Any officer, official or trustee, upon whom the duties provided in this chapter devolve, who fails or refuses to carry out such provisions, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not less than ten nor more than thirty days.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 1-452; 1952 Code Section 1-452; 1942 Code Section 2190; 1936 (39) 1668.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 10 - Public Buildings and Property
Chapter 7 - Insurance On Public Buildings And Property
Section 10-7-20. Insurance on public buildings of incorporated municipalities.
Section 10-7-30. Insurance on public buildings of counties.
Section 10-7-40. Insurance on public school buildings.
Section 10-7-50. Cancellation or reduction of insurance on abandoned school buildings.
Section 10-7-60. Cancellation in case of dilapidation and depreciation.
Section 10-7-70. Officials in charge of buildings shall provide for insurance.
Section 10-7-80. Officials shall furnish information on school buildings.
Section 10-7-90. Premium rate.
Section 10-7-100. Payment of premiums.
Section 10-7-120. Authority may reinsure.
Section 10-7-130. Insurance reserve funds.
Section 10-7-140. Reduction of premiums.
Section 10-7-160. Value of buildings.
Section 10-7-170. Amount of insurance.
Section 10-7-180. Appraisers in case of loss or damage.
Section 10-7-190. Payment of amount of award.
Section 10-7-200. Contracts and loans for hazard reducing systems.
Section 10-7-210. Losses when authority holds hazard reduction system loans.