A. Any shipper who is not a resident of South Carolina and who is not registered with the Secretary of State for purposes of doing business within South Carolina shall be subject to service of process for purposes of administering and enforcing this article by leaving a copy of the summons or any other legal paper in the hands of the Secretary of State or in his office, and such service shall be deemed sufficient service and shall have like force and effect in all respects as service upon citizens of this State found within its limits if notice of such service and a copy of the paper served are forthwith sent by certified mail to the shipper and the shipper's return receipt and an affidavit of compliance therewith are filed in the cause and submitted to the administrative agency or court from which such process or other paper issued.
Such service may also be made by delivery of a copy thereof to any such shipper outside the State, and proof of such delivery may be made by the affidavit of the person delivering such copy. Such affidavit shall be filed in the cause and submitted to the administrative agency or court from which the process or other paper issued.
B. Any carrier who is not a resident of South Carolina and who is not registered with the Secretary of State for purposes of doing business within South Carolina shall be subject to service of process for purposes of administering and enforcing this article by leaving a copy of the summons or any other legal paper in the hands of the Secretary of State or in his office, and such service shall be deemed sufficient service and shall have like force and effect in all respects as service upon citizens of this State found within its limits if notice of such service and a copy of the paper served are forthwith sent by certified mail to the carrier and the carrier's return receipt and an affidavit of compliance therewith are filed in the cause and submitted to the administrative agency or court from which such process or other paper issued.
Such service may also be made by delivery of a copy thereof to any such carrier outside the State, and proof of such delivery may be made by the affidavit of the person delivering such copy. Such affidavit shall be filed in the cause and submitted to the administrative agency or court from which the process or other paper issued.
HISTORY: 1980 Act No. 429, Section 1, eff May 26, 1980.
Proof of out of state service, see SCRCP, Rule 4.
Secretary of State's duties, generally, see Sections 1-5-30 to 1-5-40.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 13 - Planning, Research and Development
Section 13-7-20. Powers and duties of Division of State Development.
Section 13-7-30. Powers and duties of State Fiscal Accountability Authority.
Section 13-7-50. Emergency powers of Department of Health and Environmental Control.
Section 13-7-110. Short title.
Section 13-7-120. Definitions.
Section 13-7-130. Applicability of article.
Section 13-7-170. Disposal facilities; reporting violations; no waste accepted without permit.
Section 13-7-200. Emergency orders and hearings.
Section 13-7-410. Definitions.
Section 13-7-420. Adoption of compact; terms.
Section 13-7-450. Cooperation with Board.
Section 13-7-460. Supplementary agreements not effective until funds appropriated.
Section 13-7-620. Fee for providing criminal history record.
Section 13-7-810. Nuclear Advisory Council.
Section 13-7-830. Recommendations of council.
Section 13-7-840. Membership; terms; vacancies.
Section 13-7-850. Chairman; compensation of members.
Section 13-7-1010. Processing spent nuclear fuel; penalties.