South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 7 - Nuclear Energy
Section 13-7-150. Notification to State of variance from primary route and estimated date of arrival; content of certificate to accompany shipments; training requirements for carrier's operators.

A. After acceptance of and departure with a shipment of radioactive waste, a carrier shall immediately notify the Department of any variance, occurring after departure, from the shipper's notification of primary route and estimated date of arrival as provided in Section 13-7-160 (A) and (B).
B. The carrier shall provide to the Department a certification in form satisfactory to the Department, which shall accompany each shipment of waste materials shipped into or within the state, stating:
(1) That the shipment is properly placarded for transport and that all shipping papers required by law and administrative rules and regulations have been properly executed.
(2) That the transport vehicle has been inspected and meets the applicable requirements of the federal government and the State of South Carolina, and that all safety and operational components are in good and operative condition.
(3) That the carrier has received a copy of the shipper certification of compliance and the shipping manifest as set forth in Section 13-7-140.
(4) That the carrier shall comply fully with all applicable laws and administrative rules and regulations, both state and federal, regarding the transportation of such wastes.
C. Any shipment of such wastes to a disposal facility located within this State must be accompanied by the certification required in paragraph B above.
D. Each carrier shall provide, as deemed necessary by the Department, evidence of successful completion by its operators of operator training requirements as may be prescribed by the United States Department of Transportation for all operators transporting radioactive waste into or within this State.
HISTORY: 1980 Act No. 429, Section 1, eff May 26, 1980.
Use of approved manifest systems for hazardous waste, see Section 44-56-70.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 13 - Planning, Research and Development

Chapter 7 - Nuclear Energy

Section 13-7-10. Definitions.

Section 13-7-20. Powers and duties of Division of State Development.

Section 13-7-30. Powers and duties of State Fiscal Accountability Authority.

Section 13-7-40. Powers and duties of Department of Health and Environmental Control; Technical Advisory Radiation Control Council; regulation of persons controlling or using sources of ionizing radiation.

Section 13-7-45. Regulation and schedule of licensing and registration fees for users of sources of ionizing and nonionizing radiation; level of fees; penalties for nonpayment.

Section 13-7-50. Emergency powers of Department of Health and Environmental Control.

Section 13-7-60. Agreements to take over certain activities from Federal Government; persons licensed by Federal Government.

Section 13-7-70. Rules and regulations as to transportation of materials; agreements with Federal agencies as to enforcement and inspection; exception for waste regulated by Article 2.

Section 13-7-80. Penalties.

Section 13-7-85. Department authorized to hold hearings and fix schedule of fines and penalties; each day of noncompliance to constitute separate violation; factors in assessing penalty; compliance with orders pending hearing; monies received under A...

Section 13-7-90. Exemption from certification requirements with respect to persons practicing as operators of sources of ionizing radiation on May 26, 1986.

Section 13-7-100. Inapplicability of provisions to hospital employees performing radiologic technological services.

Section 13-7-110. Short title.

Section 13-7-120. Definitions.

Section 13-7-130. Applicability of article.

Section 13-7-140. Prerequisites for transporting waste; requirements for permit; transferability of permit; effect on department budget of fee collection.

Section 13-7-145. Nonresident shippers and carriers not registered with Secretary of State; service of process at Office of Secretary of State; service outside state.

Section 13-7-150. Notification to State of variance from primary route and estimated date of arrival; content of certificate to accompany shipments; training requirements for carrier's operators.

Section 13-7-160. Regulations; minimum requirements of final regulations; authority to classify waste by isotope and curie strength; enforcement of regulations; variance from advance notice requirements; authority to exempt small shipments from advan...

Section 13-7-170. Disposal facilities; reporting violations; no waste accepted without permit.

Section 13-7-180. Penalties for violation of Article 2; hearings; penalties additional to those provided by other statutes; factors in assessing penalties.

Section 13-7-190. Disposition of monies collected under Article 2; price of permits to be sufficient to administer and enforce permitting provisions.

Section 13-7-200. Emergency orders and hearings.

Section 13-7-410. Definitions.

Section 13-7-420. Adoption of compact; terms.

Section 13-7-450. Cooperation with Board.

Section 13-7-460. Supplementary agreements not effective until funds appropriated.

Section 13-7-610. Employers using nuclear material may obtain confidential criminal history of employee or applicant; written release required; use of record.

Section 13-7-620. Fee for providing criminal history record.

Section 13-7-810. Nuclear Advisory Council.

Section 13-7-820. Duties.

Section 13-7-830. Recommendations of council.

Section 13-7-840. Membership; terms; vacancies.

Section 13-7-850. Chairman; compensation of members.

Section 13-7-860. Staff.

Section 13-7-1010. Processing spent nuclear fuel; penalties.

Section 13-7-1020. Exceptions.