Section 24F. Whoever, personally or by his agent, shall discharge an employee for the reason that such employee has furnished evidence in connection with a complaint under any provision of said sections twenty-four A to twenty-four J, inclusive, or that such employee has testified in a judicial proceeding under any such provision, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars.
Structure Massachusetts General Laws
Part I - Administration of the Government
Title XXI - Labor and Industries
Chapter 149 - Labor and Industries
Section 2 - Enforcement of Chapter
Section 3 - Inspections and Investigations
Section 4 - Reports of Diseases
Section 5 - Investigations of Industrial Conditions; Complaints; Prosecutions
Section 6a - Monitoring, Inspection and Investigation of Work Involving Asbestos
Section 6b - License for Business Activities Involving Asbestos; Fee
Section 6c - Health and Safety of General Public and Asbestos Workers; Rules and Regulations
Section 6d - Complaints by Employees Relating to Asbestos; Retaliation by Employer
Section 6e - Violations of Workplace Standards Relating to Asbestos; Cease and Desist Orders
Section 6f - Penalties for Violations of Secs. 6b to 6e
Section 6g - Release or Waiver of Damages Caused by Asbestos
Section 7 - Committees for Investigations and Recommendation of Regulations
Section 8 - Notices and Hearings Before Adoption of Regulations and Orders; Effective Dates
Section 9 - Appeals; Suspensions Pending Hearings; Enforcement of Orders; Other Remedies
Section 10 - Entry of Places of Employment for Investigations
Section 11 - Reports by Physicians Generally
Section 11a - Occupational Lead Registry; Blood Lead Testing Reports; Regulations; Enforcement
Section 12 - Regulations Prevailing Over Regulations of Workmen's Compensation Insurer
Section 13 - Violations of Regulations or Orders
Section 14 - Annual Reports of Commissioner
Section 15 - Inspection Districts; Assignment of Inspectors
Section 16 - Receipt of Gift by Inspector
Section 17 - Entry of Places of Employment for Examinations and Investigations; Access to Records
Section 18 - Duties of Industrial Health Inspectors Relative to Minors
Section 18a - Sanitary and Safety Conditions; Tools; Longshore and Waterfront Operations
Section 18b - Confined Spaces; Ventilation; Longshore and Waterfront Operations
Section 18c - Power Transmission Equipment; Longshore and Waterfront Operations
Section 18d - Ropes, Hooks and Cranes; Use and Operation; Longshore and Waterfront Operations
Section 18e - Safety Precautions in Dangerous Undertakings; Longshore and Waterfront Operations
Section 18f - Explosives; Longshore and Waterfront Operations
Section 18h - Stop Signals; Longshore and Waterfront Operations
Section 18i - Penalty for Violation of Secs. 18a to 18h; Longshore and Waterfront Operations
Section 19 - Prevention of Employment
Section 19a - Copy of Medical Report for Employee
Section 19b - Lie Detector Tests; Use as Condition of Employment; Penalty; Civil Action
Section 19c - Employment of Aliens Restricted; Regulations; Penalty
Section 20 - Coercion of Agreement Not to Join a Labor Organization
Section 20a - Relief Afforded by Contract Relative to Membership in a Labor or Employer Organization
Section 20b - Liability for Unlawful Acts of Officers, Members or Agents of an Organization
Section 20e - Business Combination Transactions; Labor Contracts; Definitions; Remedies
Section 21 - False Notices or Advertisement for Help or Employment
Section 22a - Professional Strikebreakers; Obstruction of Picketing
Section 23 - Filling Place of Employees; Size of Letters Mentioning Labor Troubles; Penalty
Section 23a - Armed Guards During Labor Troubles; Qualifications; Violation of Statute
Section 23b - Use of Civil Defense Personnel in Labor Disputes
Section 24 - Communications and Conduct During Labor Disputes
Section 24a - Dismissal or Refusal to Employ Certain Persons on Account of Age; Penalty
Section 24b - Contract Provisions Preventing Employment of Certain Persons on Account of Age
Section 24d - Records of Ages of Employees; Copy Furnished to Commissioner; Violation of Statute
Section 24e - Hindering Investigation of Age Discrimination; Refusal of Information
Section 24f - Discharge of Employee for Furnishing Evidence or Testifying in Connection With Discrimination Complaint; Penalty
Section 24h - Appeal From Decision of Commissioner
Section 24i - Inapplicability of Secs. 24a to 24j to Farm Laborers
Section 24j - Severability of Secs. 24a to 24i
Section 24l - Massachusetts Noncompetition Agreement Act
Section 25 - Lodging, Board and Trade of Public Employees; Statute Part of Employment Contract
Section 26 - Public Works; Preference to Veterans and Citizens; Wages
Section 27 - List of Jobs; Classification; Schedule of Wages; Penalty; Civil Action
Section 27a - Appeals From Classifications and Wage Determinations
Section 27b - Records of Employees; Payroll Records; Statements of Compliance
Section 27d - ''construction'' and ''constructed'' Defined
Section 27e - Employment of Residents in Highway Districts
Section 27f - Wages of Operators of Rented Equipment; Agreements; Penalty; Civil Action
Section 27g - Wages of Employees of Moving Contractors; Contracts; Injunctive Relief; Damages
Section 27h - Wages of Employees of Maintenance or Cleaning Contractors; Contracts; Civil Action
Section 28 - Right of Action Against City or Town for Labor; Filing Statement; Fee; Limitations
Section 29b - Waiver or Cancellation of Payment Bond
Section 29c - Indemnification as Part of Contract
Section 29d - Surety Company; Bonds
Section 29f - Payment of Retainage in Private Construction Projects
Section 30 - Eight Hour Day and Six Day Week; Emergencies; Work on Highways
Section 30a - Tours of Duty and Hours of Work of State Employees; Regulations
Section 30b - Overtime of State Employees; Regulations
Section 32 - Scope of Words ''laborers, Workmen and Mechanics'' and ''requiring''
Section 33 - Hours of Labor to Make Up Saturday Half Holiday
Section 33c - City and Town Employees; Overtime; Effective Date
Section 33d - Blood Donations; Leave of Absence Without Loss of Pay
Section 34 - Public Contracts; Stipulation as to Hours and Days of Work; Void Contracts
Section 34b - Contracts for Public Works; Wages for Reserve Police Officer
Section 34c - Application of Secs. 30, 34 and 35
Section 35 - Violation of Sec. 30, 31 or 34
Section 36 - Nonapplicability of Eight Hour Day and Six Day Week Statutes
Section 37 - Nine Hour Day for Towns
Section 38 - Annual Vacation for Employees of Commonwealth
Section 41 - Saturday Half Holiday for Commonwealth
Section 42 - Work by Employees of Commonwealth on Day Work Basis
Section 43 - Nondiscrimination
Section 44 - Service by Veterans on Memorial Day
Section 441/2 - Termination of Employment for Veterans Following Return From Overseas Duty
Section 44a1/2 - Fair Competition for Bidders on Construction
Section 44b - Plans and Specifications; Bid Deposits
Section 44c - Suspension or Debarment of Contractors
Section 44d - Submission of Bid or Offer; Application for Certification
Section 44d1/2 - General Contractor Bids; Prequalification Procedures
Section 44d3/4 - Subcontractor Sub-Bids; Prequalification Procedures
Section 44e - Filing of Bids; Forms; Modular Buildings
Section 44f - Plans and Specifications; Sub-Bids; Form; Contents
Section 44g - Allowances; Alternates; Weather Protection Devices
Section 44i - Severability of Secs. 44a to 44h
Section 44j - Invitations to Bid; Notice; Contents; Violations; Penalty
Section 44m - Energy Systems; Life-Cycle Cost Estimates
Section 46 - Work for Time Lost by Holidays
Section 47 - Sunday Work Without a Day Off
Section 48 - One Day of Rest in Seven; Operation of Business on Sunday; Violations
Section 49 - Establishments Not Subject to Sunday Work and Rest Days; Railroads or Railways
Section 50 - Work Not Subject to Sunday Work and Rest Days
Section 50a - One Day of Rest in Seven for Watchmen and Employees Maintaining Fires, Violations
Section 51 - Posting List of Employees Working on Sunday; Work on Days of Rest
Section 51a - Exemption for Special Circumstances; Days of Rest and Sunday Business
Section 52 - Time Books; Violation of Statute
Section 52b - Employment Applications; Volunteer Work as Experience
Section 52c - Personnel Records; Review by Employee; Corrections; Penalty
Section 52d - Family and Medical Leave; Enforcement
Section 54 - Core Rooms Where Workers Employed; Investigations; Regulations; Violations
Section 57 - Employment in Violation of Statute
Section 58 - Elevator Operators; Minors
Section 61 - Minors Under Sixteen; Particular Employments
Section 62 - Minors Under Eighteen
Section 62a - Employment of Vocational Agricultural Students
Section 63 - Dangerous or Injurious Employment of Minors; Hearing and Determination
Section 64 - Employment of Minors Where Liquor Sold; Taking or Sending Minors to Immoral Places
Section 66 - Time of Work for Children; Exceptions
Section 67 - Days and Hours of Work for Boys or Girls Under Eighteen
Section 68 - Time for Work of Minor Messengers
Section 69 - Children as Newspaper Vendors; Restrictions; Penalty
Section 71 - Issuance of Badges to Minors; Proof of Age; Grounds for Refusal to Issue
Section 72 - Badges; Wearing; Transfer; Exhibition; Regulations for Issuing
Section 74 - Posting of Notice of Hours of Work of Minor; Employment at Other Times; Changing Terms
Section 75 - Forms of Notice Furnished by Attorney General
Section 76 - Inspectors; Duties; Prosecutions
Section 77 - Enforcement of Statutes; Supervisors of Attendance; Appointment; Powers
Section 78a - Written Warnings and Civil Citations; Appeal; Penalties; Criminal Complaint
Section 82 - Violation of Statutes by Persons Issuing Badges or Enforcing Statutes
Section 84 - Service of Summons or Warrants
Section 85 - Nonapplicability of Secs. 60 to 83
Section 91 - Cessation of Employment for Non-Attendance of Continuation School; Violation of Statute
Section 95a - Work-Study Program Exception to Permit for Employment Requirement; Exceptions
Section 96 - Manual Training and Industrial Education; Effect of Statutes
Section 100 - Hours of Work Without Interval for Meal; Duration; Violation of Statute
Section 101 - Nonapplicability of Statute Relating to Mealtimes and Intervals for Meals
Section 102 - Labor During Mealtime Without Knowledge of Employer
Section 103 - Seats for Employees; Violation of Statute
Section 104 - Children Participants in Public Exhibitions; Violation of Statute
Section 105 - License for Theatrical Exhibitions or Shows in Which Children Are Employed
Section 105c - Entry of Premises, and Investigation to Determine Compliance With Secs. 105a to 105c
Section 105d - Parental Leave; Rights and Benefits
Section 106 - Drinking Water; Violation of Statute; Coverage of Term ''industrial Establishments''
Section 107 - Water for Humidifying Purposes; Violation of Statute
Section 108 - Thermometers for Humidity and Temperature; Regulations; Place; Reading; Record
Section 110 - Relative Humidity Limits
Section 111 - Sources of Water for Humidifying Purposes; Clean Air Ducts
Section 112 - Failure to Comply With Secs. 108 to 111; Penalty
Section 113 - Light, Ventilation, Cleanliness, Sanitation and Heat in Establishments
Section 114 - Investigations and Suggestions Relative to Eyes and Vision
Section 115 - Devices and Means to Prevent Injury to Eyes; Order; Compliance; Violation of Statute
Section 116 - Investigations as to Light; Notice to Change; Failure to Comply With Order
Section 118 - Means to Diminish Inhalation of Dust
Section 119 - Hoods or Hoppers and Suction Pipes for Emery or Buffing Wheels or Belts
Section 121 - Nonapplicability of Statutes Relating to Emery and Buffing Machinery
Section 122 - Violation of Statutes Relating to Ventilation, Dust and Emery and Buffing Machinery
Section 124 - Communication Between Engineer's Room and Machinery Room
Section 125 - Violation of Statute Relating to Communication
Section 126 - Fastening Doors During Business Hours; Violation of Statute
Section 127 - Guards For, and Cleaning Of, Machinery; Disconnection and Removal of Safety Devices
Section 128 - Traversing Carriage of a Self-Acting Mule Traveling Close to Fixed Structure
Section 129 - Safeguards for Hoistways, Hatchways and Well Holes; Closing Trapdoors
Section 129a - Shoring Trenches for Local Governments; Graves Excepted
Section 129b - Stilts; Penalty for Requiring or Knowingly Permitting Use in Construction
Section 130 - Explosives or Inflammable Materials; Storage and Use Near Egress
Section 131 - Guards for Loom Shuttles; Violation of Statute
Section 132 - Suction Shuttles; Shuttle or Thread Touching Lips; Violation of Statute
Section 134 - Necessary Changes; Action for Proportion of Expense
Section 136 - Violation of Public Health Laws; Notice to Town Board of Health; Enforcement
Section 137 - Foundry Toilet Rooms and Water Closets; Failure to Comply With Statute
Section 138 - Injuring Toilet Appliances
Section 139 - Lockers and Clothes Receptacles of Employees; Violation of Statute
Section 141a - Lifting Heavy Objects in Textile Factories
Section 142 - Sanitary Material for Cleaning Printing Presses
Section 142c - Markings; Clear and Conspicuous; Size; Place
Section 142d - Receptacles Exempt From Marking Requirements
Section 142e - Reports Concerning Material Hazardous to Health
Section 142g - Enforcement of Statutes and Regulations
Section 143 - Definitions Applicable to Secs. 143 to 144h
Section 143a - Protection From Undue Competition and of Health and Well-Being of Workers
Section 144 - Unlawful Industrial Homework
Section 145 - Investigation of Industries; Order Declaring Industrial Homework Unlawful
Section 146 - Hearing Preceding Order; Notice; Place; Effective Date of Order
Section 147c - Work in Violation of Statutes; Removal, Retention and Disposition of Articles; Notice
Section 147d - Record of Homeworkers and Work
Section 147e - Regulations; Violations; Inspections and Investigations
Section 147g - Additional Penalties
Section 148c - Earned Sick Time
Section 148d - Earned Sick Time Outreach Program
Section 149 - Summons and Warrant for Violations of Sec. 148
Section 150a - Notification of Deductions
Section 150b - Fees or Assessments Other Than Those Chargeable Under Union Constitution and By-Laws
Section 150c - Improper Expenditure of Withholdings or Deductions From Wages; Penalties
Section 151 - Payment on Pay Day Before Close of Working Hours
Section 152 - Deductions for Coming Late to Work
Section 152a - Service Charges and Tips; Tip Pools; Penalties
Section 153 - Grading Work of Weavers; Imperfections Affecting Wages; Conditions Precedent to Fines
Section 154 - Employer's Fine Upon Weaver for Imperfections; Violations of Statutes
Section 157 - Violation of Sec. 155; Interference With Inspectors
Section 158 - Stopped Machinery; Deductions From Wages; Making Up Lost Time; Penalty
Section 158a - Work Without Compensation
Section 159 - Discharge of Employee Without Notice
Section 159b - Reimbursement of Expenses for Medical Examinations
Section 173 - Destruction or Sale of Records and Papers
Section 175 - Bells, Whistles and Gongs
Section 176 - Non-Resident as Special Police Officer
Section 177a - Contract Exempting Employer From Liability to Employee
Section 178 - Leave of Absence From Work for Voting
Section 178e - Group Insurance; Disposition of Dividends
Section 178o - Group Insurance Termination; Notice of Date to Employee
Section 179 - Placards Posted to Inform Employees
Section 179a - Preference to Citizens in Awarding Public Work Contracts; Violations
Section 179b - Notice to Commissioner of Commencement or Change of Location of Business; Violations
Section 179c - Collective Bargaining Agreements; Successor Clauses
Section 180 - Violation of Chapter Provisions With No Specific Penalty
Section 180a - Violation of Closing Laws
Section 181 - Retirement or Health and Welfare Funds; Failure of Employer to Make Payments
Section 183 - Severance Pay Upon Termination Following Transfer of Control of Employer; Definitions
Section 186 - Broadcasting Industry; Noncompete Agreements
Section 187 - Health Care Providers; Protection From Retaliatory Action by Health Care Facilities
Section 189 - Employer Medical Assistance Contribution
Section 197 - Rights and Responsibilities Under Professional Employer Agreement; Notice; Termination
Section 199 - Workers' Compensation for Covered Employees Under Professional Employer Agreements
Section 200 - Unemployment Insurance for Employees Covered by Professional Employer Agreement
Section 201 - Employee Count Under Professional Employer Agreements