Effective - 01 Mar 1988
288.055. Retraining programs, eligibility to receive benefits while in program, requirements. — 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, an unemployed claimant otherwise eligible for benefits shall not become ineligible for benefits because of his enrollment in and satisfactory pursuit of a retraining course of instruction which the director has approved for the individual.
2. An unemployed individual who files a claim for benefits may apply to the division for a determination of potential eligibility for benefits during a period of retraining or with respect to a claimant who has not applied for such determination, if the director finds the circumstances under subdivision (1) of subsection 3 of this section to exist, then the director shall make a complete determination under subsection 3 of this section, and where potential eligibility is determined, the director shall require the claimant to take a retraining course of instruction to be eligible for benefit payments.
3. A determination of potential eligibility for benefits under this section and chapter shall be issued to an unemployed claimant if the director finds that:
(1) Reasonable employment opportunities for which the unemployed claimant is fitted by training and experience do not exist or have substantially diminished in the labor market area in this state in which he is claiming benefits;
(2) The retraining course of instruction relates to an occupation or skill for which there are, or are expected to be in the immediate future, reasonable employment opportunities in any labor market area in this state in which the claimant agrees to seek work;
(3) The retraining course of instruction is one prescribed by the director;
(4) The individual has the required qualifications and aptitudes to complete the course successfully and profit therefrom; and
(5) Upon completion of his retraining course of instruction the individual should be qualified to use the skills acquired under labor organization rules where applicable to such skills.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (2) of section 288.040, an unemployed claimant who is able to work is eligible to receive benefits under this section and chapter, with respect to any week during a period of retraining only if the director finds that:
(1) He has been determined potentially eligible under subsection 3 of this section; and
(2) He submits with each claim a written certification executed by a responsible person connected with the retraining program certifying that he was enrolled in and satisfactorily pursuing the retraining course of instruction.
5. If an individual fails to submit for any week during a period of retraining the certification required by subsection 4 of this section, he shall be ineligible to receive any benefits for that week. This subsection shall not render a claimant ineligible for benefits for any week during a period of retraining if on or before Monday of that week he notifies the division that his retraining course of instruction has been or is being discontinued or terminated prior to that week.
6. An unemployed claimant otherwise eligible for benefits under this section and chapter shall not be disqualified for refusing suitable employment offered to him, or failing to apply for suitable employment when notified by an employment office, or for leaving his most recent temporary work, accepted during his retraining, if the acceptance of or applying for suitable employment or continuing such work would require him to terminate his retraining course of instruction.
7. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, no payment of benefits shall be made to any individual for any week or part of any week with respect to which he is entitled to receive training benefits as a result of participation by this state pursuant to the provision of any federal law providing for the payment of such benefits unless required by such federal law.
8. Words and phrases used in this section have the meanings ascribed to them in this chapter.
9. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the director may determine upon application of a claimant who is unemployed due to a permanent mass layoff, that such claimant is eligible for training, and such claimant shall be eligible to receive benefits under this section and chapter if he meets the requirements of subdivision (2) of subsection 4 of this section and is otherwise eligible for benefits.
(L. 1961 p. 433 §§ 1 to 8, A.L. 1975 S.B. 270, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1485)
Effective 3-01-88
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XVIII - Labor and Industrial Relations
Chapter 288 - Employment Security
Section 288.010 - Title of law.
Section 288.020 - Public policy declared — construction of law.
Section 288.030 - Definitions — calculation of Missouri average annual wage.
Section 288.032 - Employer defined, exceptions.
Section 288.034 - Employment defined.
Section 288.036 - Wages defined — state taxable wage base.
Section 288.036 - Wages defined — state taxable wage base.
Section 288.038 - Maximum weekly benefit amount defined.
Section 288.040 - Eligibility for benefits — exceptions — report, contents.
Section 288.041 - Employer to provide notice of ineligibility for unemployment benefits, when.
Section 288.051 - Temporary employees, defined, deemed to have voluntarily quit employment, when.
Section 288.070 - Claims for benefits — procedure — payment pending appeal.
Section 288.080 - Employer, when subject to law — election of coverage — termination.
Section 288.100 - Experience rating — employer accounts, credits and charges.
Section 288.102 - Rules, procedures.
Section 288.113 - Employer's rate, how determined.
Section 288.124 - Average annual payroll defined.
Section 288.125 - Voluntary payments by employer.
Section 288.132 - Unemployment automation fund created, use of moneys.
Section 288.133 - Unemployment automation adjustment, amount — reductions, when.
Section 288.140 - Contribution adjustments or refunds.
Section 288.150 - Unpaid contributions, interest rate due, abatement during extensions — exceptions.
Section 288.160 - Assessment of delinquent contributions — limitations — refusal to file, penalty.
Section 288.170 - Collection of delinquent contributions.
Section 288.180 - Compromise of delinquent contributions.
Section 288.200 - Appeals to labor and industrial relations commission.
Section 288.225 - Group insurance for employees of division.
Section 288.240 - Papers, deemed filed, when.
Section 288.250 - Records confidential — privileged communications — violation, penalty.
Section 288.251 - Cooperation with not-for-profit agencies authorized.
Section 288.260 - Annual report.
Section 288.300 - Unemployment compensation administration fund, administration and disbursement.
Section 288.320 - Federal funds, how used — reimbursement, when authorized.
Section 288.340 - Cooperation with federal government and sister states.
Section 288.345 - Division may participate in federal comprehensive manpower programs.
Section 288.350 - Effect of amendments to related federal law.
Section 288.360 - Records of division — reproduction, destruction, copies.
Section 288.370 - Law does not confer vested rights.
Section 288.382 - Uncollectible benefit overpayments, how determined.
Section 288.390 - State to comply with minimum standards prescribed by federal law.
Section 288.395 - Fraud or misrepresentation, penalties.
Section 288.501 - Extension of benefits — alternate base period defined — use of federal moneys.