Alaska Statutes
Article 4. State Recreation Areas.
Sec. 41.21.475. Chena River State Recreation Area established.

The presently state-owned land and water, vacant and unappropriated, and all that acquired in the future by the state, lying within the following described boundary, are hereby designated as the Chena River State Recreation Area, are reserved from all uses incompatible with their primary function as public recreation land, and are assigned to the department for control, development and maintenance:
(1) Protracted Sections and Townships. - Township 1 North, Range 6 East, Fairbanks Meridian, Section 24; Township 1 North, Range 7 East, Fairbanks Meridian, Sections 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 21; Township 2 North, Range 7 East, Fairbanks Meridian, Sections 12, 13, 24, 25, 35, and 36; Township 2 North, Range 8 East, Fairbanks Meridian, Sections 6, 7, and 18;
(2) Beginning at the N.W. corner of the area designated in (1) of this section, said point being the N.W. corner of Section 6, T2N, R8E, Fairbanks Meridian; thence north along the section line to the N.E. corner of Section 25, T3N, R7E; thence west along the section line to the S.W. corner of the S.E. 1/4 of Section 20, T3N, R7E; thence north along the 1/4 section line to the N.E. corner of the N.W. 1/4, Section 17, T3N, R7E; thence west along the section line to the N.W. corner of Section 16, T3N, R6E; thence south along the section line to the N.W. corner of Section 16, T2N, R6E; thence west along the section line to the N.W. corner of Section 14, T2N, R5E; thence south along the section line to the N.W. corner of Section 23, T1N, R5E; thence west along the section line to the N.W. corner of Section 20, T1N, R5E; thence south along the section line to the S.W. corner of Section 32, T1N, R5E; thence east to the N.W. corner of Section 2, T1S, R5E; thence south along the section line to the S.W. corner of Section 11, T1S, R5E; thence east along the section line to the S.W. corner of Section 10, T1S, R6E; thence south along the section line to the S.W. corner of Section 10, T2S, R6E; thence east along the section line to the S.W. corner of Section 7, T2S, R9E; thence north along the section line to the N.W. corner of Section 6, T1S, R9E; thence east to the S.E. corner of Section 36, T1N, R8E; thence north along the section line to the N.E. corner of Section 12, T2N, R8E; thence west along the section line to the N.E. corner of Section 7, T2N, R8E; thence north along the section line to the N.E. corner of Section 6, T2N, R8E; thence west along the section line to the point of beginning, containing approximately 254,080 acres.