Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 166 - Teachers and Superintendents
Section 10-145a. (Formerly Sec. 10-146). - Specific components of teacher preparation programs.

(a) Any candidate in a program of teacher preparation leading to professional certification shall be encouraged to successfully complete an intergroup relations component of such a program which shall be developed with the participation of both sexes, and persons of various ethnic, cultural and economic backgrounds. Such intergroup relations program shall have the following objectives: (1) The imparting of an appreciation of the contributions to American civilization of the various ethnic, cultural and economic groups composing American society and an understanding of the life styles of such groups; (2) the counteracting of biases, discrimination and prejudices; and (3) the assurance of respect for human diversity and personal rights. The State Board of Education, the Board of Regents for Higher Education, the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities and the Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity shall establish a joint committee composed of members of the four agencies, which shall develop and implement such programs in intergroup relations.

(b) Any candidate in a program of teacher preparation leading to professional certification shall be encouraged to complete a (1) health component of such a program, which includes, but need not be limited to, human growth and development, nutrition, first aid, disease prevention and community and consumer health, and (2) mental health component of such a program, which includes, but need not be limited to, youth suicide, child abuse and alcohol and drug abuse.
(c) Any candidate in a program of teacher preparation leading to professional certification shall complete a school violence, bullying, as defined in section 10-222d, and suicide prevention and conflict resolution component of such a program.
(d) On and after July 1, 2020, any program of teacher preparation leading to professional certification shall include, as part of the curriculum, instruction in computer science, and instruction in information technology skills as applied to student learning and classroom instruction that are grade-level and subject area appropriate.
(e) On and after July 1, 2006, any program of teacher preparation leading to professional certification shall include, as part of the curriculum, instruction in literacy skills and processes that reflects current research and best practices in the field of literacy training. Such instruction shall (1) be incorporated into requirements of student major and concentration, and (2) on and after July 1, 2015, include not fewer than twelve clock hours of instruction in the detection and recognition of, and evidence-based structured literacy interventions for, students with dyslexia, as defined in section 10-3d.
(f) On and after July 1, 2006, any program of teacher preparation leading to professional certification shall include, as part of the curriculum, instruction in the concepts of second language learning and second language acquisition and processes that reflects current research and best practices in the field of second language learning and second language acquisition. Such instruction shall be incorporated into requirements of student major and concentration.
(g) On and after July 1, 2011, any program of teacher preparation leading to professional certification may permit teaching experience in a nonpublic school, approved by the State Board of Education, and offered through a public or private institution of higher education to count towards the preparation and eligibility requirements for an initial educator certificate, provided such teaching experience is completed as part of a cooperating teacher program, in accordance with the provisions of subsection (d) of section 10-220a.
(h) On and after July 1, 2019, any candidate entering a program of teacher preparation leading to professional certification shall be required to complete training in competency areas contained in the professional teaching standards established by the State Board of Education, including, but not limited to, development and characteristics of learners, evidence-based and standards-based instruction, evidence-based classroom and behavior management, assessment and professional behaviors and responsibilities and the awareness and identification of the unique learning style of gifted and talented children, social and emotional development and learning of children, and culturally responsive pedagogy and practice. The training in social and emotional development and learning of children shall include instruction concerning a comprehensive, coordinated social and emotional assessment and early intervention for children displaying behaviors associated with social or emotional problems, the availability of treatment services for such children and referring such children for assessment, intervention or treatment services. The training in culturally responsive pedagogy and practice shall include instruction concerning the awareness of students' background and experience that lead to the development of skills, knowledge and behaviors that enable educators and students to build positive relationships and work effectively in cross-cultural situations.
(i) On and after July 1, 2016, any program of teacher preparation leading to professional certification shall require, as part of the curriculum, clinical experience, field experience or student teaching experience in a classroom during four semesters of such program of teacher preparation. Such clinical experience, field experience or student teaching experience shall occur: (1) In a school district that has been categorized by the Department of Education as District Reference Group A, B, C, D or E, and (2) in a school district that has been categorized by the department as District Reference Group F, G, H or I. Such clinical experience, field experience or student teaching experience may include a cooperating teacher serving as a mentor to student teachers, provided such cooperating teacher has received a performance evaluation designation of exemplary or proficient, pursuant to section 10-151b, for the prior school year.
(j) On and after July 1, 2012, any program of teacher preparation leading to professional certification shall include, as part of the curriculum, instruction in the implementation of student individualized education programs as it relates to the provision of special education and related services, including, but not limited to, the provision of services to gifted and talented children.
(1949 Rev., S. 1433; February, 1965, P.A. 140, S. 2; 1967, P.A. 555, S. 62; 1969, P.A. 753, S. 34; 1971, P.A. 370, S. 3; 1972, P.A. 204, S. 1, 2; P.A. 73-632, S. 1, 5; P.A. 74-331, S. 1, 7; P.A. 75-372, S. 3; P.A. 77-573, S. 24, 30; P.A. 78-218, S. 94, 95, 212; P.A. 80-405, S. 3, 4; P.A. 82-218, S. 37, 46; P.A. 84-241, S. 2, 5; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 86-1, S. 22, 58; P.A. 87-499, S. 6, 34; P.A. 89-168, S. 3; P.A. 94-221, S. 4; P.A. 95-259, S. 13, 32; P.A. 96-244, S. 52, 63; P.A. 04-75, S. 1; 04-227, S. 2; P.A. 08-160, S. 8; June 19 Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-1, S. 1; P.A. 11-48, S. 285; 11-127, S. 2; 11-232, S. 8; P.A. 12-116, S. 35, 42; 12-173, S. 2; P.A. 13-133, S. 1; 13-261, S. 10; P.A. 14-39, S. 2; P.A. 15-97, S. 2; 15-108, S. 9; 15-243, S. 2; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 16-3, S. 142; P.A. 17-14, S. 4; P.A. 19-100, S. 3; 19-117, S. 116; 19-128, S. 2.)
History: 1965 act required passing of hygiene examination for certification to teach grades above the fifth rather than the third grade and included as part of hygiene knowledge the effects of alcohol and narcotics on personality development; 1967 act replaced “narcotics” with “controlled drugs”; 1969 act included in hygiene knowledge of the effects of nicotine or tobacco and made provision for the necessary training of teachers and guidance personnel; 1971 act required passing of hygiene examination for all certifications to teach not just for those above the fifth grade and included administrators in training provision; 1972 act added Subsec. (a) defining “equivalency”, “alternate” and “internship”, made former provisions Subsec. (b) and added provisions concerning internships for certification and equivalencies or alternates to present certification requirements; P.A. 73-632 deleted provisions added to Subsec. (b) in 1972, dropped provision allowing exemption from hygiene examination, required passing of hygiene examination for supervisor's certificate as well as for teaching certificate and referred to “drugs” rather than “controlled drugs”, deleting specific effects and provision for training programs; P.A. 74-331 amended Subsec. (a) to extend applicability to entire chapter, to substitute “equivalent” for “equivalency”, to delete definitions of “alternate” and “internship” and to add definitions of “provisional certification period”, “provisional teaching certificate”, “standard teaching certificate” and “one year” and amended Subsec. (b) to reflect recognition of the two different types of certificates; Sec. 10-146 was transferred to Sec. 10-145a in 1975; P.A. 75-372 added Subsec. (c) re intergroup relations programs; P.A. 77-573 replaced commission for higher education with board of higher education; P.A. 78-218 deleted Subsec. (a), relettering remaining subsections accordingly, and amended Subsec. (b), formerly (c), to delete references to July 1, 1977, and to July 1, 1976, and to delete reference to advisory board on state certification of teachers as an agency involved in developing intergroup relations programs; P.A. 80-405 required development of intergroup programs with participation of both sexes and included permanent commission on the status of women as an agency involved in developing such programs; P.A. 82-218 replaced board of higher education with board of governors pursuant to reorganization of higher education system, effective March 1, 1983; P.A. 84-241 added “of higher education” to board of governors' title; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 86-1 in Subsec. (a) substituted “issue” for “grant”, provided for certificates to administer, added provisions re regulations re administrator and supervisor certificates, deleted requirement re examination in hygiene and the effects of nicotine or tobacco, alcohol and drugs; P.A. 87-499 in Subsec. (a) provided that the state board of education may issue certificates to serve in positions requiring certification pursuant to regulations and that regulations shall provide that qualifications to maintain any special service certificate incorporate continuing education provisions; P.A. 89-168 added a new Subsec. (c) re the mental health component in a program of teacher preparation; P.A. 94-221 added Subsec. (d) re school violence prevention and conflict resolution as component of teacher preparation programs; P.A. 95-259 added Subsec. (c)(1) re health component, effective July 6, 1995; P.A. 96-244 added Subsec. (e) requiring teacher candidate programs to provide training in computer and other information technology skills, effective June 6, 1996; P.A. 04-75 added Subsec. (f) requiring teacher training programs to provide instruction in literacy skills, effective July 1, 2004; P.A. 04-227 added Subsec. (g) requiring teacher training programs to provide instruction in second language learning and acquisition, effective July 1, 2004; P.A. 08-160 amended Subsec. (d) to add language re bullying and suicide prevention, effective July 1, 2009; June 19 Sp. Sess. P.A. 09-1 made a technical change in Subsec. (a) and added Subsec. (h) re competency area training, effective July 1, 2009; pursuant to P.A. 11-48, “Board of Governors of Higher Education” was changed editorially by the Revisors to “Board of Regents for Higher Education” in Subsec. (b), effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 11-127 added new Subsec. (h) re nonpublic school teaching experience as part of teacher preparation program and redesignated existing Subsec. (h) as Subsec. (i), effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 11-232 amended Subsec. (d) by deleting “be encouraged to” and adding “as defined in section 10-222d” re bullying, effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 12-116 amended Subsec. (a) by replacing “continuing education” with “professional development” and making a conforming change in the corresponding internal reference, and added Subsec. (j) re requirement, on and after July 1, 2015, of four semesters of clinical experience, field experience or student teaching experience in a classroom as part of teacher preparation program, effective July 1, 2012 (Revisor's note: An internal reference in P.A. 12-116, S. 42, to “section 62 of this act” was determined by the Revisors to properly refer to section 39 of said act and was therefore codified in Subsec. (a) as “section 10-148a”); P.A. 12-173 added provision, codified by the Revisors as Subsec. (k), re instruction in implementation of student individualized education programs, effective July 1, 2012; P.A. 13-133 amended Subsec. (i) to add provisions requiring training in social and emotional development and learning of children, effective July 1, 2013; P.A. 13-261 amended Subsecs. (i) and (k) to add provisions re gifted and talented children, effective July 1, 2013; P.A. 14-39 amended Subsec. (f) by designating existing provision re requirements of student major and concentration as Subdiv. (1) and adding Subdiv. (2) re dyslexia, effective July 1, 2014; P.A. 15-97 amended Subsec. (f) by adding “not fewer than twelve clock hours of instruction in”, “structured literacy” and internal reference to definition of dyslexia in Subdiv. (2), effective July 1, 2015; P.A. 15-108 amended Subsec. (i) by adding provisions re training in cultural competency, effective July 1, 2015; P.A. 15-243 amended Subsec. (j) by replacing “2015” with “2016”, adding Subdivs. (1) and (2) re district reference groups and adding provision re cooperating teachers serving as mentors, effective July 1, 2015; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 16-3 amended Subsec. (b) by replacing “Permanent Commission on the Status of Women” with “Commission on Women, Children and Seniors”, effective July 1, 2016; P.A. 17-14 deleted former Subsec. (a) re certificates of qualification, and redesignated existing Subsecs. (b) to (k) as Subsecs. (a) to (j), effective July 1, 2017; P.A. 19-100 amended Subsec. (h) by replacing “2012” with “2019” and replacing “cultural competency” with “culturally responsive pedagogy and practice”, effective July 1, 2019; P.A. 19-117 amended Subsec. (a) by replacing “Commission on Women, Children and Seniors” with “Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity”, effective July 1, 2019; P.A. 19-128 amended Subsec. (d) by replacing “1998” with “2020”, deleting “candidate in a”, replacing “complete a computer and other information technology skills component of such program,” with “include, as part of the curriculum, instruction in computer science, and instruction in information technology skills”, and replacing “, communications and data management” with “that are grade-level and subject area appropriate”, effective July 1, 2020.
See Sec. 4d-85 re state-wide standard for teacher and administrator competency in use of technology for instructional purposes.
See Sec. 10-19 re teaching of courses on effect of alcohol, nicotine or tobacco and drugs.
See Sec. 10-226f re coordinator of intergroup relations.
See Sec. 10-226g re intergroup relations training for teachers.
Annotations to former section 10-146:
Cited. 138 C. 280; 152 C. 151. Teacher's contract of employment over two 5-year periods terminated on his failure to obtain the standard certificate; renewal of his employment thereafter was illegal. 167 C. 444.
Annotation to present section:
Cited. 210 C. 286.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 10 - Education and Culture

Chapter 166 - Teachers and Superintendents

Section 10-144o. - Definitions.

Section 10-145. - Certificate necessary to employment. Forfeiture for noncompliance. Substitute teachers.

Section 10-145a. (Formerly Sec. 10-146). - Specific components of teacher preparation programs.

Section 10-145b. - Teaching certificates.

Section 10-145c. - Election of persons certified provisionally before July 1, 1974.

Section 10-145d. - State board regulations for teacher certificates. Certification of school business administrators; membership in teachers' retirement system; applicability of teacher tenure law. Certification of computer science teachers. Applicab...

Section 10-145e. - Certification for occupational subjects.

Section 10-145f. - Testing for prospective teachers.

Section 10-145g. - Regulations.

Section 10-145h. - Requirements for certification as a bilingual education teacher.

Section 10-145i. - Limitation on issuance and reissuance of certificates, authorizations or permits to certain individuals.

Section 10-145j. - Employment of national corps of teachers' training program graduates.

Section 10-145k. - Issuance of international teacher permit.

Section 10-145l. - Waiver from subject area major requirements for certain teachers.

Section 10-145m. - Resident teacher certificate.

Section 10-145n. - Issuance of adjunct instructor permit.

Section 10-145o. - Teacher education and mentoring program. Administration. Three-year plan. Instructional modules. Data system. Guidelines.

Section 10-145p. - Alternate route to certification programs for school administrators. Requirements; exception. Issuance of initial educator certificate upon completion.

Section 10-145q. - Issuance of charter school educator permit.

Section 10-145r. - Survey on reading instruction.

Section 10-145s. - Distinguished educator designation.

Section 10-145t. - Alternate route to certification programs for school support staff. Requirements. Issuance of initial educator certificate upon completion.

Section 10-145u. - Requirements for certification as a teacher at a technical education and career school.

Section 10-145v. - Information and guidance re requirements for endorsement area of occupational subjects in vocational-technical schools.

Section 10-145w. - Alternate route to certification programs for persons from an alternate profession. Requirements. Issuance of initial educator certificate upon completion.

Section 10-145x. - Memorandum of understanding with teacher licensure assessment vendors re provision of licensure examinations. Department to provide educational materials to assist eligible applicants.

Section 10-145y. - Issuance of career and technical pathways instructor permit.

Section 10-146a. - Advisory board on state certification of teachers.

Section 10-146b. - Extension of period to complete requirements for teaching certificate. Renewal of certificate, authorization or permit that expires while holder is on active duty with armed forces of United States or ordered out with National Guar...

Section 10-146c. - Reciprocity agreements, interstate agreements and recognition statement to facilitate educator certification.

Section 10-146d and 10-146e. - Commissioner of Education as agent for state. Filing of contracts under agreement.

Section 10-146f. - Waiver of certification requirements for bilingual teachers.

Section 10-146g. - Teachers of specialized courses.

Section 10-146h. - Report re quality of teacher preparation programs.

Section 10-146i. - Military spouse teacher permit.

Section 10-147 and 10-148. - Kindergarten certificates. Teacher to have certificate.

Section 10-148a. - Professional development for certified employees.

Section 10-148b. - Professional development program re scientifically-based reading research and instruction.

Section 10-148c. - Subject matter to be made available to boards of education for in-service training programs.

Section 10-148d. - Professional development for paraeducators.

Section 10-149. - Qualifications for athletic coaches of intramural and interscholastic athletics.

Section 10-149a. - Felony conviction or fine pursuant to mandated reporting provisions. Notification by state's attorney.

Section 10-149b. - Concussions: Training courses for coaches. Education plan. Informed consent form. Development or approval by State Board of Education. Revocation of coaching permit.

Section 10-149c. - Student athletes and concussions. Removal from athletic activities. Notification of parent or legal guardian. Revocation of coaching permit.

Section 10-149d. - Athletic directors. Definitions. Qualifications and hiring. Duties.

Section 10-149e. - School districts to collect and report occurrences of concussions. Report by Commissioner of Public Health.

Section 10-149f. - Sudden cardiac arrest awareness education program. Consent form.

Section 10-149g. - Coaches to annually review cardiac arrest education program. Revocation of coaching permit. Immunity from suit and liability.

Section 10-149h. - Exertional heat illness awareness education program.

Section 10-150 and 10-150a. - School registers.

Section 10-151. - Employment of teachers. Definitions. Tenure. Notice and hearing on failure to renew or termination of contract. Appeal.

Section 10-151a. - Access of teacher to supervisory records and reports in personnel file.

Section 10-151b. - Teacher evaluations. Teacher evaluation and support program; development; adoption; implementation; guidelines.

Section 10-151c. - Nondisclosure of records of teacher performance and evaluation. Exceptions.

Section 10-151d. - Performance Evaluation Advisory Council. Responsibilities.

Section 10-151e. - Disclosure of teacher records for purposes of an investigation of child abuse or neglect.

Section 10-151f. - Teacher evaluation and support pilot program.

Section 10-151g. - Neag School of Education study of teacher evaluation and support pilot program.

Section 10-151h. - Training and orientation programs for educators re teacher evaluation and support program.

Section 10-151i. - Audits of teacher evaluation and support programs.

Section 10-152. - Discrimination in salaries of teachers.

Section 10-153. - Discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity or expression or marital status prohibited.

Section 10-153a. - Rights concerning professional organization and negotiations. Duty of fair representation. Annual service fees negotiable item.

Section 10-153b. - Selection of teachers' representatives.

Section 10-153c. - Disputes as to elections.

Section 10-153d. - Meeting between board of education and fiscal authority required. Duty to negotiate. Procedure if legislative body rejects contract.

Section 10-153e. - Prohibited practices of employers, employees and representatives. Hearing before State Board of Labor Relations. Appeal. Penalty.

Section 10-153f. - Mediation and arbitration of disagreements.

Section 10-153g. - Negotiations concerning salaries, hours and other conditions of employment unaffected by special acts, charters, ordinances.

Section 10-153h. - Appropriation.

Section 10-153i. - Designation of statutory agent for service of process.

Section 10-153j. - The making of service of process, notice or demand.

Section 10-153k. - Teacher Negotiation Act applies to incorporated or endowed high schools or academies.

Section 10-153l. - Applicability of employment of teachers statute and teacher negotiation law to incorporated or endowed high schools or academies.

Section 10-153m. - Payment of attorney's fees in proceedings to vacate or confirm teacher grievance arbitration awards.

Section 10-153n. - Applicability of employment of teachers statute and teacher negotiation law to the Gilbert School in Winchester.

Section 10-153o. - Review of performance of arbitration panel members.

Section 10-153p to 10-153r. - Summary of results of contract negotiations. Monitoring of major economic provisions of contracts. Report concerning contracts to General Assembly.

Section 10-153s. - Negotiation, arbitration and ratification of turnaround plans for commissioner's network schools.

Section 10-153t. - Turnaround plan referees.

Section 10-154. - Homes and transportation for teachers.

Section 10-154a. - Professional communications between teacher or nurse and student. Surrender of physical evidence obtained from students.

Section 10-155. - Emergency teacher training program.

Section 10-155a to 10-155c. - Cooperative arrangements for teacher training. Subcommittee and advisory committee for program. State grants.

Section 10-155cc. - Definitions.

Section 10-155d. - Preparation of teachers. Alternate route programs for teachers, administrators and early childhood education teachers.

Section 10-155dd to 10-155gg. - Grants to implement comprehensive professional development plans. Planning grants to develop or revise teacher evaluation programs. Grants to implement, assess and improve teacher evaluation programs. Planning grants f...

Section 10-155e. - Development of programs to assist paraprofessionals to fulfill state certification requirements. Report to General Assembly.

Section 10-155f. - Residency requirement prohibited.

Section 10-155g. - Educational Excellence Trust Fund.

Section 10-155h. - Educational excellence program administered by department. Governor to recommend appropriation for.

Section 10-155i. - Pilot program to assist paraprofessionals.

Section 10-155j. - Development of paraprofessionals.

Section 10-155k. - School Paraeducator Advisory Council.

Section 10-155l. - Minority teacher recruitment.

Section 10-155m. - Promotion of teaching profession as career option to high school students.

Section 10-155n to 10-155q. - Teacher career incentive programs. Applications for grants; selection criteria. Project evaluations; statement of expenditures. Grant program administration.

Section 10-155t to 10-155bb. - Advisory commission on career incentives and teacher evaluation. Election to participate in programs; appointment of panels. Local teacher evaluation plans. Presentation of plans. Grants for developing evaluation plans....

Section 10-156. - Sick leave.

Section 10-156a. - Duty-free lunch period.

Section 10-156aa. - Task Force to Diversify the Educator Workforce.

Section 10-156b. - Tenure and sick leave rights of teacher on regionalization of school and on dissolution of regional school district.

Section 10-156bb. - Minority Teacher Recruitment Policy Oversight Council.

Section 10-156c. - Military leave.

Section 10-156cc. - Report re effectiveness of minority teacher recruitment programs.

Section 10-156d. - Reemployment after military leave.

Section 10-156dd. - Student survey re minority teacher recruitment programs.

Section 10-156e. - Employees of boards of education permitted to serve as elected officials; exception.

Section 10-156ee. - Duties re minority teacher recruitment.

Section 10-156ff. - Strategies and utilization of resources for the hiring and employment of minority teachers and administrators.

Section 10-156gg. - Minority candidate certification, retention or residency year program.

Section 10-156hh. - Completion of video training module re implicit bias and anti-bias in hiring process for certain school district employees.

Section 10-156ii. - Minority teacher candidate scholarship program.

Section 10-157. - Superintendents: Relationship to local or regional board of education; verification of certification status; waiver of certification; written contract of employment; evaluation of superintendent by board of education.

Section 10-157a. - Superintendent for more than one town.

Section 10-158. - Superintendent for more than one town. Supervision districts.

Section 10-158a. - Cooperative arrangements among towns. School building projects. Student transportation.

Section 10-159 and 10-159a. - Supervisory service by State Board of Education. Election to receive grant in lieu of supervisory service.