(60 ILCS 1/Art. 35 heading)
(60 ILCS 1/35-5)
Sec. 35-5. Special township meeting. Special township meetings shall be held
when the township board (or at least 15 voters of the township) file in the
office of the township clerk a written statement that a special meeting is
necessary for the interests of the township. The statement also shall set
forth the objects of the meeting, which must be relevant to powers granted to electors under this Code. The special township meeting shall be held no
less than 14 nor more than 45 days after the written request is filed in the
office of the township clerk. Special township meetings may not begin before
6 p.m.
(Source: P.A. 95-761, eff. 7-28-08.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-10)
Sec. 35-10. Notice of special meeting; business at meeting.
(a) Notice of a special township meeting shall be given in the same manner
and for the same length of time as for regular township meetings.
(b) The notice shall set forth the object of the meeting as contained in the statement filed with the township clerk, which must be relevant to powers granted to electors under this Code. No business shall be done at a special meeting except the business that is embraced in the statement and notice.
(Source: P.A. 95-761, eff. 7-28-08.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-15)
Sec. 35-15. Quorum and powers of electors at special meeting. No special township meeting shall be convened unless 15 or more electors are present at the meeting. The electors at special
township meetings when convened have the powers enumerated in this Article.
An elector is a person registered to vote within the township no less than 28
days before the date of the special meeting. If a special township meeting is not convened because of an absence of 15 or more electors, that special township meeting shall not be re-convened unless all procedures for a special township meeting are again completed.
(Source: P.A. 95-761, eff. 7-28-08.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-20)
Sec. 35-20.
Matters postponed from annual meeting.
The electors may act upon
any subject within the powers of the electors at any annual township meeting
that may have been postponed for want of time at the preceding annual meeting
to be considered at a future township meeting.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-25)
Sec. 35-25.
Exercise of annual meeting powers.
When the special meeting is
called by the township board in the manner provided by this Article, the
electors may take any action authorized by Article 30 that could have been
taken at an annual township meeting.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-30)
Sec. 35-30.
Hour of township meetings.
The electors may fix the hour at
which township meetings shall be held.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-35)
Sec. 35-35.
Filling vacancy in township offices.
If a vacancy exists in any township office and the vacancy is not filled within
60 days, the
electors at a
special township meeting may select a qualified person to fill the vacancy and
to serve until the expiration of that term. At the meeting, the electors may
select the replacement officer by voice vote, and the person
receiving the
greatest number of votes shall be declared to be elected as the officer.
(Source: P.A. 92-194, eff. 8-1-01.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-40)
Sec. 35-40.
Conveyance of land for highway purposes.
The electors may convey
any land or any interest in land held by the township to the county or State
where the conveyance is made for highway purposes. The conveyance shall be made
in the same manner and form as a conveyance of land made at the annual township
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-45)
Sec. 35-45.
Control of public graveyards; tax.
(a) The electors may vest control of public graveyards not under the control
of any corporation sole, organization, or society in 3 trustees and may elect
the 3 trustees.
(b) The electors may authorize the cemetery trustees to levy a tax for the
control, management, and maintenance of cemeteries under the Public
Graveyards Act.
(Source: P.A. 88-62; incorporates 88-360; 88-670, eff. 12-2-94.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-50)
Sec. 35-50.
As used in Sections 35-50.1 through 35-50.6,
unless the context requires otherwise:
"Township board" means the board of trustees, board of town auditors, board
of township trustees, or town trustees provided for in the Township Law of
1874 (repealed) or the township board provided for in this Code.
"Supervisor" or "township supervisor" means the supervisor or
township supervisor provided for in the Township Law of 1874 (repealed) or
the township supervisor provided for in this Code.
"Township clerk" means the town clerk or township clerk provided for
in the Township Law of 1874 (repealed) or the township clerk provided for in
this Code.
"Voter" means a person qualified to vote under the general election law,
including registration within the township no less than 28 days before the date
of the special meeting.
(Source: P.A. 88-62; 89-331, eff. 8-17-95.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-50.1)
Sec. 35-50.1.
Senior citizens' housing.
A township may construct, purchase,
improve, extend, or equip senior citizens' housing. The township board shall
have the power to do the following:
(Source: P.A. 87-922; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-50.2)
Sec. 35-50.2.
Construction of senior citizens' housing; revenue bonds.
(a) For the purpose of defraying the cost of the construction, purchase,
improvement, extension, or equipping from time to time of senior citizens'
housing, including feasibility, engineering, legal, and other expenses,
together with interest on its revenue bonds, to the fullest extent
permitted by the provisions of Section 9 of the Local Government Debt
Reform Act, the township board, when authorized by a majority of the
votes cast on the proposition submitted in accordance with the general
election law under Section 35-50.3, may issue and sell revenue
bonds of the township payable solely from the net income and revenue
derived from the operation of the senior citizens' housing, after payment
of the costs of operation and maintenance of the senior citizens' housing
and provision for an adequate depreciation fund (if a depreciation fund is
deemed necessary by the township board). The township board
may also from time to time issue revenue bonds to refund any such revenue
bonds, at the redemption price authorized, at maturity or at any time
before maturity, all as authorized in the ordinance of the township board
authorizing the refunded bonds. The bonds shall bear interest at
a rate or rates not to exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Bond
Authorization Act, as amended at the time of the making of the contract for the
sale of the bonds, the interest shall be payable semi-annually, and the bonds
shall mature within the period of usefulness of the project involved, as
determined in the sole discretion of the township board and in any event not
more than 40 years from the dated date of the bonds.
(b) The bonds shall be sold in the manner determined by the township board
and, whenever the bonds are sold at a price less than par, they
shall be sold at a price and bear interest at a rate or rates such
that either the true interest cost (yield) or the net interest rate, as
selected by the township board, received on the sale of the bonds,
does not exceed the maximum rate otherwise authorized by the Bond
Authorization Act. If any officer whose signature appears on the bonds or
coupons attached to the bonds ceases to be an officer before the delivery
of the bonds to the purchaser, his or her signature shall nevertheless be
valid and sufficient for all purposes to the same effect as if he or she
had remained in office until the delivery of the bonds.
(c) Notwithstanding the form or tenor of the bonds, and in the absence
of expressed recitals on the face of the bonds that the bonds are
non-negotiable, all bonds issued under this Section shall have all the
qualities of negotiable instruments under the law of this State.
(d) With respect to instruments for the payment of money issued under
Sections 35-50.1 through 35-50.6, including, without limitation, revenue bonds
of a township, it is the intention of the General Assembly (i) that the Omnibus
Bond Acts are supplementary grants of power to issue those instruments in
accordance with the Omnibus Bond Acts, regardless of any provision of Sections
35-50.1 through 35-50.6 that may appear to be more restrictive than those
Acts, (ii) that the provisions of Sections 35-50.1 through 35-50.6 are not a
limitation on the supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts, and
(iii) that instruments issued under Sections 35-50.1 through 35-50.6 within the
supplementary authority granted by the Omnibus Bond Acts are not invalid
because of any provision of Sections 35-50.1 through 35-50.6 that may appear to
be more restrictive than those Acts.
(e) Revenue bonds issued under Sections 35-50.1 through 35-50.6 shall be
payable solely from the net revenue derived from the operation of the senior
citizens' housing on account of which the revenue bonds are issued. The
revenue bonds shall not in any event constitute an indebtedness of the township
within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation, and it shall
be so stated on the face of each bond.
(f) Not less than 30 days before the making of a contract for the sale
of bonds to be issued under Sections 35-50.1 through 35-50.6, the township
board shall give written notice to the Executive Director of the Illinois
Housing Development Authority. Within 30 days after receiving the notice the
Executive Director of the Illinois Housing Development Authority shall give
written notice to the township board stating whether it will finance the senior
citizens' housing. If the Illinois Housing Development Authority notifies
the township board that it will not finance the senior citizens' housing, the
township may finance the senior citizens' housing or seek alternative financing
from any other available source.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-50.3)
Sec. 35-50.3.
Ordinance describing project; submission to voters.
township board shall initiate proceedings for the issuance of bonds under
Sections 35-50.1 through 35-50.6 by adopting an election ordinance describing
briefly the authority under which the bonds are proposed to be issued, the
nature of the project to be financed, the estimated total cost of the project,
and the maximum amount of revenue bonds authorized to be issued. No further
details or specifications shall be required in the election ordinance, except
as otherwise required by the Election Code or Sections 35-50.1 through 35-50.6
of this Act as described in this Section.
The election ordinance shall direct that a proposition to construct,
purchase, improve, extend, or equip senior citizens' housing and to issue
revenue bonds payable solely from the net revenue derived from the
operation of the senior citizens' housing be submitted to the
voters of the township at an election designated in the ordinance, to be held
in accordance with the general election law. The township clerk shall certify
the proposition to the proper election authority for submission to the voters
in accordance with the general election law. The election authority shall give
notice of the election in accordance with the general election law. The
proposition shall be in substantially the following form:
If a majority of the voters voting on the question at the election vote
in favor of it, then the township board may adopt additional ordinances
or proceedings supplementing or amending the election ordinance so long as
the maximum amount of bonds as set forth in the election ordinance is not
exceeded and there is no material change in the project described in the
election ordinance. The additional ordinances shall fix the amount of
revenue bonds to be issued, the maturity or maturities, the interest rate or
rates, and all other details in connection with the bonds deemed advisable.
The additional ordinances may contain covenants and restrictions on the
issuance thereafter of additional revenue bonds as deemed necessary or
advisable for the assurance of the payment of bonds thereby issued. Bonds
issued pursuant to additional ordinances and proceedings shall bear a date or
dates, may be in a form, may carry registration privileges, may be payable at a
place or places, may be subject to redemption in a manner and on terms with or
without premium, may be executed in a manner, and may contain terms and
covenants, all as provided by the additional ordinances and proceedings. The
additional ordinances or proceedings shall become effective immediately without
publication or posting or any further act or requirement.
(Source: P.A. 87-922; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-50.4)
Sec. 35-50.4.
Security for bonds.
To secure payment of any or all of the
bonds, any additional ordinance supplementing or amending the election
ordinance shall set forth the covenants and undertakings of the township in
connection with (i) the issuance of the bonds and the issuance of
additional bonds payable from the net revenue or income to be derived from
the operation of the senior citizens' housing and (ii) the use and
operation of the senior citizens' housing. The additional ordinance may also
provide that the bonds, or those that are specified, shall, to the extent and
in the manner prescribed, be subordinate and junior with respect to the payment
of principal and interest to other bonds designated in the ordinance. The
additional ordinance may in the discretion of the township board provide that
the bonds be secured by a trust agreement or depositary agreement by and
between the township board and a corporate trustee, which may be a trust
company or a bank having powers of a trust company within this State. The
agreement may contain provisions for directing and enforcing the rights and
remedies of the bondholders deemed reasonable and proper, including the
terms upon which the trustee and the bondholders, or either of them, may
enforce their rights, but no trust agreement, depositary agreement, or other
instrument securing the bonds shall convey, mortgage, or otherwise create
any lien on the properties constituting the senior citizens' housing,
other than the net revenues with respect thereto as described in Sections
35-50.1 through 35-50.6.
(Source: P.A. 87-922; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-50.5)
Sec. 35-50.5.
Rules and regulations; rates and charges; use of revenues from
(a) The township board of any township availing itself of Sections 35-50.1
through 35-50.6 may (i) make, enact, and enforce all needful rules and
regulations for the acquisition, construction, extension, improvement,
equipping, management, and maintenance of the senior citizens' housing of the
township and for the use thereof, (ii) make, enact, and enforce all needful
rules, regulations, and ordinances for the care and protection of the senior
citizens' housing that may be conducive to the preservation of the public
health, comfort, and convenience and to providing the senior citizens'
housing, and (iii) charge the residents of the senior citizens' housing a
reasonable rent, rate, or charge for the privilege of residing in or using
the senior citizens' housing.
(b) The rents, rates, or charges shall be sufficient at all times to (i) pay
the cost of operating and maintaining the senior citizens' housing, (ii)
provide an adequate depreciation fund if deemed necessary by the township
board, and (iii) pay the principal of and interest on all revenue bonds issued
under Sections 35-50.1 through 35-50.6. Rents, rates, and charges shall be
established, revised, and maintained by ordinance and become payable as the
township board determines by ordinance.
(c) Whenever revenue bonds are issued under Sections 35-50.1 through
35-50.6, sufficient revenue derived from the operation of senior citizens'
housing shall be deposited into a separate fund, designated as the Senior
Citizens' Housing Fund of the township. It shall be used only (i) to pay the
cost of maintenance and operation of the senior citizens' housing, (ii) to
provide an adequate depreciation fund if deemed necessary by the township
board, and (iii) to pay the principal of and interest on the revenue bonds of
the township issued under Sections 35-50.1 through 35-50.6.
(Source: P.A. 87-922; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-50.6)
Sec. 35-50.6.
Supervisor; bond proceeds and revenues.
(a) The township supervisor shall be ex officio treasurer and the custodian
of all funds derived from the issuance and sale of bonds under Sections
35-50.1 through 35-50.6 and of all income and revenue derived from the
operation of the senior citizens' housing. Before the supervisor receives any
funds, he or she shall post with the township board, subject to their approval,
a separate corporate surety bond in an amount determined by resolution of the
township board. The supervisor shall keep the proceeds of bonds issued and
revenues derived from the operation of the senior citizens' housing separate
and apart from all other funds that come into his or her hands as supervisor
and ex officio treasurer of the township. The supervisor shall deposit the
proceeds derived from the sale of bonds and the income and revenues derived
from the operation of the senior citizens' housing in separate bank or savings
and loan association accounts in a depositary designated by the township board
for that purpose; provided, however, that any funds not so deposited shall be
invested only in investments that are permitted for the township under the
Public Funds Investment Act, as then amended.
(b) No bank or savings and loan association shall receive public funds under
this Section unless it has complied with the provisions of Section 6 of the
Public Funds Investment Act.
(Source: P.A. 87-922; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-55)
Sec. 35-55.
Senior citizens services; authorization of tax levy.
(a) The electors may authorize the township board to levy a tax (at a
rate of not more than 0.15% of the value, as equalized and assessed by the
Department of Revenue, of all taxable property in the township) for the sole
and exclusive purpose of providing services to senior citizens under Article
220 including, but not limited to, the construction, maintenance, repair, and
operation of a senior citizens center. If the board desires to levy
the tax, it shall order a
referendum on the proposition to be held at an election in accordance with the
general election law. The board shall certify the proposition to the proper
election officials, who shall submit the proposition to the voters at an
election in accordance with the general election law. If a majority of the
votes cast on the proposition is in favor of the proposition, the board may
annually levy the tax in addition to any other taxes and not subject to the
tax rate limitations set forth in Article 235 of this Act, but subject to the
extension limitations in the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law of the
Property Tax Code.
(b) If the township board of any township authorized to levy a tax under
this Section pursuant to a referendum held before January 1, 1987, desires to
increase the maximum rate of the tax to 0.15% of the value, as equalized and
assessed by the Department of Revenue, of all taxable property in the township,
it shall order a referendum on that proposition to be held at an election in
accordance with the general election law. The board shall certify the
proposition to the proper election officials, who shall submit the proposition
to the voters at an election in accordance with the general election law. If a
majority of the votes cast on the proposition is in favor of the proposition,
the maximum tax rate shall be so increased.
(Source: P.A. 92-651, eff. 7-11-02; 92-781, eff. 1-1-03.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-60)
Sec. 35-60.
Youth service programs; authorization of tax levy.
The electors
may authorize the township board to levy a tax (at a rate of not more than
0.15% of the value, as equalized and assessed by the Department of Revenue, of
all taxable property in the township) for the sole purpose of providing service
programs for youths under Section 215-5. The tax may not be levied, however,
unless the tax is approved by the voters at a referendum held in accordance
with the general election law. The township board shall certify the
proposition to the proper election officials, who shall submit the proposition
to the voters at an election in accordance with the general election law. If a
majority of the votes cast on the proposition is in favor of the proposition,
the board may annually levy the tax.
(Source: P.A. 85-583; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-65)
Sec. 35-65.
General assistance tax.
If the electors at the annual township
meeting fail in any year to levy any tax for general assistance to persons
needing that assistance, or a tax for general assistance of an amount
sufficient to meet those needs, or a tax of an amount sufficient to qualify the
township for an allocation of State funds appropriated for that purpose, the
electors may levy the tax, additional tax, or qualifying tax, as the case may
be, as may be necessary. In no event, however, shall the total of the taxes
levied at the annual and special township meetings for general assistance
exceed the statutory rate limit prescribed in Section 235-15.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-70)
Sec. 35-70.
Township library tax.
The electors may levy a tax for the
support and maintenance of a township library under the Illinois Local Library
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-75)
Sec. 35-75.
Cemetery tax.
The electors may authorize the board of managers
to levy a tax for the establishment and maintenance of cemeteries under Article
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/35-80)
Sec. 35-80.
Participation in Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.
electors may elect to have the township and all other bodies politic
established by or under the control of the electors participate as a single
municipality in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund under the provisions of
the Illinois Pension Code.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)
Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes
Article 1 - Short Title And General Provisions
Article 5 - Adoption Of Township Organization
Article 10 - Alteration Of Township Boundaries By County Board
Article 15 - Township Within A City
Article 20 - Consolidation Of Townships Within City
Article 22 - Consolidation Of Multiple Townships
Article 23 - Merger Of A Single Township Into 2 Other Townships
Article 24 - Dissolution Of Townships in McHenry County
Article 25 - Discontinuance Of Township Organization
Article 29 - Discontinuance Of Township Within Coterminous Municipality: All Townships
Article 30 - Annual Township Meeting
Article 35 - Special Township Meetings
Article 40 - Conduct Of Township Meetings
Article 45 - Nomination Of Candidates For Township Office
Article 50 - Election Of Township Officers; Discontinuance Of Township Offices
Article 55 - Qualification And Tenure Of Township Officers
Article 60 - Vacancies In Township Offices And The Manner Of Filling Them
Article 65 - Compensation And Fees Of Township Officers
Article 70 - Township Supervisor
Article 73 - Highway Commissioner
Article 77 - Township Assessor
Article 78 - Township Collector
Article 85 - Township Corporate Powers, Generally
Article 90 - Corporate Powers Exercised By County Board
Article 95 - Legal Proceedings In Favor Of And Against Townships
Article 100 - Township Employees
Article 105 - Township Land And Buildings, Generally
Article 115 - Township Open Space
Article 125 - Township Park Bonds
Article 130 - Township Cemeteries
Article 133 - Public Graveyards
Article 135 - Joint Township Cemeteries
Article 145 - Township Hall, Township Coextensive With City
Article 150 - Township Community Buildings
Article 153 - Township Library
Article 155 - Township Public Comfort Stations
Article 160 - Township Monuments
Article 170 - Township Hospitals
Article 175 - Township Public Non-Sectarian Hospitals
Article 180 - Lease Of County Home Or Hospital
Article 185 - Facilities And Services For Persons With Developmental Disabilities
Article 190 - Agreements For Mental Health Services For Township Residents
Article 195 - Township Ambulance Services
Article 200 - Township Emergency Vehicles And Equipment
Article 205 - Township Waterworks And Sewerage Systems
Article 207 - Township Special Service Areas
Article 210 - Township Refuse Collection And Disposal
Article 220 - Senior Citizen Services
Article 225 - Services For Persons With Disabilities
Article 230 - Employment And Training Programs
Article 240 - Township Borrowing Money
Article 245 - Transfers Among Township Funds, Generally
Article 250 - Transfers From Township General Fund To Township General Assistance Fund
Article 255 - Transfers From Road And Bridge Fund
Article 260 - Distributions From Township General Fund, Generally
Article 265 - Township Funds For Schools
Article 275 - Township Funds For Museums Or Historical Societies
Article 280 - Township Refunding Bonds
Article 285 - Township Bond Money Refunds