The security organization of any corporation or legal entity doing business in this State, engaged in the business of transporting, fabricating, storing or using in any manner nuclear material, shall be authorized to obtain from the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division a copy of the confidential criminal history record of any employee or any applicant for employment only after a written release is obtained from the employee or applicant authorizing the security organization to obtain the record. For purposes of this section 'confidential criminal history record' shall only include pleas or convictions of the applicant. The criminal record shall only be used for (1) screening such applicants or employees whose duties would or do require unescorted access to nuclear power plants or storage facilities; (2) screening employees whose duties include having access to or control over nuclear material or sensitive information relating to nuclear power plants or facilities.
HISTORY: 1980 Act No. 485, eff June 11, 1980.
Computerized criminal histories, see S.C. Code of Regulations R. Sections 73-20 to 73-24.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 13 - Planning, Research and Development
Section 13-7-20. Powers and duties of Division of State Development.
Section 13-7-30. Powers and duties of State Fiscal Accountability Authority.
Section 13-7-50. Emergency powers of Department of Health and Environmental Control.
Section 13-7-110. Short title.
Section 13-7-120. Definitions.
Section 13-7-130. Applicability of article.
Section 13-7-170. Disposal facilities; reporting violations; no waste accepted without permit.
Section 13-7-200. Emergency orders and hearings.
Section 13-7-410. Definitions.
Section 13-7-420. Adoption of compact; terms.
Section 13-7-450. Cooperation with Board.
Section 13-7-460. Supplementary agreements not effective until funds appropriated.
Section 13-7-620. Fee for providing criminal history record.
Section 13-7-810. Nuclear Advisory Council.
Section 13-7-830. Recommendations of council.
Section 13-7-840. Membership; terms; vacancies.
Section 13-7-850. Chairman; compensation of members.
Section 13-7-1010. Processing spent nuclear fuel; penalties.