Illinois Compiled Statutes
20 ILCS 415/ - Personnel Code.

(20 ILCS 415/1) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b101)
Sec. 1.
This Act shall be known and be cited as the "Personnel Code".

(Source: P.A. 81-1000.)
(20 ILCS 415/2) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b102)
Sec. 2.
The purpose of the Personnel Code is to establish for the government of
the State of Illinois a system of personnel administration under the
Governor, based on merit principles and scientific methods.

(Source: Laws 1955, p. 2208.)
(20 ILCS 415/3) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b103)
Sec. 3.
The Department of Central Management Services,
headed by the Director of Central Management Services, shall administer
the Personnel Code.
There is hereby created a Civil Service Commission.

(Source: P.A. 82-789.)
(20 ILCS 415/4) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b104)
Sec. 4.
Jurisdictions, exemptions.
All offices and positions of employment in the service of the State of
Illinois shall be subject to the provisions of this Act unless
exempted in this or any other Act.

(Source: P.A. 84-1308.)
(20 ILCS 415/4a) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b104a)
Sec. 4a.
Definition of jurisdictions.
There are hereby created three
separate areas of personnel jurisdiction of the Department of Central
Management Services, as follows:
(1) Jurisdiction A, with respect to the classification and compensation
of positions in the State service.
(2) Jurisdiction B, with respect to the positions in the State
service to which persons must hold appointments on a basis of merit and
(3) Jurisdiction C, with respect to conditions of employment in
State service.

(Source: P.A. 82-789.)
(20 ILCS 415/4b) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b104b)
Sec. 4b.
Extension of jurisdiction.
Any or all of the three forms of jurisdiction of the Department may be
extended to the positions not initially covered by this Act under a
department, board, commission, institution, or other independent agency in
the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of State government, or to a
major administrative division, service, or office thereof by the following
(1) The officer or officers legally charged with control over the
appointments to positions in a department, board, commission, institution,
or other independent agency in the executive, legislative, or judicial
branch of State government, or to a major administrative division, service,
or office thereof, may request in writing to the Governor the extension of
any or all of the three forms of jurisdiction of the Department to such
named group of positions.
(2) The Governor, if he concurs with the request, may forward the
request to the Director of Central Management Services.
(3) The Director shall survey the practicability of the requested
extension of the jurisdiction or jurisdictions of the Department, approve
or disapprove same, and notify the Civil Service Commission of his
decision. If he should approve the request he shall submit rules to
accomplish such extension to the Civil Service Commission.
(4) Such an extension of jurisdiction of the Department of Central Management
Services may
be terminated by the same process of amendment to the rules at any time
after four years from its original effective date.
(5) Employees in positions to which jurisdiction B is extended pursuant
to this section shall be continued in their respective positions provided
that they pass a qualifying examination prescribed by the Director within 6
months after such jurisdiction is extended to such positions, and provided
they satisfactorily complete their respective probationary periods. Such
qualifying examinations shall be of the same kind as those required for
entrance examinations for comparable positions. Appointments of such
employees shall be without regard to eligible lists and without regard to
the provisions of this Code requiring the appointment of the person
standing among the three highest on the appropriate eligible list to fill a
vacancy or from the highest category ranking group if the list is by
rankings instead of numerical ratings. Nothing herein shall preclude the
reclassification or reallocation as provided by this Act of any position
held by any such incumbent.

(Source: P.A. 82-789.)
(20 ILCS 415/4c) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b104c)
Sec. 4c. General exemptions. The following positions in State
service shall be exempt from jurisdictions A, B, and C, unless the
jurisdictions shall be extended as provided in this Act:
(20 ILCS 415/4d) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b104d)
Sec. 4d. Partial exemptions. The following positions in State service are
exempt from jurisdictions A, B, and C to the extent stated for each, unless
those jurisdictions are extended as provided in this Act:
The provisions of this paragraph (8), other than this sentence, are inoperative after January 1, 2014. (Source: P.A. 99-45, eff. 7-15-15; 100-258, eff. 8-22-17; 100-771, eff. 8-10-18.)
(20 ILCS 415/7a) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b107a)
Sec. 7a.
Civil Service Commission, organization.
There shall be a Civil Service Commission of 5 members.

(Source: P.A. 91-798, eff. 7-9-00.)
(20 ILCS 415/7b) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b107b)
Sec. 7b.
The members of the Commission shall be persons in sympathy with the
application of merit principles to public employment. No more than 3 members of
the Commission may be adherents of the same political party.

(Source: P.A. 91-798, eff. 7-9-00.)
(20 ILCS 415/7c) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b107c)
Sec. 7c.
Members of the Civil Service Commission in office at the time of the
effective date of this Act shall continue in office until the expiration of
the terms for which they were appointed. Their successors shall be
appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate for
terms ending 6 years from the date of expiration of the terms for
their predecessors were appointed, except that a person appointed to fill a
vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of a 6 year term shall be
similarly appointed for the remainder of the unexpired term. Each member of
the Commission shall hold office until his successor is appointed and
qualified. The Governor shall appoint one of the members to serve as
chairman of the Commission at the pleasure of the Governor.
Notwithstanding any provision of this Section to the contrary, the term
of office of each member of the Commission is abolished on the effective
date of this amendatory Act of 1985, but the incumbents shall continue to
exercise all of the powers and be subject to all of the duties of members
of the Commission until their respective successors are appointed and
qualified. The successors to the members whose terms of office are herein
abolished shall be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of
the Senate to terms of office as follows: one member shall be appointed to
a term of office to expire on March 1, 1987; one member shall be appointed
to a term of office to expire on March 1, 1989; and one member shall be
appointed to a term of office to expire on March 1, 1991.
The 2 additional members appointed pursuant to this amendatory Act of the
91st General Assembly shall each be appointed to a term of office to expire on
March 1, 2005.
Each member of
the Commission shall hold office until his successor is appointed and
qualified. Following the terms of office established in this paragraph,
successors shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of the
first paragraph of this Section.

(Source: P.A. 91-798, eff. 7-9-00.)
(20 ILCS 415/7d) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b107d)
Sec. 7d.
The chairman shall be paid an annual salary of $8,200 from the third Monday
in January, 1979 to the third Monday in January, 1980; $8,700 from the third
Monday in January, 1980 to the third Monday in January, 1981; $9,300 from
the third Monday in January, 1981 to the third Monday in January 1982;
$10,000 from the third Monday in January, 1982 to the effective date of this
amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly; and $25,000 thereafter, or as
set by the Compensation Review Board,
is greater. Other members of the Commission shall each be paid an
annual salary of $5,500 from the third Monday in January, 1979 to the third
Monday in January, 1980; $6,000 from the third Monday in January, 1980 to
the third Monday in January, 1981; $6,500 from the third Monday in January,
1981 to the third Monday in January, 1982; $7,500
from the third Monday in January, 1982 to the effective date of this
amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly; and $20,000 thereafter, or as
set by the Compensation Review Board, whichever is greater. They shall
be entitled to
reimbursement for necessary traveling and other official expenditures
necessitated by their official duties.

(Source: P.A. 91-798, eff. 7-9-00.)
(20 ILCS 415/7e) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b107e)
Sec. 7e.
Chairman, meetings.
The Commission shall meet at such time and place as shall be specified
by call of the chairman or the Director. At least one meeting shall be held
each month. Notice of each meeting shall be given in writing to each member
by the chairman at least three days in advance of the meeting. Three members
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

(Source: P.A. 91-798, eff. 7-9-00.)
(20 ILCS 415/8) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108)
Sec. 8.
The Director of Central Management Services shall prepare
and submit to the Civil Service Commission proposed rules for all positions
and employees subject to this Act. Such rules may provide for such
exemptions or modifications as may be necessary to assure the continuity of
federal contributions in those agencies supported in whole or in part by
federal funds. Such rules shall provide for the implementation of
recruitment requirements necessary to fulfill any agency's special needs,
such as linguistic abilities or cultural knowledge, to better serve the
residents of Illinois or to comply with federal or other State
requirements. Upon compliance with the requirements under The Illinois
Administrative Procedure Act and filing with the Secretary of State such
rules or any part thereof shall have the force and effect of law.
The rules and amendments thereto shall provide:
(Source: P.A. 86-1004.)
(20 ILCS 415/8a) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108a)
Sec. 8a. Jurisdiction A - Classification and pay. For positions in
the State service subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of
Central Management Services with respect to the classification
and pay:
This Section is inapplicable to the position of Assistant Director of
Healthcare and Family Services in the Department of Healthcare and Family Services. The salary for this position
shall be as established in "The Civil Administrative Code of Illinois",
approved March 7, 1917, as amended.

(Source: P.A. 94-793, eff. 5-19-06; 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(20 ILCS 415/8a.1) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108a.1)
Sec. 8a.1.

For the purposes only of the pay plan specified in Section 8a,
time spent as an elected State officer by any person who is on leave of
absence from a position in the State service subject to the jurisdiction of
the Department of Central Management Services shall be
considered as time spent in the
position as to which the leave of absence was obtained. Such time shall
not, however, be considered as creditable service under the State
Employees' Retirement System or under any other publicly supported
retirement system.
The provisions of this section shall not be applicable to or affect any
employee in any position in an activity or program financed in whole or in
part by loans or grants made by the United States or by any Federal Agency.

(Source: P.A. 82-789.)
(20 ILCS 415/8a.2) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108a.2)
Sec. 8a.2.
For the purposes of the pay plan established under Section
8a of this Code, the Director may establish a special pay supplement for
those positions of employment that require, pursuant to the Department's
official classification specification, that a person employed in that
position speak or write a language other than English. Positions paid
under Section 8a of this Code may be eligible for a bilingual pay
supplement to attract bilingual individuals, to encourage present employees
to become proficient in languages other than English, or to retain qualified
bilingual employees.
The positions eligible for a bilingual pay
supplement, the amount of the supplement and the length of time it remains
in effect shall be negotiated between the Department and the appropriate
collective bargaining representative as determined under the Illinois Public
Labor Relations Act. The bilingual pay supplement may be negotiated for
each foreign language required for the position by the Department's
official classification specification.
A bilingual pay supplement shall be processed within 30 calendar days after the employee presents to the Director, or the Director's designee for this purpose, a certification from either: (i) the designated testing program process selected by the Director; or (ii) an Illinois community college confirming that language skill proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking has been satisfied by the employee.
(Source: P.A. 102-952, eff. 1-1-23.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b)
Sec. 8b.
Jurisdiction B - Merit and fitness.
(a) For positions in the State service subject to the jurisdiction of the
Department of Central Management Services with respect to selection
and tenure on the basis of merit and fitness, those matters specified
in this Section and Sections 8b.1 through 8b.17.
(b) Application, testing and hiring procedures for all State
employment vacancies for positions not exempt under
Section 4c shall be reduced to writing. The written procedures shall be
provided to each State agency and university for posting and public
inspection at each agency's office and each university's placement office.
The Director shall also annually prepare and distribute a listing of entry
level non-professional and professional positions that are most utilized by
State agencies under the jurisdiction of the Governor. The position
listings shall identify the entry level positions, localities of usage,
description of position duties and responsibilities, salary ranges,
eligibility requirements and test scheduling instructions. The position
listings shall further identify special linguistic skills that may be
required for any of the positions.

(Source: P.A. 86-1004.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.1) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.1)
Sec. 8b.1. For open competitive
examinations to test the relative fitness of
applicants for the respective positions. Tests shall be designed to eliminate those who are not qualified for
entrance into or promotion within the service, and to discover the relative
fitness of those who are qualified. The Director may use any one of or any
combination of the following examination methods which in his judgment best
serves this end: investigation of education; investigation of experience;
test of cultural knowledge; test of capacity; test of knowledge; test of
manual skill; test of linguistic ability; test of character; test of
physical fitness; test of psychological fitness. No person with a record of
misdemeanor convictions except those under Sections 11-1.50, 11-6, 11-7, 11-9,
11-14, 11-15, 11-17, 11-18, 11-19, 11-30, 11-35, 12-2, 12-6, 12-15, 14-4, 16-1, 21.1-3, 24-3.1,
24-5, 25-1, 28-3, 31-1, 31-4, 31-6, 31-7, 32-1, 32-2, 32-3, 32-4, and 32-8, subdivisions (a)(1) and (a)(2)(C) of Section 11-14.3, and paragraphs (1), (6), and (8) of subsection (a)
of Section 24-1 of the Criminal Code of 1961 or the Criminal Code of 2012, or
arrested for any cause but not convicted thereon shall be disqualified from
taking such examinations or subsequent appointment, unless the person is
attempting to qualify for a position which would give him the powers of a
peace officer, in which case the person's conviction or arrest record may
be considered as a factor in determining the person's fitness for the
position. The eligibility conditions specified for the position of
Assistant Director of Healthcare and Family Services in the Department of Healthcare and Family Services in Section
5-230 of the Departments of State Government Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois shall be applied to that position in addition to other
standards, tests or criteria established by the Director. All examinations
shall be announced publicly at least 2 weeks in advance of the date of the
examinations and may be advertised through the press, radio and other
media. The Director may, however, in his discretion, continue to receive
applications and examine candidates long enough to assure a sufficient
number of eligibles to meet the needs of the service and may add the names
of successful candidates to existing eligible lists in accordance with
their respective ratings.
The Director may, in his discretion, accept the results of competitive
examinations conducted by any merit system established by federal law or by
the law of any state, and may compile eligible lists therefrom or may add
the names of successful candidates in examinations conducted by those merit
systems to existing eligible lists in accordance with their respective
ratings. No person who is a non-resident of the State of Illinois may be
appointed from those eligible lists, however, unless the requirement that
applicants be residents of the State of Illinois is waived by the Director
of Central Management Services and unless there are less than 3 Illinois
residents available
for appointment from the appropriate eligible list. The results of the
examinations conducted by other merit systems may not be used unless they
are comparable in difficulty and comprehensiveness to examinations
conducted by the Department of Central Management Services
for similar positions. Special
linguistic options may also be established where deemed appropriate.
When an agency requests an open competitive eligible list from the Department, the Director shall also provide to the agency a Successful Disability Opportunities Program eligible candidate list.
(Source: P.A. 101-192, eff. 1-1-20; 102-813, eff. 5-13-22.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.2) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.2)
Sec. 8b.2.

For promotions which shall give appropriate consideration to the
applicant's qualifications, linguistic capabilities, cultural
knowledge, record of performance, seniority and conduct.
An advancement in rank or grade to a vacant position constitutes a

(Source: P.A. 86-1004.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.3) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.3)
Sec. 8b.3.

For the establishment of eligible lists for appointment and
promotion, upon which lists shall be placed the names of successful
candidates in order of their relative excellence in respective
examinations. The Director may substitute rankings such as superior,
excellent, well-qualified and qualified for numerical ratings and establish
eligible lists accordingly. Such rules may provide for lists by area or
location, by department or other agency, for removal of those not available
for or refusing employment, for minimum and maximum duration of such lists,
and for such other provisions as may be necessary to provide rapid and
satisfactory service to the operating agencies. The Director may approve
the written request of an agency or applicant to extend the eligibility of
a qualified eligible candidate when the extension is necessary to assist in
achieving affirmative action goals in employment. The extended period of
eligibility shall not exceed the duration of the original period of
eligibility and shall not be renewed. The rules may authorize removal of
eligibles from lists if those eligibles fail to furnish evidence
of availability upon forms sent to them by the Director.

(Source: P.A. 87-545.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.4) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.4)
Sec. 8b.4.
For the rejection of candidates or eligibles who fail to comply
with reasonable previously specified job requirements of the Director in
regard to
training and experience; who have been guilty of infamous or disgraceful
conduct; or who have attempted any deception or fraud in
connection with an examination. Those candidates who are alleged to have attempted deception or fraud in connection with an examination shall be afforded the opportunity to appeal and provide information to support their appeal which shall be considered when determining their eligibility as a candidate for employment.

(Source: P.A. 102-617, eff. 1-1-22.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.5) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.5)
Sec. 8b.5.

For the appointment of the person standing among the 3 highest
on the appropriate eligible list to fill a vacancy, or from the highest
ranking group if the list is by rankings instead of numerical ratings,
except as otherwise provided in Sections 4b and 17a of this Act.
The Director may approve the appointment of a person from the next
lower ranking group when the highest ranking group contains less than 3 eligibles.

(Source: P.A. 86-12.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.5-1) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.5-1)
Sec. 8b.5-1.

For a general career entrance examination from which an
eligible list may be established and appointment made either in accordance
with the provisions of Sections 8b.1 through 8b.5 or from the 3 highest
having educational, aptitude or experience qualifications particularly
useful in the position to be filled.

(Source: Laws 1967, p. 3254.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.6) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.6)
Sec. 8b.6. For a period of probation not to exceed one year before
appointment or promotion is complete, and during which period a probationer
may with the consent of the Director of Central Management Services, be
discharged or reduced
in class or rank, or replaced on the eligible list.
For a person appointed to a term appointment under Section 8b.18 or 8b.19,
the period of probation shall not be less than 6 months.

(Source: P.A. 93-615, eff. 11-19-03.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.7) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.7)
Sec. 8b.7. Veteran preference. For the granting of appropriate
preference in entrance examinations to qualified veterans, persons who have been members
of the armed forces of the United States or to qualified persons who, while
citizens of the United States, were members of the armed forces of allies of
the United States in time of hostilities with a foreign country, and to certain
other persons as set forth in this Section.
(a) As used in this Section:
(b) The preference granted under this Section shall be in the form of points
added to the final grades of the persons if they otherwise qualify and are
entitled to appear on the list of those eligible for appointments.
(c) A veteran is qualified for a preference of 10 points if the veteran
currently holds proof of a service connected disability from the United
States Department of Veterans Affairs or an allied country or if the
veteran is a recipient of the Purple Heart.
(d) A veteran who has served during a time of hostilities with a foreign
country is qualified for a preference of 5 points if the veteran served
under one or more of the following conditions:
(e) A person not eligible for a preference under subsection (c) or (d)
is qualified for a preference of 3 points if the person has served in the
armed forces of the United States, the Illinois National Guard, or any
reserve component of the armed forces of the United States if the person:
(1) served for at least 6 months and has been discharged under honorable
conditions; (2) has been discharged on the ground of hardship; (3) was
released from active duty because of a service connected disability; or (4) served a minimum of 4 years in the Illinois National Guard or reserve component of the armed forces of the United States regardless of whether or not the person was mobilized to active duty. An
active member of the National Guard or a reserve component of the armed
forces of the United States is eligible for the preference if the member
meets the service requirements of this subsection (e).
(f) The rank order of persons entitled to a preference on eligible lists
shall be determined on the basis of their augmented ratings. When the
Director establishes eligible lists on the basis of category ratings such as
"superior", "excellent", "well-qualified", and "qualified", the veteran
eligibles in each such category shall be preferred for appointment before the
non-veteran eligibles in the same category.
(g) Employees in positions covered by jurisdiction B who, while in good
standing, leave to engage in military service during a period of hostility,
shall be given credit for seniority purposes for time served in the armed
(h) A surviving unremarried spouse of a veteran who suffered a service
connected death or the spouse of a veteran who suffered a service connected
disability that prevents the veteran from qualifying for civil service
employment shall be entitled to the same preference to which the veteran
would have been entitled under this Section.
(i) A preference shall also be given to the following individuals: 10
points for one parent of an unmarried veteran who suffered a service
connected death or a service connected disability that prevents the veteran
from qualifying for civil service employment. The first parent to receive a
civil service appointment shall be the parent entitled to the preference.
(j) The Department of Central Management Services shall adopt rules and
implement procedures to verify that any person seeking a preference under this
Section is entitled to the preference. A person seeking a preference under
this Section shall provide documentation or execute any consents or other
documents required by the Department of Central Management Services or any
other State department or agency to enable the department or agency to verify
that the person is entitled to the preference.
(k) If an applicant claims to be a veteran, the Department of Central
Management Services must verify that status before granting a veteran
preference by requiring a certified copy of the applicant's most recent
DD214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty), NGB-22 (Proof of National Guard Service), or other evidence
of the applicant's most recent honorable discharge from the Armed Forces of the
United States that is determined to be acceptable by the Department of Central
Management Services.

(Source: P.A. 100-496, eff. 9-8-17.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.8) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.8)
Sec. 8b.8.

For emergency appointments to any positions in the State service
for a period not to exceed 60 days, to meet emergency situations. Emergency
appointments may be made without regard to eligible lists but may not be
renewed. Notice of such appointments and terminations shall be reported
simultaneously to the Director of Central Management Services.

(Source: P.A. 82-789.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.9) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.9)
Sec. 8b.9.

For temporary appointments to any positions in the State service
which are determined to be temporary or seasonal in nature by the Director
of Central Management Services. Temporary appointments
may be made for not more than 6 months
and may be taken from eligible lists to the extent determined to be
practicable. No position in the State service may be filled by temporary
appointment for more than 6 months out of any 12 month period.

(Source: P.A. 82-789.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.10) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.10)
Sec. 8b.10.

For provisional appointment to a position without competitive
examination when there is no appropriate eligible list available. No
position within jurisdiction B may be filled by provisional appointment for
longer than 6 months out of any 12 month period.

(Source: P.A. 76-628.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.11) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.11)
Sec. 8b.11.

For transfer from a position to a similar position involving
similar qualifications, duties, responsibilities and salary ranges. If a
transfer is from one geographical location in the State to another, and the
employee has not applied for such a transfer, then the employee shall be
reimbursed for all reasonable transportation expense incurred in connection
with moving to such new location.

(Source: Laws 1967, p. 3254.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.12) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.12)
Sec. 8b.12.

For reinstatement with the approval of the Director of
Central Management Services of persons who resign in good standing, or who are laid off.

(Source: P.A. 82-789.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.13) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.13)
Sec. 8b.13.

For layoffs by reason of lack of funds or work, abolition
of a position or material change in duties or organization, and for
reemployment of employees so laid off, giving consideration in both
layoffs and reemployment to performance record, seniority in service, and
impact on achieving equal employment opportunity goals.
The rules may provide for the reinstatement of sick leave and vacation
days not liquidated in money upon the reemployment without regard to time
of reemployment of any employee who is the subject of a layoff under these rules.

(Source: P.A. 83-441.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.14) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.14)
Sec. 8b.14.

For the promotion of staff development and utilization by means
of records of performance of all employees in the State service. The
performance records may be considered in determining salary increases,
provided in the pay plan, and as a factor in promotion tests. The
performance records shall be considered as a factor in determining salary
decreases, the order of layoffs because of lack of funds or work,
reinstatement, demotions, discharges and geographical transfers.

(Source: Laws 1968, p. 472.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.15) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.15)
Sec. 8b.15.

For the imposition as a disciplinary measure of suspension from
State service without pay for not longer than 30 days. Notice of such
disciplinary action shall be given in writing immediately to the Director
of Central Management Services who may review any such action.

(Source: P.A. 82-789.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.16) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.16)
Sec. 8b.16.

For hearing before discharge or demotion with the prior
approval of the Director of Central Management Services
only for cause after appointment is
completed, after the person to be discharged or demoted has been presented
in writing with the reasons requesting such discharge or demotion. The
statement of reasons shall be filed immediately with the Department of
Central Management Services.

(Source: P.A. 82-789.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.17) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.17)
Sec. 8b.17.

For trainee programs, and for the appointment of persons to
positions in trainee programs, hereinafter called "trainee appointments".
Trainee appointments may be made with or without examination,
with consideration of the needs of Illinois residents,
but may not
be made to positions in any class that is not in a trainee program approved
by the Director of Central
Management Services.
Trainee programs will be developed with consideration of the need for
employees with linguistic abilities or cultural knowledge. The Director
shall work with the Department of Human Services and the
Department of
Employment Security in trainee position placements for those persons who
receive benefits from those Departments.
Persons who receive trainee appointments do not
acquire any rights under jurisdiction B of the Personnel Code by
virtue of their appointments.

(Source: P.A. 89-507, eff. 7-1-97.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.18) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.18)
Sec. 8b.18.
Term Appointments.
(a) Appointees for all positions not
subject to paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (6) of Section 4d in or above merit
compensation grade 12 or its equivalent shall be appointed for a term of 4
years. During the term of such appointments, Jurisdictions A, B and C
shall apply to such positions. When a term expires, the Director or
Chairman of the Department, Board or Commission in which the position is
located, shall terminate the incumbent or renew the term for another 4 year
term. Failure to renew the term is not grievable or appealable to the
Civil Service Commission.
For the purpose of implementing the above Section, the Director of Central
Management Services shall supply each such Director or Chairman
with a list of employees selected randomly by social security numbers in
his particular Department, Board or Commission who are in salary
grades subject to this Section on February 1, 1980. Such list shall include
25% of all such employees in the Department, Board or Commission. Those
employees shall only continue in State employment in those positions if
an appointment is made pursuant to this Section by the Director or Chairman
of that Department, Board or Commission.
The same process shall occur on February 1, 1981, 1982 and 1983 with an
additional 25% of the employees subject to this Section who are employed
on January 1, 1980 being submitted by the Director of Central Management
Services for appointment each year.
New appointments to such positions after January 1, 1980 shall be appointed
pursuant to this Section.
The Director of Central Management Services may exempt specific positions
in agencies receiving federal funds from the operation of this Section if
he finds and reports to the Speaker of the House and the President of the
Senate, after good faith negotiations, that such exemption is necessary to
maintain the availability of federal funds.
All positions, the duties and responsibilities of which are wholly
professional but do not include policy-making or major administrative
responsibilities and those positions which have either salaries at
negotiated rates or salaries at prevailing rates shall be exempt from the
provisions of this Section.
(b) Beginning January 1, 1985 and thereafter, any incumbent holding
probationary or certified status in a position in or above merit
compensation grade 12 or its equivalent and subject to paragraph (1), (2),
(3) or (6) of Section 4d shall be subject to review and appointment for a
term of 4 years unless such incumbent has received an appointment or
renewal under paragraph (a) of this Section. During the term of such
appointment, Jurisdiction A, B and C shall apply to such incumbent. When a
term expires, the Director or Chairman of the Department, Board or
Commission in which the position is located, shall terminate the incumbent
or renew the term for another 4 year term. Failure to renew the term is not
grievable or appealable to the Civil Service Commission.

(Source: P.A. 83-1362; 83-1369; 83-1528.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.19) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.19)
Sec. 8b.19.
Term appointments.
(a) Appointees and renewal appointees
for all positions not subject to paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (6) of
Section 4d in or above merit compensation grade 12 or its equivalent shall
be appointed for a term of 4 years beginning on the effective date of the
appointment or renewal. During the term of such appointments,
Jurisdictions A, B and C shall apply to such positions. When a term
expires, the Director or Chairman of the Department, Board or Commission in
which the position is located shall terminate the incumbent or renew the
term for another 4 year term. Failure to renew the term is not grievable
or appealable to the Civil Service Commission.
New appointments to such positions after the effective date of this
amendatory Act of 1988 shall be appointed pursuant to this Section.
The Director of Central Management Services may exempt specific positions
in agencies receiving federal funds from the operation of this Section if
he or she finds and reports to the Speaker of the House and the President
of the Senate, after good faith negotiations, that the exemption is
necessary to maintain the availability of federal funds.
All positions, the duties and responsibilities of which are wholly
professional but do not include policy making or major administrative
responsibilities, and those positions which have either salaries at
negotiated rates or salaries at prevailing rates shall be exempt from the
provisions of this Section.
(b) Any incumbent who has received an appointment or renewal either
before the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1988 or under paragraph
(a) of this Section and who is holding probationary or certified status in
a position in or above merit compensation grade 12 or its equivalent and
subject to paragraph (1), (2), (3) or (6) of Section 4d shall be subject to
review and appointment when the term expires. During the term of such
appointment, Jurisdictions A, B and C shall apply to such incumbent. When
a term expires, the Director or Chairman of the Department, Board or
Commission in which the position is located shall terminate the incumbent
or renew the term for another 4 year term. Failure to renew the term is
not grievable or appealable to the Civil Service Commission.
(c) The term of any person appointed to or renewed in a term position
before the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1988 shall expire 4
years after the effective date of the appointment or renewal.
(d) All appointments to and renewals in term positions made before the
effective date of this amendatory Act of 1988 are ratified and confirmed.

(Source: P.A. 85-1152.)
(20 ILCS 415/8b.20) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108b.20)
Sec. 8b.20. Veterans hospital visits. An employee who is also a veteran
shall be permitted 4 days per year to visit a veterans hospital or clinic for
examination of a military service-connected disability. The 4 days shall
not be charged against any sick leave currently available to the employee.

(Source: P.A. 95-72, eff. 1-1-08.)
(20 ILCS 415/8c) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108c)
Sec. 8c. Jurisdiction C; conditions of employment. For positions in the
State service subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of Central
Management Services with respect to conditions of employment:
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 415/8d) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108d)
Sec. 8d.

For the extension of all or any of the personnel jurisdictions of the
Department of Central Management Services to positions
exempted from this Act.

(Source: P.A. 82-789.)
(20 ILCS 415/8d.1) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108d.1)
Sec. 8d.1.

For the requirement that every male born on or
after January 1, 1960, and less than 27 years old, seeking
employment with the State in a position subject to this Code
shall submit documentation evidencing his registration with the
federal Selective Service System. Those seeking employment with
the State born after January 1, 1960 that fail to submit
documentation evidencing his registration with the federal
Selective Service System shall be prohibited from employment
with the State until such time as he does submit documentation.

(Source: P.A. 86-167.)
(20 ILCS 415/8e) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108e)
Sec. 8e.

For such other rules and administrative regulations, not
inconsistent with this law, as may be proper and necessary for the
accomplishment of the purposes of this law.

(Source: Laws 1955, p. 2208.)
(20 ILCS 415/8f) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b108f)
Sec. 8f.

Beginning September 1, 1981, a State employee who begins service
in a position subject to the Personnel Code, regardless of the status of
such appointment, within 32 days after terminating service in a position
exempt therefrom under subdivision (4) of Section 4c shall be entitled to
have all continuous service in such exempt position, and all service in
any other positions exempt under such subdivision (4) which was continuous
therewith, included in the calculation of his seniority under the Personnel
Code and Regulations adopted thereunder.

(Source: P.A. 83-877.)
(20 ILCS 415/9) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b109)
Sec. 9. Director, powers and duties. The Director, as executive
head of the Department, shall direct and supervise all its
administrative and technical activities. In addition to the duties
imposed upon him elsewhere in this law, it shall be his duty:
The requirement for reporting to the General Assembly shall be satisfied
by filing copies of the report as required by Section 3.1 of the General Assembly Organization Act, and
filing such additional copies with the State Government Report Distribution
Center for the General Assembly as is required under paragraph (t) of
Section 7 of the State Library Act.

(Source: P.A. 102-952, eff. 1-1-23.)
(20 ILCS 415/10) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b110)
Sec. 10. Duties and powers of the Commission. The Civil Service Commission shall have duties and powers as follows:
(Source: P.A. 102-538, eff. 8-20-21.)
(20 ILCS 415/11) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b111)
Sec. 11. Hearing - disciplinary action. No officer or employee under
jurisdiction B, relating to merit and fitness, who has been appointed under
the rules and after examination, shall be removed discharged or demoted,
or be suspended for a period of more than 30 days, in any 12 month period,
except for cause, upon written charges approved by the Director of Central
Management Services, and after an opportunity to be heard in his own defense if
he makes written request to the Commission within 15 days after the serving
of the written charges upon him. Upon the filing of such a request for
a hearing, the Commission shall grant a hearing within 30 days. The time
and place of the hearing shall be fixed by the Commission, and due notice
thereof given the appointing officer and the employee. The hearing shall
be public, and the officer or employee is entitled to call witnesses
in his own defense and to have the aid of counsel. The finding and decision
of the Commission, or the approval by the Commission of the finding and
decision of the officer or board appointed by it to conduct such investigation,
shall be rendered within 60 days after the receipt of the transcript of
the proceedings, unless the Commission remands the matter back to the officer or board appointed to conduct such investigation for the purpose of taking additional evidence or soliciting additional argument. After receipt of the transcript of the proceedings after remand, or receipt of additional evidence or additional argument after remand, the Commission shall have an additional 60 days in which to render a finding and decision. If the finding and decision is not rendered within 60
days after receipt of the transcript of the proceedings, or within 60 days after receipt of the transcript of the proceedings after remand or 60 days after receipt of additional evidence or additional argument after remand, the employee shall
be considered to be reinstated and shall receive full compensation for the
period for which he was suspended. The finding and decision of the Commission
or officer or board appointed by it to conduct investigation, when approved
by the Commission, shall be certified to the Director, and shall be forthwith
enforced by the Director. In making its finding and decision, or in approving
the finding and decision of some officer or board appointed by it to conduct
such investigation, the Civil Service Commission may, for disciplinary
purposes, suspend an employee for a period of time not to exceed 90 days,
and in no event to exceed a period of 120 days from the date of any
suspension of such employee, pending investigation of such charges. If the
Commission certifies a decision that an officer or employee is to be
retained in his position and if it does not order a suspension for
disciplinary purposes, the officer or employee shall receive full
compensation for any period during which he was suspended pending the
investigation of the charges.
Nothing in this Section shall limit the authority to suspend an employee
for a reasonable period not exceeding 30 days, in any 12 month period.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, an arbitrator of the
Illinois Workers' Compensation

Commission, appointed pursuant to Section 14 of the Workers'
Compensation Act, may be removed by the Governor upon the recommendation of
the Commission Review Board pursuant to Section 14.1 of such Act.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, a policy making officer
of a State agency, as defined in the Employee Rights Violation Act, shall
be discharged from State employment as provided
in the Employee Rights Violation Act, enacted by the 85th General Assembly.

(Source: P.A. 100-1073, eff. 1-1-19.)
(20 ILCS 415/11a) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b111a)
Sec. 11a.

All final administrative decisions of the Civil Service
Commission hereunder shall be subject to judicial review pursuant to the
provisions of the Administrative Review Law, as
heretofore or hereafter amended. The term "administrative decision" is
defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

(Source: P.A. 82-783.)
(20 ILCS 415/11b) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b111b)
Sec. 11b.

Every employee reinstated for the period for which he was
suspended, discharged or improperly laid off shall receive
full compensation for such period
notwithstanding the fact that any person was employed to perform any
duties of such employee during the time of such suspension, discharge
or layoff.
For purposes of this Section 11b, full compensation shall mean
compensation such suspended, discharged or laid off employee
would have earned in
the position classification during the period of suspension,
discharge or layoff
less amounts earned by the employee from any other source and
unemployment compensation payments received during such period.

(Source: P.A. 81-725.)
(20 ILCS 415/12a) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b112a)
Sec. 12a. Certification of payrolls.
(1) No state disbursing or auditing officer
shall make or approve or take any part in making or approving any payment
for personal service to any person holding a position in the State service
subject to this Act with the exception of those exempt under Section 4c
unless the payroll voucher or account of such pay bears the certification
of the agency head, or of his authorized agent, that there has not been a
determination made by the agency that any person named in the payroll
voucher or account of such pay was not appointed and employed in accordance
with the provisions of this law and rules, regulations, and orders thereunder.
Auditing by the Department shall be based either upon verification of the
individual items in each payroll period or upon procedures developed for
avoiding unnecessary repetitive verification when other evidence of
compliance with applicable laws and rules is available. Such procedures may
be based either upon a continuation of payroll preparation by individual
agencies or upon the use of a central payroll preparation unit. The
Director may for proper cause withhold certification or approval from an
entire payroll or from any specific item or items thereon.
(2) On and after July 1, 1957, any citizen may maintain a suit to
restrain a disbursing officer from making any payment in contravention of
any provisions of this law, rule, or order thereunder. Any sum paid
contrary to any provision of this law or of any rule, regulation, or order
thereunder may be recovered in an action maintained by any citizen, from
any officer who made, approved, or authorized such payment or who signed a
voucher, payroll, check or warrant for such payment, or from the sureties
on the official bond of any such officer. All moneys recovered in any such
action shall be paid into the State treasury.

(Source: P.A. 100-124, eff. 1-1-18.)
(20 ILCS 415/12b) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b112b)
Sec. 12b.
Transfer of employees.
(1) Any employee of a merit
system for State of Illinois employees created pursuant
to law who has been certified under that system and who is transferred
to a comparable position of employment subject to the provisions of this
Code shall have the same status in the merit system established by this
Code as held in the previous system.
(2) Employment benefits earned or granted, but not used, by any employee
in the course of State employment not subject to this Code, may be transferred
by that employee at the time such employee becomes subject to Jurisdiction
C, and to the extent such benefits would have been earned under Section
8c of this Code, provided that there has not been a break in employment.

(Source: P.A. 82-1056.)
(20 ILCS 415/12c) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b112c)
Sec. 12c.

Counties over 3,000,000 - Department of Public
Aid employees - Transfer to other employment.
Any employee in any County Department of Public Aid in counties having a
population of 3,000,000 inhabitants or more who has been certified in
accordance with the terms and provisions of the law in relation to civil
service in such counties and who is transferred to a comparable position of
employment subject to the provisions of this Code shall have the same
status in the Merit System established by this Code as he had in the civil
service of such county. Such equivalent Merit System status shall not be
granted if the employee to be transferred is subject to federal personnel
merit standards published in the Federal Register and applicable to
grant-in-aid programs established under Federal law unless the State
employer first determines and certifies to the Director of Central Management
Services that
the employee meets the Federal standards.

(Source: P.A. 82-789.)
(20 ILCS 415/12d) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b112d)
Sec. 12d.

Any person holding a position in State service subject to the
jurisdiction of the Department of Central Management Services, who is elected
to State office in the State of Illinois, shall, upon request, be granted a
leave of absence, without pay, from such position. Any employee of the
Department of Corrections shall, upon request, be granted a leave of absence,
without pay, to serve in an elected law enforcement position, including
employees who were elected in 1994 or any subsequent year. Such leave of
absence shall continue so long as he remains an elected State officer or in the
elected law enforcement position and for a period of 30 days thereafter. If
such person files a written request to reenter active State service within such
30 day period with the officer legally
charged with control over appointments to positions in the department,
board, commission, institution or other agency from which the leave of
absence was obtained, he shall be reinstated in his former position if such
position exists; if such former position has been abolished and the duties
thereof are being substantially performed by a person assigned to a
different position or classification, the applicant for reinstatement shall
be assigned to such different position or classification; if such former
position has been abolished and the duties assigned thereto are not
otherwise being substantially performed, such applicant shall be reemployed
in a position equal in rank to that which he held prior to his leave of
absence and requiring the performance of similar duties, otherwise his
leave of absence shall cease.
Any person heretofore granted a leave of absence to serve as an elected
State Officer and who is on such leave of absence on the effective date of
this Act shall be continued on such leave of absence under the same
conditions as set forth in the first paragraph of this Section.
The provisions of this Section shall not be applicable to or affect any
employee in any position in an activity or program financed in whole or in
part by loans or grants made by the United States or by any Federal agency.

(Source: P.A. 89-121, eff. 7-7-95.)
(20 ILCS 415/12e)
Sec. 12e.
Chicago Crime Laboratory employees.
(a) The Department of State Police, in consultation with the Department of
Central Management Services, may enter into an intergovernmental agreement with
the City of Chicago with respect to the hiring, classification, compensation,
merit and fitness, and conditions of employment of former employees of the
Chicago Police Department Crime Laboratory Division who are hired by the
Department of State Police to work in its Chicago Forensic Science Laboratory
in connection with the supervision of forensic scientists or the analysis of
physical evidence. The agreement may provide for exceptions to the
requirements of this Code (other than this Section) and to the rules adopted
under this Code.
(b) Any agreement entered into under this Section shall, at a minimum,
include the following provisions for affected employees:
(c) The special provisions relating to hiring, classification, compensation,
merit and fitness, and conditions of employment established by
intergovernmental agreement under this Section apply only to persons who were
employed, at some time between June 30, 1995 and the takeover date, by the
Chicago Police Department Crime Laboratory Division in connection with forensic
or crime laboratory functions that are being transferred to and will be
performed by the State under the intergovernmental agreement, and who become
employed by the Illinois Department of State Police on or after July 1, 1995
but no later than 6 months after the takeover date to perform services relating
to those functions.
(d) For the purposes of this Section, "takeover date" means the date upon
which the Illinois Department of State Police assumes and becomes responsible
for performing the crime laboratory functions that are transferred to the
Department from the Chicago Police Department Crime Laboratory Division under
the intergovernmental agreement authorized by this Section.

(Source: P.A. 89-246, eff. 8-4-95.)
(20 ILCS 415/12f)
Sec. 12f. Merit compensation/salary grade employees; layoffs.
(a) Each State agency shall make every attempt to minimize the number of its employees that are laid off. In an effort to minimize layoffs, each merit compensation/salary grade employee who is subject to layoff shall be offered any vacant positions for the same title held by that employee within the same agency and county from which the employee is subject to layoff and within 2 additional alternate counties designated by the employee (or 3 additional counties if the employee's facility or office is closing), excluding titles that are subject to collective bargaining. If no such vacancies exist, then the employee shall be placed on the agency's reemployment list for (i) the title from which the employee was laid off and (ii) any other titles or successor titles previously held by that employee in which the employee held certified status within the county from which the employee was laid off and within 2 additional alternate counties designated by the employee (or 3 additional counties if the employee's facility or office is closing), excluding titles that are subject to collective bargaining. Laid-off employees shall remain on a reemployment list for 3 years, commencing with the date of layoff.
(b) Merit compensation/salary grade employees who are laid off shall be extended the same medical and dental insurance benefits to which employees laid off from positions subject to collective bargaining are entitled and on the same terms.
(c) Employees laid off from merit compensation/salary grade positions may apply to be qualified for any titles subject to collective bargaining.
(d) Merit compensation/salary grade employees subject to layoff shall be given 30 days' notice of the layoff. A list of all current vacancies of all titles within the agency shall be provided to the employee with the notice of the layoff.

(Source: P.A. 93-839, eff. 7-30-04.)
(20 ILCS 415/12g)
Sec. 12g. Department of Juvenile Justice; positions.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the Department of Central Management Services is not required to verify the license, endorsement, or both, of individuals seeking positions within the Department of Juvenile Justice requiring licensure by the State Board of Education under Article 21B of the School Code.
(b) This Section shall become inoperative when the consent decree entered into on December 6, 2012 (as has been or may be corrected, amended, or modified in the action entitled R.J., et al. v. Mueller, case no. 12-cv-07289, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division) is no longer in force.

(Source: P.A. 100-953, eff. 8-19-18; 101-159, eff. 1-1-20.)
(20 ILCS 415/13) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b113)
Sec. 13.
Unlawful acts prohibited.
(1) No person shall make any false statement, certificate, mark, rating,
or report with regard to any test, certification, or appointment made under
any provision of this law, or in any manner commit or attempt to commit any
fraud preventing the impartial execution of this law and the rules.
(2) No person shall, directly or indirectly, give, render, pay, offer,
solicit, or accept any money, service, or other valuable consideration for
or on account of any appointment, proposed appointment, promotion, or
proposed promotion to, or any advantage in, a position in the State
(3) No person shall defeat, deceive, or obstruct any person in his right
to examination, eligibility, certification, or appointment under this law,
or furnish to any person any special or secret information for the purpose
of affecting the rights or prospects of any person with respect to
employment in the State service.
(4) No person may enter into any agreement under which a State
employee is offered or assured of re-employment in the same department or
agency after the employee's resignation from State employment for the
purpose of receiving payment for accrued vacation, overtime, sick leave or
personal leave, or for the purpose of receiving a refund of the employee's
accumulated pension contributions.

(Source: P.A. 87-384.)
(20 ILCS 415/14) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b114)
Sec. 14.
Records of the Department of Central Management Services.
The records of the Department, including original and promotional
eligible registers, except such records as the rules may properly require
to be held confidential for reasons of public policy, shall be public
records and shall be open to public inspection, subject to reasonable
regulations as to the time and manner of inspection which may be prescribed
by the Director.

(Source: P.A. 85-1152.)
(20 ILCS 415/15) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b115)
Sec. 15.

testimony, and the production of records.
The Commission, each member of the Commission, and the Director shall
have power to administer oaths, subpoena witnesses, and compel the
production of books and papers pertinent to any investigation or hearing
authorized by this law. Any person who shall fail to appear in response to
a subpoena or to answer any question or produce any books or papers
pertinent to any such investigation or hearing or who shall knowingly give
false testimony herein shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

(Source: P.A. 77-2593.)
(20 ILCS 415/16) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b116)
Sec. 16.
Duties of State Officers and Employees.
All officers, including the Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State,
State Treasurer, State Comptroller, State Superintendent of Education
and Attorney General, and employees of the State shall comply with and
aid in all proper ways in carrying out this law and the rules,
regulations, and orders thereunder. All such officers and employees
shall furnish any records or information which the Director or the
Commission may request for any purpose of this law. The Director may
institute and maintain any action or proceeding to secure compliance
with this Act and the rules and orders thereunder.

(Source: P.A. 81-1000.)
(20 ILCS 415/17) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b117)
Sec. 17. Status
of present employees. Employees holding positions in the State service herein shall continue
under the following conditions:
(Source: P.A. 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)
(20 ILCS 415/17a) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b117a)
Sec. 17a.

Appointment of federal
employees to State positions.
At the discretion of the Director of Central Management Services,
any certified or
probationary employee of any Federal office, agency or institution in the
State of Illinois which is closed by the Federal Government may be
appointed to a comparable position in State service, without competitive
examination. Such persons will attain certified status provided they pass a
qualifying examination prescribed by the Director within 6 months after
being so appointed, and provided they thereafter satisfactorily complete
their respective probationary periods. Such qualifying examinations shall
be of the same kind as those required for entrance examinations for
comparable positions. Appointments of such employees shall be without
regard to eligible lists and without regard to the provisions of this Code
requiring the appointment of the person standing among the three highest on
the appropriate eligible list to fill a vacancy or from the highest
category ranking group if the list is by rankings instead of numerical
ratings. Nothing herein shall preclude the reclassification or reallocation
as provided by this Act of any position held by any person appointed
pursuant to this Section.

(Source: P.A. 82-789.)
(20 ILCS 415/17b)
Sec. 17b. Trainee program for persons with a disability.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, on and after July 1, 2020, each State agency with 1,500 employees or more shall, and each executive branch constitutional officer may, offer at least one position per year to be filled by a person with a disability, as defined by the federal Americans with Disabilities Act, through an established trainee program. Agencies with fewer than 1,500 employees may also elect to participate in the program. The trainee position shall last for a period of at least 6 months and shall require the trainee to participate in the trainee program for at least 20 hours per week. The program shall be administered by the Department of Central Management Services. The Department of Central Management Services shall conduct an initial assessment of potential candidates, and the hiring agency or officer shall conduct a final interview. Upon successful completion of the trainee program, the respective agency or officer shall issue a certificate of completion of the trainee program, which shall be sent to the Department of Central Management Services for final approval. Individuals who successfully complete a trainee appointment under this Section are eligible for promotion to the target title without further examination. The Department of Central Management Services, in cooperation with the Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force, shall adopt rules to implement and administer the trainee program for persons with disabilities, including, but not limited to, establishing non-political selection criteria, implementing an assessment and interview process that accommodates persons with a disability, and linking trainee programs to targeted full-time position titles.
(b) The Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force shall prepare an annual report to be submitted to the Governor and the General Assembly that includes: (1) best practices for helping persons with a disability gain employment; (2) proposed rules for adoption by the Department of Central Management Services for the administration and implementation of the trainee program under this Section; (3) the number of agencies that participated in the trainee program under this Section in the previous calendar year; and (4) the number of individuals who participated in the trainee program who became full-time employees of the State at the conclusion of the trainee program.

(Source: P.A. 101-533, eff. 8-23-19.)
(20 ILCS 415/18) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b118)
Sec. 18.
Any person who wilfully violates any provision of
this Act or of the
rules, other than Section 8b.7, shall be guilty of a Class B
misdemeanor. Any person who wilfully violates any provision of Section
8b.7 or of the rules promulgated in accordance with the provisions thereof,
shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. Each violation shall
constitute a separate and distinct offense.

(Source: P.A. 85-372.)
(20 ILCS 415/19a)
Sec. 19a. (Repealed).

(Source: P.A. 89-507, eff. 7-1-97. Repealed by P.A. 99-314, eff. 8-7-15.)
(20 ILCS 415/19c.1) (from Ch. 127, par. 63b119c.1)
Sec. 19c.1.

(1) In any case involving any disclosure of information by
an employee which the employee
reasonably believes evidences-
(i) a violation of any law, rule, or regulation; or
(ii) mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or
a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety if the disclosure
is not specifically prohibited by law, the identity of the employee may
not be disclosed without the consent of the employee during any investigation
of the information and any related matters.
(2) No disciplinary action shall be taken against any employee for the
disclosure of any alleged prohibited activity under investigation or for
any related activity.
For the purposes of this Section, disciplinary action means any retaliatory
action taken against an employee, including but not limited to reprimand,
suspension, discharge, demotion or denial of promotion or transfer.

(Source: P.A. 85-470.)
(20 ILCS 415/20)
Sec. 20. State Officials and Employees Ethics Act.
(a) Disciplinary action under the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act against a person subject to this Act is within the jurisdiction of the Executive Ethics Commission and is not within the jurisdiction of this Act.
(b) Any hearing to contest disciplinary action against a person subject to this Act pursuant to an agreement between an Executive Inspector General and an ultimate jurisdictional authority, as defined in the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, shall be conducted by the Executive Ethics Commission and not under this Act.

(Source: P.A. 96-555, eff. 8-18-09.)
(20 ILCS 415/24)
Sec. 24.
Transfers under Executive Order 11 (2003).
(a) Personnel employed by the Prairie State 2000 Authority and transferred
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity on July 1, 2003 pursuant to
Executive Order 11 (2003) shall receive certified status under this Code.
(b) Personnel employed by the Department of Employment Security and
transferred to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity on July 1,
pursuant to Executive Order 11 (2003) shall retain their status under this Code
and any
applicable collective bargaining agreements.

(Source: P.A. 93-382, eff. 7-25-03.)
(20 ILCS 415/25)
Sec. 25.
Illinois Procurement Code.
This Code is subject to the
disciplinary and penalty provisions of the Illinois Procurement Code.

(Source: P.A. 90-572, eff. date - See Sec. 99-5.)

Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes

Illinois Compiled Statutes


20 ILCS 5/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (General Provisions and Departments of State Government)

20 ILCS 15/ - State Agency Entity Creation Act.

20 ILCS 20/ - Agency Energy Efficiency Act.

20 ILCS 25/ - H+T Affordability Index Act.

20 ILCS 30/ - African American Employment Plan Act.

20 ILCS 35/ - Government Electronic Records Act.

20 ILCS 40/ - Illinois Employment First Act.

20 ILCS 45/ - Open Operating Standards Act.

20 ILCS 50/ - Uniform Racial Classification Act.

20 ILCS 55/ - State Agency Student Worker Opportunity Act.

20 ILCS 60/ - Native American Employment Plan Act.

20 ILCS 65/ - Data Governance and Organization to Support Equity and Racial Justice Act.

20 ILCS 105/ - Illinois Act on the Aging.

20 ILCS 110/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department on Aging Law)

20 ILCS 205/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Agriculture Law)

20 ILCS 210/ - State Fair Act.

20 ILCS 220/ - Rural Rehabilitation Corporation Act.

20 ILCS 230/ - Biotechnology Sector Development Act.

20 ILCS 235/ - Illinois AgrAbility Act.

20 ILCS 301/ - Substance Use Disorder Act.

20 ILCS 302/ - Substance Use Disorder Rate Equity Act.

20 ILCS 310/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Human Services (Alcoholism and Substance Abuse) Law)

20 ILCS 1305/ - Department of Human Services Act.

20 ILCS 1310/ - Domestic Violence Shelters Act.

20 ILCS 1315/ - Illinois Youthbuild Act.

20 ILCS 1320/ - Assistive Technology Evaluation and Training Centers Act.

20 ILCS 1335/ - 2-1-1 Service Act.

20 ILCS 1340/ - Regional Integrated Behavioral Health Networks Act.

20 ILCS 1345/ - Illinois Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service Act.

20 ILCS 1705/ - Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act.

20 ILCS 1710/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Human Services (Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities) Law)

20 ILCS 2405/ - Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities Act.

20 ILCS 2407/ - Disabilities Services Act of 2003.

20 ILCS 2410/ - Bureau for the Blind Act.

20 ILCS 2421/ - Blind Vendors Act.

20 ILCS 405/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Central Management Services Law)

20 ILCS 415/ - Personnel Code.

20 ILCS 420/ - Local Personnel Program Assistance Act.

20 ILCS 430/ - Federal Surplus Property Act.

20 ILCS 435/ - Forms Notice Act.

20 ILCS 440/ - Office of Consumer Services Information Act.

20 ILCS 445/ - State Off Street Parking in Rockford Act.

20 ILCS 450/ - Data Security on State Computers Act.

20 ILCS 505/ - Children and Family Services Act.

20 ILCS 510/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Children and Family Services Powers Law)

20 ILCS 515/ - Child Death Review Team Act.

20 ILCS 520/ - Foster Parent Law.

20 ILCS 521/ - Foster Children's Bill of Rights Act.

20 ILCS 525/ - Statewide Foster Care Advisory Council Law.

20 ILCS 527/ - Department of Children and Family Services Statewide Youth Advisory Board Act.

20 ILCS 530/ - DCFS Residential Services Construction Grant Program Act.

20 ILCS 535/ - Administration of Psychotropic Medications to Children Act.

20 ILCS 540/ - Custody Relinquishment Prevention Act.

20 ILCS 605/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law)

20 ILCS 607/ - Brownfields Redevelopment and Intermodal Promotion Act.

20 ILCS 608/ - Business Assistance and Regulatory Reform Act.

20 ILCS 609/ - Center for Business Ownership Succession and Employee Ownership Act.

20 ILCS 615/ - Displaced Homemakers Assistance Act.

20 ILCS 620/ - Economic Development Area Tax Increment Allocation Act.

20 ILCS 625/ - Illinois Economic Opportunity Act.

20 ILCS 627/ - Electric Vehicle Act.

20 ILCS 630/ - Illinois Emergency Employment Development Act.

20 ILCS 655/ - Illinois Enterprise Zone Act.

20 ILCS 660/ - Family Farm Assistance Act.

20 ILCS 662/ - Local Planning Technical Assistance Act.

20 ILCS 663/ - New Markets Development Program Act.

20 ILCS 665/ - Illinois Promotion Act.

20 ILCS 686/ - Reimagining Electric Vehicles in Illinois Act.

20 ILCS 687/ - Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Coal Resources Development Law of 1997.

20 ILCS 688/ - Illinois Resource Development and Energy Security Act.

20 ILCS 689/ - Illinois Renewable Fuels Development Program Act.

20 ILCS 692/ - Small Business Advisory Act.

20 ILCS 695/ - State and Regional Development Strategy Act.

20 ILCS 700/ - Technology Advancement and Development Act.

20 ILCS 701/ - High Technology School-to-Work Act.

20 ILCS 715/ - Corporate Accountability for Tax Expenditures Act.

20 ILCS 720/ - Illinois Main Street Act.

20 ILCS 725/ - Illinois Home Grown Business Opportunity Act.

20 ILCS 730/ - Energy Transition Act.

20 ILCS 735/ - Energy Community Reinvestment Act.

20 ILCS 740/ - Job Training Assistance and Support Services Pilot Program Act.

20 ILCS 745/ - Industrial Biotech Partnership Act.

20 ILCS 801/ - Department of Natural Resources Act.

20 ILCS 805/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Natural Resources (Conservation) Law)

20 ILCS 820/ - Forestry Cooperative Agreement Act.

20 ILCS 825/ - Forest Land Exchange Act.

20 ILCS 830/ - Interagency Wetland Policy Act of 1989.

20 ILCS 835/ - State Parks Act.

20 ILCS 840/ - State Parks Designation Act.

20 ILCS 845/ - State Park Audit Act.

20 ILCS 850/ - Illinois and Michigan Canal State Park Act.

20 ILCS 855/ - Wild or Scenic River Area Act.

20 ILCS 860/ - Outdoor Recreation Resources Act.

20 ILCS 862/ - Recreational Trails of Illinois Act.

20 ILCS 863/ - Prairie Wind Trail Property Transfer Act.

20 ILCS 865/ - Kaskaskia River Watershed Operation and Maintenance Act.

20 ILCS 870/ - Rend Lake Dam and Reservoir Operation and Maintenance Act.

20 ILCS 875/ - Firearms Training Act.

20 ILCS 880/ - Illinois Conservation Foundation Act.

20 ILCS 882/ - Natural Resources Restoration Trust Fund Act.

20 ILCS 885/ - Lead Sinker Act.

20 ILCS 890/ - Public Land Pack and Saddle Animal Access Act.

20 ILCS 896/ - Lake Michigan Wind Energy Act.

20 ILCS 1905/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Natural Resources (Mines and Minerals) Law)

20 ILCS 1910/ - Coal Products Commission Transfer Act.

20 ILCS 1915/ - Surface Coal Mining Fee Act.

20 ILCS 1920/ - Abandoned Mined Lands and Water Reclamation Act.

20 ILCS 1005/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Employment Security Law)

20 ILCS 1010/ - State and Federal Employment Cooperation Act.

20 ILCS 1015/ - Public Employment Office Act.

20 ILCS 1020/ - New Hire Reporting Act.

20 ILCS 1105/ - Energy Conservation and Coal Development Act.

20 ILCS 1108/ - Clean Coal FutureGen for Illinois Act of 2011.

20 ILCS 1110/ - Illinois Coal and Energy Development Bond Act.

20 ILCS 1115/ - Energy Conservation Act.

20 ILCS 1120/ - Energy Policy and Planning Act.

20 ILCS 1125/ - Dickson Mounds State Memorial Act.

20 ILCS 1127/ - Illinois Center for Geographic Information Act.

20 ILCS 1130/ - Hazardous Waste Technology Exchange Service Act.

20 ILCS 1135/ - Superconducting Super Collider Act.

20 ILCS 1205/ - Financial Institutions Code.

20 ILCS 2105/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Professional Regulation Law)

20 ILCS 3205/ - Division of Banking Act.

20 ILCS 3210/ - Illinois Bank Examiners' Education Foundation Act.

20 ILCS 1370/ - Department of Innovation and Technology Act.

20 ILCS 1375/ - Illinois Information Security Improvement Act.

20 ILCS 1405/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Insurance Law)

20 ILCS 1410/ - Burn Victims Relief Act.

20 ILCS 1505/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Labor Law)

20 ILCS 1510/ - Illinois Guaranteed Job Opportunity Act.

20 ILCS 1605/ - Illinois Lottery Law.

20 ILCS 1805/ - Military Code of Illinois.

20 ILCS 1807/ - Illinois Code of Military Justice.

20 ILCS 1810/ - Military Property Act.

20 ILCS 1815/ - Illinois State Guard Act.

20 ILCS 1825/ - Illinois National Guardsman's Compensation Act.

20 ILCS 2205/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Healthcare and Family Services Law)

20 ILCS 2215/ - Illinois Health Finance Reform Act.

20 ILCS 2225/ - Free Healthcare Benefits Application Assistance Act.

20 ILCS 2230/ - Health Care Affordability Act.

20 ILCS 2305/ - Department of Public Health Act. (Part 1)

20 ILCS 2310/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law)

20 ILCS 2313/ - Children's Environmental Health Officer Act.

20 ILCS 2320/ - Health Access Network Act.

20 ILCS 2325/ - Comprehensive Healthcare Workforce Planning Act.

20 ILCS 2335/ - Community Health Worker Advisory Board Act.

20 ILCS 2505/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Revenue Law)

20 ILCS 2510/ - Certified Audit Program Law.

20 ILCS 2515/ - Illinois Department of Revenue Sunshine Act.

20 ILCS 2520/ - Taxpayers' Bill of Rights Act.

20 ILCS 2530/ - Taxation Disclosure Act.

20 ILCS 2605/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Illinois State Police Law)

20 ILCS 2610/ - Illinois State Police Act.

20 ILCS 2615/ - Illinois State Police Radio Act.

20 ILCS 2620/ - Narcotic Control Division Abolition Act.

20 ILCS 2625/ - Volunteer Firefighting Rescue Unit Use Act.

20 ILCS 2630/ - Criminal Identification Act.

20 ILCS 2635/ - Illinois Uniform Conviction Information Act.

20 ILCS 2640/ - Statewide Organized Gang Database Act.

20 ILCS 2645/ - Statewide Senior Citizen Victimizer Database Act.

20 ILCS 2705/ - Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. (Department of Transportation Law)

20 ILCS 2715/ - Racial Profiling Prevention and Data Oversight Act.

20 ILCS 2805/ - Department of Veterans' Affairs Act.

20 ILCS 2905/ - State Fire Marshal Act.

20 ILCS 2910/ - Peace Officer Fire Investigation Act.

20 ILCS 3005/ - Governor's Office of Management and Budget Act.

20 ILCS 3010/ - Illinois Capital Budget Act.

20 ILCS 3020/ - Capital Spending Accountability Law.

20 ILCS 3105/ - Capital Development Board Act.

20 ILCS 3110/ - Building Authority Act.

20 ILCS 3115/ - Building Authority Bond Investment Act.

20 ILCS 3120/ - Asbestos Abatement Authority Act.

20 ILCS 3125/ - Energy Efficient Building Act.

20 ILCS 3130/ - Green Buildings Act.

20 ILCS 3305/ - Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act.

20 ILCS 3310/ - Nuclear Safety Law of 2004.

20 ILCS 3405/ - Historic Preservation Act.

20 ILCS 3410/ - Illinois Historic Sites Advisory Council Act.

20 ILCS 3415/ - Historical Sites Listing Act.

20 ILCS 3420/ - Illinois State Agency Historic Resources Preservation Act.

20 ILCS 3430/ - Old State Capitol Act.

20 ILCS 3435/ - Archaeological and Paleontological Resources Protection Act.

20 ILCS 3440/ - Human Skeletal Remains Protection Act.

20 ILCS 3475/ - Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum Act.

20 ILCS 3501/ - Illinois Finance Authority Act.

20 ILCS 3510/ - Asbestos Abatement Finance Act.

20 ILCS 3515/ - Illinois Environmental Facilities Financing Act.

20 ILCS 3610/ - Emergency Farm Credit Allocation Act.

20 ILCS 3805/ - Illinois Housing Development Act.

20 ILCS 3820/ - Illinois Investment and Development Authority Act.

20 ILCS 3855/ - Illinois Power Agency Act.

20 ILCS 3860/ - Illinois Health Information Exchange and Technology Act.

20 ILCS 3903/ - Illinois African-American Family Commission Act.

20 ILCS 3905/ - Alton Lake Heritage Parkway Corridor Law.

20 ILCS 3910/ - Anti-Crime Advisory Council Act.

20 ILCS 3915/ - Arts Council Act.

20 ILCS 3916/ - Asian American Family Commission Act.

20 ILCS 3921/ - Illinois Century Network Act.

20 ILCS 3926/ - Crime Reduction Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 3929/ - Capital Punishment Reform Study Committee Act.

20 ILCS 3930/ - Illinois Criminal Justice Information Act.

20 ILCS 3932/ - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission Act.

20 ILCS 3933/ - Illinois Early Learning Council Act.

20 ILCS 3934/ - Electronic Health Records Taskforce Act.

20 ILCS 3935/ - Experimental Organ Transplantation Procedures Act.

20 ILCS 3945/ - Geriatric Medicine Assistance Act.

20 ILCS 3948/ - Illinois Global Partnership Act.

20 ILCS 3950/ - Governor's Council on Health and Physical Fitness Act.

20 ILCS 3953/ - Government Buildings Energy Cost Reduction Act of 1991.

20 ILCS 3954/ - Green Governments Illinois Act.

20 ILCS 3955/ - Guardianship and Advocacy Act.

20 ILCS 3956/ - Human Services 211 Collaboration Board Act.

20 ILCS 3960/ - Illinois Health Facilities Planning Act.

20 ILCS 3966/ - Illinois Business Regulatory Review Act.

20 ILCS 3968/ - Interagency Coordinating Committee on Transportation Act.

20 ILCS 3975/ - Illinois Workforce Innovation Board Act

20 ILCS 3980/ - Laboratory Review Board Act.

20 ILCS 3983/ - Illinois Latino Family Commission Act.

20 ILCS 3985/ - Law Enforcement and Fire Fighting Medal of Honor Act.

20 ILCS 3988/ - Local Legacy Act.

20 ILCS 3990/ - Illinois Manufacturing Technology Alliance Act.

20 ILCS 4000/ - Minority Males Act.

20 ILCS 4005/ - Illinois Vehicle Hijacking and Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention and Insurance Verification Act.

20 ILCS 4007/ - Persons with Disabilities on State Agency Boards Act.

20 ILCS 4010/ - Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities Law.

20 ILCS 4024/ - Interstate Sex Offender Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 4026/ - Sex Offender Management Board Act.

20 ILCS 4028/ - Violence Prevention Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 4030/ - World's Fair Commission (1976) Act.

20 ILCS 4040/ - Social Security Number Protection Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 4050/ - Hospital Basic Services Preservation Act.

20 ILCS 4070/ - Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes Act.

20 ILCS 4075/ - Commission on Children and Youth Act.

20 ILCS 4085/ - Commission to Study Disproportionate Justice Impact Act.

20 ILCS 4090/ - Illinois Plain Language Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 4095/ - Employment and Economic Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 4100/ - Resentencing Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 4101/ - College Course Materials Affordability and Equitable Access Collaborative Study Act.

20 ILCS 4102/ - High-Speed Railway Commission Act.

20 ILCS 4103/ - Illinois Future of Work Act.

20 ILCS 4104/ - Advisory Commission on Reducing the Disproportionate Representation of African-American Children in Foster Care Act.

20 ILCS 4105/ - Racial Disproportionality in Child Welfare Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 4106/ - Domestic Violence Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 4107/ - Illinois Commission on Amateur Sports Act.

20 ILCS 4108/ - Local Journalism Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 4109/ - Commission on Equitable Public University Funding Act.

20 ILCS 4110/ - Illinois Thirty-by-Thirty Conservation Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 4111/ - Youth Health and Safety Act.

20 ILCS 4112/ - Right to Counsel in Immigration Proceedings Act.

20 ILCS 4113/ - Real Estate Valuation Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 4114/ - Illinois America 250 Commission Act.

20 ILCS 4115/ - Agriculture Equity Commission Act.

20 ILCS 4116/ - Blue-Ribbon Commission on Transportation Infrastructure and Policy Act.

20 ILCS 4117/ - Rivers of Illinois Coordinating Council Act.

20 ILCS 4118/ - Renewable Energy Component Recycling Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 4119/ - Task Force on Missing and Murdered Chicago Women Act.

20 ILCS 4120/ - Illinois Indian American Advisory Council Act.

20 ILCS 4121/ - Comprehensive Licensing Information to Minimize Barriers Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 4122/ - Hydrogen Economy Act.

20 ILCS 4124/ - Warehouse Safety Standards Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 5010/ - Illinois Holocaust and Genocide Commission Act.

20 ILCS 5015/ - Commission to End Hunger Act.

20 ILCS 5025/ - Racial and Ethnic Impact Research Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 5040/ - Statewide Centralized Abuse, Neglect, Financial Exploitation, and Self-Neglect Hotline Act.

20 ILCS 5060/ - Women's Business Ownership Act of 2015.

20 ILCS 5070/ - Music Therapy Advisory Board Act.

20 ILCS 5075/ - Opportunities for At-Risk Women Act.

20 ILCS 5086/ - Human Trafficking Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 5110/ - Illinois Muslim American Advisory Council Act.

20 ILCS 5125/ - Illinois Route 66 Centennial Commission Act.

20 ILCS 5130/ - Illinois Council on Women and Girls Act.

20 ILCS 5145/ - Task Force on Infant and Maternal Mortality Among African Americans Act.

20 ILCS 5156/ - Illinois Immigrant Impact Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 5160/ - Kidney Disease Prevention and Education Task Force Act.

20 ILCS 5170/ - Special Commission on Gynecologic Cancers Act.

20 ILCS 5175/ - Health and Human Services Task Force and Study Act.