Alaska Statutes
Article 6. Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve.
Sec. 41.21.619. Access and rights-of-way.

If privately owned land, University of Alaska grant land, a valid mining right, an existing mineral lease, a subsurface right on private land, or other valid occupancy is surrounded by state land of the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve or if privately owned land, University of Alaska grant land, federal land, municipal land, or state land not described in AS 41.21.611(b), a valid mining claim, subsurface right, or other valid occupancy on land not described in AS 41.21.611(b) does not have reasonable, timely, and economically feasible access and egress by means other than crossing land designated as Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve land in AS 41.21.611(b), the director of the division of parks shall grant a private landowner, the University of Alaska, a holder of a valid existing right to land, or a state agency, municipality, or federal agency the rights necessary to assure reasonable, timely, and economically feasible access and egress. A permittee or licensee of an owner of land or the holder of a valid existing right to land may use access and egress granted under this subsection. The rights of access and egress granted under this subsection are subject to reasonable regulation and stipulations established by the director of the division of parks after consulting with the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Advisory Council to protect the purposes and values of the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve and to minimize adverse environmental impacts in the preserve. As used in this subsection, “valid existing right” includes but is not limited to a valid mining right, an existing mineral right, and a subsurface right. The director of the division of parks shall give favorable consideration to applications for utility rights-of-way that are compatible with AS 41.21.610(a) and (b).