(a) A 12-member Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Advisory Council is established. The members of the advisory council shall be selected under this section.
(b) The governor shall appoint individuals to the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Advisory Council representing the following interests for a two-year term:
(1) a resident of the Haines Borough representing a conservation organization;
(2) a representative of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service; and
(3) a member of the Upper Lynn Canal fish and game advisory committee.
(c) The mayor of the Haines Borough, the president of Klukwan, Inc., the chair of the Council of the Chilkat Indian Village, and the chair of the Chilkoot Indian Association are ex officio members of the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Advisory Council. A member of the Haines Borough Assembly who has been selected by the Haines Borough Assembly is also an ex officio member of the advisory council. For this selection, preference shall be given to those members of the Haines Borough Assembly who do not also sit on boards that are already represented on the advisory council. The mayor of the Haines Borough may recommend to the governor for appointment to the advisory council the name of a resident of the Haines Borough for the representation of commercial or industrial interests.
(d) The commissioner of fish and game, the director of the division of parks, and the director of the division of forestry and fire protection, or their designees, serve ex officio as members of the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Advisory Council.
(e) The Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Advisory Council shall assist the department in the development and monitoring of a management plan for the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve. The management plan shall be presented at public hearings in Haines and Klukwan before approval and implementation by the department.
(f) Members of the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Advisory Council selected under (b) - (d) of this section may select alternates to act as members of the advisory council in their absence.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 21. Parks and Recreational Facilities
Article 6. Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve.
Sec. 41.21.610. Purpose of AS 41.21.610 - 41.21.630.
Sec. 41.21.611. Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve established.
Sec. 41.21.612. Land excluded.
Sec. 41.21.613. Eminent domain prohibited.
Sec. 41.21.614. Native allotments.
Sec. 41.21.615. Fish and game management.
Sec. 41.21.617. Other uses generally.
Sec. 41.21.618. Traditional uses.
Sec. 41.21.619. Access and rights-of-way.
Sec. 41.21.620. Management plan.
Sec. 41.21.621. Additions or deletions to preserve.
Sec. 41.21.622. Historical, cultural and burial sites.
Sec. 41.21.625. Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Advisory Council.