North Carolina General Statutes
Article 1 - Workers' Compensation Act.
§ 97-26 - Fees allowed for medical treatment; malpractice of physician.

97-26. Fees allowed for medical treatment; malpractice of physician.
(a) Fee Schedule. - The Commission shall adopt by rule a schedule of maximum fees for medical compensation and shall periodically review the schedule and make revisions.
The fees adopted by the Commission in its schedule shall be adequate to ensure that (i) injured workers are provided the standard of services and care intended by this Chapter, (ii) providers are reimbursed reasonable fees for providing these services, and (iii) medical costs are adequately contained.
The Commission may consider any and all reimbursement systems and plans in establishing its fee schedule, including, but not limited to, the State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees (hereinafter, "State Plan"), Blue Cross and Blue Shield, and any other private or governmental plans. The Commission may also consider any and all reimbursement methodologies, including, but not limited to, the use of current procedural terminology ("CPT") codes, diagnostic-related groupings ("DRGs"), per diem rates, capitated payments, and resource-based relative-value system ("RBRVS") payments. The Commission may consider statewide fee averages, geographical and community variations in provider costs, and any other factors affecting provider costs.
(b) Hospital Fees. - Each hospital subject to the provisions of this section shall be reimbursed the amount provided for in this section unless it has agreed under contract with the insurer, managed care organization, employer (or other payor obligated to reimburse for inpatient hospital services rendered under this Chapter) to accept a different amount or reimbursement methodology.
The explanation of the fee schedule change that is published pursuant to G.S. 150B-21.2(c)(2) shall include a summary of the data and calculations on which the fee schedule rate is based.
A hospital's itemized charges on the UB-92 claim form for workers' compensation services shall be the same as itemized charges for like services for all other payers.
(c) Maximum Reimbursement for Providers Under Subsection (a). - Each health care provider subject to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall be reimbursed the amount specified under the fee schedule unless the provider has agreed under contract with the insurer or managed care organization to accept a different amount or reimbursement methodology. In any instance in which neither the fee schedule nor a contractual fee applies, the maximum reimbursement to which a provider under subsection (a) is entitled under this Article is the usual, customary, and reasonable charge for the service or treatment rendered. In no event shall a provider under subsection (a) charge more than its usual fee for the service or treatment rendered.
(d) Information to Commission. - Each health care provider seeking reimbursement for medical compensation under this Article shall provide the Commission information requested by the Commission for the development of fee schedules and the determination of appropriate reimbursement.
(e) When Charges Submitted. - Health care providers shall submit charges to the insurer or managed care organization within 30 days of treatment, within 30 days after the end of the month during which multiple treatments were provided, or within such other reasonable period of time as allowed by the Commission. If an insurer or managed care organization disputes a portion of a health care provider's bill, it shall pay the uncontested portion of the bill and shall resolve disputes regarding the balance of the charges in accordance with this Article or its contractual arrangement.
(f) Repeating Diagnostic Tests. - A health care provider shall not authorize a diagnostic test previously conducted by another provider, unless the health care provider has reasonable grounds to believe a change in patient condition may have occurred or the quality of the prior test is doubted. The Commission may adopt rules establishing reasonable requirements for reports and records to be made available to other health care providers to prevent unnecessary duplication of tests and examinations. A health care provider that violates this subsection shall not be reimbursed for the costs associated with administering or analyzing the test.
(g) Direct Reimbursement. - The Commission may adopt rules to allow insurers and managed care organizations to review and reimburse charges for medical compensation without submitting the charges to the Commission for review and approval.
(g1) Administrative Simplification. - The applicable administrative standards for code sets, identifiers, formats, and electronic transactions to be used in processing electronic medical bills under this Article shall comply with 45 C.F.R. 162. The Commission shall adopt rules to require electronic medical billing and payment processes, to standardize the necessary medical documentation for billing adjudication, to provide for effective dates and compliance, and for further implementation of this subsection.
(h) Malpractice. - The employer shall not be liable in damages for malpractice by a physician or surgeon furnished by him pursuant to the provisions of this section, but the consequences of any such malpractice shall be deemed part of the injury resulting from the accident, and shall be compensated for as such.
(i) Resolution of Dispute. - The employee or health care provider may apply to the Commission by motion or for a hearing to resolve any dispute regarding the payment of charges for medical compensation in accordance with this Article. (1929, c. 120, s. 26; 1955, c. 1026, s. 3; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 679, s. 2.3; 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 548, s. 1; 1997-145, s. 1; 2001-410, s. 3; 2001-413, s. 8.2(a); 2005-448, s. 5; 2007-323, s. 28.22A(o); 2007-345, s. 12; 2011-287, s. 8; 2012-135, s. 3; 2013-410, s. 33(b).)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 97 - Workers' Compensation Act

Article 1 - Workers' Compensation Act.

§ 97-1 - Short title.

§ 97-1.1 - References to workmen's compensation.

§ 97-2 - Definitions.

§ 97-3 - Presumption that all employers and employees have come under provisions of Article.

§ 97-5 - Presumption as to contract of service.

§ 97-5.1 - Presumption that taxicab drivers are independent contractors.

§ 97-6 - No special contract can relieve an employer of obligations.

§ 97-7 - State or subdivision and employees thereof.

§ 97-8 - Prior injuries and deaths unaffected.

§ 97-9 - Employer to secure payment of compensation.

§ 97-10.1 - Other rights and remedies against employer excluded.

§ 97-10.2 - Rights under Article not affected by liability of third party; rights and remedies against third parties.

§ 97-10.3 - Minors illegally employed.

§ 97-11 - Employer not relieved of statutory duty.

§ 97-12 - Use of intoxicant or controlled substance; willful neglect; willful disobedience of statutory duty, safety regulation or rule.

§ 97-12.1 - Willful misrepresentation in applying for employment.

§ 97-13 - Exceptions from provisions of Article[Effective until January 1, 2023]

§ 97-17 - Settlements allowed in accordance with Article.

§ 97-18 - Prompt payment of compensation required; installments; payment without prejudice; notice to Commission; penalties.

§ 97-18.1 - Termination or suspension of compensation benefits.

§ 97-19 - Liability of principal contractors; certificate that subcontractor has complied with law; right to recover compensation of those who would have been liable; order of liability.

§ 97-19.1 - Truck, tractor, or truck tractor trailer driver's status as employee or independent contractor.

§ 97-20 - Priority of compensation claims against assets of employer.

§ 97-21 - Claims unassignable and exempt from taxes and debts; agreement of employee to contribute to premium or waive right to compensation void; unlawful deduction by employer.

§ 97-22 - Notice of accident to employer.

§ 97-23 - What notice is to contain; defects no bar; notice personally or by registered letter or certified mail.

§ 97-24 - Right to compensation barred after two years; destruction of records.

§ 97-25 - Medical treatment and supplies.

§ 97-25.1 - Limitation of duration of medical compensation.

§ 97-25.2 - Managed care organizations.

§ 97-25.3 - Preauthorization.

§ 97-25.4 - Utilization guidelines for medical treatment.

§ 97-25.5 - Utilization guidelines for vocational and other rehabilitation.

§ 97-25.6 - Reasonable access to medical information.

§ 97-26 - Fees allowed for medical treatment; malpractice of physician.

§ 97-26.1 - Fees for medical records and reports; expert witnesses; communications with health care providers.

§ 97-26.2 - Reimbursement for prescription drugs, prescribed over-the-counter drugs, and professional pharmaceutical services.

§ 97-27 - Medical examination; facts not privileged; refusal to be examined suspends compensation; other medical opinions; autopsy.

§ 97-28 - Seven-day waiting period; exceptions.

§ 97-29 - Rates and duration of compensation for total incapacity.

§ 97-29.1 - Increase in payments in cases for total and permanent disability occurring prior to July 1, 1973.

§ 97-30 - Partial incapacity.

§ 97-31 - Schedule of injuries; rate and period of compensation.

§ 97-31.1 - Effective date of legislative changes in benefits.

§ 97-32 - Refusal of injured employee to accept suitable employment as suspending compensation.

§ 97-32.1 - Trial return to work.

§ 97-32.2 - Vocational rehabilitation.

§ 97-33 - Prorating in event of earlier disability or injury.

§ 97-34 - Employee receiving an injury when being compensated for former injury.

§ 97-35 - How compensation paid for two injuries; employer liable only for subsequent injury.

§ 97-36 - Accidents taking place outside State; employees receiving compensation from another state.

§ 97-37 - Where injured employee dies before total compensation is paid.

§ 97-38 - Where death results proximately from compensable injury or occupational disease; dependents; burial expenses; compensation to aliens; election by partial dependents.

§ 97-39 - Widow, widower, or child to be conclusively presumed to be dependent; other cases determined upon facts; division of death benefits among those wholly dependent; when division among partially dependent.

§ 97-40 - Commutation and payment of compensation in absence of dependents; "next of kin" defined; commutation and distribution of compensation to partially dependent next of kin; payment in absence of both dependents and next of kin.

§ 97-40.1 - Second Injury Fund.

§ 97-42 - Deduction of payments.

§ 97-42.1 - Credit for unemployment benefits.

§ 97-43 - Commission may prescribe monthly or quarterly payments.

§ 97-44 - Lump sums.

§ 97-45 - Reducing to judgment outstanding liability of insurance carriers withdrawing from State.

§ 97-46 - Lump sum payments to trustee; receipt to discharge employer.

§ 97-47 - Change of condition; modification of award.

§ 97-47.1 - Payment without prejudice; limitations period.

§ 97-48 - Receipts relieving employer; payment to minors; when payment of claims to dependents subsequent in right discharges employer.

§ 97-49 - Benefits of mentally incompetent or minor employees under 18 may be paid to a trustee, etc.

§ 97-50 - Limitation as against minors or mentally incompetent.

§ 97-51 - Joint employment; liabilities.

§ 97-52 - Occupational disease made compensable; "accident" defined.

§ 97-53 - (See editor's note on condition precedent) Occupational diseases enumerated; when due to exposure to chemicals.

§ 97-54 - "Disablement" defined.

§ 97-55 - "Disability" defined.

§ 97-56 - Limitation on compensable diseases.

§ 97-57 - Employer liable.

§ 97-58 - Time limit for filing claims.

§ 97-59 - Employer to pay for treatment.

§ 97-61 - Rewritten as §§ .1 to .7.

§ 97-61.1 - First examination of and report on employee having asbestosis or silicosis.

§ 97-61.2 - Filing of first report; right of hearing; effect of report as testimony.

§ 97-61.3 - Second examination and report.

§ 97-61.4 - Third examination and report.

§ 97-61.5 - Hearing after first examination and report; removal of employee from hazardous occupation; compensation upon removal from hazardous occupation.

§ 97-61.6 - Hearing after third examination and report; compensation for disability and death from asbestosis or silicosis.

§ 97-61.7 - Waiver of right to compensation as alternative to forced change of occupation.

§ 97-62 - "Silicosis" and "asbestosis" defined.

§ 97-63 - Period necessary for employee to be exposed.

§ 97-64 - General provisions of act to control as regards benefits.

§ 97-65 - Reduction of rate where tuberculosis develops.

§ 97-66 - Claim where benefits are discontinued.

§ 97-67 - Postmortem examinations; notice to next of kin and insurance carrier.

§ 97-68 - Controverted medical questions.

§ 97-69 - Examination by advisory medical committee; inspection of medical reports.

§ 97-70 - Report of committee to Industrial Commission.

§ 97-71 - Filing report; right of hearing on report.

§ 97-72 - Appointment of advisory medical committee; terms of office; duties and functions; salaries and expenses.

§ 97-73 - Fees.

§ 97-74 - Expense of hearings taxed as costs in compensation cases; fees collected directed to general fund.

§ 97-77 - North Carolina Industrial Commission created; members appointed by Governor; terms of office; chairman.

§ 97-77.1 - Expired.

§ 97-78 - Salaries and expenses; administrator, executive secretary, deputy commissioners, and other staff assistance; annual report.

§ 97-78.1 - Standards of judicial conduct to apply to commissioners and deputy commissioners.

§ 97-79 - Offices and supplies; deputies with power to subpoena witnesses and to take testimony; meetings; hearings.

§ 97-80 - Rules and regulations; subpoena of witnesses; examination of books and records; depositions; costs.

§ 97-81 - Blank forms and literature; statistics; safety provisions; accident reports; studies and investigations and recommendations to General Assembly; to cooperate with other agencies for prevention of injury.

§ 97-82 - Memorandum of agreement between employer and employee to be submitted to Commission on prescribed forms for approval; direct payment as award.

§ 97-83 - Commission is to make award after hearing.

§ 97-83.1 - Facilities for hearings; security.

§ 97-84 - Determination of disputes by Commission or deputy.

§ 97-85 - Review of award.

§ 97-86 - Award conclusive as to facts; appeal; certified questions of law.

§ 97-86.1 - Payment of award pending appeal in certain cases.

§ 97-86.2 - Interest on awards after hearing.

§ 97-87 - Judgments on awards.

§ 97-88 - Expenses of appeals brought by insurers.

§ 97-88.1 - Attorney's fees at original hearing.

§ 97-88.2 - Penalty for fraud.

§ 97-88.3 - Penalty for health care providers.

§ 97-89 - Commission may appoint qualified physician to make necessary examinations; expenses; fees.

§ 97-90 - Legal and medical fees to be approved by Commission; misdemeanor to receive fees unapproved by Commission, or to solicit employment in adjusting claims; agreement for fee or compensation.

§ 97-90.1 - Insurers that provide employee's health benefit plans, disability income plans, or any other health insurance plans as real parties in interest; reimbursement.

§ 97-91 - Commission to determine all questions.

§ 97-92 - Employer's record and report of accidents; records of Commission not open to public; supplementary report upon termination of disability; penalty for refusal to make report; when insurance carrier liable.

§ 97-93 - Employers required to carry insurance or prove financial ability to pay for benefits; employers required to post notice; self-insured employers regulated by Commissioner of Insurance.

§ 97-94 - Employers required to give proof that they have complied with preceding section; penalty for not keeping liability insured; review; liability for compensation; criminal penalties for failure to secure payment of compensation.

§ 97-95 - Actions against employers failing to effect insurance or qualify as self-insurer.

§ 97-97 - Insurance policies must contain clause that notice to employer is notice to insurer, etc.

§ 97-98 - Policy must contain agreement promptly to pay benefits; continuance of obligation of insurer in event of default.

§ 97-99 - Law written into each insurance policy; form of policy to be approved by Commissioner of Insurance; single catastrophe hazards.

§ 97-100 - Rates for insurance; carrier to make reports for determination of solvency; tax upon premium; wrongful or fraudulent representation of carrier punishable as misdemeanor; notices.

§ 97-101 - Collection of fines and penalties.

§ 97-101.1 - Commission may issue writs of habeas corpus.