As used in this article:
(1) "Governmental buildings" means all buildings, structures, and facilities used by the public that are constructed, purchased, leased, or rented in whole or in part by the federal, state, county, or municipal government or any political subdivision of the State.
(2) "Public buildings" means all buildings, structures, and facilities used by the public that are constructed, purchased, leased, or rented by the use of private funds, including rental apartment complexes of twenty units or more and temporary lodging facilities of twenty units or more, except that the provisions of this article apply to only five percent of those units or a minimum of one unit, whichever is the greater, and provided, further, that the provisions of this article do not apply to a private residence.
(3) "Facilities" means all building elements defined or specified by ANSI A117.1.
(4) "ANSI" means the American National Standards Institute.
(5) "Building Code" means the building code adopted by Section 6-9-50(A).
(6) "Board" means the Accessibility Committee for the South Carolina Building Codes Council as established in this chapter.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 1-492; 1974 (58) 2794; 1991 Act No. 82, Section 1; 2000 Act No. 303, Section 1.
Editor's Note
Under the provisions of Chapter 34, Title 1, an agency is required to adopt the latest edition of a nationally recognized code which it is charged by statute or regulation with enforcing by giving notice in the State Register.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 10 - Public Buildings and Property
Chapter 5 - Construction And Renovation Of Public Buildings And Other Projects
Section 10-5-210. Declaration of intent.
Section 10-5-220. Definitions.
Section 10-5-240. Officers of board; meetings; quorum; compensation; office space.
Section 10-5-260. Buildings required to be in compliance; responsibility of owners and occupants.
Section 10-5-270. Compliance review and approval.
Section 10-5-280. Display of international symbol.