Illinois Compiled Statutes
60 ILCS 1/ - Township Code.
Article 135 - Joint Township Cemeteries

(60 ILCS 1/Art. 135 heading)

(60 ILCS 1/135-5)
Sec. 135-5.
Joint township cemeteries.
Any 2 or more townships or road
districts, within or without the same county, may jointly unite in establishing
and maintaining cemeteries within and without their corporate limits, may
acquire lands for cemeteries in common by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise,
and may lay out lots of convenient size for individuals or families and sell
those lots for burial purposes.

(Source: Laws 1945, p. 388; P.A. 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/135-10)
Sec. 135-10.
Joint agreement; referendum; board of managers.
(a) The supervisors of any townships or the highway commissioners of any
road districts desiring to unite to establish and maintain cemeteries under
this Article may provide by agreement for the joint establishment and
maintaining of cemeteries. The agreement shall specify the site of the proposed
cemeteries and the proportionate share of the cost of acquiring and maintaining
the cemeteries that shall be borne by each of the townships or road districts.
(b) The proposition for the joint acquisition and maintenance shall state
the proposed site of the cemeteries and the proportionate share of the cost of
acquisition and maintenance to be borne by the respective townships or road
districts. The township board shall certify the proposition to the proper
election officials, who shall submit the question to the voters at an election
in accordance with the general election law.
(c) If the proposition is approved by a majority of the voters in each of
the townships or road districts voting upon the proposition, the supervisor of
each township or the commissioners of highways of each road district shall
appoint 3 persons as managers of the cemeteries. Those persons shall be known
as the board of managers. They shall be residents of the respective townships
or road districts from which they are appointed and shall hold their office for
a term of 4 years and until their successors are appointed.

(Source: P.A. 81-1489; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/135-15)
Sec. 135-15.
Vacancies in board of managers.
Vacancies in the board of
managers occasioned by death, resignation, removal, or otherwise shall be
reported by the board to the township supervisors or highway commissioners and
shall be filled, in the same manner as original appointments, by the supervisor
of the township or highway commissioner of the road district in which the
deceased, resigned, removed, or retiring member resided.

(Source: Laws 1945, p. 388; P.A. 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/135-20)
Sec. 135-20. Powers of board of managers. The board of managers shall
control and manage the cemeteries jointly acquired by the townships or road
districts. The board of managers may receive in trust from the proprietors or
owners of any lot in the cemeteries, or any person, corporation, association,
or society interested in the maintenance of those cemeteries, any gift or
legacy of money or real, personal, or mixed property that is donated or
bequeathed to the board of managers for the use and maintenance of the lot or
cemeteries. The board of managers may convert the property into money, may
invest the money in securities in which trust funds may be invested under the Illinois Trust Code, and may apply the income perpetually for the care of
the lot or the care and maintenance of the cemeteries as specified in the gift
or legacy or as provided by the board of managers if the gift or legacy does
not specify the manner in which the income is to be expended.

(Source: P.A. 101-48, eff. 1-1-20.)
(60 ILCS 1/135-25)
Sec. 135-25.
Vesting of gift or legacy.
Every gift or legacy for any of the
purposes set forth in Section 135-20 made to a cemetery by its name, if the
cemetery has a board of managers appointed under this Article, shall vest in
that board and take effect for all purposes as if made to that board and shall
not fail merely because the cemetery is not incorporated.

(Source: P.A. 83-388; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/135-30)
Sec. 135-30.
Organization of board; treasurer and bond.
(a) The board of managers, as soon as may be convenient after appointment,
shall meet and organize by selecting one of its members to be president and
another of its members to be clerk.
(b) The board shall also select a treasurer, who need not be a member of the
board. The treasurer, before entering upon his duties, shall execute a bond to
the People of the State of Illinois for the use of the board of managers, in a
penal sum not less than double the value of the money and property coming into
his or her hands as treasurer, conditioned for the faithful performance of the
treasurer's duties and for the faithful accounting for all money and property
that, by virtue of the office, comes into the treasurer's hands. The bond
shall be in a form and with sureties approved by the township supervisors or
the highway commissioners and shall be filed with the township clerk of one of
the townships as determined by the supervisors or with the district clerk of
one of the road districts as determined by the highway commissioners.

(Source: Laws 1945, p. 388; P.A. 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/135-35)
Sec. 135-35.
Treasurer as custodian; annual report.
(a) The treasurer shall have custody of all money and property received
in trust by the board of managers and shall pay out the money and property only
upon the written order of the board, signed by at least 4 of its members. The
treasurer shall keep permanent books of record of all trust funds, all receipts
and disbursements of trust funds, and for what purposes trust funds were
received and disbursed.
(b) The treasurer shall, on or before the first day of July of each year,
make a report in writing to the board of managers, under oath, showing
balances, receipts, and disbursements, including a statement showing the amount
and principal of trust funds on hand and how invested. The report shall be
audited by the board and, if found correct, shall be transmitted to the
township supervisors or highway commissioners. If the report is approved by the
supervisors or highway commissioners, it shall be filed by them with the same
township or district clerk with whom the treasurer's bond is filed under
Section 135-30.

(Source: Laws 1945, p. 388; P.A. 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/135-40)
Sec. 135-40.
Clerk's records; annual report.
(a) The clerk of the board of managers, in a book provided for that purpose,
shall keep a permanent record of the proceedings of the board, signed by the
president and attested by the clerk, and shall also keep a permanent record of
the several trust funds, from what sources the trust funds were received, the
amounts of the trust funds, and for what uses and purposes the trust funds were
(b) The clerk shall annually, on or before the first day of July, make a
report in writing, under oath, to the township supervisors or highway
commissioners as to the same matters required to be reported by the treasurer
of the board of managers under subsection (b) of Section 135-35. The report,
if found to be correct by the supervisors or highway commissioners, shall be
approved by them and preserved by the board of managers.

(Source: Laws 1945, p. 388; P.A. 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/135-45)
Sec. 135-45.
Removal of officers; accounting.
The township supervisors or
highway commissioners may remove from office any or all of the members of the
board of managers or the treasurer of the board for nonperformance of duties or
for misappropriation or wrongful use of funds or property held by them as
trustees for the cemeteries. The supervisors or highway commissioners may
require a just and proper accounting for the use of those funds or property.

(Source: Laws 1945, p. 388; P.A. 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/135-50)
Sec. 135-50.
Tax; petition and referendum.
(a) When 50 legal voters of each township or road district present a
petition to the board of managers asking that an annual tax be levied for the
control and maintenance of cemeteries under this Article, the board
shall certify the proposition to the proper election officials, who shall
submit the proposition to the voters at an election in accordance with the
general election law. The proposition shall be in substantially the following
form: "For the levy of a tax to control and maintain cemeteries" or "Against
the levy of a tax to control and maintain cemeteries".
(b) If a majority of all the votes cast in each township or road district
upon the proposition is for a levy of the tax, the board of managers shall
thereafter annually levy a tax, upon all property taxable by the townships or
road districts, of not more than 0.10% of value, as equalized or assessed by
the Department of Revenue, in each township or road district.
(c) The tax shall be collected in the same manner as other general
taxes in the townships and road districts and, when collected, shall be
deposited into a separate fund known as the Cemetery Fund.
(d) The tax shall be in addition to all other taxes that the townships or
road districts are authorized to levy and collect.
(e) The limitations upon tax rates in subsection (b) are subject to the
provisions of the General Revenue Law of Illinois.

(Source: P.A. 81-1489; 81-1509; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/135-55)
Sec. 135-55.
Ordinances; violation; jurors.
(a) The board of managers may pass ordinances for the government of the
cemeteries, including ordinances relating to the operating and speed of motor
vehicles and the use of lots, walks, ponds, water courses, vaults, buildings,
and other places within the cemeteries, and for the maintenance of good order
and quiet in the cemeteries. A person found guilty of violating any ordinance
is guilty of a petty offense and shall be fined not less than $5 nor more than
(b) No person shall be disqualified from acting as a juror in a cause under
subsection (a) because of any interest or ownership he or she may have in the
lots of the cemeteries.

(Source: P.A. 77-2341; 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/135-60)
Sec. 135-60.
The board of managers may appoint policemen
to protect the cemeteries and preserve order in the cemeteries. The policemen
have the same power with respect to any offenses committed in the cemeteries,
or any violation of Section 135-55, that city marshals or policemen in cities
have with respect to maintaining order in those cities or arresting persons for
offenses committed in those cities.

(Source: Laws 1941, vol. 1, p. 284; P.A. 88-62.)
(60 ILCS 1/135-65)
Sec. 135-65.
Transfer of funds.
When a multi-township
district takes over a cemetery or cemetery authority, the care fund of the
cemetery or cemetery authority shall be transferred into the cemetery district
fund of the multi-township cemetery district.

(Source: P.A. 91-181, eff. 1-1-00.)

Structure Illinois Compiled Statutes

Illinois Compiled Statutes

Chapter 60 - TOWNSHIPS

60 ILCS 1/ - Township Code.

Article 1 - Short Title And General Provisions

Article 5 - Adoption Of Township Organization

Article 10 - Alteration Of Township Boundaries By County Board

Article 15 - Township Within A City

Article 20 - Consolidation Of Townships Within City

Article 22 - Consolidation Of Multiple Townships

Article 23 - Merger Of A Single Township Into 2 Other Townships

Article 24 - Dissolution Of Townships in McHenry County

Article 25 - Discontinuance Of Township Organization

Article 27 - Discontinuance Of Township Organization Within Coterminous Municipality: County Population of 3 Million Or More

Article 28 - Discontinuance Of Township Organization Within Coterminous Municipality: Specified Townships

Article 29 - Discontinuance Of Township Within Coterminous Municipality: All Townships

Article 30 - Annual Township Meeting

Article 35 - Special Township Meetings

Article 40 - Conduct Of Township Meetings

Article 45 - Nomination Of Candidates For Township Office

Article 50 - Election Of Township Officers; Discontinuance Of Township Offices

Article 55 - Qualification And Tenure Of Township Officers

Article 60 - Vacancies In Township Offices And The Manner Of Filling Them

Article 65 - Compensation And Fees Of Township Officers

Article 70 - Township Supervisor

Article 73 - Highway Commissioner

Article 75 - Township Clerk

Article 77 - Township Assessor

Article 78 - Township Collector

Article 80 - Township Board

Article 85 - Township Corporate Powers, Generally

Article 90 - Corporate Powers Exercised By County Board

Article 95 - Legal Proceedings In Favor Of And Against Townships

Article 100 - Township Employees

Article 105 - Township Land And Buildings, Generally

Article 110 - Township Zoning

Article 115 - Township Open Space

Article 120 - Township Parks

Article 125 - Township Park Bonds

Article 130 - Township Cemeteries

Article 133 - Public Graveyards

Article 135 - Joint Township Cemeteries

Article 140 - Township Halls

Article 145 - Township Hall, Township Coextensive With City

Article 150 - Township Community Buildings

Article 153 - Township Library

Article 155 - Township Public Comfort Stations

Article 160 - Township Monuments

Article 170 - Township Hospitals

Article 175 - Township Public Non-Sectarian Hospitals

Article 180 - Lease Of County Home Or Hospital

Article 185 - Facilities And Services For Persons With Developmental Disabilities

Article 190 - Agreements For Mental Health Services For Township Residents

Article 195 - Township Ambulance Services

Article 200 - Township Emergency Vehicles And Equipment

Article 205 - Township Waterworks And Sewerage Systems

Article 207 - Township Special Service Areas

Article 210 - Township Refuse Collection And Disposal

Article 215 - Youth Services

Article 220 - Senior Citizen Services

Article 225 - Services For Persons With Disabilities

Article 230 - Employment And Training Programs

Article 235 - Township Taxes

Article 240 - Township Borrowing Money

Article 245 - Transfers Among Township Funds, Generally

Article 250 - Transfers From Township General Fund To Township General Assistance Fund

Article 255 - Transfers From Road And Bridge Fund

Article 260 - Distributions From Township General Fund, Generally

Article 265 - Township Funds For Schools

Article 275 - Township Funds For Museums Or Historical Societies

Article 280 - Township Refunding Bonds

Article 285 - Township Bond Money Refunds

Article 290 - Severability

Article 305 - Codification Provisions

Article 310 - Repeals

Article 315 - Effective Date