163. Management Council created.

Sec. 41.21.164. Management plan.

Sec. 41.21.165. Regulations.

Sec. 41.21.166. Fish and wildlife breeding areas.

Sec. 41.21.167. Compatible and incompatible uses.

Sec. 41.21.170. Declaration of purpose.

Sec. 41.21.172. Designated state land and water.

Sec. 41.21.174. Designation of management responsibility.

Sec. 41.21.176. Incompatible uses; access.

Sec. 41.21.178. Additions to park.

Sec. 41.21.180. Purpose of AS 41.21.180 - 41.21.183.

Sec. 41.21.181. Point Bridget State Park established.

Sec. 41.21.182. Purchase or exchange authorized.

Sec. 41.21.183. Designation of management responsibility.

Sec. 41.21.185. Purpose of AS 41.21.185 - 41.21.189.

Sec. 41.21.186. Afognak Island State Park established.

Sec. 41.21.187. Designation of management responsibility.

Sec. 41.21.188. Incompatible uses.

Sec. 41.21.189. Additions to park.

Sec. 41.21.190. Purpose of AS 41.21.190 - 41.21.194.

Sec. 41.21.191. Fort Rousseau Causeway State Historical Park established.

Sec. 41.21.192. Designation of management responsibility.

Sec. 41.21.193. Incompatible uses.

Sec. 41.21.194. Additions to park.