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Section 10-5-210. Declaration of intent. - The General Assembly declares that the policy of this State...
Section 10-5-220. Definitions. - As used in this article: (1) "Governmental buildings" means all...
Section 10-5-230. Accessibility Committee for the South Carolina Building Codes Council created; membership; terms; vacancies. - There is created the Accessibility Committee for the South Carolina...
Section 10-5-235. South Carolina Board for Barrier-Free Design abolished; Accessibility Committee for the South Carolina Building Codes Council created; transition of funding, powers and duties. - (A) There is created the Accessibility Committee for the South...
Section 10-5-240. Officers of board; meetings; quorum; compensation; office space. - The board shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman to serve...
Section 10-5-250. Building code and rental unit accessibility requirements; promulgation of regulations. - (A) The requirements for accessibility for people with disabilities contained...
Section 10-5-260. Buildings required to be in compliance; responsibility of owners and occupants. - No person may construct or alter a building, structure, or...
Section 10-5-270. Compliance review and approval. - (A) All plans for buildings, structures, and facilities to be...
Section 10-5-280. Display of international symbol. - The international symbol of access for people with disabilities must...
Section 10-5-290. Action for violation of regulations. - A person who is denied access to buildings, structures, or...
Section 10-5-320. Suits for injunction against noncompliance; accessibility of meetings and conferences with state agencies. - The official having jurisdiction pursuant to Section 10-5-270 to enforce...