Michigan Compiled Laws
Act 1 of 1936 (Ex. Sess.) - Michigan Employment Security Act (421.1 - 421.75)
Section 421.47 - Calendar Quarter; Definition.

Sec. 47.
"Calendar quarter" means a period of 3 consecutive calendar months, ending with the last day of March, June, September or December.
History: 1936, Ex. Sess., Act 1, Imd. Eff. Dec. 24, 1936 ;-- Am. 1937, Act 347, Imd. Eff. Aug. 5, 1937 ;-- CL 1948, 421.47 ;-- Am. 1951, Act 251, Imd. Eff. June 17, 1951

Structure Michigan Compiled Laws

Michigan Compiled Laws

Chapter 421 - Employment Security

Act 1 of 1936 (Ex. Sess.) - Michigan Employment Security Act (421.1 - 421.75)

Section 421.1 - Michigan Employment Security Act; Short Title.

Section 421.2 - Declaration of Public Policy; Findings.

Section 421.3 - Bureau of Worker's and Unemployment Compensation; Policies; Definitions.

Section 421.3a - Michigan Employment Security Advisory Council; Creation; Appointment, Qualifications, and Terms of Members; Vacancies; Compensation; Expenses; Recommendations; Assistance and Studies.

Section 421.3b - Repealed. 2002, Act 192, Imd. Eff. Apr. 26, 2002.

Section 421.4 - Rules and Regulations; Distribution; Public Hearing; Notice; Publication; Copies Furnished; Effective Date.

Section 421.4a - Parking Facility; Approval of State Administrative Board.

Section 421.5 - Employment Security Commission; Director; Appointment, Term, and Duties; Annual Salary; Employees and Assistants; Delegation of Authority; Compensation and Expenses; Bond; Appointment and Qualifications of Persons to Assist Employers...

Section 421.5a - Advocacy Assistance Services; Program.

Section 421.5b - Bureau of Worker's and Unemployment Compensation; Creation Within Department of Consumer and Industry Services; Director; Transfer of Powers and Duties by Executive Order.

Section 421.6 - Conversion to Wage Record System; Assistance of Ad Hoc Committees; Administrative Costs.

Section 421.6a - Unemployment Insurance Agency; Destruction or Disposal of Documents; Admissibility of Reproduction as Evidence.

Section 421.6b - Appropriation for Continuing Work on Unemployment Insurance Computer System Improvement and Capacity Extension Project; Staff Training; Appointment, Membership, and Duties of Computer Project Oversight Committee; Reversion of Unexpen...

Section 421.6c - Emergency Backup Plan for Computer System.

Section 421.6d - Stabilization Fund.

Section 421.6e - Employee Training Program; Operation; Funding; Purpose.

Section 421.6f - Appropriation to Fund Improvements; Expenditure; Work Project.

Section 421.6g - Securing Automated Systems for Fraud Control and Collections Division; Fraud Control and Investigation; Funding; Work Project.

Section 421.7 - Employment Security Commission; Consolidation of Divisions.

Section 421.8 - Legislative Purpose; Annual Review of Maximum Weekly Benefit Rates; Comparison of Consumers' Price Index; “Base Month” Defined; Determining Percentage of Increase or Decrease; Report.

Section 421.9 - Employment Security Commission; Subpoenas, Issuance; Enforcement; Immunity.

Section 421.10 - Administration Fund; Contingent Fund.

Section 421.10a - Obligation Trust Fund; Creation; Receipt and Deposit of Money or Other Assets; Investment; Money Remaining in Fund; Administrator; Expenditures; Purpose.

Section 421.11 - Unemployment Agency; Cooperation With Federal Agency; Reports; Compliance With Federal Regulations; "Social Security Act" Defined; Disclosure of Information; Reciprocal Agreements.

Section 421.11a - Privilege; Waiver.

Section 421.12 - Acceptance of Wagner-Peyser Act.

Section 421.12a - Employment Security; Community Work or Training Program; Employee Benefits.

Section 421.13 - Contributions of Employer; Rate; Obligation Assessment Payment; Computation and Payment; Reports; Quarterly Wage Report; Apportioned Payments; Optional Payment Method; "Eligible Contributing Employer" Defined.

Section 421.13a - Contributions of Nonprofit Organizations; Reimbursement Payments in Lieu of Contributions; “Nonprofit Organization” Defined; Notice of Election to Become Reimbursing Employer; Surety Bond, Irrevocable Letter of Credit, or Other Secu...

Section 421.13b - Liability of Nonprofit Organization for Reimbursement Payments in Lieu of Contributions; Termination of Status as Reimbursing Employer; Notice of Termination; Election to Become Reimbursing Employer; Notice of Election; Termination...

Section 421.13c - Payments by Nonprofit Organization to Commission; Computation; Statement of Charges; Past Due Reimbursement Payments.

Section 421.13d - Delinquency of Nonprofit Organization in Making Reimbursement Payments; Termination of Election; Surety Bond, Irrevocable Letter of Credit, or Other Security.

Section 421.13e - Group Account for Sharing Cost of Benefits; Joint Application; Approval; Notice; Duration; Termination; Adding Employer to or Removing Employer From Group Account; Liability for Benefit Charges; Effective Date and Application of Ame...

Section 421.13f - Reimbursement by Nonprofit Organization of Benefits Paid; Charging Benefits Paid to Rating Account of Nonprofit Organization.

Section 421.13g - Reimbursement Payments by State in Lieu of Contributions; Amount, Time, and Manner of Payments; Separate Accounts; Funds to Which Reimbursement Payments Charged; Liability for Reimbursement Payments; Election to Be Reimbursing Emplo...

Section 421.13h - Provisions Applicable to Reimbursement Payments in Lieu of Contributions and Reimbursing Employers.

Section 421.13i - Governmental Entity as Reimbursing Employer or Contributing Employer; Election; Notice; Termination of Election; Liability for Reimbursement Payments; Notice Terminating Status; Extension of Period for Filing Notice of Election; Det...

Section 421.13j - Repealed. 1977, Act 277, Eff. Jan. 1, 1978.

Section 421.13k - Payment by Governmental Entity of Regular Benefits Plus Extended Benefits and Training Benefits; Ascertainment of Amount; Statement of Charges; Reimbursement of Fund; Past Due Reimbursement Payments; Liability for and Payment of Con...

Section 421.13l - Indian Tribe or Tribal Unit as Employer; Requirements.

Section 421.13m - Professional Employer Organization; Determination of Status as Liable Employer; Reporting of Wages and Payment of Unemployment Contributions; Requirements; Act or Omission Occurring Before January 1, 2011; "Professional Employer Org...

Section 421.14 - Employing Unit as Employer and Services as Employment; Determinations; Notice; Review and Redetermination; Collection of Contributions; Retroactive Determination; Introduction of Determination, Redetermination, or Decision in Proceed...

Section 421.15 - Delinquent Contributions.

Section 421.15a - Apportioned Quarterly Payments; Interest on Contribution Obligation Not Required; Failure to Make Payment.

Section 421.15b - Repealed. 1951, Act 251, Imd. Eff. June 17, 1951.

Section 421.16 - Adjustment or Refund of Contributions or Interest.

Section 421.17 - Nonchargeable Benefits Account; Experience Account; Pooling of Contributions; Credits; Exception During Covid-19 Pandemic Only.

Section 421.18 - Definitions.

Section 421.19 - Contribution Rate of Contributing Employer; Determination; Reserve Fund Balance of Reorganized Employer; Distressed Employer; Irrevocability of Excess Payments to Experience Account.

Section 421.19a - Solvency Tax; Determination; Payment; Deferral; Appropriation; Repayment; Payment of Amounts Obtained Into Contingent Fund; Crediting Amounts to Employers' Experience Accounts; Past Due Payments; Interest and Penalties; Adjustments...

Section 421.20 - Charging Benefits Against Employer's Account; Benefits Improperly Paid; Basis; Failure of Employer to Provide Information; Determination; Appeal; Separate Determination of Amount and Duration of Benefits; Charge to Base Period Employ...

Section 421.20a - Benefits Paid Under Protest or Appeal; Charge to Suspense Account; Transfer to Rating Account or Solvency Account.

Section 421.21 - Copies or Listings of Benefit Checks Charged Against Employer's Account; Copies as Final Determination; Statement of Total Benefits Charged Against Rating Account; Notice to Employer of Contribution Rate; Finality of Statement or Det...

Section 421.21a - Allocation of Benefit Charges and Contributions Attributable to Service Performed Under Ceta-Pse.

Section 421.21b - Seamen on American Vessel on Great Lakes; Benefits; Seamen, Definition.

Section 421.22 - Transfer of Business.

Section 421.22a - Transfer of Operations From Another State to This State; Conditions to Being Deemed Qualified Employer; Withdrawing Request for Application of Section; Furnishing Information to Commission; Wages, Contributions, and Benefits Deemed...

Section 421.22b - Transferring Trade or Business With Intent to Reduce Contribution Rate or Reimbursement Payments.

Section 421.23 - Coverage of Employer; Period.

Section 421.24 - Cessation of Employing Unit as Employer Subject to Act; Termination of Coverage; Rescission of Determination.

Section 421.25 - Election That Services Be Deemed Employment Subject to Act; Request for Termination of Coverage; Termination of Election.

Section 421.26 - Unemployment Compensation Fund.

Section 421.26a - Issuance of Notes, Bonds, Financial Instruments, or Other Evidences of Indebtedness; Use of Proceeds; Payment of Unemployment Obligation Assessment; Rate; Collection; Additional Special Subaccounts; Agreements; Definitions.

Section 421.26b - Repealed. 1951, Act 251, Imd. Eff. June 17, 1951.

Section 421.27 - Payment of Benefits; Extension of Benefits Subject to Appropriation.

Section 421.27a - Payment of Benefits for Certain Periods of Unemployment; Amount; Conditions; Eligibility; Limitation.

Section 421.27b - Deducting and Withholding Income Tax From Unemployment Benefits.

Section 421.27c - Noncharging Employer Account; Monetary Redetermination; Conditions.

Section 421.27n - Repealed. 1965, Act 281, Eff. Sept. 5, 1965.

Section 421.28 - Eligibility to Receive Benefits; Conditions; Waiver Extension for Extended Layoff in 2021.

Section 421.28a - Preservation of Unused Credit Weeks or Benefit Entitlement During Period of Continuous Involuntary Disability; Request; Written Statement From Physician; Copies; Extension of Benefit Year; Payment of Benefits; “Continuous Disability...

Section 421.28b - Definitions; MCL 421.28c to 421.28m.

Section 421.28c - Shared-Work Plan; Application; Requirements; Manner; Contents; Approval of More Than 1 Plan.

Section 421.28d - Shared-Work Plan; Approval by Unemployment Agency; Requirements; Reduction Percentage.

Section 421.28e - Shared-Work Plan; Approval or Disapproval by Unemployment Agency.

Section 421.28f - Shared-Work Plan; Effective Period.

Section 421.28g - Compensation.

Section 421.28h - Schedule; Filing Compensation Claims; Benefits; Funding of Benefits.

Section 421.28i - Modification of Shared-Work Plan.

Section 421.28j - Termination of Shared-Work Plan; Good Cause.

Section 421.28k - Authority of Unemployment Agency to Approve, Disapprove, Modify, or Terminate Shared-Work Plan.

Section 421.28l - Report.

Section 421.28m - Effect of Approval or Disapproval by Federal Government.

Section 421.29 - Disqualification From Benefits; Exception During Covid-19 Pandemic.

Section 421.29a - Disqualification From Benefits; Exception for Domestic Violence; Documentation; Definitions.

Section 421.29m, 421.29n - Repealed. 1965, Act 281, Eff. Sept. 5, 1965.

Section 421.30 - Benefits Inalienable.

Section 421.31 - Waiver of Rights; Limitation of Fees.

Section 421.32 - Claims for Benefits; Examination; Determination; Notice.

Section 421.32a - Review of Determination; Redetermination; Notice; Reconsideration; Applicability of Redetermination, Disqualification, or Ineligibility to Compensable Period; Finality of Redetermination; Additional Transfer Provisions; Finding of F...

Section 421.32b - Internet Site; Establishment; Access; Purpose; Protest or Appeal.

Section 421.32c - Reconsideration of Claims Filed After March 15, 2020; Prohibited Solely on Applicability of Executive Order.

Section 421.32d - Unemployment Agency; Hiring New Employees; Limitation.

Section 421.33 - Assignment to Administrative Law Judge; Appeals and Transferred Matters; Consolidation of Cases; Procedure for Appeal to Michigan Compensation Appellate Commission.

Section 421.34 - Appeal to Michigan Compensation Appellate Commission From Findings of Fact and Decision or From Denial of Motion for Rehearing or Reopening.

Section 421.35, 421.36 - Repealed. 2011, Act 269, Imd. Eff. Dec. 19, 2011.

Section 421.37 - Fees for Subpoenaed Witnesses; Fees and Expenses of Proceedings; Issuance of Subpoena.

Section 421.38 - Review by Circuit Court; Direct Appeal of Order or Decision of Administrative Law Judge; Unemployment Agency as Party; Manner of Appeal.

Section 421.39 - Employment Security Act; Definitions.

Section 421.40 - “Employing Unit” Defined.

Section 421.41 - “Employer” Defined.

Section 421.41a - Repealed. 1951, Act 251, Imd. Eff. June 17, 1951.

Section 421.42 - “Employment” Defined.

Section 421.42a - Coverage of Services; Determination; Penalties and Interests.

Section 421.43 - Services Excluded From Term "employment."

Section 421.44 - “Remuneration” and “Wages” Defined.

Section 421.44a - “Previously Uncovered Services” Defined; Wages to Include Remuneration for Previously Uncovered Services; Limitation on Use of Remuneration and on Charging of Benefits; Claims to Which Section Applicable; Retroactive Claims; Remuner...

Section 421.45 - Base Periods; Definition.

Section 421.46 - “Benefit Year” Defined; Conditions; Rights of Claimant.

Section 421.46a - Establishment of Benefit Year Where Individual Unable to Establish Benefit Year Under MCL 421.46; Conditions; Calculation of Average Weekly Wage; Charge to Employers; Extended Benefits; Claim.

Section 421.47 - Calendar Quarter; Definition.

Section 421.48 - "Unemployed" Explained; Amounts Considered Wages or Remuneration; Leave of Absence; Elected Layoff; Covid-19 Absence.

Section 421.48a - Transmission or Receipt by Mail.

Section 421.49 - Last Day of Protest or Appeal Period Falling on Saturday, Sunday, or Legal Holiday; Running of Statutory Periods.

Section 421.50 - “Week" Defined.

Section 421.50a - “Governmental Entity” Defined.

Section 421.51 - “Benefits” and “Average Weekly Wage” Defined.

Section 421.51a - Repealed. 1951, Act 251, Imd. Eff. June 17, 1951.

Section 421.52 - State; Definition.

Section 421.53 - “Hospital,”“institution of Higher Education,” and “Educational Institution Other Than Institution of Higher Education,” Defined.

Section 421.54 - Sanctions; Penalties.

Section 421.54a - Requiring Individual to Make False Statement or Representation Regarding Benefit or Other Payment as Condition of Employment; Remedies; Applicability; Disposition of Amounts Recovered; Effective Date of Section.

Section 421.54b - Conspiracy; Applicability; Penalties; Disposition of Amounts Recovered; Effective Date of Section.

Section 421.54c - Embezzlement; Penalties; Applicability; Disposition of Amounts Recovered; Effective Date of Section.

Section 421.54f - Report of Fraudulent Claim; Contents; Submission of Affidavit by Affected Individual; Duties of Unemployment Agency; Appeal of Determination; Determination of Identity Theft; Credit to Employer's Account; Misrepresentation; Affected...

Section 421.54g - Report Regarding Claims Submitted by Impostors; Contents; Definitions.

Section 421.54h - Appointment of Individual to Perform Certain Activities; "Impostor" Defined.

Section 421.55 - Catchline Headings of Section Not Part of Act.

Section 421.56 - American Vessel, American Aircraft; Definitions.

Section 421.57 - Amendment or Repeal of Act.

Section 421.58 - Suspension of Provisions.

Section 421.59 - Repeal.

Section 421.60 - Advance From Federal Fund; Repayment.

Section 421.60a - Protection of Deaf.

Section 421.61 - Repealed. 1951, Act 251, Imd. Eff. June 17, 1951.

Section 421.62 - Recovery of Improperly Paid Benefits.

Section 421.63 - Repealed. 1971, Act 231, Imd. Eff. Jan. 3, 1972.

Section 421.64 - Payment of Extended Benefits.

Section 421.65 - Effective Dates of Act 231 of 1971; Recomputation of Benefits.

Section 421.66 - Effective Dates of Act 104 of 1974; Recomputation of Benefits.

Section 421.67 - Effective Dates of Act 110 of 1975; Recomputation of Weekly Benefit Rate and Maximum Amount of Benefits; Supplemental Benefits.

Section 421.67a - Repealed. 1996, Act 535, Imd. Eff. Jan. 13, 1997.

Section 421.67b - Annual Report to Legislature; Validating Representations Made by Employer to Legislature.

Section 421.68, 421.69 - Repealed. 1982, Act 535, Eff. Jan. 2, 1983.

Section 421.70 - Effective Date of Act 358 of 1980; Recomputation of Weekly Benefit Rate and Maximum Amount of Benefits; Supplemental Benefits.

Section 421.71 - Effective Dates of Act 535 of 1982.

Section 421.72 - Effective Date of Act 164 of 1983.

Section 421.73 - Rounding Benefits to Next Lower Full Dollar.

Section 421.75 - Conversion Date to Wage Record System; Effective Date; Report.