A developer required to pay a development impact fee may not be required to pay more than his proportionate share of the costs of the project, including the payment of money or contribution or dedication of land, or to oversize his facilities for use of others outside of the project without fair compensation or reimbursement.
HISTORY: 1999 Act No. 118, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Section 6-1-20. Contractual agreements to provide joint public facilities and services authorized.
Section 6-1-35. Preservation and protection of cemeteries.
Section 6-1-40. Interstate extension of water and sewer systems.
Section 6-1-50. Financial report required.
Section 6-1-70. Prohibition on real estate transfer fees; exceptions.
Section 6-1-75. Allocation of aid to counties based on population of annexed areas.
Section 6-1-80. Budget adoption.
Section 6-1-90. Authorization of gifts to certain volunteer service personnel.
Section 6-1-110. Moratorium prohibited; notification requirement.
Section 6-1-120. Confidentiality of county or municipal taxpayer information.
Section 6-1-130. Political subdivisions; scope of authority to set minimum wage rates.
Section 6-1-140. Advisory referenda regarding activities of local or regional hospitals.
Section 6-1-150. Derelict mobile homes; removal and sale.
Section 6-1-170. Preemption of local ordinance relating to immigration; civil actions.
Section 6-1-180. Conditions under which special purpose districts may transfer works of art.
Section 6-1-190. Ambulance service designated an essential service.
Section 6-1-310. Prohibition on imposition of new local taxes.
Section 6-1-320. Millage rate increase limitation; exceptions.
Section 6-1-330. Local fee imposition limitations.
Section 6-1-400. Business license tax standardization; computation of business license tax.
Section 6-1-420. Assistance in collection of business license tax due; private right of action.
Section 6-1-520. Imposition of local accommodations tax.
Section 6-1-530. Use of revenue from local accommodations tax.
Section 6-1-540. Cumulative rate of local accommodations tax.
Section 6-1-550. Local accommodations tax revenue upon annexation.
Section 6-1-560. Real estate agents required to report when rental property listing dropped.
Section 6-1-630. Beach preservation fee; referendum.
Section 6-1-640. Use of revenue generated by beach preservation fee.
Section 6-1-650. Notice of dropped rental property.
Section 6-1-660. Fees remitted to local governing body.
Section 6-1-720. Imposition of local hospitality tax.
Section 6-1-730. Use of revenue from local hospitality tax.
Section 6-1-740. Cumulative rate of local hospitality tax.
Section 6-1-750. Local hospitality tax revenue upon annexation.
Section 6-1-760. Ordinances prior to March 15, 1997; calculation; revenue.
Section 6-1-810. Short title; findings.
Section 6-1-815. Implementation of article by municipality or county.
Section 6-1-930. Developmental impact fee.
Section 6-1-940. Amount of impact fee.
Section 6-1-950. Procedure for adoption of ordinance imposing impact fees.
Section 6-1-960. Recommended capital improvements plan; notice; contents of plan.
Section 6-1-970. Exemptions from impact fees.
Section 6-1-980. Calculation of impact fees.
Section 6-1-1010. Accounting; expenditures.
Section 6-1-1020. Refunds of impact fees.
Section 6-1-1040. Collection of development impact fees.
Section 6-1-1060. Article shall not affect existing laws.
Section 6-1-1070. Shared funding among units of government; agreements.
Section 6-1-1080. Exemptions; water or wastewater utilities.
Section 6-1-1090. Annexations by municipalities.
Section 6-1-2000. Taxation or revenue authority by political subdivisions.
Section 6-1-2010. Compliance with public notice or public hearing requirements.