(a) The department shall
(1) develop a continuing plan for the conservation and maximum use in the public interest of the scenic, historic, archaeologic, scientific, biological, and recreational resources of the state;
(2) plan for and develop a system of state parks and recreational facilities, to be established as the legislature authorizes and directs;
(3) acquire by gift, purchase, or transfer from state or federal agencies, or from individuals, corporations, partnerships, or associations, land necessary, suitable, and proper for roadside, picnic, recreational, or park purposes;
(4) develop, manage, and maintain state parks and recreational areas;
(5) provide for the acquisition, care, management, supervision, improvement, development, extension, and maintenance of public recreational land, and make necessary arrangements, contracts, or commitments for the improvement and development of land acquired under AS 41.21.010 - 41.21.040; contracting for improvement and development under this paragraph is governed by AS 36.30 (State Procurement Code);
(6) adopt, in accordance with this section and AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act), regulations governing the use and designating incompatible uses within the boundaries of state park and recreational areas to protect the property and to preserve the peace;
(7) cooperate with the United States and its agencies and local subdivisions of the state to secure the effective supervision, improvement, development, extension, and maintenance of state parks, state monuments, state historical areas, and state recreational areas and secure agreements or contracts for the purpose of AS 41.21.010 - 41.21.040;
(8) encourage the organization of state public park and recreational activities in the local political subdivisions of the state;
(9) provide for consulting service designed to develop local park and recreation facilities and programs;
(10) provide clearinghouse services for other state agencies concerned with park and recreation matters;
(11) perform other duties as are prescribed by executive order or by law;
(12) maintain memorials to Alaska veterans located in state parks;
(13) adopt, in accordance with AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act), regulations governing the use of the Chena River State Recreation Area and designating incompatible uses within the boundaries of the Chena River State Recreation Area in accordance with AS 41.21.490; and
(14) annually, by the first day of each regular session of the legislature, submit a report to the legislature on each designation of an incompatible use under this chapter, or other action, that prohibits or restricts a traditional means of access in or to a park, area, or preserve established under this chapter for a traditional recreational activity on or within the park, area, or preserve; for each prohibition or restriction, the report must state reasons for the designation of incompatibility or prohibition or restriction of a traditional means of access, the specific area of the prohibition or restriction, and the time period during which the incompatibility or prohibition or restriction is expected to exist; in this paragraph,
(A) “traditional means of access” means those types of transportation on, to, or in the state land, water, or land and water, for which a popular pattern of use has developed; the term includes general or commercial aviation, ballooning, motorized and nonmotorized boating, snowmachining, operation of all-terrain vehicles, mushing, use of pack animals, skiing, snowshoeing, and walking;
(B) “traditional recreational activity” means those personal or commercial types of activities that people may use for sport, exercise, subsistence, or personal enjoyment, including hunting, fishing, trapping, or gathering, and that have historically been conducted as part of an individual, family, or community life pattern on or in the state land, water, or land and water.
(b) In adopting regulations under (a)(6) of this section, the department shall consider whether the use of dogs, horses, and other animals for packing gear, pulling sleds, or for other recreational use is a compatible use within a state park or recreational area.
(c) The department may accept cash and other donations from public or private sources to assist and support the department in carrying out the purposes of this chapter.
(d) Notwithstanding (a)(3) of this section, the department may not manage as part of a park, area, or preserve established under AS 41.21.110 - 41.21.630, land, water, or land and water that is not within the boundaries, as designated by the legislature, of the park, area, or preserve.
(e) Except for reasons which create an immediate threat to public safety or as otherwise provided in AS 41.21.110 - 41.21.630, the department may not close or restrict traditional access to land, water, or land and water, managed under this chapter unless the closure or restriction (1) is limited to a period of not more than 90 days in a calendar year, or (2) is submitted to the legislature for approval at the next regular session of the legislature. A closure or restriction under (1) of this subsection may not be repeated in the subsequent calendar year unless the closure or restriction is approved by the legislature under (2) of this subsection. If the legislature fails to approve a closure or restriction under (2) of this subsection by the last day of that regular session, the closure or restriction ends and cannot be enforced after the last day of that regular session.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 21. Parks and Recreational Facilities
Sec. 41.21.020. Duties and powers of Department of Natural Resources; limitations.
Sec. 41.21.022. Discharge of firearms.
Sec. 41.21.024. Easements and rights-of-way for access to private land.
Sec. 41.21.025. Zoning of private land within state parks.
Sec. 41.21.026. Fees for the use of state park system facilities.
Sec. 41.21.027. Concession contracts in the state park system.