801.19 Protected information in circuit court records.
(1) Definitions. In this section:
(a) “Protected information" means any of the following contained in a circuit court record:
1. A social security number.
2. An employer or taxpayer identification number.
3. A financial account number.
4. A driver license number.
5. A passport number.
(b) “Protected information form" means a form provided by the circuit court under SCR 70.153 for the purpose of submitting protected information in the manner described by this section.
(c) “Redact" means to obscure individual items of information within an otherwise publicly accessible document.
(d) “Seal" means to order that a portion of a document or an entire document shall not be accessible to the public.
(2) Required omission or redaction of protected information.
(a) To retain privacy and prevent misuse of personal information, no party shall, on or after July 1, 2016, submit protected information in any document filed in any action or proceeding in circuit court except in the manner provided by this section.
(b) Except as provided in par. (c), the parties to the action are solely responsible for ensuring that protected information does not appear in any document filed with the court. The court will not review each document filed by a party for compliance with this section. Protected information that is not properly submitted is accessible to the public to the same extent as the rest of the court record.
(c) A party shall omit or redact protected information from documents filed with the court unless the protected information is required by law or is necessary to the action. When protected information is provided to the court, a party shall omit or redact it from any documents filed and shall provide it to the court subject to all of the following:
1. When submitting an original document such as a pleading, a party shall omit the protected information from the document. If the protected information is required by law or is necessary to the action, the party shall submit it separately on the protected information form.
2. When submitting a previously existing document such as an exhibit, a party shall redact all protected information from a copy of the document. The party shall submit the redacted copy for the public case file. If the protected information is required by law or is necessary to the action, the party shall submit it separately on the protected information form. The court may require the submitting party to produce the original unredacted document if necessary.
3. If redaction of a document is impracticable, the document may be attached to the protected information form without redaction. Any disagreement as to proper redaction of protected information shall be decided by the court.
(d) The protected information form and attachments are not accessible to the public, even if admitted as a trial or hearing exhibit, unless the court permits access. The clerk of circuit court or register in probate may certify the record as a true copy of an original record on file with the court by stating that information has been redacted or sealed in accordance with court rules or as ordered by the circuit court.
(e) In actions affecting the family, protected information may be submitted together with the information protected by ss. 767.215 and 767.127.
1. A party waives the protection of this section as to the party's own protected information by filing it without the protected information form.
2. If a party fails to comply with the requirements of this section, the court may, upon motion or its own initiative, seal the improperly filed documents and order new redacted documents to be prepared.
3. If a party fails to comply with the requirements of this section in regard to another person's protected information, the court may impose reasonable expenses, including attorney fees and costs, or may sanction the conduct as contempt.
(g) The court shall not include protected information in publicly accessible documents generated by the court, including judgments, orders, decisions, and notices. If the protected information is required by law or is necessary to the action, it shall be maintained and disseminated in a confidential manner. Notwithstanding this section, protected information may be referred to in open court to the extent deemed necessary by the court and may be taken down by the court reporter as part of the record.
1. Protected information shall be accessible to the parties, their attorneys, guardians ad litem appointed to the case, judicial officers, and court staff as assigned, unless otherwise ordered by the court. Access to other persons and agencies shall be allowed as provided by law. The parties may stipulate in writing to allow access to protected information to any person.
2. Any person may file a motion for access to protected information for good cause. Written notice of the motion to all parties shall be required.
3. If the person seeking access cannot locate a party to provide the notice required under this section, an affidavit may be filed with the court setting forth reasonable efforts to locate the party and requesting waiver of the notice requirement. The court may waive the notice requirement if the court finds that further efforts to locate the party are not likely to be successful.
(i) On appeal, if the record assembled under s. 809.15 (1) (c) includes the redacted version of any document, it shall also contain the unredacted version if submitted under sub. (2) (c) 2. The unredacted version shall be marked as confidential. Confidential paper documents shall be submitted in a sealed envelope.
(3) Redaction of previously filed documents.
(a) This section does not require any party, attorney, clerk, or judicial officer to redact protected information that was filed prior to July 1, 2016.
(b) For documents filed prior to July 1, 2016, a person affected may by motion request that protected information in a circuit court file be redacted as provided in this section, using a form approved by the court for this purpose. The moving party shall identify every place in the court record where the information to be protected is located. The protected information shall be submitted on or attached to a protected information form as provided in sub. (2).
(c) If the motion is granted, the clerk of circuit court or register in probate shall redact the protected information from the record at the places identified by the party. The clerk or register is not responsible for making any other redaction. The moving party shall be responsible for verifying that the redaction is complete as requested. Replacement documents shall not be submitted to the court.
(d) The protected information form and attachments are not accessible to the public, even if admitted as a trial or hearing exhibit, unless the court permits access. The clerk of circuit court or register in probate may certify the record as a true copy of an original record on file with the court by stating that information has been redacted or sealed in accordance with court rules or as ordered by the circuit court.
(e) The court may, on its own initiative, order redaction of protected information.
(f) The clerk of circuit court or register in probate may redact a person's social security number and passport number upon the written request of that person. All other requests for redaction of information already filed must be determined by the court.
(4) Redaction of transcripts.
(a) Within 30 days of the time a transcript is filed with the circuit court, a person affected may file a motion with the circuit court to redact protected information from the transcript. The moving party shall identify by page and line every place in the transcript where the protected information is located. The protected information shall be submitted on or attached to a protected information form as provided in sub. (2). The unredacted transcript shall be publicly available while the motion and redaction are pending unless otherwise provided by law or court order. The court may order redaction after the 30-day period for good cause shown.
(b) Upon court order, the court reporter shall, without charge, redact the protected information from the transcript in accordance with the court order and with directives established by the director of state courts office. The court reporter shall file the complete redacted version of the transcript with the circuit court and shall send a notice of transcript redaction to the parties within 20 days of receiving the court order. The court reporter is not required to provide a paper copy of the redacted version of the transcript to registered users of the electronic filing system. The court reporter shall provide a redacted copy of the transcript, without charge, upon the request of a party not registered to use the electronic filing system. If the page numbers of the transcript do not change after redaction, the court reporter may choose to provide only the replacement pages.
(c) The redacted version of the transcript shall be accessible to the public to the same extent as the rest of the court record. The original unredacted transcript shall not be accessible.
(d) The court reporter shall certify the transcript under SCR 71.04 by stating that the redacted version is a verbatim transcript of the proceedings from which protected information has been redacted, as provided in this rule and ordered by the circuit court. The protected information form and the unredacted transcript may be included with the record on appeal if the protected information is necessary to the appeal or otherwise required by law. The protected information and unredacted transcript shall be marked as confidential; paper documents shall be submitted in a sealed envelope.
(e) Except as provided in this section, a court reporter is not required to redact protected information from any transcript of a circuit court proceeding.
History: Sup. Ct. Order No. 14-04, 2015 WI 89, 364 Wis. 2d xv.
NOTE: Sup. Ct. Order No. 14-04 states: “Comments to Wis. Stat. ss. 801.19, 801.20, and 801.21 are not adopted, but will be published and may be consulted for guidance in interpreting and applying the statute."
Comment, 2015: This section protects five specific items of personally identifiable information that sometimes appear in court filings. When submitting an original document such as a pleading, a party will omit these items from the document. If the protected information is necessary to the action or required by law to be submitted to the court, a party will submit it on a protected information form provided by the court. When submitting a previously existing document like an exhibit, a party will provide a redacted copy for the public file. If the protected information is necessary to the action, the party will submit it on the protected information form or by attaching an unredacted copy to the form. If the protected information is unnecessary to the action, the party may simply redact it without submitting the protected information to the court.
Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 801 - Civil procedure — commencement of action and venue.
801.01 - Kinds of proceedings; scope of chs. 801 to 847.
801.02 - Commencement of action.
801.03 - Jurisdiction; definitions.
801.04 - Jurisdictional requirements for judgments against persons, status and things.
801.05 - Personal jurisdiction, grounds for generally.
801.06 - Personal jurisdiction, grounds for without service of summons.
801.07 - Jurisdiction in rem or quasi in rem, grounds for generally.
801.08 - Objection to personal jurisdiction.
801.09 - Summons, contents of.
801.10 - Summons, by whom served.
801.11 - Personal jurisdiction, manner of serving summons for.
801.13 - Summons; when deemed served.
801.14 - Service and filing of pleadings and other papers.
801.19 - Protected information in circuit court records.
801.20 - When documents may be filed as confidential.
801.50 - Venue in civil actions or special proceedings.
801.51 - Challenges to improper venue.
801.52 - Discretionary change of venue.
801.53 - Determination of motion for change of venue.
801.54 - Discretionary transfer of civil actions to tribal court.
801.56 - Change of venue if judge disqualified by interest.
801.58 - Substitution of judge.
801.61 - Proceedings after order for change of venue.
801.62 - Conclusiveness of change of venue; second motion.
801.63 - Stay of proceeding to permit trial in a foreign forum.