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Section 10-7-10. Insurance on state public buildings, state-supported institutions, and Department of Transportation buildings. - All insurance on public buildings and on the contents thereof...
Section 10-7-20. Insurance on public buildings of incorporated municipalities. - The State Fiscal Accountability Authority is authorized to insure public...
Section 10-7-30. Insurance on public buildings of counties. - All insurance on public buildings and the contents thereof of...
Section 10-7-40. Insurance on public school buildings. - All insurance of public school buildings and on the contents...
Section 10-7-50. Cancellation or reduction of insurance on abandoned school buildings. - If any school building be abandoned for use for school...
Section 10-7-60. Cancellation in case of dilapidation and depreciation. - The State Fiscal Accountability Authority may cancel any policy of...
Section 10-7-70. Officials in charge of buildings shall provide for insurance. - The proper officer, official or trustee having by law the...
Section 10-7-80. Officials shall furnish information on school buildings. - The State Superintendent of Education and the county superintendents of...
Section 10-7-90. Premium rate. - All insurance carried by the State Fiscal Accountability Authority as...
Section 10-7-100. Payment of premiums. - The premium on all policies of insurance issued by the...
Section 10-7-120. Authority may reinsure. - The State Fiscal Accountability Authority may reinsure, upon terms which...
Section 10-7-130. Insurance reserve funds. - All funds paid over to the State Fiscal Accountability Authority...
Section 10-7-140. Reduction of premiums. - When the insurance reserve fund provided for in Section 10-7-130...
Section 10-7-150. Renewals. - The State Fiscal Accountability Authority shall notify the officers, officials...
Section 10-7-160. Value of buildings. - The value of all public buildings shall be based on...
Section 10-7-170. Amount of insurance. - The amount of insurance to be carried on all buildings...
Section 10-7-180. Appraisers in case of loss or damage. - In the event of loss or damage, when an agreement...
Section 10-7-190. Payment of amount of award. - The amount paid by the board, as fixed by the...
Section 10-7-200. Contracts and loans for hazard reducing systems. - The State Fiscal Accountability Authority may make contracts with responsible...
Section 10-7-210. Losses when authority holds hazard reduction system loans. - In the event of a total or partial loss of...
Section 10-7-220. Inspectors. - The State Fiscal Accountability Authority may employ an inspector, or...
Section 10-7-230. Penalties. - Any officer, official or trustee, upon whom the duties provided...