Alaska Statutes
Article 3. Alaska Marine Parks.
Sec. 41.21.304. Designated land and water.

The state-owned land and water and that land and water acquired by the state in the future lying within the following described parcels are designated as marine park units of the Alaska state park system:
(1) Bettles Bay
Township 10 North, Range 6 East, Seward Meridian
Section 12: S1/2 SW1/4, SW1/4 SE1/4
Section 13: NW1/4, W1/2 NE1/4, N1/2 SW1/4, NW1/4 SE1/4
Section 14: N1/2 SE1/4, S1/2 NE1/4, NE1/4 NE1/4;
(2) Oliver Inlet
Township 43 South, Range 68 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 28: SW1/4
Section 32: E1/2 E1/2
Section 33: NW1/4, W1/2 SW1/4;
(3) Sawmill Bay
Township 9 South, Range 9 West, Copper River Meridian
Section 22: E1/2 SE1/4, SW1/4 SE1/4
Section 23: SW1/4, S1/2 NW1/4, NE1/4 NW1/4, W1/2 NE1/4
Section 26: W1/2
Section 27: E1/2, S1/2 SW1/4
Section 28: E1/2 SE1/4
Section 33: NE1/4 NE1/4
Section 34: N1/2, SE1/4, N1/2 SW1/4, SE1/4 SW1/4
Section 35: W1/2
Township 10 South, Range 9 West, Copper River Meridian
Section 3: N1/2 NE1/4;
(4) Shoup Bay
Township 8 South, Range 7 West, Copper River Meridian
Section 30: W1/2 W1/2
Section 31: W1/2 W1/2
Township 8 South, Range 8 West, Copper River Meridian
Section 25: All
Section 26: All
Section 27: E1/2
Section 34: E1/2
Section 35: All
Section 36: All
Township 9 South, Range 8 West, Copper River Meridian
Section 1: N1/2 NW1/4
Section 2: N1/2
Section 3: All;
(5) South Esther Island
Township 8 North, Range 8 East, Seward Meridian
Section 3: W1/2, W1/2 SE1/4, SW1/4 NE1/4
Section 4: E1/2 E1/2, SW1/4 SE1/4
Section 5: E1/2 SW1/4, SW1/4 SW1/4, SE1/4 NW1/4
Section 6: E1/2 SW1/4, S1/2 SE1/4, NW1/4 SE1/4
Section 7: N1/2 NE1/4, SE1/4 NE1/4
Section 8: E1/2, NW1/4, N1/2 SW1/4, SE1/4 SW1/4
Section 9: All
Section 10: N1/2 NW1/4, SW1/4 NW1/4
Section 16: N1/2
Section 17: NE1/4, E1/2 NW1/4
Township 9 North, Range 8 East, Seward Meridian
Section 33: S1/2 NW1/4, SW1/4 NE1/4, E1/2 SW1/4, W1/2 SE1/4;
(6) Surprise Cove
Township 8 North, Range 6 East, Seward Meridian
Section 21: SE1/4, E1/2 SW1/4
Section 22: SE1/4, S1/2 SW1/4, SE1/4 NE1/4
Section 23: W1/2 SW1/4, SW1/4 NW1/4
Section 26: W1/2 W1/2
Section 27: All
Section 28: S1/2, NE1/4, E1/2 NW1/4
Section 29: SE1/4 SE1/4
Section 34: N1/2 N1/2
Section 35: NW1/4 NW1/4;
(7) Chilkat Islands
Township 32 South, Range 60 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 22: SE1/4
Section 23: All
Section 26: All
Section 27: All
Section 34: All
Section 35: All
Township 33 South, Range 61 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 4: All
Section 5: All
Section 8: All
Section 9: All
Section 16: All;
(8) Ziegler Cove
Township 9 North, Range 6 East, Seward Meridian
Section 25: SW1/4, W1/2 SE1/4
Section 26: E1/2
Section 36: N1/2 N1/2;
(9) Horseshoe Bay
Township 1 South, Range 9 East, Seward Meridian
Section 32: SE1/4
Township 2 South, Range 9 East, Seward Meridian
Section 4: S1/2 SW1/4 excluding amended Iron Mountain Lode No. 2 and Iron Mountain Lode
Section 5: All
Section 8: N1/2 excluding Iron Mountain Lode No. 11 and Iron Mountain Lode No. 10
Section 9: NW1/4 NW1/4 excluding amended Iron Mountain Lode No. 2 and Iron Mountain Lode;
(10) Sullivan Island
Township 34 South, Range 60 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 12: SE1/4
Township 34 South, Range 61 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 7: All
Section 18: All
Section 19: All
Section 30: All;
(11) Shelter Island: the following described parcels excluding submerged land seaward of the 10 fathom bathymetric line:
Township 39 South, Range 64 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 29: All
Section 31: All
Section 32: All
Section 33: All
Township 40 South, Range 64 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 5: NW1/4NE1/4, S1/2NE1/4, NW1/4, S1/2
Section 6
Section 8
Section 9: W1/2;
(12) Saint James Bay
Township 37, South, Range 62 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 27: All
Section 28: All
Section 29: All
Section 30: SE1/4, SE1/4 SW1/4
Section 31: E1/2 NW1/4, NE1/4 SW1/4, E1/2
Section 32: All
Section 33: All
Section 34: All
Section 35: W1/2
Township 38 South, Range 62 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 2: W1/2
Section 3: All
Section 4: All
Section 5: All
Section 6: NE1/4, E1/2 SE1/4
Section 8: N1/2, NE1/4 SW1/4, SE1/4
Section 9: All
Section 10: All
Section 11: W1/2
Section 14: NW1/4
Section 15: N1/2
Section 16: N1/2
Section 17: N1/2 NE1/4, SE1/4 NE1/4;
(13) Taku Harbor
U.S. Mineral Survey No. 2192
Township 44 South, Range 70 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 5: W1/2 SW1/4, W1/2 E1/2 SW1/4
Section 6: E1/2 SE1/4
Section 7: NE1/4, NE1/4 SE1/4, S1/2 SE1/4
Section 8: W1/2, excluding ILMT 33289 (ATS682) and excluding a parcel of land described as: Beginning at the record corner for Cor. No. 2, U.S. Survey No. 370; thence east along line 2-3 of U.S. Survey No. 370 a distance of 125´; thence north a distance of 350´; thence west approximately 90´ to the intersection of this line within the mean high tide line of the Taku Harbor; thence meander along the mean high tide line of Taku Harbor in a southwesterly and southern direction approximately 355´ to Cor. No. 2, U.S. Survey No. 370, the true point of beginning
Section 17: W1/2 W1/2
Section 18: E1/2, excluding tideland permit 100597;
(14) Funter Bay
Township 42 South, Range 64 East, Copper River Meridian
(A) Section 1: Lot 1
Section 2: Lots 1 - 5, including all adjacent tideland
Tract A: That portion within the W1/2 NW1/4 of Protracted
Section 1, and NE1/4 and N1/2 SE1/4 of Protracted Section 2; Tract 37;
aggregating approximately 251.3 acres, more or less, according to the Bureau of Land Management plat of survey, filed December 3, 1999;
(B) Sections 1 and 12: The following described tracts, excluding U.S. Surveys Nos. 2448 and 3149:
(i) Beginning at Corner No. 4, Lone Star Lode claim, U.S. Mineral Survey No. (M.S.) 1492 proceed N. 70 degrees 00 feet E. along the north boundary of said claim a distance of 359.15 feet more or less to Corner No. 3, Otter Lode claim, M.S. 1492; thence N. 5 degrees 50 feet E. a distance of 666.60 feet more or less along the west boundary of the Otter Lode claim to Corner No. 4 of said claim; thence N. 70 degrees 00 feet E. a distance of 1,500.00 feet more or less along the north boundary of the Otter Lode claim, M.S. 1492 to Corner No. 1 of said claim, said Corner being common to Corner No. 2, Mill Site claim, M.S. 2191; thence N. 5 degrees 27 feet W. to an intersect with the southwest boundary of ISH NIC claim, M.S. 2191; thence N. 44 degrees 00 feet W. along said boundary to Corner No. 4 of ISH NIC claim; thence N. 46 degrees 00 feet E. along the northwest boundary of ISH NIC claim a distance of 321.62 feet more or less to Corner No. 3 of Beach No. 4 claim, M.S. 2191, common with Corner No. 2 of Beach No. 1 claim, M.S. 2191; thence N. 44 degrees 00 feet W. along the southwest boundary of Beach No. 4 claim a distance of 600.00 feet more or less to Corner No. 4 of Beach No. 4 claim; thence N. 46 degrees 00 feet E. along the northwest boundary of Beach No. 4 claim a distance of 1,099.47 feet more or less to Corner No. 1 of Beach No. 4 claim, common with Corner No. 1 of Beach No. 5 claim, M.S. 2191; thence N. 44 degrees 00 feet W. along the southwest boundaries of Beach No's. 6 and 7 claims, M.S. 2191 a distance of 1,200.00 feet more or less to Corner No. 1 of Beach No. 7 claim; thence N. 46 degrees 00 feet E. along the northwest boundary of Beach No. 7 claim a distance of 135.10 feet more or less to Corner No. 4 U.S. Survey No. (U.S.S.) 3149; thence continue N. 46 degrees 00 feet E. along the northwest boundaries of Beach No's. 7 and 8 claims, M.S. 2191 a distance of 2,864.90 feet more or less to Corner No. 2, Beach No. 8 claim; thence due west a distance of 3,300 feet more or less to an intersection of a line projected due north from Meander Corner (M.C.) No. 3, U.S.S. 2448; thence due south a distance of 1,214 feet more or less to M.C. No. 3, U.S.S. 2448; thence meander along the mean high water line of the northeast shore of Funter Bay in a southwesterly, easterly, southeasterly, southwesterly direction a distance of 1.11 miles more or less to a point lying S. 70 degrees 00 feet W. from Corner No. 4, Lone Star Lode claim, M.S. 1492 on the mean high water line of the easterly shore of Funter Bay; thence N. 70 degrees 00 feet E. to Corner No. 4, Lone Star Lode claim; the point of beginning.
(ii) That portion of Mill Site, Mineral Survey (M.S.) No. 2191, described as follows: beginning at Corner No. 1, Mill Site, on line 2-3, Beach No. 1, M.S. 2191, thence S. 5 degrees 27 feet E., 57.26 feet, to the intersection of line 1-4, ISH NIC, M.S. 2191; thence S. 46 degrees 00 feet W., 264.36 feet, along a portion of line 1-4, of ISH NIC, to Corner No. 4, ISH NIC, M.S. 2191; thence S. 44 degrees 00 feet E., 331.75 feet, along a portion of line 4-3 of ISH NIC, to the intersection of line 1-2, Mill Site; thence S. 5 degrees 27 feet E., 137.55 feet, along a portion of line 1-2 of Mill Site, to Corner No. 2, Mill Site, identical to Corner No. 1 of Otter, M.S. 1492; thence S. 70 degrees 00 feet W., 1,500.00 feet, on line 2-3, Mill Site, identical to line 1-4 of Otter, M.S. 1492, to Corner No. 3, Mill Site, M.S. 2191, identical to Corner No. 4 of Otter, M.S. 1492; thence N. 5 degrees 27 feet W., 497.70 feet, on line 3-4, along the mean-high tide line of Funter Bay, to Corner No. 4, Mill Site; thence N. 30 degrees 07 feet E., 183.08 feet, on line 4-5, along the mean-high tide line of Funter Bay, to Corner No. 5, Mill Site, identical to Corner No. 3, Beach No. 1, M.S. 2191; thence N. 70 degrees 00 feet E., 1,390.00 feet, on line 5-1, Mill Site, identical to a portion of line 3-2, Beach No. 1, to Corner No. 1, the point of beginning.
(iii) That portion of Beach No. 1, Mineral Survey (M.S.) No. 2191, described as follows: beginning at Corner No. 2, Beach No. 1, identical with Corner No. 3, Beach No. 4, M.S. 2191, on line 4-1 of ISH NIC, M.S. 2191, thence S. 70 degrees 00 feet W., 1,500.00 feet on line 2-3, Beach No. 1, identical to a portion of line 1-5, Mill Site, M.S. 2191, to Corner No. 3, Beach No. 1, identical to Corner No. 5, Mill Site; thence N. 12 degrees 43 feet E., 460.00 feet, along the mean-high tide line of Funter Bay to Corner No. 4, Beach No. 1; thence N. 47 degrees 23 feet E., 157.50 feet, along the mean-high tide line of Funter Bay, to Corner No. 5, Beach No. 1; thence N. 14 degrees 02 feet E., 183.33 feet, along the mean-high tide line of Funter Bay, to Corner No. 6, Beach No. 1, identical to Corner No. 4, Beach No. 2, M.S. 2191; thence N. 70 degrees 00 feet E., 874.74 feet, on line 6-1, Beach No. 1, identical to a portion of line 4-3 of Beach No. 2, to the intersection of line 4-1, Beach No. 4, M.S. 2191; thence S. 46 degrees 00 feet W., 126.34 feet, along a portion of line 4-1 of Beach No. 4, to Corner No. 4, Beach No. 4; thence S. 44 degrees 00 feet E., 600.00 feet, on line 4-3, Beach No. 4, to Corner No. 3, Beach No. 4, identical to Corner No. 2, Beach No. 1, the point of beginning.
(iv) That portion of Beach No. 2, Mineral Survey (M.S.) No. 2191, described as follows: beginning at the true point for Corner No. 1, Beach No. 2, thence N. 70 degrees 00 feet E., 1,197.45 feet, along a portion of line 1-2 of Beach No. 2, to the intersection of line 1-4 of Beach No. 6, M.S. 2191; thence S. 44 degrees 00 feet E., 223.40 feet, along a portion of line 1-4 of Beach No. 6, to Corner No. 4, Beach No. 6, identical with Corner No. 1, Beach No. 5, M.S. 2191; thence S. 46 degrees 00 feet W., 973.13 feet, along a portion of line 1-4 of Beach No. 4, to the intersection of line 3-4 of Beach No. 2; thence S. 70 degrees 00 feet W., 874.74 feet, along a portion of line 3-4 of Beach No. 2, to Corner No. 4, Beach No. 2, identical with Corner No. 6, Beach No. 1; thence N. 14 degrees 03 feet E., 478.00 feet, along the mean-high tide line of Funter Bay, to Corner No. 5, Beach No. 2; thence N. 25 degrees 33 feet E., 291.00 feet, along the mean-high tide line of Funter Bay, to Corner No. 1, Beach No. 2, the point of beginning.
(v) That portion of Beach No. 3, Mineral Survey (M.S.) No. 2191, described as follows: beginning at Corner No. 1, Beach No. 3, thence N. 70 degrees 00 feet E., 637.07 feet, along a portion of line 1-2, to the intersection of line 1-4, Beach No. 7, M.S. 2191; thence S. 44 degrees 00 feet E., 279.27 feet, along a portion of line 1-4 of Beach No. 7, to Corner No. 4, Beach No. 7, identical to Corner No. 1, Beach No. 6, M.S. 2191, thence continue S. 44 degrees 00 feet E., 376.60 feet, along a portion of line 1-4 of Beach No. 6, to the intersection of line 3-4, Beach No. 3; thence S. 70 degrees 00 feet W., 1,139.45 feet, along a portion of line 3-4 of Beach No. 3, to Corner No. 4, Beach No. 3; thence N. 1 degree 30 feet E., 644.00 feet, along the mean-high tide line of Funter Bay, on line 4-1, to Corner No. 1, Beach No. 3, to point of beginning. Containing 12.22 acres.
Section 2: W1/2
Section 3: S1/2 SW1/4, NW1/4 SW1/4
Section 4: S1/2 NE1/4, E1/2 SE1/4
Section 10: N1/2 N1/2, S1/2 NE1/4
Section 11: NW1/4, NW1/4 NE1/4, including all tide and submerged land;
(15) Joe Mace Island
Township 64 South, Range 75 East, Copper River Meridian Lot 4, U.S. Survey 3854 and adjacent tideland;
(16) Thoms Place
Township 65 South, Range 86 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 32: S1/2
Township 66 South, Range 86 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 4: SW1/4, S1/2 NW1/4, NW1/4 NW1/4, S1/2 SE1/4, NW1/4SE1/4
Section 5: All except for land within ASLS 81-234
Section 8: NE1/4
Section 9: N1/2, SE1/4;
(17) Beecher Pass
Township 61 South, Range 79 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 1: NE1/4SW1/4, Lots 5 - 8
Section 10: Lots 1 - 2, including all adjacent tideland
Section 11: Lots 1 - 11, including all adjacent tideland
Section 12: Lots 3 - 11, including all adjacent tideland
Section 14: Lot 2, including all adjacent tideland
Section 15: Lot 1, including all adjacent tideland
Township 61 South, Range 80 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 6: Lot 11, including all adjacent tideland
Section 7: Lots 1 - 2, including all adjacent tideland;
(18) Dall Bay
Township 77 South, Range 91 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 29: W1/2 SW1/4, SW1/4 NW1/4
Section 30: SE1/4, E1/2 SW1/4
Section 31: NE1/4, N1/2 SE1/4, NE1/4 SW1/4, E1/2 NW1/4 subject to USS 3525 and A.T.S. 155
Section 32: NW1/4, N1/2 SW1/4;
(19) Security Bay
Township 58 South, Range 70 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 1: SW1/4 SW1/4
Section 2: S1/2
Section 11: N1/2, SE1/4, E1/2 SW1/4
Section 12: W1/2 W1/2, E1/2 SW1/4 subject to Forest Service Preference 103521
Section 13: All subject to Historic Place Application AA-6569, Parcel A
Section 14: NE1/4;
(20) Boswell Bay Beaches
Township 17 South, Range 5 West, Copper River Meridian
Section 10: Above the mean high tide line
Section 15: Above the mean high tide line, except South of Point Bentinck South of a line bearing South 68 degrees East, below the mean high tide line
Sections 19 - 22;
(21) Canoe Passage
Township 15 South, Range 5 West, Copper River Meridian
Section 31: E1/2E1/2
Section 32
Township 16 South, Range 4 West, Copper River Meridian
Section 6: S1/2, S1/2N1/2
Township 16 South, Range 5 West, Copper River Meridian
Section 3: The land South and West of the mid-channel of Canoe Passage
Section 4: The land and water south of the mid-channel of Canoe Passage in N1/2
Section 5: N1/2N1/2, SE1/4NE1/4
Section 10: N1/2NE1/4
Sections 11 - 12: N1/2N1/2;
(22) Decision Point
Township 8 North, Range 6 East, Seward Meridian
Section 5: SW1/4SW1/4
Section 6: S1/2S1/2
Section 7: N1/2, N1/2S1/2
Section 8: W1/2NW1/4, NW1/4SW1/4;
(23) Driftwood Bay
Township 3 South, Range 1 East, Seward Meridian
Section 14: SW1/4
Section 15
Section 16: E1/2E1/2
Section 21: NE1/4NE1/4
Section 22: N1/2
Section 23: NW1/4;
(24) Entry Cove
Township 8 North, Range 6 East, Seward Meridian
Section 2: S1/2
Section 3: SE1/4, S1/2SW1/4
Sections 10 - 11: N1/2;
(25) Granite Bay
Township 9 North, Range 8 East, Seward Meridian
Sections 4 - 6: S1/2
Sections 7 - 8
Section 9: N1/2, SW1/4
Section 17: W1/2W1/2
Section 18: E1/2, E1/2NW1/4;
(26) Kayak Island
Township 22 South, Range 5 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 25
Section 36: N1/2, SW1/4, W1/2SE1/4
Township 22 South, Range 6 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 16: N1/2, SW1/4, N1/2SE1/4, SW1/4SE1/4
Section 20
Section 21: NW1/4, NW1/4SW1/4
Section 29: NW1/4
Section 30: W1/2
Township 23 South, Range 5 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 1: N1/2NW1/4, SW1/4NW1/4
Section 2
Sections 10 - 11;
(27) Jack Bay
Township 9 South, Range 7 West, Copper River Meridian
Section 31: S1/2SW1/4
Township 9 South, Range 8 West, Copper River Meridian
Section 35: SE1/4SE1/4
Section 36: S1/2S1/2
Township 10 South, Range 7 West, Copper River Meridian
Section 6: N1/2NW1/4
Township 10 South, Range 8 West, Copper River Meridian
Section 1
Section 2: N1/2, N1/2N1/2S1/2
Section 3: NE1/4NE1/4
Section 12: E1/2NE1/4, E1/2W1/2NE1/4;
(28) Safety Cove
Township 2 South, Range 1 East, Seward Meridian
Section 23: S1/2
Section 24: SW1/4
Section 25: NW1/4
Section 26: N1/2;
(29) Sandspit Point
Township 3 South, Range 1 East, Seward Meridian
Section 5: SW1/4, S1/2SE1/4
Section 8: N1/2;
(30) Sunny Cove
Township 3 South, Range 1 East, Seward Meridian
Section 19
Section 20: W1/2W1/2
Township 3 South, Range 1 West, Seward Meridian
Section 24: E1/2E1/2;
(31) Thumb Cove
Township 2 South, Range 1 East, Seward Meridian
Section 16: W1/2, W1/2NE1/4
Section 17: E1/2;
(32) Magoun Islands
Township 54 South, Range 62 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 20: S1/2NE1/4, SE1/4
Section 21: Excluding Krestof Island
Section 22: W1/2SW1/4, excluding Krestof Island
Section 28: N1/2, N1/2SW1/4, excluding Krestof Island
Section 29
Section 32: N1/2, N1/2S1/2;
(33) Big Bear/Baby Bear Bays
Township 51 South, Range 61 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 13: S1/2N1/2, S1/2
Section 14: SE1/4SE1/4
Section 23: E1/2
Section 24: W1/2E1/2, W1/2
Section 25: NW1/4NE1/4, NW1/4, NW1/4SW1/4
Section 26: N1/2, N1/2S1/2.
(34) Juneau Area Islands: Aaron, Battleship, Benjamin, Bird, Coghlan, Cohen, Gull, Indian, Lincoln, Little, North, Portland, Ralston, and Suedla Islands: the following described parcels excluding submerged land seaward of the 10 fathom bathymetric line:
Township 38 South, Range 63 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 13
Section 24: E1/2NE1/4
Section 32: E1/2
Section 33: SW1/4
Township 38 South, Range 64 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 18: SW1/4
Section 19
Section 20: W1/2SW1/4
Section 29: NW1/4NW1/4
Section 30: N1/2
Township 39 South, Range 63 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 4
Section 9
Section 10
Section 11
Section 13: E1/2
Section 14
Section 15
Section 16: E1/2
Section 22: N1/2
Section 23
Section 24
Township 39 South, Range 64 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 8: SE1/4
Section 9: SW1/4
Section 16
Section 17: NE1/4
Section 18: S1/2
Section 19
Section 20: SW1/4
Section 30: except for USS 354
Section 34: S1/2
Township 40 South, Range 64 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 1: W1/2NW1/4
Section 3: NE1/4
Section 4
Section 5
Section 9
Section 10
Section 15
Section 16
Section 17: NE1/4
Section 36: SE1/4SE1/4
Township 40 South, Range 65 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 28: SW1/4
Section 31: SW1/4SW1/4
Section 32: E1/2
Section 33: W1/2
Section 34: W1/2E1/2, W1/2
Township 41 South, Range 65 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 1: NE1/4
Section 2: W1/2NW1/4, SW1/4
Section 3: NE1/4
Section 11
Township 41 South, Range 66 East, Copper River Meridian
Section 5: NW1/2NW1/4, NW1/4NW1/4NE1/4
Section 6: NW1/4.