Effective - 28 Aug 2019, 3 histories
288.130. Employer records — form of report — benefit information — liability determination — final when — extension of time period for cause — reconsideration, when. — 1. Each employing unit shall keep true and accurate payroll and other related records, containing such information as the division may by regulation prescribe for a period of at least three calendar years after the record was made. Such records shall be open to inspection and be subject to being copied by authorized representatives of the division at any reasonable time and as often as may be necessary. Any authorized person engaged in administering this law may require from any employing unit any sworn or unsworn reports, with respect to individuals performing services for it, which are deemed necessary for the effective administration of this law.
2. All employers with fifty or more workers shall report quarterly wage information due pursuant to section 288.090 to the division in an electronic format prescribed by the division. However, for good cause shown, the director may permit an employer with fifty or more workers to report quarterly wage information on a paper form approved by the division.
3. Each employer shall post and maintain in places readily accessible to the employer's workers printed statements concerning benefit rights, claims for benefits and such other matters related to the administration of this law as the division may by regulation prescribe. Each employer shall supply to workers copies of any printed statements relating to claims for benefits when and as the division may by regulation prescribe. Such printed statements and other materials shall be supplied by the division without cost.
4. A deputy shall make an ex parte determination after investigation but without hearing with respect to any matter pertaining to the liability of an employing unit which does not involve a claimant. The deputy shall promptly notify any interested employing units of each such determination and the reason for it. The division shall grant a hearing before an appeals tribunal to any employing unit appealing from any such ex parte determination provided an appeal is filed in writing within thirty days following the date of notification or the mailing of such determination to the party's last known address. In the absence of an appeal any such determination shall become final at the expiration of a thirty-day period. The deputy may, however, at any time within a year from the date of the deputy's determination, for good cause, reconsider the determination and shall promptly notify all interested employing units of his amended determination and the reason for it.
5. The thirty-day period provided in subsection 4 of this section may, for good cause, be extended.
(L. 1951 p. 564, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1485, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1368, A.L. 1998 S.B. 922, A.L. 2019 S.B. 90)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XVIII - Labor and Industrial Relations
Chapter 288 - Employment Security
Section 288.010 - Title of law.
Section 288.020 - Public policy declared — construction of law.
Section 288.030 - Definitions — calculation of Missouri average annual wage.
Section 288.032 - Employer defined, exceptions.
Section 288.034 - Employment defined.
Section 288.036 - Wages defined — state taxable wage base.
Section 288.036 - Wages defined — state taxable wage base.
Section 288.038 - Maximum weekly benefit amount defined.
Section 288.040 - Eligibility for benefits — exceptions — report, contents.
Section 288.041 - Employer to provide notice of ineligibility for unemployment benefits, when.
Section 288.051 - Temporary employees, defined, deemed to have voluntarily quit employment, when.
Section 288.070 - Claims for benefits — procedure — payment pending appeal.
Section 288.080 - Employer, when subject to law — election of coverage — termination.
Section 288.100 - Experience rating — employer accounts, credits and charges.
Section 288.102 - Rules, procedures.
Section 288.113 - Employer's rate, how determined.
Section 288.124 - Average annual payroll defined.
Section 288.125 - Voluntary payments by employer.
Section 288.132 - Unemployment automation fund created, use of moneys.
Section 288.133 - Unemployment automation adjustment, amount — reductions, when.
Section 288.140 - Contribution adjustments or refunds.
Section 288.150 - Unpaid contributions, interest rate due, abatement during extensions — exceptions.
Section 288.160 - Assessment of delinquent contributions — limitations — refusal to file, penalty.
Section 288.170 - Collection of delinquent contributions.
Section 288.180 - Compromise of delinquent contributions.
Section 288.200 - Appeals to labor and industrial relations commission.
Section 288.225 - Group insurance for employees of division.
Section 288.240 - Papers, deemed filed, when.
Section 288.250 - Records confidential — privileged communications — violation, penalty.
Section 288.251 - Cooperation with not-for-profit agencies authorized.
Section 288.260 - Annual report.
Section 288.300 - Unemployment compensation administration fund, administration and disbursement.
Section 288.320 - Federal funds, how used — reimbursement, when authorized.
Section 288.340 - Cooperation with federal government and sister states.
Section 288.345 - Division may participate in federal comprehensive manpower programs.
Section 288.350 - Effect of amendments to related federal law.
Section 288.360 - Records of division — reproduction, destruction, copies.
Section 288.370 - Law does not confer vested rights.
Section 288.382 - Uncollectible benefit overpayments, how determined.
Section 288.390 - State to comply with minimum standards prescribed by federal law.
Section 288.395 - Fraud or misrepresentation, penalties.
Section 288.501 - Extension of benefits — alternate base period defined — use of federal moneys.