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Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Section 10-1-10. Care of State House and State House grounds. - The Department of Administration shall keep, landscape, cultivate, and beautify...
Section 10-1-20. Annual report as to care of State House and State House grounds. - The Department of Administration shall report to the General Assembly...
Section 10-1-30. Use of areas of the State House. - (A) The Director of the Division of General Services may...
Section 10-1-35. Camping on State House grounds prohibited. - (A) For purposes of this section, "State House grounds" means...
Section 10-1-40. State House Committee. - There is hereby established a committee to be known as...
Section 10-1-45. Improvements or additions to State House. - Improvements and additions to the State House must be recommended...
Section 10-1-50. Agencies housed in state office building to pay rent; disposition of revenue derived. - The Department of Administration is hereby directed to require that...
Section 10-1-55. Local governments demanding rent from state agencies; State Aid to Subdivisions reduction. - A local government entity which demands payment of rent or...
Section 10-1-70. Roofs of public buildings, fireproof and noncombustible materials requirements. - Every public building erected, enlarged or reroofed after May 27,...
Section 10-1-75. Smoke actuated door closers on patient rooms in institutional facilities licensed by state agencies. - Whenever any patient room in any institutional facility licensed by...
Section 10-1-80. Bringing natural cut trees into places of worship, Fire Code enforcement exemption. - (A) For purposes of this section, "places of worship" mean...
Section 10-1-100. Public construction projects, provision for antipollution devices. - All invitations for bid proposals for construction projects (but not...
Section 10-1-105. Buildings constructed with public funds to include windows which may be opened. - Whereas, state office buildings have been constructed recently with windows...
Section 10-1-110. State Board of Education to approve certain contracts not awarded to lowest bidder. - Where bids are received as a result of advertisement for...
Section 10-1-130. Grant of easements and rights of way. - The trustees or governing bodies of state institutions and agencies...
Section 10-1-135. Encroachments on state-owned lands of natural significance. - For easements, rights-of-way, or any other encroachment on or over...
Section 10-1-140. Responsibility for personal property of state departments, agencies, and institutions. - The head of each department, agency, or institution of this...
Section 10-1-150. Accounting for expenses of public buildings. - All expenditures from amounts specified in appropriations for expenses in...
Section 10-1-160. Display of certain flags. - (A) The United States flag and the State flag shall...
Section 10-1-161. State Capitol Building flags flown at half-staff. - (A) On Memorial Day the flags, which are flown atop...
Section 10-1-163. Location of portraits, flags, banners, monuments, statues, and plaques removed from State House during renovations; payment of costs of removal and return. - (A) All portraits, flags, banners, monuments, statues, and plaques which...
Section 10-1-165. Protection of certain monuments and memorials. - (A) No Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, War...
Section 10-1-168. Foundations of American Law and Government display; posting in public location in public building. - (A) Notwithstanding another provision of law, each municipality, county, or...
Section 10-1-170. Memorial in honor of South Carolina war dead, prisoners of war, servicemen missing in action, and veterans. - A. The Division of General Services and the South Carolina...
Section 10-1-175. Law enforcement officer memorial. - (A) In addition to the memorial on the State House...
Section 10-1-178. African-American History Monument. - There is hereby established on the grounds of the State...
Section 10-1-179. African-American History Monument Commission; museum; dissolution of commission. - (A) An African-American History Monument Commission is created to determine...
Section 10-1-180. Expenditure of funds by state agency subject to approval and regulation of State Budget and Control Board; exceptions. - The expenditure of funds by any state agency, except the...
Section 10-1-190. Department of Administration may apply net proceeds from trade of property to the improvement of property. - As part of the approval process relating to trades of...
Section 10-1-200. Regulation of parking facilities owned or controlled by agencies of state government. - Parking facilities owned or controlled by agencies of the state...
Section 10-1-205. Computers in public libraries; regulation of Internet access. - A computer which: (1) is located in a lending library...
Section 10-1-206. Library pilot program for Internet filtering software. - (A)(1) A pilot program is hereby established to assess the...
Section 10-1-210. Pay telephone revenue. - Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all state agencies, institutions,...
Chapter 3 - Governor's Mansion And Lace House Commission
Section 10-3-10. Commission created; membership; terms. - There is hereby created the Governor's Mansion and Lace House...
Section 10-3-20. Officers; meetings; quorum; per diem and mileage. - The commission shall elect a chairman and such other officers...
Section 10-3-30. Duties. - The commission shall be the custodian of the Governor's Mansion...
Section 10-3-40. Exclusion of portion of mansion from provisions of chapter. - Upon approval of the Governor, the commission may exclude any...
Section 10-3-50. Return of articles on loan. - In the event the commission is dissolved, all articles on...
Section 10-3-60. Rent revenue from Governor's Mansion Complex used for operation of complex. - Revenues generated from the rentals of the facilities of the...
Chapter 5 - Construction And Renovation Of Public Buildings And Other Projects
Section 10-5-210. Declaration of intent. - The General Assembly declares that the policy of this State...
Section 10-5-220. Definitions. - As used in this article: (1) "Governmental buildings" means all...
Section 10-5-230. Accessibility Committee for the South Carolina Building Codes Council created; membership; terms; vacancies. - There is created the Accessibility Committee for the South Carolina...
Section 10-5-235. South Carolina Board for Barrier-Free Design abolished; Accessibility Committee for the South Carolina Building Codes Council created; transition of funding, powers and duties. - (A) There is created the Accessibility Committee for the South...
Section 10-5-240. Officers of board; meetings; quorum; compensation; office space. - The board shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman to serve...
Section 10-5-250. Building code and rental unit accessibility requirements; promulgation of regulations. - (A) The requirements for accessibility for people with disabilities contained...
Section 10-5-260. Buildings required to be in compliance; responsibility of owners and occupants. - No person may construct or alter a building, structure, or...
Section 10-5-270. Compliance review and approval. - (A) All plans for buildings, structures, and facilities to be...
Section 10-5-280. Display of international symbol. - The international symbol of access for people with disabilities must...
Section 10-5-290. Action for violation of regulations. - A person who is denied access to buildings, structures, or...
Section 10-5-320. Suits for injunction against noncompliance; accessibility of meetings and conferences with state agencies. - The official having jurisdiction pursuant to Section 10-5-270 to enforce...
Chapter 7 - Insurance On Public Buildings And Property
Section 10-7-10. Insurance on state public buildings, state-supported institutions, and Department of Transportation buildings. - All insurance on public buildings and on the contents thereof...
Section 10-7-20. Insurance on public buildings of incorporated municipalities. - The State Fiscal Accountability Authority is authorized to insure public...
Section 10-7-30. Insurance on public buildings of counties. - All insurance on public buildings and the contents thereof of...
Section 10-7-40. Insurance on public school buildings. - All insurance of public school buildings and on the contents...
Section 10-7-50. Cancellation or reduction of insurance on abandoned school buildings. - If any school building be abandoned for use for school...
Section 10-7-60. Cancellation in case of dilapidation and depreciation. - The State Fiscal Accountability Authority may cancel any policy of...
Section 10-7-70. Officials in charge of buildings shall provide for insurance. - The proper officer, official or trustee having by law the...
Section 10-7-80. Officials shall furnish information on school buildings. - The State Superintendent of Education and the county superintendents of...
Section 10-7-90. Premium rate. - All insurance carried by the State Fiscal Accountability Authority as...
Section 10-7-100. Payment of premiums. - The premium on all policies of insurance issued by the...
Section 10-7-120. Authority may reinsure. - The State Fiscal Accountability Authority may reinsure, upon terms which...
Section 10-7-130. Insurance reserve funds. - All funds paid over to the State Fiscal Accountability Authority...
Section 10-7-140. Reduction of premiums. - When the insurance reserve fund provided for in Section 10-7-130...
Section 10-7-150. Renewals. - The State Fiscal Accountability Authority shall notify the officers, officials...
Section 10-7-160. Value of buildings. - The value of all public buildings shall be based on...
Section 10-7-170. Amount of insurance. - The amount of insurance to be carried on all buildings...
Section 10-7-180. Appraisers in case of loss or damage. - In the event of loss or damage, when an agreement...
Section 10-7-190. Payment of amount of award. - The amount paid by the board, as fixed by the...
Section 10-7-200. Contracts and loans for hazard reducing systems. - The State Fiscal Accountability Authority may make contracts with responsible...
Section 10-7-210. Losses when authority holds hazard reduction system loans. - In the event of a total or partial loss of...
Section 10-7-220. Inspectors. - The State Fiscal Accountability Authority may employ an inspector, or...
Section 10-7-230. Penalties. - Any officer, official or trustee, upon whom the duties provided...
Chapter 9 - Minerals And Mineral Interests In Public Lands
Section 10-9-10. Leases of gas, oil, and certain other minerals. - The Public Service Authority may, through its board of directors,...
Section 10-9-20. Minimum royalty. - No such lease shall provide for a royalty of less...
Section 10-9-30. Leases subject to conservation laws; lease of rights upon offshore and other state lands. - Nothing contained in this article shall estop the State from...
Section 10-9-35. Disposition of revenues received from offshore oil leases. - In the event that the State of South Carolina is...
Section 10-9-40. Authority conferred by article is cumulative. - The authority conferred upon the Public Service Authority, the Department...
Section 10-9-110. Department of Health and Environmental Control has exclusive control of the state's phosphate interest. - The Department of Health and Environmental Control shall be charged...
Section 10-9-120. Protection of the state's interest against adverse claimants. - The department may inquire into and protect the interests of...
Section 10-9-130. Department may issue leases or licenses; notice of applications. - The department may issue to any person who applies for...
Section 10-9-140. Department may grant or refuse application for license. - In every case in which an application is made to...
Section 10-9-150. Bond of licensee. - As a condition precedent to the right to dig, mine,...
Section 10-9-160. Additional security to bonds may be required. - Whenever the department shall have reason to doubt the solvency...
Section 10-9-170. Proceeding for relief of sureties; new bond and its effect. - The department, upon petition filed by any person who is...
Section 10-9-180. Power to fix and change rates for digging phosphate. - The department is hereby vested with full and complete power...
Section 10-9-190. Returns of rock mined; payment of royalty; rate of royalty. - Each person to whom a license shall be issued must,...
Section 10-9-200. Comptroller General notified of licenses issued. - The Department of Health and Environmental Control, within twenty days...
Section 10-9-210. Mining without license; penalty. - Every person who shall dig, mine, or remove any phosphate...
Section 10-9-220. Purchasing or receiving from unlicensed person. - It shall be unlawful for any person to purchase or...
Section 10-9-230. Penalty for violation of Section 10-9-220. - Any person violating Section 10-9-220 shall forfeit to the State...
Section 10-9-240. Department may take measures to prevent interference, obstruction, or molestation. - Should any person whosoever interfere with, obstruct, or molest or...
Section 10-9-250. Forfeiture of boats, vessels, dredges, or other appliances used by unlicensed persons; enforcement proceedings. - Should any person attempt to mine or remove phosphate rock...
Section 10-9-260. Interfering with State, department, or licensees; mining without license. - Any person wilfully interfering with, molesting, or obstructing or attempting...
Section 10-9-270. Annual report to General Assembly. - The department shall report annually to the General Assembly its...
Section 10-9-310. Definitions. - For purposes of this article "geothermal resources" means the natural...
Section 10-9-320. Lease of development rights to geothermal resources underlying surface lands owned by State. - The Department of Health and Environmental Control may lease development...
Section 10-9-330. Oil, natural gas, or minerals drilling leases, specific reference to geothermal energy drilling rights required. - Any lease of rights to drill for and use oil,...
Chapter 11 - Trespasses And Offenses
Section 10-11-10. Walking on roof of State House. - It shall be unlawful for any person, without the permission...
Section 10-11-20. Unauthorized use of State House or grounds. - It shall be unlawful to use the State House or...
Section 10-11-30. Trespassing, damaging or defacing certain state property. - It shall be unlawful for any person to trespass upon...
Section 10-11-40. Unlawful use of driveways and parking spaces on certain state property. - It shall be unlawful for any person, except state officers...
Section 10-11-50. Manner of parking on certain state property. - It shall be unlawful for anyone to park any vehicle...
Section 10-11-60. Speed limit and traffic regulations on certain state property. - It shall be unlawful to operate a motor vehicle on...
Section 10-11-70. Criminal laws in effect on certain state property. - All of the general criminal laws of the State are...
Section 10-11-80. Restricted parking in state parking lots in City of Columbia. - (1) Parking lots which are situated on the property of...
Section 10-11-90. Watchmen and policemen to have powers of constables on certain state property. - The watchmen and policemen employed for the protection of the...
Section 10-11-100. Other police officers to enforce laws on certain state property. - In addition to the enforcement of Sections 10-11-30 to 10-11-70...
Section 10-11-110. Issuance and use of parking tickets. - In connection with traffic and parking violations only, the watchmen...
Section 10-11-120. Penalties. - The violation of any of the provisions of Sections 10-11-40...
Section 10-11-130. Jurisdiction of city recorder and magistrate within area of certain state property. - The recorder of the city of Columbia and the magistrate...
Section 10-11-140. Permission to use State House grounds. - Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to abridge...
Section 10-11-150. State House renovation, traffic control. - In order to preserve public safety and provide appropriate staging...
Section 10-11-310. "Capitol grounds" defined. - As used in this article, "capitol grounds" or "grounds" shall...
Section 10-11-315. Defacing monuments on capitol grounds; penalty. - It is unlawful for a person to wilfully and maliciously...
Section 10-11-320. Carrying or discharging firearm; exception for concealable weapons' permit holder. - (A) It is unlawful for any person or group of...
Section 10-11-325. Possessing, transporting, detonating explosive or incendiary device; penalty. - (A) It is unlawful for a person knowingly to possess,...
Section 10-11-330. Unauthorized entry into a building on the capitol grounds; disorderly conduct; obstructing passage; demonstrating. - It shall be unlawful for any person or group of...
Section 10-11-340. Performance of duties by officers or employees within capitol building. - Nothing contained in this article prohibits any officer or employee...
Section 10-11-350. Peaceful entry by general public upon grounds and capitol building. - Nothing contained in this article shall prohibit the normal, peaceful...
Section 10-11-360. Penalties. - A person who violates the provisions of this article is...