South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 71 - Accident And Health Insurance
Section 38-71-1410. South Carolina Small Employer Insurer Reinsurance Program.

(A) There is hereby created a nonprofit entity to be known as the South Carolina Small Employer Insurer Reinsurance Program, which shall become operational on July 1, 1995.
(B)(1) The program shall operate subject to the supervision and control of the board. Subject to the provisions of item (2), the board shall consist of eight members appointed by the director plus the director or his designated representative, who shall serve as an ex officio member of the board.
(2) In selecting the members of the board, the director shall include representatives of small employers and small employer insurers and such other individuals determined to be qualified by the director. At least five members of the board shall be representatives of insurers, one of whom shall be a licensed independent insurance agent who represents multiple health and accident insurance carriers, and shall be selected from individuals nominated in this State pursuant to procedures and guidelines developed by the director.
(3) The initial board members shall be appointed as follows: two of the members to serve a term of two years; three of the members to serve a term of four years; and three of the members to serve a term of six years. Subsequent board members shall serve for a term of three years. A board member's term shall continue until his successor is appointed.
(4) A vacancy in the board shall be filled by the director. A board member may be removed by the director for cause.
(C) Not later than September 1, 1994, each small employer insurer shall make a filing with the director containing the insurer's net health insurance premium derived from health insurance plans delivered or issued for delivery to small employers in this State in the previous calendar year.
(D) Within one hundred eighty days after the appointment of the initial board, the board shall submit to the director a plan of operation and thereafter any amendments thereto necessary or suitable to assure the fair, reasonable, and equitable administration of the program. The director may, after notice and hearing, approve the plan of operation if the director determines it to be suitable to assure the fair, reasonable, and equitable administration of the program, and to provide for the sharing of program gains or losses on an equitable and proportionate basis in accordance with the provisions of this section. The plan of operation shall become effective upon written approval by the director.
(E) If the board fails to submit a suitable plan of operation within one hundred eighty days after its appointment, the director shall, after notice and hearing, adopt and promulgate a temporary plan of operation. The director shall amend or rescind any plan adopted under this subsection at the time a plan of operation is submitted by the board and approved by the director.
(F) The plan of operation shall:
(1) establish procedures for handling and accounting of program assets and monies and for an annual fiscal reporting to the director;
(2) establish procedures for selecting a licensed administrator, as provided in Sections 38-51-10 through 38-51-60, and setting forth the powers and duties of the licensed administrator;
(3) establish procedures for reinsuring risks in accordance with the provisions of this section;
(4) establish procedures for collecting assessments from reinsuring insurers to fund claims and administrative expenses incurred or estimated to be incurred by the program;
(5) establish a methodology for applying the dollar thresholds contained in this section in the case of insurers that pay or reimburse health care providers though capitation or salary; and
(6) provide for any additional matters necessary for the implementation and administration of the program.
(G) The program shall have the general powers and authority granted under the laws of this State to insurance companies and health maintenance organizations licensed to transact business, except the power to issue health insurance plans directly to either groups or individuals. In addition, the program shall have the specific authority to:
(1) enter into contracts as are necessary or proper to carry out the provisions and purposes of this article, including the authority, with the approval of the director, to enter into contracts with similar programs of other states for the joint performance of common functions or with persons or other organizations for the performance of administrative functions;
(2) sue or be sued, including taking any legal actions necessary or proper to recover any assessments and penalties for, on behalf of, or against the program or any reinsuring insurers;
(3) take any legal action necessary to avoid the payment of improper claims against the program;
(4) define the health insurance plans for which reinsurance will be provided, and to issue reinsurance policies, in accordance with the requirements of this article;
(5) establish rules, conditions, and procedures for reinsuring risks under the program;
(6) establish actuarial functions as appropriate for the operation of the program;
(7) assess reinsuring insurers in accordance with the provisions of subsection (K), and make advance interim assessments as may be reasonable and necessary for organizational and interim operating expenses. Any interim assessments shall be credited as offsets against any regular assessments due following the close of the fiscal year;
(8) appoint appropriate legal, actuarial, and other committees as necessary to provide technical assistance in the operation of the program, policy and other contract design, and any other function within the authority of the program;
(9) borrow money to effect the purposes of the program. Any notes or other evidence of indebtedness of the program not in default shall be legal investments for insurers and may be carried as admitted assets;
(H) A reinsuring insurer may reinsure with the program as provided for in this subsection:
(1) with respect to any health insurance plan offered by the small employer insurer to small employers, the program shall reinsure the level of coverage as defined in the plan of operation;
(2) a small employer insurer may reinsure an entire employer group within sixty days of the commencement of the group's coverage under a health insurance plan;
(3) a reinsuring insurer may reinsure an eligible employee or dependent within a period of sixty days following the commencement of the coverage with the small employer. A newly-eligible employee or dependent of the reinsured small employer may be reinsured within sixty days of the commencement of his coverage;
(4)(a) the program shall not reimburse a reinsuring insurer with respect to the claims of a reinsured employee or dependent until the insurer has incurred an initial level of claims for such employee or dependent of five thousand dollars in a calendar year for benefits covered by the program. In addition, the reinsuring insurer shall be responsible for ten percent of the next fifty thousand dollars of benefit payments during a calendar year and the program shall reinsure the remainder. A reinsuring insurers' liability under this subparagraph shall not exceed a maximum limit of ten thousand dollars in any one calendar year with respect to any reinsured individual;
(b) the board annually may adjust the initial level of claims, the coinsurance percentage, and the maximum limit to be retained by the insurer with the approval of the director.
(5) a small employer insurer may terminate reinsurance with the program for one or more of the reinsured employees or dependents of a small employer on any anniversary of the health insurance plan;
(6) a reinsuring insurer shall apply all managed care and claims handling techniques, including utilization review, individual case management, preferred provider provisions, and other managed care provisions or methods of operation consistently with respect to reinsured and nonreinsured business.
(I)(1) The board, as part of the plan of operation, shall establish a methodology for determining premium rates to be charged by the program for reinsuring small employers and individuals pursuant to this section. The methodology must contain a provision surcharging the reinsurance premium rate of a small employer insurer which does not employ effective cost containment and managed care arrangements including, but not limited to:
(a) preferred provider organizations;
(b) utilization review;
(c) case management;
(d) other.
The methodology shall include a system for classification of small employers that reflects the types of case characteristics commonly used by small employer insurers in the State. The methodology shall provide for the development of base reinsurance premium rates which shall be multiplied by the factors set forth in item (2) to determine the premium rates for the program. The base reinsurance premium rates shall be established by the board, subject to the approval of the director, and shall be set at levels which reasonably approximate gross premiums charged to small employers by small employer insurers for health insurance plans with benefits similar to the standard health insurance plan.
(2) Premiums for the program shall be as follows:
(a) An entire small employer group may be reinsured for a rate that is one and one-half times the base reinsurance premium rate for the group established pursuant to this paragraph.
(b) An eligible employee or dependent may be reinsured for a rate that is five times the base reinsurance premium rate for the individual established pursuant to this paragraph.
(3) The board periodically shall review the methodology established under item (1), including the system of classification and any rating factors, to assure that it reasonably reflects the claims experience of the program. The board may propose changes to the methodology which shall be subject to the approval of the director.
(J) If a health insurance plan for a small employer is entirely or partially reinsured with the program, the premium charged to the small employer for any rating period for the coverage issued shall meet the requirements relating to premium rates set forth in Section 38-71-910, et seq.
(K)(1) Before March first of each year, the board shall determine and report to the director the program net loss for the previous calendar year, including administrative expenses and incurred losses for the year, taking into account investment income and other appropriate gains and losses.
(2) Any net loss for the year shall be recouped by assessments of reinsuring insurers.
(a) The board shall establish, as part of the plan of operation, a formula by which to make assessments against reinsuring insurers. The assessment formula shall be based on:
(i) each reinsuring insurer's share of the total premiums earned in the preceding calendar year from health insurance plans delivered or issued for delivery to small employers in this State by reinsuring insurers; and
(ii) each reinsuring insurer's share of the premiums earned in the preceding calendar year from newly-issued health insurance plans delivered or issued for delivery during the calendar year to small employers in this State by reinsuring insurers.
(b) The formula established pursuant to subitem (a) shall not result in any reinsuring insurer having an assessment share that is less than fifty percent nor more than one hundred fifty percent of an amount which is based on the proportion of the reinsuring insurer's total premiums earned in the preceding calendar year from health insurance plans delivered or issued for delivery to small employers in this State by reinsuring insurers to the total premiums earned in the preceding calendar year from health insurance plans delivered or issued for delivery to small employers in this State by all reinsuring insurers.
(c) The board may, with approval of the director, change the assessment formula established pursuant to subitem (a) from time to time as appropriate. The board may provide for the shares of the assessment base attributable to total premium and to the previous year's premium to vary during a transition period.
(d) Subject to the approval of the director, the board shall make an adjustment to the assessment formula for reinsuring insurers that are approved health maintenance organizations which are federally qualified under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 300, et seq., to the extent, if any, that restrictions are placed on them that are not imposed on other small employer insurers.
(3)(a) Before March first of each year, the board shall determine and file with the director an estimate of the assessments needed to fund the losses incurred by the program in the previous calendar year.
(b) If the board determines that the assessments needed to fund the losses incurred by the program in the previous calendar year will exceed the amount specified in subitem (c), the board shall evaluate the operation of the program and report its findings, including any recommendations for changes to the plan of operation, to the director within ninety days following the end of the calendar year in which the losses were incurred. The evaluation shall include an estimate of future assessments and consideration of the administrative costs of the program, the appropriateness of the premiums charged, the level of insurer retention under the program, and the costs of coverage for small employers. If the board fails to file a report with the director within ninety days following the end of the applicable calendar year, the director may evaluate the operations of the program and implement such amendments to the plan of operation the director considers necessary to reduce future losses and assessments.
(c) For any calendar year, the amount specified in this subparagraph is five percent of total premiums earned in the previous calendar year from health insurance plans delivered or issued for delivery to small employers in this State by reinsuring insurers.
(4) If assessments exceed net losses of the program, the excess shall be held at interest and used by the board to offset future losses or to reduce program premiums. As used in this item, "future losses" includes reserves for incurred but not reported claims.
(5) Each reinsuring insurer's proportion of the assessment shall be determined annually by the board based on annual statements and other reports considered necessary by the board and filed by the reinsuring insurers with the board.
(6) The plan of operation shall provide for the imposition of an interest penalty for late payment of assessments.
(7) A reinsuring insurer may seek from the director a deferment from all or part of an assessment imposed by the board. The director may defer all or part of the assessment of a reinsuring insurer if the director determines that the payment of the assessment would place the reinsuring insurer in a financially impaired condition. If all or part of an assessment against a reinsuring insurer is deferred, the amount deferred shall be assessed against the other participating insurers in a manner consistent with the basis for assessment set forth in this subsection. The reinsuring insurer receiving the deferment shall remain liable to the program for the amount deferred and shall be prohibited from reinsuring any individuals or groups with the program until such time as it pays the assessments.
(L) Neither the participation in the program as reinsuring insurers, the establishment of rates, forms, or procedures, nor any other joint or collective action required by this article shall be the basis of any legal action, criminal or civil liability, or penalty against the program or any of its reinsuring insurers either jointly or separately.
(M) The board, as part of the plan of operation, shall develop standards setting forth the manner and levels of compensation, if any, to be paid to agents for the sale of basic and standard health insurance plans. In establishing such standards, the board shall take into consideration the need to assure the broad availability of coverages, the objectives of the program, the time and effort expended in placing the coverage, the need to provide on-going service to the small employer, the levels of compensation currently used in the industry, and the overall costs of coverage to small employers selecting these plans.
(N) The program shall be exempt from any and all taxes.
HISTORY: 1994 Act No. 339, Section 11; 1997 Act No. 5, Section 15; 2006 Act No. 332, Section 7, eff June 1, 2006.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 38 - Insurance

Chapter 71 - Accident And Health Insurance

Section 38-71-10. Coverages which may be written by licensed accident and health insurers.

Section 38-71-20. Insurers may act as administering agency for government-sponsored health, hospital, and medical service programs.

Section 38-71-30. Whole contract, including application, must appear in policy; oral applications.

Section 38-71-40. Effect of false statement in application.

Section 38-71-46. Diabetes Mellitus coverage in health insurance policies; diabetes education.

Section 38-71-50. Alteration of application.

Section 38-71-60. Certain acts do not constitute a waiver by insurer.

Section 38-71-70. Certain policies may conform to laws of other states.

Section 38-71-80. Construction of policy issued in violation of chapter.

Section 38-71-90. Penalty for violation of chapter.

Section 38-71-100. Policies exempt from chapter.

Section 38-71-110. Notice of failure of employer to remit deducted premium required before forfeiture.

Section 38-71-125. Mastectomies; hospitalization requirements; early release provisions.

Section 38-71-130. Breast reconstruction and prosthetic devices; coverage following mastectomy surgery.

Section 38-71-135. Minimum postpartum hospitalization and attendant services for mothers and newborns.

Section 38-71-140. Coverage of newborn children.

Section 38-71-143. Health plans must provide same coverage for children placed for adoption.

Section 38-71-144. Expedited external reviews of certain health benefit plan cancer diagnostic service denials.

Section 38-71-145. Required coverage for mammograms, pap smears, and prostate cancer examinations; limitations.

Section 38-71-147. Freedom of selection and participation in individual or group accident and health or health insurance policy or health maintenance organization plan.

Section 38-71-150. Required provision in policies as to examination and surrender of policy for return of premium.

Section 38-71-160. When policy sold on direct response basis considered to be returned.

Section 38-71-170. Required provision in policies for conversion privileges for former spouses.

Section 38-71-190. Subrogation of insurer to insured's rights against third party.

Section 38-71-200. Discrimination forbidden; benefits for services of podiatrist, oral surgeon, or optometrist.

Section 38-71-210. Health insurance policies to include chiropractic services.

Section 38-71-215. Dermatology referrals.

Section 38-71-220. Misrepresentations to induce termination or conversion of disability insurance policies.

Section 38-71-230. Written notice of health insurance claim policies and procedures; adoption of standardized claim forms; addition of logo to form.

Section 38-71-238. Abortion coverage prohibitions; exceptions.

Section 38-71-240. Coverage required for cleft lip and palate; certain policies exempt.

Section 38-71-241. Percentage copayment and deductible must be applied to negotiated rate or lesser charge of that provider.

Section 38-71-242. Specified disease insurance policies; payment of claims and benefits.

Section 38-71-243. Continuation of care; definitions; applicability; requirements.

Section 38-71-245. Prohibited grounds for denial of enrollment to child of health plan participant.

Section 38-71-246. Continuation of care; provider contract requirements.

Section 38-71-247. Continuation of care; plain language description requirement.

Section 38-71-250. Duties of insurer as to court-ordered health care coverage for child of eligible parent.

Section 38-71-255. Health insurer may not impose different requirements on state agency.

Section 38-71-260. Duties of health insurer of child to custodial parent.

Section 38-71-265. Health insurer not to consider State medical assistance; subrogation of state to right to insurance payment for health care.

Section 38-71-275. Insurance coverage for certain drugs not to be excluded from policy definitions.

Section 38-71-280. Autism spectrum disorder; coverage; eligibility for benefits.

Section 38-71-290. Mental health coverage; definitions; treatment requirements; exceptions

Section 38-71-310. Filing of forms and rates; approval or disapproval; withdrawal of approval; exceptions; loss ratio guarantee.

Section 38-71-315. Decrease of premium charges.

Section 38-71-320. Policies issued for delivery in another state.

Section 38-71-325. Requirements for approval of new individual major medical expense coverage policies.

Section 38-71-330. Form of policies.

Section 38-71-335. Accident and/or health insurance cancellation provision prohibited; optionally renewable policies prohibited; notice of nonrenewal.

Section 38-71-340. Required provisions.

Section 38-71-350. Required provision for continuation of coverage for handicapped and dependent children of policyholder.

Section 38-71-355. Dependent child; medically necessary leave of absence.

Section 38-71-360. Continuation of coverage for nonhandicapped dependent children.

Section 38-71-370. Optional provisions.

Section 38-71-380. Medical expense policy; optional intoxicants and narcotics exclusion inapplicable.

Section 38-71-410. Omission or modification of required or optional provisions.

Section 38-71-420. Placement of required and optional provisions in policy.

Section 38-71-430. Additional provisions may not make policy less favorable.

Section 38-71-440. HMO's and health benefit plans offering medical eye care or vision care benefits; prohibited actions.

Section 38-71-510. Declaration of purpose.

Section 38-71-520. Definitions.

Section 38-71-530. Regulations establishing specific standards that set forth manner, content, and required disclosure for sale of individual policies.

Section 38-71-540. Regulations establishing minimum standards for benefits.

Section 38-71-550. Outline of coverage required.

Section 38-71-560. Effect of use of simplified application form.

Section 38-71-610. Notice of premiums due required.

Section 38-71-620. Advance notice required for increase in premium.

Section 38-71-630. Acceptance of premium for period beyond expiration date of policy.

Section 38-71-640. Person with insurable interest may take out policy on insured.

Section 38-71-650. Right to transfer to policy of equal or lesser benefits with same insurer.

Section 38-71-670. Definitions.

Section 38-71-675. Renewal or continuance of coverage at option of insurer; conditions for nonrenewal or discontinuance; modification of coverage.

Section 38-71-680. Application of Section 38-71-850(D).

Section 38-71-710. Definitions.

Section 38-71-720. Approval of forms required; refusal or withdrawal of approval; optional life insurance riders.

Section 38-71-730. Requirements for group accident, group health, and group accident and health policies.

Section 38-71-735. Required provisions.

Section 38-71-737. Requirement of coverage for psychiatric conditions in group health insurance policies; "psychiatric conditions" defined.

Section 38-71-740. Restrictions on mass-marketed insurance.

Section 38-71-750. Requirements of group policies extended to group policies issued outside State to residents; approval required for mass-marketed policies and certificates.

Section 38-71-760. Standards for group accident and health insurance coverage, discontinuance, and replacement.

Section 38-71-770. Mandatory continuation privileges.

Section 38-71-780. Required provision for continuation of coverage for handicapped and dependent children.

Section 38-71-785. Dependent child; medically necessary leave of absence.

Section 38-71-790. Payment of benefits.

Section 38-71-800. Hospital and medical expenses.

Section 38-71-810. Readjustment of rates or refunds or dividends.

Section 38-71-840. Definitions.

Section 38-71-850. Preexisting condition exclusion; limitations; creditable coverage; certification; enrollment for coverage.

Section 38-71-860. Health status-related factors in relation to individual enrollees and their dependents; restrictions on eligibility rules and premium charges.

Section 38-71-870. Coverage in small or large group market in connection with group health plan; nonrenewal or discontinuance; restrictions; modification of coverage; plan sponsor.

Section 38-71-880. Medical and surgical benefits and mental health or substance use disorder benefits; aggregate lifetime limits.

Section 38-71-910. Legislative intent.

Section 38-71-920. Definitions.

Section 38-71-930. Application of this subarticle.

Section 38-71-940. Premium rates for health insurance plans; rating factors; involuntary business class transfer prohibited.

Section 38-71-960. Required disclosure in solicitation and sales materials; proprietary or trade secret information.

Section 38-71-970. Insurer rating and renewal records; filing of certification; confidentiality.

Section 38-71-980. Suspension of premium rate restrictions upon request of certain insurers.

Section 38-71-990. Effective date of this subarticle.

Section 38-71-1010. "Blanket accident and health insurance" defined.

Section 38-71-1020. Requirements as to policies.

Section 38-71-1030. Individual applications and certificates not required.

Section 38-71-1040. Payment of benefits.

Section 38-71-1050. Legal liability of policyholders not affected.

Section 38-71-1110. "Franchise accident and health insurance" defined.

Section 38-71-1310. Short title.

Section 38-71-1320. Purpose and intent.

Section 38-71-1330. Definitions.

Section 38-71-1340. Application of article; group size for health group cooperative.

Section 38-71-1345. Formation of health group cooperative; requirements; registration; organization as nonprofit corporation.

Section 38-71-1350. Premium rates; requirements.

Section 38-71-1355. Health group cooperative; powers and duties.

Section 38-71-1360. Insurers required to offer all plans actively marketed to small employers; availability to all eligible employees; network plans; denial of coverage.

Section 38-71-1365. Small employer insurer requirements; compliance with federal laws applicable to cooperatives.

Section 38-71-1370. Applicability of certain code sections; late enrollees.

Section 38-71-1380. Notification of intent to operate; certain reinsuring insurers not permitted to continue to reinsure health insurance plan.

Section 38-71-1390. Application to become risk-assuming insurer; approval or denial; factors to consider.

Section 38-71-1400. Election to become reinsuring insurer.

Section 38-71-1410. South Carolina Small Employer Insurer Reinsurance Program.

Section 38-71-1420. Advisory committee.

Section 38-71-1430. Annual public report.

Section 38-71-1440. Requirements upon small employer insurers.

Section 38-71-1445. Report on effectiveness of health group cooperatives.

Section 38-71-1450. Promulgation of regulations.

Section 38-71-1510. Short title.

Section 38-71-1520. Definitions.

Section 38-71-1530. Screening; initial intervention; role of managed care organization; payments to providers.

Section 38-71-1540. Practice of discouraging use of 911 telephone system prohibited.

Section 38-71-1545. Exclusion of certain insurance policies.

Section 38-71-1550. Severability.

Section 38-71-1710. Short title.

Section 38-71-1720. Definitions.

Section 38-71-1730. Employers offering closed panel health plans; employee options and payments; use of provider who has discontinued participation in plan; exclusion of certain providers; services of pharmacists and advanced practice nurses; effect...

Section 38-71-1740. Responsibility for errors and omissions by parties to managed care participating provider agreements; limitations on network providers to discuss treatments, risks and legal obligations with an insured or member prohibited; permis...

Section 38-71-1750. Disclosures required of network plans.

Section 38-71-1760. Promulgation of regulations.

Section 38-71-1810. Pharmacy audit rights.

Section 38-71-1820. Appeals process; dismissal; copy of audit findings.

Section 38-71-1830. Recoupment.

Section 38-71-1840. Exemptions.

Section 38-71-1910. Short title.

Section 38-71-1920. Definitions.

Section 38-71-1930. Application of this article.

Section 38-71-1940. Notice of right to request a review; notice of adverse determination.

Section 38-71-1950. Requests for external review.

Section 38-71-1960. Exhaustion of internal appeal process.

Section 38-71-1970. Requests for external review.

Section 38-71-1980. Expedited external review.

Section 38-71-1990. External review decisions final; exceptions.

Section 38-71-2000. Approval of independent review organizations.

Section 38-71-2010. Standards for approval of independent review organizations.

Section 38-71-2020. Liability of independent review organizations and personnel.

Section 38-71-2030. External review; written records; reports.

Section 38-71-2040. Health carrier to pay for external review.

Section 38-71-2050. Health carrier to inform covered persons of rights related to external review.

Section 38-71-2060. Regulations.

Section 38-71-2110 to 38-71-2150. Repealed.

Section 38-71-2200. Definitions.

Section 38-71-2210. License requirement for pharmacy benefits managers.

Section 38-71-2220. No restrictions or penalties against pharmacy for disclosing certain information.

Section 38-71-2230. Pharmacy benefits manager prohibited from taking certain actions.

Section 38-71-2240. Placement of drug on Maximum Allowable Cost List.

Section 38-71-2250. Enforcement of article; penalties.

Section 38-71-2260. Construction and application.