The division shall
(1) after consultation with community organizations or individuals and after maximum utilization of existing local effort, plan and facilitate the implementation of a statewide system of youth hostel facilities;
(2) administer a program of grants to eligible nonprofit corporations, municipalities, and organizations for construction, maintenance, and operation of youth hostels;
(3) cooperate and consult with national or international organizations established for the purpose of establishing or regulating youth hostel facilities and follow, where appropriate, the specific guidelines established by the American Youth Hostel Association and the International Youth Hostel Association;
(4) adopt, in accordance with AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act), regulations governing the establishment and administration of youth hostel facilities.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 21. Parks and Recreational Facilities
Article 9. Conservation Action Corps; Youth Hostel System.
Sec. 41.21.900. Purpose of AS 41.21.900 - 41.21.908.
Sec. 41.21.902. Alaska Conservation Action Corps created.
Sec. 41.21.904. Activities of corps.
Sec. 41.21.908. Nonapplicability of child labor laws.
Sec. 41.21.910. Alaska Youth Hostel System established.
Sec. 41.21.912. Duties of division.
Sec. 41.21.914. Hostel locations.