Effective - 28 Aug 1967
288.124. Average annual payroll defined. — The term "average annual payroll" as used in sections 288.113 to 288.127 means one-third of the total amount of taxable wages paid for insured work during the thirty-six consecutive months' period immediately preceding any July first calculation date; provided, however, if an employer during any one calendar half year in such period paid no wages for insured work, whether taxable or not, such employer's average annual payroll shall be twice the total amount of taxable wages paid by him in the calendar half year of such period wherein the taxable wages paid by him were highest, and except that for an employer who has been subject to the Missouri employment security law less than thirty-six months the term shall mean the total amount of taxable wages paid by him during the twelve-month period immediately preceding any July first calculation date. If an employer during any one calendar half year in such period paid no wages for insured work, such employer's average annual payroll shall be twice the total amount of taxable wages paid by him in the calendar half year during the twenty-four consecutive months preceding the July first calculation date wherein taxable wages paid by him were highest.
(L. 1951 p. 564 § 288.110, A.L. 1957 p. 531, A.L. 1965 p. 420, A.L. 1965 2d Ex. Sess. p. 927, A.L. 1967 pp. 396 and 401, subdiv. (1) of subsec. 1 of § 288.120)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XVIII - Labor and Industrial Relations
Chapter 288 - Employment Security
Section 288.010 - Title of law.
Section 288.020 - Public policy declared — construction of law.
Section 288.030 - Definitions — calculation of Missouri average annual wage.
Section 288.032 - Employer defined, exceptions.
Section 288.034 - Employment defined.
Section 288.036 - Wages defined — state taxable wage base.
Section 288.036 - Wages defined — state taxable wage base.
Section 288.038 - Maximum weekly benefit amount defined.
Section 288.040 - Eligibility for benefits — exceptions — report, contents.
Section 288.041 - Employer to provide notice of ineligibility for unemployment benefits, when.
Section 288.051 - Temporary employees, defined, deemed to have voluntarily quit employment, when.
Section 288.070 - Claims for benefits — procedure — payment pending appeal.
Section 288.080 - Employer, when subject to law — election of coverage — termination.
Section 288.100 - Experience rating — employer accounts, credits and charges.
Section 288.102 - Rules, procedures.
Section 288.113 - Employer's rate, how determined.
Section 288.124 - Average annual payroll defined.
Section 288.125 - Voluntary payments by employer.
Section 288.132 - Unemployment automation fund created, use of moneys.
Section 288.133 - Unemployment automation adjustment, amount — reductions, when.
Section 288.140 - Contribution adjustments or refunds.
Section 288.150 - Unpaid contributions, interest rate due, abatement during extensions — exceptions.
Section 288.160 - Assessment of delinquent contributions — limitations — refusal to file, penalty.
Section 288.170 - Collection of delinquent contributions.
Section 288.180 - Compromise of delinquent contributions.
Section 288.200 - Appeals to labor and industrial relations commission.
Section 288.225 - Group insurance for employees of division.
Section 288.240 - Papers, deemed filed, when.
Section 288.250 - Records confidential — privileged communications — violation, penalty.
Section 288.251 - Cooperation with not-for-profit agencies authorized.
Section 288.260 - Annual report.
Section 288.300 - Unemployment compensation administration fund, administration and disbursement.
Section 288.320 - Federal funds, how used — reimbursement, when authorized.
Section 288.340 - Cooperation with federal government and sister states.
Section 288.345 - Division may participate in federal comprehensive manpower programs.
Section 288.350 - Effect of amendments to related federal law.
Section 288.360 - Records of division — reproduction, destruction, copies.
Section 288.370 - Law does not confer vested rights.
Section 288.382 - Uncollectible benefit overpayments, how determined.
Section 288.390 - State to comply with minimum standards prescribed by federal law.
Section 288.395 - Fraud or misrepresentation, penalties.
Section 288.501 - Extension of benefits — alternate base period defined — use of federal moneys.