The watchmen and policemen employed for the protection of the property described in Sections 10-11-30 and 10-11-40 and subsection (2) of Section 10-11-80 are hereby vested with all of the powers, privileges, and immunities of constables while on this area or in fresh pursuit of those violating the law in this area, provided that such watchmen and policemen take and file the oath required of peace officers, execute and file bond in the form required of state constables, and be duly commissioned by the Governor.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 1-419; 1952 Code Section 1-414; 1942 Code Section 1194; 1932 Code Section 1194; Cr. C. '22 Section 84; Cr. C. '12 Section 243; Cr. C. '02 Section 187; R. S. 177; 1889 (20) 317; 1959 (51) 60; 2014 Act No. 121 (S.22), Pt V, Section 7.O, eff July 1, 2015.
Effect of Amendment
2014 Act No. 121, Section 7.O, deleted "by the Budget and Control Board" after "employed"; deleted ", in the amount of one thousand dollars, with the Budget and Control Board" after "required of State constables"; and made other nonsubstantive changes.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 10 - Public Buildings and Property
Chapter 11 - Trespasses And Offenses
Section 10-11-10. Walking on roof of State House.
Section 10-11-20. Unauthorized use of State House or grounds.
Section 10-11-30. Trespassing, damaging or defacing certain state property.
Section 10-11-40. Unlawful use of driveways and parking spaces on certain state property.
Section 10-11-50. Manner of parking on certain state property.
Section 10-11-60. Speed limit and traffic regulations on certain state property.
Section 10-11-70. Criminal laws in effect on certain state property.
Section 10-11-80. Restricted parking in state parking lots in City of Columbia.
Section 10-11-90. Watchmen and policemen to have powers of constables on certain state property.
Section 10-11-100. Other police officers to enforce laws on certain state property.
Section 10-11-110. Issuance and use of parking tickets.
Section 10-11-140. Permission to use State House grounds.
Section 10-11-150. State House renovation, traffic control.
Section 10-11-310. "Capitol grounds" defined.
Section 10-11-315. Defacing monuments on capitol grounds; penalty.
Section 10-11-325. Possessing, transporting, detonating explosive or incendiary device; penalty.
Section 10-11-340. Performance of duties by officers or employees within capitol building.
Section 10-11-350. Peaceful entry by general public upon grounds and capitol building.