District of Columbia Code
Subchapter I - General
§ 32–213. Penalties

(a) A person commits an offense under this subchapter if that person:
(1) Employs a minor or permits a minor to work in violation of this subchapter, of any regulation promulgated by the Board of Education pursuant to § 32-224, or of any order issued under the provisions of § 32-203; or
(2) Interferes with the Board of Education, its officers or agents, or any other person authorized by the District to inspect places of employment of minors.
(b) A person convicted of a 1st offense under this section shall be fined not less than $1,000 nor more than $3,000, or imprisoned not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days, or both. A person convicted of a 2nd or subsequent offense under this section shall be fined not less than $3,000 nor more than $5,000, or imprisoned not less than 30 days nor more than 90 days, or both. Each day during which a violation of this subchapter occurs shall constitute a separate offense.
(c) The fines set forth in this section shall not be limited by § 22-3571.01.
(May 29, 1928, 45 Stat. 1003, ch. 908, § 15; renumbered as § 13 and amended June 15, 1976, D.C. Law 1-68, § 2(16), 23 DCR 521; July 12, 1988, D.C. Law 7-135, § 2(b), 35 DCR 4114; June 11, 2013, D.C. Law 19-317, § 112(c), 60 DCR 2064.)
1981 Ed., § 36-513.
1973 Ed., § 36-215.
The 2013 amendment by D.C. Law 19-317 added (c).
For temporary (90 days) amendment of this section, see § 112(c) of the Criminal Fine Proportionality Emergency Act of 2013 (D.C. Act 20-45, April 1, 2013, 60 DCR 5400, 20 DCSTAT 1300).
Applicability of D.C. Law 19-317: Section 401 of D.C. Law 19-317 provided that the act shall apply only to offenses committed on or after June 11, 2013.

Structure District of Columbia Code

District of Columbia Code

Title 32 - Labor

Chapter 2 - Employment of Minors

Subchapter I - General

§ 32–201. Employment of minors under 14 years of age; distribution of newspapers permitted

§ 32–202. Employment of minors under 18 years of age; hours of employment; notice to be posted in place of employment; list of minors employed

§ 32–203. Employment dangerous or prejudicial to life prohibited; Board of Education to prohibit such employment by general or special order

§ 32–204. Employment of minors under 16 years of age in certain occupations prohibited; exception

§ 32–205. Employment of minors under 18 years of age in certain occupations prohibited

§ 32–206. Theatrical permits for minors under 18 years of age for performances and professional sports activities

§ 32–207. Work or vacation permit — Procurement by employer

§ 32–208. Work or vacation permit — Issue by Board of Education; contents; records of applicants

§ 32–209. Work or vacation permit — Application requirements

§ 32–210. Evidence of age

§ 32–211. Vacation permits

§ 32–212. Employer to furnish, on demand, proof of age of employee

§ 32–213. Penalties

§ 32–214. Board of Education to enforce law; inspection of places in which minors are employed

§ 32–215. Limitations on employment in stuffing, sale and distribution of newspapers; exercise of trades in streets; exception for distribution of political literature

§ 32–216. Street-trades badges — Required

§ 32–217. Street-trades badges — Application requirements

§ 32–218. Street-trades badges — Contents; record to be kept; badges not transferable

§ 32–219. Violation of §§ 32-215 to 32-221; revocation of badge or work permit

§ 32–220. Persons selling merchandise to minor for resale or distribution to ascertain that minor wears badge; penalties; exception

§ 32–221. Loitering around business establishments prohibited during school hours; penalty

§ 32–222. Prosecutions

§ 32–223. Severability

§ 32–224. Board of Education authorized to enforce subchapter, make regulations, delegate functions, and appoint inspectors