Alaska Statutes
Article 3. Alaska Marine Parks.
Sec. 41.21.302. Management of marine parks.

(a) The state land and water described in AS 41.21.304 is assigned to the department for control, maintenance, and development consistent with the purposes and provisions of AS 41.21.300 - 41.21.306.
(b) The Department of Fish and Game is responsible for the management of fish and game resources on the state land and water described in AS 41.21.304 consistent with the purposes of AS 41.21.300 - 41.21.306. The Department of Fish and Game shall give written notice to and consult with the department before adoption of regulations governing fish and game management in a marine park unit of the Alaska state park system.
(c) The department shall develop a management plan for each marine park unit of the Alaska state park system to determine the specific purposes and uses for the unit. The commissioner shall give written notice and consult with the Department of Fish and Game, proximately located municipalities of the state, proximately located private landowners, the United States Forest Service, organizations concerned with conservation, recreation, and tourism, and other interested parties during the preparation of a management plan for a marine park unit of the Alaska state park system. A management plan required under this subsection shall be completed by June 14, 1995, for each marine park unit established before June 14, 1990, and within five years of the establishment of the unit for units established after June 13, 1990.
(d) The commissioner may not prohibit fishing, hunting, or trapping within a marine park unit of the Alaska state park system. The commissioner may not restrict the exercise of fishing, hunting, or trapping rights permitted under law or under a regulation of the Board of Fisheries or the Board of Game within a marine park unit of the Alaska state park system.
(e) The commissioner shall allow the development of aquaculture facilities within a marine park unit of the Alaska state park system under terms and conditions that ensure that the development is compatible with AS 41.21.300 - 41.21.306.
(f) The commissioner may enter into a cooperative agreement for
(1) the management of a marine park unit of the Alaska state park system with a federal agency, a municipality of the state, or a proximately located private landowner for a purpose stated under AS 41.21.020(a)(7); or
(2) the management of proximately located federal, municipal, or private land as part of a marine park unit of the Alaska state park system.
(g) In the management of a marine park unit of the Alaska state park system the commissioner shall consult and cooperate with a Native corporation that owns an historical or cultural site granted under 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1) (sec. 14(h)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act) and that is proximately located to a marine park unit of the Alaska state park system. In the management of a marine park unit of the Alaska state park system the commissioner shall address the potential conflicts with the cultural and historical values of land granted to a Native corporation under 43 U.S.C. 1613(h)(1) (sec. 14(h)(1) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act) and shall provide for appropriate protection to these values.
(h) Nothing in AS 41.21.300 - 41.21.306 precludes the use of or access to land proximately located to a marine park unit of the Alaska state park system or to mineral claims and leases. The commissioner shall permit adequate and feasible access across state land within a marine park unit of the Alaska state park system to and from private and public land within or outside a unit. In the granting of such access the commissioner may adopt reasonable regulations to protect the natural and other values of the marine park unit land and water.
(i) The commissioner may enter into a concession contract under AS 41.21.027 and AS 36 to provide services or construct facilities in a marine park unit of the Alaska state park system.